What happened to The Lone Wanderer? | Fallout Lore

What happened to The Lone Wanderer? | Fallout Lore


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edmccurdy469 - 05.11.2023 00:43

Simulators also are in New Vegas in the Boomers base. It's how the trained their pilots when you get the sunken B-52 out of the bottom of Lake Mead

Abuyin - 01.11.2023 19:39

He's probably just wandering lonely

Marz Boi
Marz Boi - 30.10.2023 15:45

Sorry buddy, my lone wanderer is the courier since I play TTW, and we took over Vegas

AtherGrape - 28.10.2023 16:20

Honestly the last two theories holds a lot of water to it. But not in the way explained, my theory is that the lone wanderer is the Courier. Now hear me out that sounds like a stretch but hear me out. One we don't have an origin point of the courier which leaves his location of birth ambiguous, Two the courier has traveled from both sides of the Coasts of the American wastelands, and three is actually very ironically a dlc weapon the Weathered 10mm pistol ( I would say the armored jumpsuit but that is if he went to arroyo and proved he was worth by the chosen one who also destroyed the enclave like the lone wanderer which is a bit of a stretch) but again my theory has holes in it like any other.

Cody Taypayosatum
Cody Taypayosatum - 28.10.2023 11:17

I fucking love this

Randomly Entertaining
Randomly Entertaining - 25.10.2023 02:46

My thoughts for what happened to the Lone Wanderer right after Broken Steel are forever linked with a fanfic trilogy I read. I can't remember everything but it basically had the LW being the ultimate badass. Basically no Raiders exist anymore because he consistently would wipe out any groups that tried to form, the Super Mutants are seemingly on the brink of being wiped out due to him, and the remaining Enclave are utterly terrified of him because of his ruthlessness with dealing with them due to what happened to his dad. Basically, they talk about him like Vigo talks about John Wick.

He's also disillusioned with the BoS due to the fact that despite everything he's done for them and the Capital Wasteland, at most they've given him an honorary knighthood and have generally taken over Project Purity (which gets nuked in the second or third book) and act like it wouldn't have succeeded without them. The Super Mutants end up being led by basically a second Master and even with the LW's assistance, the Wasteland is seemingly ready to fall to this new Mutant horde.

Talon Company, led by a guy who has a very healthy real respect for the LW and what he does for the CW, gathers as many people as they can and resists a siege laid by the Mutants. The BoS, even supplied with alien weapons from Mothership Zeta, are overrun and are almost wiped out. Rivet City comes under siege as well and Project Purity is lost to the mutants who want to use it to try and turn everyone into them. A lot of people are also trapped in Vault 101.

The LW is captured by this new Master and is injected with a form of FEV and is rendered unavailable for a time due to this. With this desperate state of things, the Talon Company leader, knowing what the LW would do to him if he found out but having no other choices, brokers a deal with the Enclave for their aid. In return for that aid, he agrees to give them the LW and anything related to the FEV being used by the mutants.

With this aid, the sieges of Fort Bannister, Rivet City, and Vault 101 are lifted and all the remaining Wastelanders who can still hold a gun, including the remnants of the BoS, are formed into a de facto Enclave militia. The LW, who finally returns, is horribly mutated and has spurts of violence. When he finds out about the Enclave, he is livid and tries to attack the Talon leader but is subdued. Once he becomes semi-capable of controlling himself, he accepts that the help of Enclave, who don't yet know he's alive if I remember right, was needed for them to withstand the mutant assault.

He agrees to take down the mutant's leader while the Talon leader works with the Enclave to lead an assault on the purifier. They suffer horrible casualties but in the end, the LW defeats the mutant leader and gets the "cure" he needs to properly adapt to the FEV in his system. The Enclave-led assault succeeds and the remaining mutants break and are scattered. When all the top people meet for the final time, the Enclave leader demands the Talon leader hold up his end of the deal, which now includes the "cure" that, unknown to her, the LW has already taken.

The Talon leader agrees and from out of a tent walks the Lone Warnderer, forever changed by his exposure to FEV as seen by parts of his skin glowing a dull dark green but now more capable than ever before. He says that the cure and sample of FEV she wants is now inside of him, who she also wanted. He dares her to try and claim her prizes. She tries ordering her men to seize him but they basically look at her and ask if she's fucking crazy and refuse. They end up leaving with nothing.

If I recall, after all of this, he departs for lands unknown, happy to have saved the Capital Wasteland but tired of doing so too.

Now that I've given this relatively brief summary (I didn't even talk about the trippy horror story that occurs to Sarah Lyons at Point Lookout, a place even the LW is scared of), I must go find this trilogy again and re-read it. And to think, I only stumbled upon it trying to find a Sarah Lyons / Lone Wanderer ship. It's just amazing. Here's a link to the writer's fanfiction page. Sadly, it looks like he was planning on writing a similar kind of story for New Vegas and even started the first part but hasn't updated it in the past year. He did update a different story back in March but he's clearly a very slow writer. I can understand that.

Oh and forgot to mention that the Chosen One and the Vault Dweller are involved in the latter parts of the story. The Chosen One is as badass as you think he should be. The effects of perks are also mentioned, such as the one you can take that heals you in sunlight.

Dany Figueroa
Dany Figueroa - 19.10.2023 21:51

I’ve heard a theory that the wanderer went to different wastelands to help out with “restoration” such as water, food, history, that the wanderer just travels to help the people

Deadpool Rodriguez
Deadpool Rodriguez - 18.10.2023 06:27

My personal head canon: The Lone Wanderer headed west from the Capitol wasteland. It took almost a year to find and area that suitably intrested them. They started exploring and after a while they decided that since they were walking back and forth so much that they would become a courier for the Mojave to stay knee deep in caps. Soon they realized that three more years delivering packages had passed, and tensions were growing high in the Mojave. Around about that time they were hired to carry a peculiar looking poker chip, this fateful moment, would lead to their greatest adventure yet...

-I want them to make this canon and let us see these events somehow, perhaps a game? 😅

Curtis Gage
Curtis Gage - 04.10.2023 05:25

Simulation bs we live in a matrix BS you people are just putting your own crap over the truth. Drop this absolutely moronic crap

Curtis Gage
Curtis Gage - 04.10.2023 05:23

My lone wander just became a drunken hermit. Capitol wasteland is depressing to live in.

Arthur Vecchia
Arthur Vecchia - 03.10.2023 22:11

the deacon theory is garbo

Lord Carter
Lord Carter - 02.10.2023 20:29

I like how in New Vegas for most of not all endings of old world blues he stays and watches over it

gabriel - 30.09.2023 05:43

Yo he died of radiation thats what happened broken steel dlc was just him going to heaven

F.B.l. - 27.09.2023 19:00

lol no! my lone wanderer would never join a bunch of railroad nerds

ThatGothGamer Daven
ThatGothGamer Daven - 26.09.2023 16:40

I personally like to think this happened to the lone wanderer. In the video game, you clearly join the brotherhood no matter what. And unlike the other main characters from Falwell, the lone wanderer didn’t really have any clothes connections besides his father.

It wouldn’t surprise me, and with the elders, good graces and blessings, if he decided to wander off and explore and try to make himself get over to the West Coast to see how that part of civilization and even furthermore, the brotherhood could be up to.

ThatGothGamer Daven
ThatGothGamer Daven - 26.09.2023 16:37

The only problem with the idea of the overseer winning and the lone wanderer being stuck in a simulation. Is it makes literally no sense at all.

The overseer has been stuck in a simulation the whole time he would have no idea who the enclave were or how to program them, or any of the characters of the lone wanderer deals with. Also the fact that elder Maxon is the leader in the fourth game clearly shows the events of the third game happened, and that the good ending happened where the lone wanderer does not put the chemicals in the water.

Whereas if anyone else delivered the purifier from the enclave, even the majority of brotherhood members would’ve died off. It literally physically makes no sense of the simulation.

KrazeScreen - 25.09.2023 04:16

I like to believe the lone wanderer becomes the courier. Being alone and wandering off finding a job living far from there actions might be why they seem so skilled for a lone courier. So I like believing that the lone wanderer walked down to the mojave in search for a life to live. I refuse to believe the lone wanderer disappeared

bloodwolfkoji - 21.09.2023 06:02

I never really liked how we are given no information on what happened to the Wanderer, all I ever managed to find was that one day, the Wanderer suddenly packed up, left the BOS and departed from the Capital Wasteland. Logically the Wanderer would have history with both the Outcasts and the Brotherhood themselves and so whether it be the destruction of Lyons Pride, Sarah's rather...................................conveniently sus death, or something more egregious forcing them out due to West Coast Brotherhood influence since I don't even think Arthur would want to lose the Wanderer given how much they contributed to the chapters success. The closest I could think of would be a lack of trust or disillusionment but even that feels lazy to me

Duplicarus - 15.09.2023 03:31

I think a big part of these games is making up our own stories. Like for me, my Lone Wanderer stayed with the BoS and is in the commonwealth assisting the BoS

BigFella - 06.09.2023 22:27

But deacon was an agent 11 years before fallout 3

DrLukas - 04.09.2023 02:39

But surely it can't be Deacon because he can be brought to meet people like Madison Li and MaCready would recognise his voice. He can change his face but unless he masks it 24/7 then it would be recognisable. But I guess it is possible for him to change the pitch of his voice. But still I don't see why Deacon would see the need to change his voice considering nobody would know how the lone wanderer sounded like. At the very most they would know how he looked like.

Doctor Twilight
Doctor Twilight - 03.09.2023 19:12

I had a theory that the Courier could be the Lone Wanderer. Something like they decided to travel west. There nobody knew who that "Lone Wanderer" is (maybe at least at the time he got to the west), so he picks up the job of being a courier at the Mojave Express, lying low. This made him end up in the line of fire with the platinum chip. There are lines from the Courier on how he traveled different states, though none mention the Capital Wasteland, which could probably be explained by the fact he was shot in the head, meaning only the more recent memories stayed.

4991ukasoy - 01.09.2023 05:55

My favorite weird theory is that Shon is James (the lone wanderers dad)

CALL ME DOGMA - 31.08.2023 23:26

Theres a more interesting connection about Deacon = Lone Wanderer, which is that, if he's been to the capital wasteland his helping Harkness escape the Institute would show a preference for a group like the Railroad and that seems to be the canon fate as Harkness never returned (or is potentially Danse). Another interesting possibility, Sarah COULD be lone wanderer - AND deacon lol.

Joshua Manis
Joshua Manis - 27.08.2023 17:11

I like the Deacon theory!

Three Nations
Three Nations - 27.08.2023 08:37

Honestly I think that after Sarah’s death, the Lone Wanderer was able to return to vault 101 since most of the older members who were opposed to them were dead and the scouts Amata sent out brought back stories about the good they did

I like to think the wanderer entered into Vault 101 with brotherhood members who didn’t want to be apart of Maxons brotherhood or were unable to join (star Paladin cross is essentially an android) and they’re living out their days in the vault.

Just a Historian
Just a Historian - 24.08.2023 03:56

I know i'm late but I always played Mothership Zeta last just because I like the theory of the lone wanderer saying "Screw this planet i'm out."

davy nolan
davy nolan - 10.08.2023 11:20

So if you play fallout 3 and go to tranquility lane, your playing a simulation within simulation within a simulation.

Nighteye144 - 15.07.2023 23:45

I honestly hope we never get a super concrete answer outside of vague mentions of adventures they had or communities they started, let the players decide what their LW went on to do post-game themselves

Sky Walkin
Sky Walkin - 14.07.2023 18:44

The simulation theory is something you believe if you have a negative iQ and you struggle to understand that you playing the game is the actual simulation

wes henley
wes henley - 10.07.2023 08:43

Wow!, Very Interesting theories!, Got me hooked!

Marshall C.
Marshall C. - 06.07.2023 02:05

I'm hosting a fallout new Vagas D&D so I'm looking for some inspiration for bosses or followers

RaidenXS - 04.07.2023 17:59

Pretty sure LW died at the Jefferson memorial

sum 1
sum 1 - 29.06.2023 03:46

where is the lone wanderer ? : Guy from the history channel Aliens

LordVukodlak - 24.06.2023 23:48

The existence of Fallout 4 kinda wrecks the simulation theory, I'd like to think that Deacon's last story is his actual honest one. The developers have said the photo in New Vegas was just an unused asset from Fallout 3 and thus doesn't have any meaning. So that really just leaves Zeta,

Crylec - 20.06.2023 01:34

For my LW, he achieved a high rank with the BOS stayed at the citadel. Eventually leaving after Sarah Lyon died. Feeling the organization wasn’t what it was anymore and retired and started a farm with a family. Was my head canon ending

Abyss - 19.06.2023 07:55

To be honest I think it's plain and simple The lone wanderer through his travels took up a job as a courier...m and in the years since did all of his traveling what Ulysses had mentioned and then he was found by Benny when delivering the Platinum chip his final mission as a courier....... I think it is the only reasonable explanation why the picture would be on the strip

Loreid comics
Loreid comics - 18.06.2023 21:08

I like to play through 3 and new vegas as Shaun. Shaun was taken from vault 111 by your "dad" who became obsessed with shaun. Getting kicked out of the institute for his obsession. He steals shaun and takes off to the Capitol wasteland. Creating a synth to fake your birth and raising you in vault 101. Now after the events of both games you come back to the institute not as a subject but as an equal. You have an army of securitrons, alien technology, and the spoils from the greatest minds prewar earth had to offer. Then you take over the institute but because you were frozen as a baby you are aging more rapidly. That is when you decide to wake up your true father. Starting fallout 4

Narose Draconis
Narose Draconis - 14.06.2023 18:39

I'm a huge fan of the New Vegas and Zeta Theories.
If we go with NV, then theirs a chance the LW is C6 which make NV even more enjoyable for me.
If we go with zeta it'd make a lot of sense. Since considering what the LW been trough. They might be in the "screw this" mind set, and simply left. Never looking back.

Mr nobody
Mr nobody - 09.06.2023 05:10

Lone wanderer lost everyone he got no one left so he just disappeared wandering the earth never to be seen again enough with these stupid theories

Phuqqoff92 - 04.06.2023 17:49

The lone wanderer never stopped wandering and became a tall tale

IL Skills618
IL Skills618 - 02.06.2023 21:08

I think he changed his name and went to the Commonwealth and he's Kellogg. Because in fallout 3 he gets cybernetic enhancements as a perk from normal lvl up and then the man in rivet city

Status 01
Status 01 - 01.06.2023 05:13

I kinda like not knowing what happened to the Lone Wanderer. Mystery is a good thing sometimes.

Γιωργος Λ
Γιωργος Λ - 20.05.2023 14:17

Is very normal that Lone wanderer stayed in the Spaceship cause in Fallout 4 one UFO got destroyed and fallen to Boston, what if Lone Wanderer just spot it in from hes Spaceship and shoot it down when it was close to Earth and then it fallen to Boston.
Lone Qanderer probaply not care about the war's that happens back to Earth cause he find himself worst enemies, the Alliens, and he stay's at hes Spaceship to protect Earth from them.

TJK-GO IX - 03.05.2023 08:06

I'd like to think Deacon is the Lone Wanderer
And Fallout 4's Mysterious Stranger is The Courier from New Vegas

joseluis lopez
joseluis lopez - 02.05.2023 22:10

That last shot of Deacon looking right at the player, gave me chills.

Iris Paz
Iris Paz - 28.04.2023 07:36

I would love to think he remained in space waiting patiently for the next alien invasion no jeed to stay on earth as they have everything they need to survive up there and can easily recruit people through the probe and set up a guard point around it. Be so cool to revisit the mothership and fight the lone wanderer as he decides all of earth needs to be destroyed as the vault tech enclave amd other governments are all corrupt and he had enough of earths shit.

j z
j z - 28.04.2023 00:45

Re: Railroad. Could have died at the switchboard, too

Mak Minipixelz
Mak Minipixelz - 23.04.2023 16:44

Another bit of evidence that supports lone wander is deacon: during companion swaps one of the lines indicated macready and deacon knew eachother in the past

Morksman - 22.04.2023 11:53

And thus the lone wanderer reached the almighty Sneak 100, never to be seen again.
