I Spectated a TikTok Moira in Overwatch 2...

I Spectated a TikTok Moira in Overwatch 2...


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hydro - 27.09.2023 23:33

Dont u hate it when u heal orb bc ur low health abd it bounces to ur teamates 😠

Vincey - 23.09.2023 20:20

As a dps moira main... this person went above and beyond with the "dps" part.. I don't even hold down attack ; -;

jackDUB - 10.08.2023 17:43

It’s an frustrating in lower ranks when ur team just isn’t doing anything so as moira u gotta switch to dps moira and turn the game

Liam Callaghan
Liam Callaghan - 02.08.2023 03:32

also can we just remove moiras insane suck range already, why is she capable of sucking people from absolutely miles away? shes supposed to be an anti dive hero yet she can dive people by just standing across the map sucking on people

Liam Callaghan
Liam Callaghan - 02.08.2023 03:30

get so tired of hearing people talk about elims in this game going off the scoreboard, you can literally contribute a bit damage to an enemy and still get an elim then people have inflated egos going look at my stats when its not an accurate representation of what they even did

SergeofBIBEK - 31.07.2023 19:25

I don't get why you would knock it if it's working for him. If it wasn't working he'd be bronze, right? If it is working... then why say it's "wrong"?

blake miller
blake miller - 13.07.2023 20:27

Jay you literally sound like you have no idea how stats work at the end of the vid, you also clealry dont understand how moira works as a whole

blake miller
blake miller - 13.07.2023 20:22

I would absolutely love to hear anyone that never plays moira complain about her play style you quite literally have to do damage to refill your heal bar as moira plus the cool down and switching between heal orb and damage orb moira gets wayyy too much hate

Cristiano Teixeira
Cristiano Teixeira - 10.07.2023 01:59

This hurts to watch 😂😂

Jack Branam
Jack Branam - 02.07.2023 17:32

I just had a game where i had 52 eliminations, 12k damage, and 27k healing on moira

Ayoko - 06.06.2023 10:57


Ty Wedekind
Ty Wedekind - 26.05.2023 21:43

Moira needs to deal damage to regenerate healing faster… and finishing of enemies is “support”

Dylon Garrett
Dylon Garrett - 15.05.2023 21:56

I’m silver and when I play with my platinum friend I’m still top player of each game as battle Moira. How?

Segel - 01.05.2023 23:19

he's really good tbh

DodolF FZ
DodolF FZ - 25.04.2023 05:50

I don't think nano on moira is worth it

It doesn't buff the dmg or the ult still does same dmg without nano...but for tankiness it useful to hold payload since moira does self healing from sucking

I remember tanking bastion turret mode as moira, sucking and healing orb and with help from mercy pocket that bastion couldn't kill me, i even check the replay how the life regeneration tanking bastion turret mode..it was so frustating for bastion 😂😂

Cris - 22.04.2023 22:47

It actually pissed me off how much he doesn’t heal because you can still do basically everything he’s doing now while still at least throwing a healing orb once in a while

Dremth - 16.04.2023 09:35

Jay3 getting sucked and fucked by three guys at once

Mike Jowan
Mike Jowan - 14.04.2023 04:20

A good moira wont die in a 1v1. Just save your fade to get out and you can play into their backline all day

BrianL - 06.04.2023 12:54

He had as much healing as your Kiriko and got way more value, why are you so pressed?

Softpaw - 25.03.2023 19:31

ugh i hate Moira. Mostly because of players using her as DPS and neglecting to heal the team.

also tired of that Orb... damn is that thing op. Its like a immortal sym turret that moves.

also also, from what i can see Moira doesn't require aim, and her range is impressive for what her attack is supposed to be. You just have to hold mouse 2 or whatever button sucking is. And you can just jump away or use heal orb on yourself.

Normally i dont rage like this but Moira really annoys me. The only other i dislike is tracers ult. its literally just press q to insta kill someone. I dont think i've er missed a pulse bomb or seen anyone miss.

Dowak - 22.03.2023 16:37

Jay3 the fun police.

mario21329 - 16.03.2023 12:59

This player is trash… I don’t get it man, just hiding and holding the suck. Sitting in back lines, and he’s GM? Idk how Moira is even a character in this game, no skill and the suck hit box is stupid big. I guess I’m having PTSD, took a break from OW2, gotta jump back in. Time to start my Moira run through ranked lol

Samuel Súkeník
Samuel Súkeník - 13.03.2023 21:28

As a healer Moira main - this is why many people just hate Moira players

Chris Quinn
Chris Quinn - 04.03.2023 23:21

Idk that Jay 3 guy looks like a noob lol

Grim Leader
Grim Leader - 04.03.2023 08:45

Flats: "Your a SUPPORT not a HEALER! You can do damage!"
Jay3: "Your a SUPPORT not a DPS! You can heal your team! Heal your team bro!"
Moira main: "I got gold damage and im a support, Dps difference tbh."
The dps: *I need healing
I need healing
I need healing
I am waiting to respawn 30 seconds
I am waiting to respawn 29 seconds
Agressive typing while waiting to respawn.

Jésusćhrist - 03.03.2023 14:01


Rafael Wells
Rafael Wells - 01.03.2023 07:44

I'm a support main and must say, you don't rank up healbotting either. This man is teaching yall how to 3v5 if you're sitting there just healing lol.

MortalReaver - 28.02.2023 22:16

Teamates got in way of his ult. That is how he got the healing.

MattsoPiratoso - 28.02.2023 15:19

I'm not gonna lie, this felt like a bronze game from the Moira's POV, Lmao.

Monke Йдзе на сход
Monke Йдзе на сход - 25.02.2023 00:30

i'm sorry but if i close my eyse its sounds like g*y po*n

Navi - 24.02.2023 15:33

He plays moira because he has no aim to play anyone else

Jeffry Fish
Jeffry Fish - 24.02.2023 07:29

the only reason people play dps moira is they wanna play dps but their aim is too shit so they have to use moira

AROKffxiv - 15.02.2023 14:14

Moiras uls where mid like wasted sometimes 30% or more use

That guy is a cody
That guy is a cody - 13.02.2023 16:53

I'm way better💀💀 I go like 20 k 14 k and high win percentage and im only plat 😐

The Manifestation of Death
The Manifestation of Death - 06.02.2023 17:54

Recently found a Moira in the Enemy team with >70 kills, 17000 dmg and literally 0 heals (Silver)

Meny - 03.02.2023 07:39

How it feels playhing non-healing Lucio

Ghost of Uchiha
Ghost of Uchiha - 27.01.2023 07:54

I have never really played Moira, but thought I would give her a try. So the first ranked match in Eichenwalde as defender I won with 53 kills and the enemy team did not even get through the first choke point. DPS Moira can actually be a menace. I think Blizzard should really just make her a DPS at this point. She is a better flanker than Tracer and even Reaper on some maps. Plus her healing potential is actually huge if you know how to properly heal haha.

gungrave10 - 23.01.2023 18:55

I always wondered why people complained about Mercy but not Moira. I mean, it is a lot easier to play Moira. And she definitely can bring tons of value to his team. If not for DPS diff and tank diff, they can definitely won

Wodi BeRappin
Wodi BeRappin - 20.01.2023 17:45

That’s prolly why they lost they had there supports more focused on damage than healing and it’s not like he really made any plans happen for his team he got alot off people one shot then they escaped

HanaCinnabun - 18.01.2023 00:36

Why does this moiras play style make me so angry?????

Dont get me wrong, I love playing a good Moira game, but holy man, the way they weren't support and were essentially a glorified dps cheeses me so much. Like when i play moira I make sure to heal, and I definitely do not hold down right mouse the whole time. Theres a reason healing the the primary fire????? Like the way they would just stand waiting for someone to come into range just pisses me off. I cant even

JustBlue - 16.01.2023 01:41

I'm a gold player
But for some reason his movements make me want to scream 🫠

The Batman
The Batman - 14.01.2023 10:20

Every ones complaining and saying hes bad but he is gm so clearly he knows something we dont

JcKitKat 44
JcKitKat 44 - 14.01.2023 05:51

I've once played against a DPS Moira that dropped almost 70 kills on us with only 6 deaths. Keep in mind this Moira also had like 20k healing as well.
