Sonic & The Secret Rings: Evil Foundry (1:45:93)

Sonic & The Secret Rings: Evil Foundry (1:45:93)


1 десятилетие назад

3,536 Просмотров

I've been playing a lot of S&tSR lately so here's a speed run of one of my favorite stages. Some things in this stage happen very randomly so it's a pain to get a decent run out of this. Passing through that door is pretty random and sometimes the game glitches out in the later sections, causing you to die. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Uploaded by Grapefruittable


#Rings #sonic_&_the_secret_rings #sonicomms #grapefruittable #speed_run #speedrun #time_attack #evil_foundry #go_for_the_goal #crest_of_wind
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