Nice to see a brother making videos on MH! Learned a lot even though I've been playing Rise since it came out. Keep up the good work fam!
ОтветитьBro how to unlock armor set medium s??
ОтветитьAwesome guide. Thanks for the chapters!
Ответитьgrateful for this video dude this helped me sm with explaining everything in game for getting attack and defense up 🐐🐐🐐
Ответить💯💯💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much for taking the time to do this video I just want to say that I appreciate your work and I ascribe that I like much-loved Keep On Rocking
ОтветитьHello, fellow veteran hunter here since the days of ps2 and psp. How is everyone damn day today?
ОтветитьElemental damage isnt just good on fast hitting weapons. The amount of element status applied is different depending on the weapon. For example dual blades may take 10 hits before it procs, and greatsword may only need 3 hits.
ОтветитьDid I miss where you explained how to get the different levels for the decorations? Nkthing tells me how to get level 3 or level 5. All I have is level 1 of everything :(
ОтветитьJeez, where have you been in my MH life?! This is the tutorial I needed. 😁 Subscribing for more. Thank you so much.
ОтветитьI personally have 60 hours in and have just been getting into the elder dragons and started realizing im not as good as i should be, your guide helps so much 😁
ОтветитьIm a simple man
I see affinity
I go 100% and +3 Crit Boost
You know after 10 hours in world ( which i still wanna finish on playstation) and after almost 15 hours of rise ( alot of time was spent jus gathering also) but so far i find rise way easier to start with and a little less complicated it feels . I prefer rise now gonna finish this one first
ОтветитьMonster hunter is now my new favorite game . With only 20 or so hour in rise and world combined . I like rise slightly more at this point , amazing games
Ответитьthank you~
i'm planning to buy MHR and this is so easy to understand because i played genshin
with all those crit rate, crit damage, substats, skills...
Thank you! just starting monster hunter games and this was very helpful
ОтветитьThis was insanely helpful. Great content man. You explain everything so clearly.
ОтветитьVery nice explanation. You make it easy to understand. The only monster hunter game I’ve played before was on the ds 😂 So it’s been a while since
ОтветитьThanks for the video. Algorithm did me a solid and recommended it to me. Rise is my first monster hunter and even though I've reached HR40, I don't feel like I'm well equipped for my rank. Honestly never knew about decorations and paying attention to skills other than "quick draw" on armor pieces(also a long sword user). Hopefully some of the tips you've given help with my low damage and hopefully I can do something about getting one shotted by Kushala Daora.
ОтветитьIm playing rise and its my first monster hunter game ever and this guide helped alot, thanks!
ОтветитьGreat vid most vids just tell you what item to get this was more of how to understand how to build your own … thank you great vid bud
ОтветитьYo Yo Ye to the yizzle what is the DIZZLE- nah I’m playing. Love your videos DG
ОтветитьThe best build guide I’ve seen so far with clear direction. Great job. Subbed.
ОтветитьReally helpful resources, thank you for the video!
ОтветитьSuper helpful. I’m about 22 hours in and hadn’t really figured out much of this
ОтветитьAmazingly helpful to a new player! Ive been fond of the monster hunter games for ages but never got to playing them because the initial learning curve is a bit offputting to someone used to more streamlined rpgs like Kingdoms of Amalur or Legend of Zelda. I got only one question... So i found out that basically as new character you get armor and the potential to (easily) craft a certain weapon that help you get to the dlc faster... Obviously as new player i dont want that so whats the best way i would start out? Just ditch the armor i'm given and start with nothing and craft leather armor instead and just ignore the defender blades at all costs? Is that the way?
ОтветитьSmooth Guide!
Ответить@DearGamerTV Thanks for the video. This game has a lot of mechanics and you helped make it easier to understand.
ОтветитьJust got this game for 20 dollar on my Switch, and this is the best video guide for me to start progressing my character
I'm curious tho, is it better to grind on hub or village? I'm a solo player with bad internet connection, and missions on hub are taking around 20 minutes or more to complete
Thanks a lot. I’m at High Rank rn, and I felt like I wasn’t really been focusing much on my armor setup. I’m a newcomer to the Monster Hunter Rise and series. There is a lot to grasp with this game, but I’m really enjoying it so far.
ОтветитьHey I’ve got questions on half of my weapon tree do I just unlock all of one side to unlock the other half
ОтветитьHad no clue monster Hunter was this complex. I just want to make a nice build to have fun but it seems like I have to do to much to get em
ОтветитьThis will be super useful
ОтветитьThey should add scythes to the game too
ОтветитьMhgu and rise have been in my switch backlog a long time. Mhgu just started to kinda click and then rise started to click better and im up till 5 am typing with people on multiplayer which i never do. Then i sas cd keys had world for dirt cheap, now i want to learn a game i never thought id play.
Sorry family....
Ahhhhh...very easy to understand guide...thanks man, i only play Mh:portable (psp) a loooong time ago, didnt have the chance to finish the game 😁
Hopefully theres somehere playing on nintendo, gotta need some help hahaha
You can't "build your hunter wrong" in this game, since there is not a single "one time decision that stays forever". You can always change stuff.
ОтветитьGG guide, finally i understand how to build weapon and armor
ОтветитьHow do you unlock all those
Ответитьyes daddy
ОтветитьI agree with hitting the weakpoints of monsters but you shouldn't be running circles around a monster just aiming for the weakest points unless its something like kushala or teostra where bows do zero damage in certain oarts of the monster . Otherwise youll turn a five or ten minutes hunt into a 40 minute hunt or maybe even run out of time .its purely situational now yes it would be awesome to only hit weak points every hunt but some monsters run so much that its almost impossible to only hit weak points . Just get damage in where you can most monsters have 100k health or more like when i did the final hub quest vs narwa and ibushi if i only went for weak points i wouldnt have been abke to take out the first monster in under five minutes and it would've drawn out the first phase of the fight so much that i wouldve risked running out of time in the second phase of the fight .
ОтветитьI watched Fightin Cowboys vids on mh rise, and I had never played the series before. He was doing all these weapons guides. The game looked so unique with the different weapons and how they made you adopt a new play style. So the day after, when I got off work, I went to gamestop. Got a switch lite, breath of the wild, and mh rise. Tried playing rise, and I had ZERO idea what the hell was going on. Now, almost 200 hrs in... I know, still a noob, but the insect glaive has been my main, so far. Beat the story with it, now I'm trying the gunlance. Talismans have been the thing that intimidates me the most so far! I spend all this time collecting monster parts, I don't wanna risk losing them on a crappy talisman when I could make a new weapon or armor with them, lol. Anyways, first time watching your channel, awesome stuff, you make it easy to understand, and to not get overwhelmed with all this info the game never really explains if this is your first MH game haha! Subscribed!
ОтветитьDamn this one really is 50 steps backwards from world this is what happens when you give an existing IP to just finished uni or uni drop outs
ОтветитьFound my way here trying to learn this game before the new one comes out. I just purchased rise and am going to give it a go. Thanks for your content.
ОтветитьAs a Lance main I left when you said no one cares about defense.
ОтветитьLiked dauntless they fucked that game up so thought I'd give a second go and you've actually made a clear video which is great
ОтветитьJust started this game and new to the series. Yo video was hella informative
ОтветитьWhat armor set are you wearing?
ОтветитьI played this first time with a friend, and I got hooked. I am only 40+ hrs in and have been using Switch Axe since then. So far, I was just having fun and playing around with slaying monsters. But now I wanna deep dive and make my hunter better by upping the stats, especially since I am about to do high rank quests. This video has just the right information that I need! Thank you