Richard Nixon's HONEST Take On The Shah of Iran

Richard Nixon's HONEST Take On The Shah of Iran

Richard Nixon Foundation

8 месяцев назад

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From the oral history collections of the University of Georgia.

The Richard Nixon Foundation applies the legacy and vision of President Richard Nixon, America’s relentless grand strategist, to defining issues facing our nation and the world.

The Richard Nixon Foundation in association with the National Archives and Records Administration provides financial support to collect, preserve, and make available to the public and for scholars the documents, recordings, and other materials that illuminate the life and times, and the historic legacy of Richard Nixon.

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@RhizomedesKaleidis - 28.01.2024 18:04

Nixon is derided in textbooks but the more i read about him the more I realize he was not a bad leader at all.

@billh.5360 - 28.01.2024 05:21

Nixon wasn't the horrible president that the left accuses him of being. Obama and fake president biden have done far, far worse than Watergate!

Iran, and the world, was MUCH better off with the Shah, than with the lunatics that have run, and ruined, Iran since 1979!

@AdrianWheeler-xm9ml - 28.01.2024 04:54

Nixon wouldn't be a Republican today just as JFK wouldn't be a Democrat

@walterkersting9922 - 25.01.2024 20:42

Here’s a man capable of parsing fine distinctions. The angry mob is out for blood…

@thunderstruck6647 - 25.01.2024 18:17

Does anyone know what interview this is? I really want to see it in its entirety.

@elxaime - 23.01.2024 03:23

Nixon was in his 70's at the time of this interview. Whether you agree with him or not, Nixon is concise, articulate and shrewd. Now compare him to Trump, not on politics, just on ability to communicate, think and reason. Then weep for America.

@salamyaya162 - 20.01.2024 16:17

He was a dictator and Nixon was a bad president.

@xerexeslion4120 - 19.01.2024 11:32

What the Savak did was reducing the number of terrorists, and that is what you do too in your country and yet you call HIM the Shah an oppressor?!
President Nixon knew the Shah well and hear what he says about HIM and learn.

@cnordegren - 19.01.2024 06:18

Whoever advised Nixon had a sound underatanding of geography. George Friedman or Peter Zeihan would smile.

@matthewct8167 - 18.01.2024 17:28

I feel like anyone working for National Security that has to deal with the government of Iran today would not have a positive opinion on Jimmy Carter.

@superuser8636 - 16.01.2024 20:08

The Shah was a terrible spendthrift that inadventently caused his people harm trying to impress the West to invest, but honestly, the worst thing was for the Sheik to commandeer the government under religious pretenses but actually caused widespread oppression of Iran’s people using theistic tyranny. I honestly hope Iran becomes a “progressive” country again one day considering the people themselves are hospitable

@davidanderson6055 - 16.01.2024 01:42

People who obsess over the CIA, Nixon, and the US "propping up" dictators throughout the Cold War are taught by people who contributed more to the regression of freedom and the immiseration of massive populations around the world, from Iran, to Cuba, to Vietnam, etc far more than any Kissinger type did. They were fools. Nixon was right and they were wrong. And they were wrong because they did drugs and worshiped modern european philosophers, and couldn't control their impulses, while realists who actually cared about peace and prosperity for all, like Nixon, had to work around their stupidity. Shameful

@ivanconnolly7332 - 15.01.2024 12:11

The Shah had people fried on giant frying pans, so progressive !.

@InfestationPony - 14.01.2024 19:20

Shah was hedging between being the king of UK or the emperor of Imperial Japan, that is, whether to hold actual power, he spent too much time at democracy's front door, leaving his people desperate enough to choose a faster, hence seemed more promising route with Khomeini.

Spoiler alert: Khomeini did not deliver either.

@abrahamagiba3000 - 14.01.2024 09:11

President Nixon definitely had respect for the shah and for Iran and Iranians

@DiviAugusti - 13.01.2024 07:50

The Shah also threw the most epic party of the entire 20th century. That has to count for something.

@springnice8207 - 13.01.2024 01:14

@TheDude-jp6yz - 12.01.2024 16:43

Just take my hand, Shah of Iran…

@Edwarddiaz21 - 12.01.2024 10:21

They look like brothers.

@stephenmoerlein8470 - 12.01.2024 00:15

What an intellectual contrast to Sleepy Joe Biden. How far our leadership has slipped...

@thomascox257 - 09.01.2024 05:59

Thank you Richard Nixon for speaking the truth. President Richard Nixon did many good things for America. He ended the Vietnam War. He opened up China. He gave Okinawa back to Japan. He signed article 9 into law. He signed the Endangered Species Act into law. He supported American Indian sovereignty and so much more. America's liberal media gave him absolutely no credit for any of this. Instead they demonized him for the Watergate scandal. Later on, when Democratic officials did things that were just as bad as Watergate, the liberal media basically ignored it. This disgraceful conduct is one of the things that drove me out of the Democratic Party. I would like to see everyone in America have a more balanced view of Richard Nixon and recognize all the good things he did (as well as the bad).

@Energy_SYS - 07.01.2024 22:16

As always and according to tradition, the intervention of America and its Western allies in the affairs of Iran and their overt betrayal led to the downfall of the Shah of Iran, and its consequences were the deaths of millions of innocent people and chaos in the region

@patrickbohn2099 - 06.01.2024 18:07

I wish Nixon had come clean about Watergate from the start & say now "try and impeach" Me! He was an excellent President and should of remained in office!

@Dakota1202 - 06.01.2024 03:52 then, being hated is always worse than just being feared.

@RaijinTheGreat - 06.01.2024 02:55

man only if shah stayed...

@miro007ist - 05.01.2024 20:56

The Jewish cabal was out to get president Richard Nixon!

@ItsAjayTV - 05.01.2024 00:16

The IR.Iran have proved that they can move forward without being a servant and a slave of the western countries !

40 years of heavy economic and all other sort of sanctions against them, yet they have succeeded in every section !

They are exporting surgical System Robots to countries like Indonesia and Russia, in Shah’s Time, Iran was importing Doctors and nurses from Pakistan and Bangladesh because they didn’t have any experienced and good Doctors !

80% of the population didn’t have pipe water system at shah’s time !

Only rich and elite families were having a good time, but if you watch the documentaries and the street interviews you will see how horrible the Iranian were living !

in one street Interview, people are saying that at the New Year ( Nowrooz ) they will not buy any sweets cake and not even fruits because they can’t afford it !
( I think in Iranian New Year it’s a must to buy sweets and cakes and fruits to welcome your guest )

If you see the footage of that time from the city border of Tehran, there are people living under tents in the cold freezing winter without any pipe water system

and one thing caught my attention the most, was the footage of Shah apologizing for the corruption and the lost of millions of dollars by the Pahlavi foundation which was supposed to build I think 50-60 thousands apartments buildings for the " middle class and poor people " but didn’t build and stole each cent and the Head of the foundation was his sister I think and she was flying to Las Vegas, London Paris Vienna all around the world everyday and partying and wasting millions of dollars, while the Iranian citizens had to work for 10/12 hours and get maybe 50 cent or 1 dollar !

and he didn’t apologize once or two, he actually did it several times and each time he was like : I know I fücked up but I promise in the next 2 month I will do this and this !

But in the next 2 month there would be a new file of corruption, killing opponents, torturing every religious person and lots of other crimes would occur again !

@muhammedmanzoor5113 - 04.01.2024 17:25

Shah was a terrorist terrible ruthless dictators like a slave of western culture . So how Nixon 10 000 miles is talking about the dirty good of shah .

@mnrneck - 04.01.2024 04:21

Richard Milhous Nixon, I was in the same room in Oregon with the former President, didn't really meet him, not that it matters. The point is, when he walked in, into a crowd of about 500 Alumni, he came through a side door...unannounced! Yet, everyone (yes, everyone) turned their head at the same time to look into the former Presidents direction! And I swear, that Richard Milhous Nixon, made eye contact with everyone there!
He had this aura, and a way of communicating with individuals as well as the gathered crowd, where you just paid attention to what he was saying! To this day, I am of the belief, that he was one of the more effective Presidents we have had, Watergate notwithstanding.

@ltpyoung864 - 04.01.2024 01:02

now in 2024 and looking back to this interview from many many years ago, Nixon was so right. Iranian people today are in total dire.

@alviverdeus - 03.01.2024 23:27

He was highly progressive...if you overlook his participation in a foreign coup d'etat against an elected government. And his torture, execution, disappearance, and imprisonment of his political opposition.

@zb3495 - 03.01.2024 06:20

What he’s saying, between the lines, was that people need to be repressed so that they won’t have the freedom to give into their basest impulses.

@durgaashtekar1112 - 03.01.2024 06:01

on the name democracy this asshole installed ayatullah Khomeini and toppled shah. later on it became a practice of America to intervene other nations.

@billgorman481 - 03.01.2024 04:07

One more thing Carter loused up.

@seanehz - 02.01.2024 22:57

The Shah knew about the zionist lobby grip on America

@quddusquddus136 - 02.01.2024 18:42

Richard Nixon doesn't really understand the nature of Iranian society. Dark Ages. Yes, but it doesn't explain much. It's a peasant society. In a film "Taxi Driver", the central character is lost in New York. Shah of Iran, by sending students to U.S.A, must believe in magic in hoping that the Iranian graduates would carry the seeds of civilization in a matter of years. How? Forgive the Shah for his view. Take a look at Nixon. It's not easy to see the life at the other side of the fence.

@williamkennedy5492 - 02.01.2024 13:46

One has to make the comparison between President Nixon and the current man Biden. Nixon the professional with joined up thinking against biden the bumbling mumbling fool,

@evegoodmon - 01.01.2024 07:27

Look at them now

@stantheman9072 - 01.01.2024 02:47

Yeah, the people of Iran are sooo much better off since getting rid of tbe Shah 🙄

@danesovic7585 - 30.12.2023 20:23

Probably, the greatest American president of of the last 50 years.

@thortessem271 - 30.12.2023 20:14

RIP President Nixon and the Shah of Iran.

@Frank-nw4qk - 30.12.2023 18:14

Carter's carelessness towards the Shah was a low point in American foreign history. His foreign policy was completely amateurish. They paid a horrible prize.

@Samd0411 - 30.12.2023 16:26

Great words of wisdom from President Nixon which omitted one important point; the western powers deliberately overlooked the islamists world domination aspirations and ambition of Islamists in thinking it counters the threat of communism in the region and having list Afghanistan to USSR at the time the paranoia had well set in the west by talking themselves into getting rid of the Shah was the answer to their problems which very quickly turned out to be the poisoned chalice the west had presented itself. Very sad sad story of the betrayal of a nation of Iran & the Shah of Iran. 🥲

@ariyapir7143 - 30.12.2023 07:24


@MrHorse-by3mp - 30.12.2023 03:59

Dead on the money. "Based" as the kids say these days.

@shawnyousafi622 - 29.12.2023 23:43

Those who helped 1979 revolution succeed one after another was killed by this regime. They made Shah cry last minute before leave the country he love the most And many of us 😢😢

@PersianImm0rtal - 29.12.2023 18:27

God bless the shah and the Pahlavi family.

@harlowida - 29.12.2023 12:31

White wash him as much as you want but he was a cruel dictator who suppressed Iranians freedom and kept them economically weak

@redrider8036 - 29.12.2023 09:35

Of course the man whom our standard American narrative paints as a worthless crook. Was actually arguably one of the most brilliant noble Presidents of the 20th century. I mean when was the last time we heard a President articulate foreign policy so well?
