Living With Tigers: Family Share Home With Pet Tigers

Living With Tigers: Family Share Home With Pet Tigers


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@ZorLink21 - 24.01.2024 00:31

If you’re gonna have a big cat as a pet, you should at least have a cheetah they’re the most docile and only bite if provoked

@cloutchaser2230 - 22.01.2024 01:07

Is more safe than pitbull 😅

@joker.truemedia.8372 - 21.01.2024 22:15

Robbers come at 2 AM
I hope there r no dogs . 1 min later
They have cats 🐈 .

@sagnaik - 21.01.2024 17:29

Tigers are solitary, they do not tolerate company by instinct. So, it's just stupidity that is yet to pay its price.

@jesserobinson-cd7vg - 21.01.2024 00:31

Instincts don't become "dormant" Thats why they're called instincts.

@thechallenger8308 - 21.01.2024 00:03

Are they still alive? The family I mean.

@MarioFreuend - 20.01.2024 18:43

As a russian, that's what i'm talking about!

@u.berliner3016 - 20.01.2024 05:31

F*cking disgusting. This family is selfish, gross, I hope they are arrested.

@elijah1791 - 20.01.2024 02:14

If the tiger is not fed in time this is what will happen:you wake up in your room later in the day than usual. Your parents aways wake you up or the baby crying wakes you up but no not today its dead silent. You get off your bed but something seems off. You open your door and look down the hallway and you see a bloody mess with a tiger standing there menacingly

@andikatjacobdennis - 19.01.2024 16:11

Dogs go through teething phase where they try to bite anything or anyone to relieve their teeth. Wonder how this family managed with a tiger pup

@Gniggaaa - 19.01.2024 00:25

I need an update did the tigers eat there baby yet

@karlosacosta6310 - 18.01.2024 23:30

Then don't complain when something happens

@yaqooty2k - 18.01.2024 22:09

I don’t think they are able to do any other work besides tending to the tigers. One momentary loss of focus and an accident waiting to happen.

@uprapto - 18.01.2024 06:56

Your doughter's boyfriend be like 🥲

@lamontjohnson5810 - 17.01.2024 14:08

Having that little infant around that tiger, sitting on it's back should be considered child endangerment. If you want to endanger your own life as an adult, fine, but putting a small child around an apex predator is criminal.

@Tooshortruth - 16.01.2024 17:23

The interaction that this family has with the tigers is very different than the lady in Florida who is also on this channel. This family should fear these animals because they DO fear these animals, that’s the difference. “Look, we put a baby on the tiger!” - while the tiger is chained, distracted, and eating. Because that’s the only way.

@resistancelucayanmayo - 15.01.2024 23:04

Tigers are beautiful but they not meant to have as pets and use some common sense having a child around like this is just not wise at all very foolish u cant reason with such a wild creature 🤷🏽

@chadpierce412 - 15.01.2024 08:25

Love 😍😍😍😘😚❤️💕💗💞🎉

@anointedashley1444 - 15.01.2024 05:19

No different than a pit bull

@t.e.1189 - 15.01.2024 04:01

Timothy Treadwell lived among grizzly bears in the wild up in Alaska for some 13 years . . . until they ate him and his girlfriend alive. Come on people use your God given brain and recognize these are and will always be WILD creatures. Beautiful, but wild. Rafael is the only one in the video with any common sense.

@PedroLCogoy - 14.01.2024 19:05

I hope someone reads this. Update to the story: These tigers have had a very sad end. Ary, who owned and cared for these tigers along with his family, had all the documentation and authorizations from IBAMA (the governmental institution that handles wild life here in Brazil). One day, this same institution told Ary that he had to hand these tigers over to local zoos. Now all these tigers are dead (all 7). You can blame IBAMA for that. Ary and his family moved to Colombia, where he works as a trainer and consultant for wild life.

@Jon-rv8rg - 13.01.2024 15:32

Да ну зачем такого гиганта дикого в доме держать в шаге от трагедии!

@THECptTODD - 12.01.2024 22:53

Never have wildlife as house pet

@brittanyritenour4695 - 12.01.2024 22:43

Even though they are dong things that annoy the tigers no cat would allow this if there was no trust! There’s a lot of trust with these cats and that’s why they can do what they do with them. Notice the softeness and tolerance in the cats eyes. Lack of aggressive behaviors. What’s instinct? Fight and flight responses? There’s no need to fight. Behaviors are not instincts, it’s how they survive in the wild. In the wild they mark territory, breed, hunt , care for cubs, and fight. There’s no need to fight. No need to hunt they have food. No need to defend anything so they have no reason to fight because this is an understood animal where the environment is set up for the most happiness and success for these animals! Even though I think somethings they do might be lack of understanding, someone there knows how to handle them. That’s why they are doing what they are doing.

Cats are all about trust and shared space. It’s not just about instinct. It’s understanding an animals body language, and way of life.

Animals don’t want to fight, they want to be comfortable and happy. Who doesn’t want that?

@brittanyritenour4695 - 12.01.2024 21:26

Ask yourself. Would you like to be out in the wild starving and hunted because it looks better or living a safe life with endlessly food, love and happiness with less freedom. The answer is. Animals will always tell you what’s important and what they need. If an animal is aggressive or looks unhappy then ask yourself why? That’s the key to making a happy life for an animal. All people argue about is simply the cage. Yet it takes more than walls to understand them. For some animals , freedom isnt always safety.

@brittanyritenour4695 - 12.01.2024 21:22

People! Don’t understand anything about animals, animals instincts don’t become dormant! Animals develop a bond when people understand them! The reason the tigers are safe is due to handling them and developing a co existing bond with these animals.

Wild animals are literally the most misunderstood animals in the world. The term “wild animal “ simply just means we don’t truly understand these animals, because not everyone animal is a dog. Even though dogs are domesticated. It’s not simply that they are domesticated that we consider them “safe”, we have co existed with them long enough to know how to understand their behaviors and allow an environment that accommodates for their needs in a man made setting. The issue with wild animals is when average people acquire them that “don’t actually understand them” and option them as novelty pets. This is when the problems arise.

However there are people who own these animals who actually understand these animals and are providing them an alternative to being endangered out in the wild. In these cases you will find most animals when understood aren’t actually all that dangerous. However anytime you work with animals just like people sometimes things happen , it’s just what it is when you’re working with animals. Even our domesticated animals such as dogs, horses, and cats wind up in the wrong hands all the time due to peoples ignorance.

It’s not a captivity problem for wild animals. It’s a people problem and always will be. I see a lot of positive behaviors in these tigers. You want to know how happy an animal is, it’s always in the eyes. Animals never lie. There’s horses more unhappy in their “so called loving owners” cared for life who are more unhappy then these tigers. I’ll see grumpy horses and the life in their eyes are gone but people think they treat them well because they are shiny head to toe and ride their horse everyday. Again if you don’t understand your animal and understand their needs you equal an unhappy animal. An animal is always right.

These tigers are happy. Their body language says it and so does their eyes. Don’t go criticizing everyone who works with wild animals. If anything they are saving and educating people how to Understand these amazing animals and that’s the start to a better society!! Observe the animals body language and they will never lie. The answer is always in the eyes of the animal. If something is wrong look at the animals eyes, you will never be blind.

Ignorance is the death of animals! Not captivity or freedom, so remember. A happy animal is an understood one. An animal is simply a reflection of you, if you get attacked by an animal it’s reflecting you always.

There’s no such thing as bad or wild animals. Only bad people, who don’t understand them. Their words are silent so we don’t listen. If you don’t work with animals how can you know what’s best for them? So often animal control are the death sentence to most animals, they know the laws but they don’t truly understand the animals and it’s always what’s conscientious for our society. It’s easier to criticize what we do not understand. Then to truly realize that animals are at the mercy of us.

Wild or in captivity, life is possible. Absent of ignorance. Animals thrive, they teach us things we could never know. Before you open your mouth about these animals. Listen to the animal, stop listening to people.

How can we learn to co exist with animals if we aren’t willing to live and learn about them from the inside. Then we save no animals in the end. When all we do is fight about mere cages and walls. There’s more than walls to understand an animal. It takes more than the limits of a cage to make a better world for them, animals want love and they want to be understood. We can’t understand them from outside a cage a mile away.

We only know be observing by them and letting them tell us what we need to know.

@jimmybali10 - 12.01.2024 18:36

What?? She's feeding a fully grown tiger with a bottle 😢😢

@DaJollyRascal - 12.01.2024 13:35

Bro 7 damn tigers geezus at this point they house is a walking death trap to any visitor that comes by ☠️😭

@marccrawford167 - 12.01.2024 05:35

They've been hand raised by humans. They're not dangerous.

@davidlalramsanpulamte3925 - 10.01.2024 15:37

Why? It is very unnatural.

@Marcustheseer - 10.01.2024 04:19

Wel there having a good time and if it goes wrong on day thats there own fault

@user-zq3wt4qq9b - 10.01.2024 03:53

Imagine being the firefighters that get called to rescue this pet cat when it gets stuck in the tree.

@user-kz5oo5zg4j - 09.01.2024 11:13

Good Luck 👍

@Silbermane - 08.01.2024 05:44

Am sorry to say this but i won't show sympathy if in a few years there is headline news.

@emmanuellaniamke8660 - 07.01.2024 14:27

White people thats all i will say

@user-cy3np3tu5u - 06.01.2024 17:55

Its 2024 ...are they still living?

@miketobin2324 - 03.01.2024 19:16

Yes, all fun and games until you're face gets bit off.... Mother Nature doesn't like tigers living with humans in this too intimate fashion. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that.

@Alex-fk1zd - 02.01.2024 15:06

Animals are supposed to be in their home(the wild ) not in our home😢🙁🙁🙁

@edwinrivera1879 - 01.01.2024 19:24

This is NUTS, tigers and all wild animals belong in their natural habitat

@damikey85 - 01.01.2024 19:09

Are they still in the land of the living? 😂

@jeanniibarrett8924 - 01.01.2024 03:18

This is not something they should be doing and it's probably just a matter of time before the funerals start.😢

@katelynthewhitewerewolf6376 - 31.12.2023 23:17

Reminds me of Jasmine and her pet Tiger from Aladdin and Tigers are beautiful they're like Giant Tabby Cats.

@raaskaas - 31.12.2023 14:12

Bunch a idiots

@insomniac6737 - 31.12.2023 08:41

are they still alive

@galihcd - 30.12.2023 16:59

Very irresponsible for adults like them. Just stop

@eji.number1 - 30.12.2023 04:34

He think he’s Tarzan 😢
This is stupidly.

@zanyxhmalik9880 - 29.12.2023 18:46

We have 3 cubs one is tiger n other 2 are lions

@RenzelDavid - 28.12.2023 17:54

stupidity at its finest

@abhimanyuabhi8182 - 28.12.2023 16:18

I have seen many videos of trained persons handling big wild cats with confidence, but clearly this family is not suitable for this...we can see the tension & panic in everyone's face when the cat is making any move with complete absence of confidence...please give the cat to any wildlife sanctuary before someone gets hurt...

@ronshark5551 - 26.12.2023 18:47

Those who believe that one can eliminate the wild instinct and predation have brains like hummingbirds.
