33rd degree knowledge: This ancient wisdom was reserved for the elite.

33rd degree knowledge: This ancient wisdom was reserved for the elite.

Your Youniverse

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@emimon2351 - 17.09.2024 20:13

Don't sacrifice any kids though..

@FullCircleTravis - 18.09.2024 08:55

Everyone has this power if they accept they do.

@false-flagburner4184 - 19.09.2024 00:49

Finally, there is a podcast that explains the inner workings of true Masonry. The Kabbalion and deep-kept secrets which are not really secret if taught in respect and love of life and for all to have the full power of the Source Universe or the Creator engaged to our true selves

@tonymarriott8480 - 19.09.2024 01:05

Your status has nothing to do with the mind,
Your status is your level of consciousness, it starts with I AM, then I AM I AM, then I AM I AM I AM, and then AM.
The last being the supreme Bindu state of no Dual.

@zikemdg - 19.09.2024 03:31

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

@jimjak6947 - 19.09.2024 04:58

Incredible video.Many images I've never seen thanks for making this.

@christopher9196 - 19.09.2024 07:07

You should not try and tinker around with God's blueprints

@BloodMoonComix - 19.09.2024 18:31


Fascinating! 🤔
Being a redeemed believer, I understand every law and principal
but in my case , I must attribute all the power and outcome and glory to one God!
Isaiah 55:11

So it's possible for a follower of Christ to exercise all of this ideology, (after all he did make us in His image) Genesis 1:26
but it has to be His way, in His timing and for His glory!
Isaiah 42:8

"Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty living space!"
Genie / Aladdin

@tfmg2313 - 20.09.2024 02:13

Beautiful informational video with perfect voice to go with it.

@markcook9941 - 20.09.2024 03:31

In many ways this at extreme levels combines ancient words symbols and times. True knowledge wisdom and the understanding to pass

@analyst1777 - 20.09.2024 03:36

What books are the illustrations from?

@Andrew-10101 - 20.09.2024 04:46

Glory be to our GOD and Master Jesus Christ ❤❤❤

@mariomalmanza - 20.09.2024 10:31

Oh yeah? Wait is this magic like when woman claim to be witches and when asked to prove it they can't and say it's a different kind of magic haha smh. No wait. Is this the kind of magic you have to wait until times probability eventually occurs?? Lol. Whoa whoa so magic cares about the elite? The wealthy?? Lol. Riiiight.

@MatthewMoody-iw2se - 20.09.2024 23:00

The secret is your serving Satan

@RobertOsbornejr - 21.09.2024 04:32

Keep killing it boys. We appreciate you 🤫💯

@StevenLynch-w1j - 21.09.2024 22:41

Masons are not wise. They make young men swear an oath to disregard their own blood families and adopt Masonic brothers as their only real family. This violation of one of the ten commandments cause them to live a short life because they cursed themselves. We are not impressed with their phoney verbal intelectualism.

@CaseyRhinhart-st7rs - 22.09.2024 04:42

When democracy is in trouble the masons will fuck you up for trying to ruin democracy !

@adamhenderhan704 - 22.09.2024 13:19

It's all about going against God. It's called using and taking advantage of the less educated. You people are a joke. It's going against God. Worry about money and power. It's the narrative agenda against God just like always. WAKE UP. FIND GOD.

@OnlineSafety-ng7et - 23.09.2024 13:42

Gerald "make 100 trend forecasts per year then boast about the 1 or 2 that happen to be correct" Celente!

@witchywomen6650 - 24.09.2024 06:08

How do u explain child abuse then?

@jernejbevc453 - 24.09.2024 08:57

Slovenian subtitles please. Lp, Jernej

@davidc9256 - 24.09.2024 17:28

The mastered the art of "It's not what you know it's who you know".

@VioletFlame-f3g - 25.09.2024 12:27

Yes, it's about ego and embodiment of christ, an understanding you can only reach through consistent action and then actually experience mental control and then that of reality. There isn't anything after that. Becoming aware of having such control is a strange moment, if it comes with high psychic ability and health. To hold that frequency is impossible alone, i believe, and sure, not becoming focused on competition and war by lower spiritual ranks. It is really confusing to just reach and find yourself by yourself with this kind of power. Then we see that nothing but love actually makes sense. The thoughts disappear. It becomes the lonely craving for who is on the same level but also just the manifestation of such like a magnet and simply want to proceed in life. It I dangerous to proceed at a point of power with what is wrong or fake I believe and I have always kept it clean. It is then when the first one stalker comes through with serious competitive and bad intention to dominate, that the issues begin. That is against spiritual law and not 33 degree matter and such people are about in masses trying to make life difficult with stupidity. Higher power, higher beings, there is always expansion, i do believe, but I don't believe in God external as such, but higher power for sure. The Supreme is internal and then external same time. Again, I wonder what happens if a lower level mason tries to fight with a higher one. I think it can destroy the world. If a powerful being looses all respect for such people and simply wants to stop existing being annoyed by them. It is strange to have such knowledge known, so it also means fake people can hide behind it.
Life in truth is eternal life and everything that deteres and manipulates for fake short term gain is evil, but it truely is a marl of compassion amd maturity to see that some people are simply unable to see themselves, just desperate to feel confident and validated with an underdeveloped soul that doesn't need to try so hard if it bothered to be real and have integrity and moral standarts. I wonder often what will happen to those that Think they are the biggest and never bothered to fully become enlightened. I believe it is messing up the world.

@revzone3544 - 25.09.2024 12:41

If anyone believes these people actually run things, you're fooling yourself...

@judygarrett5492 - 25.09.2024 13:27

United states dollar ...666 ...369 knowledge is POWER

@Zug98 - 27.09.2024 07:14

Freemasonry is a cover for a satanic religion.

@patrickpoer4643 - 27.09.2024 20:57

33rd masonry or Scotish Rite Masonry is westernized Kabalah. You may as well read the Zohar or the Sefer Yetzirah.

@Shari-i6t - 28.09.2024 15:03

I seem to havebecome very magical since my ressurrection. They didnt plan around that. They coverip for one another as well. This Im aware of. Im positively going to serve my divine purpose.😊

@Shari-i6t - 28.09.2024 15:07

They play only whom the egoically choose. My opinion.

@rtbeerzi - 28.09.2024 17:44

Existence is contingent on observation

You and The Universal connectivity that is Source are exact and equal opposites

The distinguishing factors between; whether or not you are the only mortal being with true consciousness in an subjective reality with all things excluding being holographic in nature, or, a true objective reality with multiple conscious observers: Is non existant, and niether have any consequences one way or the other

When you die, there is no you, but there is still ---- and so ---- continues, as is in accordance with Source and nature, so far as ---- doesn't return to the all

When ---- doesn't return to Allah, or to the mortal plane, there exists many more places of odd character and unusual law. Such places are the holdings of our metaphysical and meta-epigenetic Information, and ancestors. Agriculture, philosophy; and most inventions and revolutions come from this place, in calculated and cyclic forms

What you believe is true, is what is true: only if your conceptions have no alternative observation to concede to. That is to say, you could fly on Mars if there was nobody watching, and you truly believed you could. This means that our reality, if multiple conscious objective reality is true: It would be the amalgamation of observational expectations and understood mathematics and logic...

To summarize the point above: Your wish will come true if it
A: Doesn't exceed the expectations you or the other observers around you have about reality
B: Doesn't conflict with an existing wish of opposite nature

Material Reality is the average outcome of all expectations, conceptions, rules, laws, and logic.

The nature of all things is best described through mathematics, is best felt through music, and best understood through death, but all things are a consequence of chronology, and vibration, except at the smallest and largest levels

The largest and smallest levels are unified in their ----------: The antimatter of conciousness; The modern age attributed the nomenclature "Quantum Physics" and it's sub-concepts like superposition. We are not allowed to see past a certain point, and we have been fooled into thinking exponentiating technological growth , which means exponentiating truth and discovery. It does not, and our latest and current conundrum is "What to do when the answer is "There are no answers in this direction anymore"...."

We are not here to answer a question, it's more like "We are the question". God isn't all knowing, in fact, God has purposefully forgotten itself in order for us to be Mortal. God doesn't understand itself. We are the archetypes of their dream

In the beginning, there was nothing, and God said "----" And my closest approximate to ---- in this context would be "Why?".

And as a consequence; As above, so below

There can be no scale without a point in which that scale balances upon. Where there is a right, there must be a left. Where there is duality, there is a center. This is the Trinity

The One, the Opposite, and the Neutral

@BrandonRondelli - 29.09.2024 05:58

I know what it means to gain access to the 33rd degree of Freemasonry...now if only I could find a nice way of telling the old monkey mummies that fancy themselves freemason's in my town about it...😂❤🎉

@christophern2818 - 29.09.2024 17:36

If this happened in the past, its not happening now. Now masonry is just a bunch of dudes who have banquets and host raffles.

@aoikaze416 - 30.09.2024 10:46

Yea so how are we going to instantly adjust our emotions and negative vibration when going through a serious heartbreak or depression?

@Tr33of3s - 30.09.2024 20:41

Any man wearing a neck tie, does not understand free masonry. Can anyone figure out why?

@ronevergrow8319 - 30.09.2024 21:00

There’s no magic if you close the industry off and you own it all from cheating in thee race to success, and only buy from your own membership/via a cult,, of course everyone in the membership will be extremely rich and successful 🤷🏽…
This is all the way of the heathen like I cross my heart hope to die is a Heathan prayer today no one even sees the heathen. He made his pale/chlorotic self invisible.

@lisawhitehall1870 - 01.10.2024 01:07

Hmmm 🤔

@scottlenjenkins410 - 01.10.2024 06:52

How random is John Elway on that list.

@Bud88883 - 01.10.2024 22:23


@SkywireTV - 02.10.2024 23:46

In other words “How to become so manipulative you forget your humanity.”

@Ostaralabs - 03.10.2024 08:12

33 son los grados de estupidez que el diablo posee, pues hay que ser un asno para perder la mente ahondando en 10 veces los tres círculos de la nada más el misterio de los 3 rostros de la incongruencia *

@QuantumTV - 03.10.2024 20:05

They are using the meditation states of conciousness like my CE-5 group, religions must be scared of this knowledge. I think I see what is goingnon here, we got gatekeepers hidding this to keep control on people. This is why they want people to feel bad have fears while still producing to society. People get this information, discovers oneness and are free from this sad simulation because there is more. 🎉

@powertrioagency5795 - 03.10.2024 23:30

Let’s cut the bull 💩.
The secret is the same
Thing the Bible tells you.
Lucifer/Satan, is the god
Of this world. I don’t need
To join a club to know that. All mason are scum
Bag 🐑.🎯💯🔥😏

@RalphGarcia-pm4vl - 04.10.2024 04:28

If u don't believe this ur not in the CULT 😮 😮 😮

@rubyduma6238 - 04.10.2024 06:10

It’s like any religion, it’s another cabal.

@Robert-d3i7w - 04.10.2024 06:15

Being a Master in this stupid reality is like being the head clown in the circus.

@garyborden1005 - 04.10.2024 19:34

It's a club 😂

@Pappukumar-g9m8x - 05.10.2024 15:38


@rayne8158 - 06.10.2024 05:15

Hidden knowledge is not for everyone. Can be used for good and evil. Dictators can twist it the other way too by manipulation. That is why freemasonry remains a secret organisation. You only impart secret knowledge to those who are worthy of it.
