To the Teachers of ADHD Students (How Can I Help?)

To the Teachers of ADHD Students (How Can I Help?)

How to ADHD

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Binte Hawwa
Binte Hawwa - 22.09.2023 18:24

My child just got diagnosed with ADHD and m in tears listening to you

Baby Baby
Baby Baby - 19.09.2023 21:42

I have so much tears ….as a mom of a boy with adhd

Eva Webb
Eva Webb - 13.09.2023 09:44

hi. I home ed and mentor ADHD kids. Even though I HAVE it, I Still get impatient and frustrated if I can't get through my lesson due to distractions etc. \please help me with tips, and reminders to be accepting of them, and myself. |And more patient.) Thank you!

DoNotWatch_TV - 05.09.2023 02:08

this is an enlightenment. thank u ❤

s56 - 02.09.2023 07:33

Excellent video 🙌

Editsss - 21.08.2023 02:14

My teachers just shout at me ill work for about 5 seconds then go back to daydreaming and fidgeting or drawing on the table💀

Ukrainian hand embroidery with Yuliya
Ukrainian hand embroidery with Yuliya - 17.08.2023 15:15

I am a mom of ADHD and also teacher and in my class there are sometimes ADHDs. I am teaching a language. What would be the best way for my ADHD kids to teach them? What teaching techniques? I have tried some, like jumping on the flash cards. However, I still struggle to teach other kids when my ADHD one gets to loud😢

Rose Gold
Rose Gold - 30.07.2023 21:45

When I was in grade 8, my algebra honors teacher accommodated me and made me feel welcome in his classroom even without knowing I had ADHD (or me knowing) and I’m still grateful for what he did to this day!

He knew I got bored easily especially since I tended to finish a lot earlier than my classmates, so he gave me material that was further ahead (that was optional), which was very fulfilling for me.

I have also been lucky enough to have several wonderful teachers over the years who inspired me and acknowledged my strengths and potential instead of just calling me weird or antisocial.

Trung Dung Luu
Trung Dung Luu - 30.07.2023 08:42

Thank you very much for very inspiring video. I have a daughter with ADHD at college, do you have a video for parents like me?

Kavya - 07.07.2023 14:27

I'm a student in 10th grade with ADHD, since 3rd grade most of the teacher at my school hated me for not being good enough, kept telling me I had to try harder always. There were times when I didn't feel like I was important, even now. My teachers hate me to the core and they always criticized my every single move, to the point that I lost it and became suicidal. I remember how much I hated myself for not being able to do thing that my friends were able to do. Even after my medication I was always yelled and scolded. Now I'm at a point that I don't want to go to school. Everyday I was being compared with my younger brother(doesn't have ADHD) who was great in studies, all I want that teachers to understand that their comments hurt a lot. Being labeled as a bad person, stupid, hopeless kid, etc.
Thanks for this video really

melanie forrester
melanie forrester - 24.06.2023 21:27

I homeschool. 😉 I was always that family member entertaining the kids (& sometimes the adults) at family events. Often, I would set up a craft table. I had a lot of family saying I should've been a teacher. (Community College Business drop out here). The thing I've always said - I would rather teach the "spirited" kids (like my family has) - Don't get me wrong, some days are challenging, but I love every minute of it!! That passion to learn, once interest, is unrivaled!! Sometimes, we even invite cousins & friends to join in.

Luis Daniel Castro
Luis Daniel Castro - 20.06.2023 01:50

I am a swim instructor and we occasionally have some HDHD kids. I in the past have been successful, but it was many years ago, watching your video and watching you struggle to do such a wonderful job on this video, knowing I saw tears in another moment, I saw a new clip meaning you had to pause and compose yourself. I think you are beautiful, brilliant and so helpful to my soul that you inspire me to help my other coworkers to take this challenge and help these young kids learn to swim and to demonstrate to them they are special thank you and God bless you.

Tom 24/7
Tom 24/7 - 27.05.2023 20:51

My English teacher and my boarding school teacher really understood me and gave me lots of good tools to navigate high school. I'm grateful for them both

AroundTheWayGirl88 - 19.05.2023 17:53

Girl!!!! THANK YOU for this video!!!!! I was in route to become a teacher, but had to delay due to a family emergency. I am now a CASA! One of the children I advocate for has ADHD. I am working really hard to get her the assistant and support she needs.

DevelopedByDev - 16.05.2023 19:45

This is the best video that anyone anywhere has ever seen.

DevelopedByDev - 16.05.2023 19:34

This is the best intro any video has ever had!

Zoey Havoc
Zoey Havoc - 05.05.2023 18:00

This video made me really cry.
I didn’t realize the accomplishment I made just graduating highschool with my symptoms and absolutely no help or encouragement
Edit: thank you for helping me reparent my inner child

kelsey mayer
kelsey mayer - 23.04.2023 19:01

Definitely made me tear up because this was my life growing up undiagnosed & I became so bitter and gave up. My daughter is adhd & it’s my #1 goal to help prevent as much of this as possible 🥹

Swarthy Shay
Swarthy Shay - 11.04.2023 02:37

My son, who is now 7 in the first grade, told me everything you said is this video. As a parent, I struggle with how to help him. I know his teacher is struggling. I am going to share tllwith her as well. Homework is a battle every day, and I do not look forward to it, but I try.

Pinkplasmagirl - 19.03.2023 03:52

To my teacher You tell me to focus but I can’t you tell me to do my work on another piece of paper I can’t I forget the problem before I can write it down you tell me to wait it’s hard you tell me to work harder you tell me to remember homework

Lamar Kendrick
Lamar Kendrick - 05.03.2023 23:11

Please I want to know the strategy to use for my adhd student

Siri Lundgren
Siri Lundgren - 05.03.2023 22:33

I am a teacher and I've had a lot of hits and misses when it comes to ADHD students. I would love to hear about concrete tools that helps both in the class room and socially.
I am what is called a fritidslärare in Sweden which translates to free time teacher, meaning I work a lot with playful learning which I feel should equip me with good tools to get there :)

Ianis hagi fan
Ianis hagi fan - 26.02.2023 18:06

Mis Mac Donald listen right now I have adhd so listen to this

lama wehbe
lama wehbe - 18.02.2023 07:33

I love my students with adhd, I draw a happy face or put for them a sticker or show them how happy I am when they do any accomplishment even if they didn't finish their work... They are different so they have to be treated differently, and guess what.. They love it ❤️

KMJ - 17.02.2023 05:13

Youre awesome.

Megan Malone
Megan Malone - 27.01.2023 09:43

I'm a Fellow brain, I work with special needs kids. I needed this, I wasn't diagnosed until this year so unfortunately there have been occasions where I've been the "you just need to focus" adult. I hope I can change my viewpoint to be more of a support for them, and be kinder to myself when I even have issues focusing.

shadMaXe - 25.01.2023 03:03

Wow I wish my teacher could understand me like this

ornella garcia
ornella garcia - 27.12.2022 06:00

Pls,tell me how can I control my adhd

N Z - 21.12.2022 02:25

I had an online student with severe ADHD who could not focus more than two seconds after I finish a sentence. I suspected what the problem was but still I was troubled interracting when everything I would say would essentially be ignored. I love tutoring but not sure how to interact with another student. What training might an educator take do to be better in these situations?

Hueso Rojo
Hueso Rojo - 06.12.2022 05:10

i'm literally crying in every video LMAO

Ellie Pelham
Ellie Pelham - 18.11.2022 18:14

I'm in my first year as a Pre-K teacher. Most of my students are busy and are building up their impulse control, but two of them seem to struggle far beyond the mean. I don't want to shut them down and start their school years off on the wrong foot, but I find that raising my voice tends to be the only thing that changes their behaviors when they're being especially disruptive to our activities because otherwise they don't seem to notice I'm even trying to connect or speak with them. One of them definitely seems to be aligning with severe ADHD behaviors - any advice for this age group?

jendaak_ - 16.11.2022 18:43

Very nice video!!!!😃

Proraptor - 15.11.2022 01:22

I can totally relate, I remember reading ahead because it was torture waiting for others to read

AirPhoenix - 31.10.2022 03:01

As an EA in a classroom I want to thank you for your videos ! I want to help students who stuggle or just need someone cheering for them.
I want the students feel empowered and know they are so smart

Joyce Woods
Joyce Woods - 25.10.2022 07:23

I'm a homeschool teacher. I'm having trouble getting my students to do their writing assignments. They are great kids and I think they like my class, but...they don't feel like they even want to try to write. Any ideas????

Emilliey - 21.10.2022 00:06

Hey! I tried to comment on the fish song but the comments are turned off. Can I please ask for you to turn this into a book! I have ADHD and so does my mum and my daughter. This would be the most amazing children's book ever!! 🙏

Jose Vil
Jose Vil - 13.10.2022 00:54

I have an ADHD student in the public school in the Philippines. He is only one in the section. How would I respond if he talks even he is not asked to talk? Shall I get attention to him immediately or not, ma'am?

Teresita Pachejo
Teresita Pachejo - 28.09.2022 01:25

What teaching strategy is best for hyperactive child with no focus?

Shriya Sewsunker
Shriya Sewsunker - 24.09.2022 17:05

One thing I struggle with in class is to follow along when we r reading coz even tho I’m holding a book I can’t even focus I look around and I just can’t the teacher tells me to read out loud I don’t even know what page and then she just calls home and gives detention I told her I’m struggling with adhd and she says my son has adhd and he can read fine like omg 😮

hi - 22.09.2022 20:06

Hello Teacher of Brains!

Please help me how to handle student with ADHD?

Anya Durr
Anya Durr - 15.09.2022 03:43

I have a teacher that helps with my adhd

Heather Torrance
Heather Torrance - 06.09.2022 19:34

My son's second grade teacher told me that when he finished his work quickly and started to distract other students, she just gave him more work. He's really into the history of Ancient Rome, so she'd say, "Hey, have you read this book about ancient Rome yet?" Or, "Hey, this book isn't about Rome, but Ancient Greece battled against Rome, you should read about them, too." Etc. It really helped direct his energy and he learned so much that year, and he LOVED school!

FANNY MARTINEZ - 12.08.2022 06:35

I went thru the same my whole life and in 16 yrs of school, I had only 5 teachers that did understand my brain. But because of the bad teachers, I learn to hate school and I drop out of high school at 16yrs old. And I want to go back to finish and have a career but it gives me anxiety to even think about school no matter it's in person or online. And my kid has ADHD too and he only had 1 teacher that help him and understood but it breaks my heart to know that he will go thru the same as me.

Beesie 🐝
Beesie 🐝 - 08.08.2022 21:46

I wish more teachers would try to watch videos like this and learn how to help their “problem,” students, and still have compassion for them even if they don’t improve academically.

Jon Clarke
Jon Clarke - 14.07.2022 00:48

I was always one of the fastest at both school and work like I was racing my brain. Then I would be multitasking at least 3 things to maintain attention on long term projects

TheRealZahyra - 02.07.2022 22:48

Holy shit. That is word for word what EVERY SINGLE teacher said about me to my parents. "She just has so much potential, she is clearly smart enough, she just needs to apply herself". EVERY teacher. And I lived in a LOT of different cities AND countries. The line never changed, anywhere I went

Estel Saradop
Estel Saradop - 20.06.2022 23:30

It's 11:30 pm and I just watched your moving video. I am a teacher and I thank you. Hope by now, 2022, you've accomplished all you set out to.

Juana Davila
Juana Davila - 19.06.2022 18:24

What age do you explain it to a Child that they have ADHD
