What Does an Employment Background Check Include?

What Does an Employment Background Check Include?

A Life After Layoff

1 год назад

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Fab B
Fab B - 16.09.2023 22:10

Thanks for mentioning the work number. I requested an employment data freeze so companies can't access the info. It's a security safeguard for ID theft as well.

Don Knupp
Don Knupp - 12.09.2023 04:45

I once worked at a place where another employee stopped coming to work after Christmas. He would not respond to phone calls.

3 months later another company called following up on a reference listing this man had provided. That company had already hired him. Our boss explained that this man went MIA after Christmas and no one knew what happened to him.

Our boss told us about this phone call and he - like the rest of us - often wondered if there was any fallout from that conversation.

Alchemy - 11.09.2023 10:58

i have added an extra year of work history to close a gap of employment i had during the pandemic. never had trouble getting a job after that. i worked 4 years but on my resume i put 5.

Richard Edwards
Richard Edwards - 07.09.2023 21:55

Back ground checks show credit history, criminal record, sex offender record and driving record. They do not check work history, dates of employment or past employment.

Jean-Paul Faye
Jean-Paul Faye - 06.09.2023 03:47

I left a job out of my resume 😭

Stephen Willis
Stephen Willis - 04.09.2023 19:50

So I have a police report from my last job for theft but since I paid back the money it didn't go any further. So I'm assuming an employer won't find that.

Your Cousin From Boston
Your Cousin From Boston - 04.09.2023 13:13

Background check has always been stupid AF. The only background check that you need to verify is. If you're a CRIMINAL or SEX OFFENDER. And THAT'S IT !!! Forget the rest. People gotta put food on the table. Some employers out here are on their high horse. Due to the requirements. And they still hire the wrong person. Because you always hear it on news. About some sex offender/criminal working at some hospital. Got caught doing something horrible. So how WTF that person pass the background check. And still got hired in the first place!? That's what bothers me the most. 🤷😒

rslitman - 02.09.2023 06:37

I got my college degree by going at night at a well-known state university. For years, I listed my B.S. as having come from the University of ________. Well, the evening/weekend school of this university is considered to be a separate campus, with an extra part to its name, and its address is in a separate administration building served by a different post office (town 2 instead of town 1).

In late twenty-oh-one, I got a phone call from an investigator used by a company whose offer I had just accepted saying that the University of ______ had no record of my ever having gone there. I gave him the full name of the evening/weekend division, and they must have found me okay because my offer remained. I ended up working there for 15 1/2 years until I retired. I'm grateful that the investigator called me before reporting this to the company.

Several years later, when the evening/weekend division contacted me as part of an alumni survey, I suggested that the main college should refer people inquiring about past students to the evening/weekend division if they're not found in the main campus' records.

Violet D
Violet D - 28.08.2023 04:10

I never lie on my job resume or even in interviews. I am aware that in my country, the industry I work for is ridden with corporate networks. An applicant can be rejected simply because a member of any of those networks--usually managers and HR--will not recommend him. If you're not a member of any corporate circle, it's always best to be modest.

Kayla Wheeler
Kayla Wheeler - 25.08.2023 22:31

I think its a good idea to pay for a background check in the months leading up to applying for other jobs. This way you'll have a professionally done background check that you can reference/learn from prior to filling a new one out for a recent job offer. You can also do the same for a drug screen too.

wayne jordan
wayne jordan - 23.08.2023 01:13

It’s not fair for real . I got caught with a gun almost ten years ago . Can’t even get a job as a lube tech .

Shaun Felder
Shaun Felder - 20.08.2023 23:53

If you were terminated from a job, can that employer disclose the reason for termination? Can the employer doing the background ask for the reason for termination?

Topsy Kretts
Topsy Kretts - 11.08.2023 01:14

Some things you can lie or exaggerate about but some things you can’t. Just pick the ones that are okay.

JAYSAWN49 - 07.08.2023 04:11

This is useful. How do they figure out dates of employment? Phone calls? social?

Raphaël Granger
Raphaël Granger - 05.08.2023 15:54

Let’s say I have an experience with a company , I quit for another one and I just stayed for 8 months and I came back to my former employer.
Should I erase this line in my résumer to avoid being looked as a job hopper ?

Adam Brooks
Adam Brooks - 02.08.2023 04:36

I got my offer contingent on a background. I submitted my drug test and a third party background after having an initial one done at the recruiting firm level. Still transitioning out of my current job. They had me complete the w4 and review the hanbook. Is it safe to say I got the job?

Jason Mims
Jason Mims - 29.07.2023 05:35

I would like to get more information on companies doing credit checks. Ive watched some videos of people saying they were having a hard time getting a job because employers were checking credit and not informing the individual.

Tess Tefera
Tess Tefera - 27.07.2023 09:18


Jon Doe
Jon Doe - 23.07.2023 22:12

I reommend lying. Go ahead and be honest see how far you get on merit alone. 😂

El Roco
El Roco - 23.07.2023 18:41

How long does it normally take a background check to come back? I've been waiting for my AutoZone part time job background check to come back for 10 days now. When I applied for Advanced Auto parts, my background check came back in 1 day. I'm starting to lose interest in the job

ryaniam22 - 20.07.2023 19:41

So weasily simp cuck employers check you previous income so that they can ensure only desperate people can apply for their positions so they can take advantage of people who cannot afford to say no.

Rohan Patel
Rohan Patel - 20.07.2023 00:33

What if I get an offer but there is no mention that they will do a background check anywhere in the offer letter? Do they still do despite of not mentioning it on the offer letter ? or they won't do as they might feel its unnecessary.

POINTNLAUGH - 18.07.2023 05:28

Background checks no longer matter. Companies are now looking for workplace injuries and how old you are.

Keebla - 16.07.2023 10:03

You mentioned Convictions in background check but what if you were acused of a Capital crime arrested and indicted and the court just dismissed the case and never went to trial? Does this stuff effect your employment aswell or is it just convictions.

Flavia Dzimbanhete
Flavia Dzimbanhete - 14.07.2023 19:14

I only started my new job three months ago and im already applying for new jobs ASAP right now. My manager is fill of red flags and the coworkers are just as bad. I feel like im a threat to all of them because I came in strong. Mt working hours have been cut to the bone and I'm now being micromanaged snd treated so differently its bad. I cannot stand working at a toxic place

4862cjc - 13.07.2023 21:16

I knew a man who wrote on his resume that he earned an MA in Engineering, but he only earned a BA. He was told that his offer would be contingent upon the employer receiving a copy of his university transcript. He withdrew his application.

honestdudeguru - 08.07.2023 04:12

How do those agencies do employment verification?

Carmen Rosato
Carmen Rosato - 23.06.2023 16:28

Good morning I got in trouble 30yrs ago will that show up

L C - 20.06.2023 23:07

My current employer wrote a reference that caused the new employer to withdraw the job offer. I'm going to ask to see a copy of the reference that she wrote and then I'll make my next move!

Purple Gum
Purple Gum - 19.06.2023 19:38

Honest nice guys always finish last. How many times HR lied to us?

Alieu Zorokon
Alieu Zorokon - 18.06.2023 02:11

If you were arrested for driving without a driving permit will that affect you ? Please

Leonard Milcin
Leonard Milcin - 16.06.2023 15:18

If you want to lie on the application, you have to ask yourself a bigger question: is it ok to lie at all.
I think it is much better to develop a strong, happy personality if you just decide you don't want to lie at all. On more practical terms, lying is a slippery slop and the more you lie the more chance you get found out. But this is not the bigger issue, the bigger issue is your constant misery of just dreading you will be found out. This is why many people who committed heinous crimes actually turn themselves in -- a normal person cannot and will not forget about it and will subconsciously add to your stress.
I personally don't lie, cheat or steal. I am always open about what I can or cannot do for my employer, about the things that I know I am good at and some of the things that I am not good at at all. I make a point to be honest and guess what, lots of people react very positively to somebody who is openly honest.
And people who are not reacting positively to an openly honest person... you probably don't want to work for them anyway.

Searchbug, Inc.
Searchbug, Inc. - 13.06.2023 05:14

Thanks for sharing this! Background check may seem scary but definitely necessary. The criminal background check is one of the things recruiters are always keen to find out.

Kindree - 08.06.2023 03:22

Does an apprenticeship show up on work background when an employer checks your work background?

Thealys - 03.06.2023 17:01

What if the company no longer exist?

Eric Knoblauch
Eric Knoblauch - 03.06.2023 10:01

I always order a work history report from The Work Number before applying. The report shows your work history, companies you worked for, job title at each company you worked for, rate of pay, and what benefits you received.

Many companies out there will tell you verbally what your job title is, and list a different one on file with The Work Number. When you list a different job title on an application than is on record, you may get an employment job offer rescinded. That is why I list the title that shows on the report.

Also many companies use The Work Number to have a potential employer call for employment verification because they do not do it inhouse.

By listing your job title as it appears in your history report on your resume shows a prospective employer that your title and information matches. This pleases the pickey employers you may come acrosd when looking for a job.

Majed Taleb
Majed Taleb - 02.06.2023 22:25

How do they verify self employment?

Sergio Murillo
Sergio Murillo - 02.06.2023 18:39

Can they check the teason you left upur job? Like for example if you were fired but put laid off?

Papa John
Papa John - 01.06.2023 01:01


I appeared for an interview with a big company while I was still employed. Now this big company has three stages of interview and I cleared the first one. While I was waiting for second round interview call, my current company abruptly terminated me without cause. And next day I got the news that I am going for the second round interview which is going to happen this week.

My question is do I need to inform my future employer that I have been terminated or can I simply say I left the job. Will they find out if I was terminated.

Nostalgic player
Nostalgic player - 01.06.2023 00:06

What about disability history? Do they verify that as well?

Riley McPhee
Riley McPhee - 29.05.2023 06:33

Yeah, but what if you claim to have gotten certifications from a rogue state or in an active war zone? 🤔🤔🤔
Pretty sure I was a Cosmonaut in '09

_KOANS - 27.05.2023 19:35

I just received an offer for a company I'm extremely excited about. However they're conducting a background check which entails them checking my credit. I am no felon, however I'm about 3,000 in debt and behind on credit card payments. Long story short I quit my trucking job in order to get back into school for more tech opportunities. In the time that happened I wasn't able to make payments to any of my credit cards from about march this year to may since I sacrificed money to gain new skills. I'm no felon or criminal. I don't have car payments or mortgage, just a few simple credit cards. Am I over stressing? I am worried they'll see I'm not being responsible with credit and pull the offer from me. I'm nervous someone please give me some insight. I'm only twenty three years old and this will be the career shifting opportunity for me if accepted.

Ros Ma
Ros Ma - 27.05.2023 05:43

great content. Thanks so much. Ive always wondered what goes on behind those background checks everytime i switch employers

Top G
Top G - 23.05.2023 21:09

They say people don't want to work but make you jump thru hoops

Eli Arbaiza
Eli Arbaiza - 23.05.2023 06:05

How does an employment verification work if a previous employer went under?

Kenneth The Great
Kenneth The Great - 23.05.2023 02:45

Why Does a Company Want To Have The Person Seeking Employment Pay To Get a Background Check? Do The Person Paying The Background Check Get A Refund Effective Immediatly Like a Security Deposit Deal

3starGena - 17.05.2023 02:17

I’ve been unemployed since February 2023 and i’ve applied to roughly 500 jobs and reached out to about 250 recruiters on LinkedIn. I AM beyond annoyed, and on the brink of depression and at this point I AM GOING TO LIE on my RESUME starting TODAY.. I DON’T CARE ANYMORE

MidnightPear - 12.05.2023 21:28

I had a background check company incorrectly report a reduced misdemeanor charge as a felony. My background also had a few other charges and I probably would have lost the job due to a collection of those charges, but I sued the background check company for falsely reporting and wont 15k. Nothing is concrete when it comes to this kind of work

Joy Mahiko
Joy Mahiko - 08.05.2023 07:03

If you have to even ask this question you are not worth hiring. Some people will do anything for money even if it means ruing their character with unethical, dishonest means. It's a downward spiral with disastrous effects on the inner man
