Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | Triggers, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | Triggers, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

JJ Medicine

2 года назад

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Westbay Ray
Westbay Ray - 01.10.2023 02:40

Thanks you have given me dignity I can’t tell you how much that means I hope you get my gist…🙏

Xzbit Xzbito
Xzbit Xzbito - 29.09.2023 10:28

Do you think amphetamine could help with this sickness?

Blublubies - 26.09.2023 11:09

As most of the comments have noted, GET and CBT are no longer recommended treatments for cfs due to their potential harm. Cfs/me doesn’t really have any officially registered treatments or cures, BUT one of the only things that has repeatedly been proven to help is pacing, which in some places is seen as an actual official treatment :) It would’ve been a very important point, if not the most important, to include in the treatment section due to how it’s one of the most common treatments when it comes to this illness. Pacing is the one thing that all improved cfs patients have in common.

Another, maybe a bit more nieche but still known, treatment in the cfs field is LDN. It has little to no side effects, and around 75% of patients see some sort of improvement while in it. There’s even been cases of full recoveries, though we can’t know for sure if it’s the ldn or something else. I’ve been on it since July and I’m finally nearing the recommended dosage, haven’t noticed overall improvement yet but I’m still staying hopeful :)

TNmtn Morning
TNmtn Morning - 18.09.2023 06:20

Appreciate this video very much. I will, however, point out that CBT and GET have been proven to be harmful to those of us with ME/CFS. Thank you for spreading awareness!

Cndvdx Yhjblbilg
Cndvdx Yhjblbilg - 18.09.2023 04:42

Feel like there is a link between depression and this

Mariana Ferreira
Mariana Ferreira - 14.09.2023 20:21

How to know if its chronic fatigue or depression?

Barbara Ferron
Barbara Ferron - 13.09.2023 09:06

Doctors made me worse off.

Barbara Ferron
Barbara Ferron - 13.09.2023 08:56

I think this left out brain fog.

Barbara Ferron
Barbara Ferron - 13.09.2023 08:41

Low socioeconomic? In the 1980's it was called "YUPpy flu", Young Upwardly Mobile. Having it can put you in poverty because you can't work. And if it's generational........

OfficialDvy - 07.09.2023 03:05

honest idk how much longer i can deal with it..

Janice - 03.09.2023 00:53

This video is very accurate. Thank you

Samael Cortez
Samael Cortez - 01.09.2023 06:12

If you have this, get tested for HSV or EBV

Patricia Martin
Patricia Martin - 31.08.2023 00:48

For years I only got 4 hours sleep a night. Too many spare time activities, playing on the internet, etc. I lived on caffeine, etc and junk food. No wonder I am tired. My body it telling me it needs rest

Phoebe - 28.08.2023 00:40

Some days I feel great, I ride my bike go for a nice long walk, have the energy to do all the things I used to could do. Then the next day it’s like a train hit me mutiple unexplained body aches, indigestion, headache. I just want to lay in bed all day pair that with other conditions and environmental stressors. Something’s bound to happen

Rachel Hardy
Rachel Hardy - 27.08.2023 00:42

i fell asleep watching this LOL

JJ Jilani
JJ Jilani - 26.08.2023 09:24

There is no treatment yet.

Joe - 21.08.2023 16:11

A ketogenic diet helps hugely with this syndrome!

mwngw - 10.08.2023 02:33

By coincidence or not, my "milder" Covid infection multiplied any prior fatigue by 100x. A strange factor in retrospect was a blood draw during Covid returned with a first-ever low Globulin level. After some symptoms subsided, the Globulin returned to normal range. The GP was oblivious.
Have also had Mono 3 times by age 20, Valley Fever at age 38, severe Adult Chicken Pox at 40.

Ryan O'Donnell
Ryan O'Donnell - 05.08.2023 00:36

Do your homework before making videos about a disease you know nothing about. Graded exercise has been proven to make me/cfs worse. IT DOES NOT WORK. The science put forward by the “PACE” trials was fraudulent science that was created for profit, and accepted as legitimate treatment for ME/CFS for years even by the CDC. The people who did the science for graded exercise therapy were cought forging data and graded exercise is now contraindicated for those who suffer from me/cfs.

Memories Someone We Will Never Know
Memories Someone We Will Never Know - 02.08.2023 22:26

so overall there is no solution for this moth*fu* disease. May god help us.

DDS - 01.08.2023 05:24

Thank you for making this 🙏

Edition_89 - 21.07.2023 17:42

I'm not sure what to get from this video.
My fatigue started after a Covid-19 infection, so, the cause is obvious: Viral. The right question for me is: what exactly the virus did to my body so that I've become fatigued 100% of the time? And once the cause is found, the right treatment can be provided.

TheRusschannel - 16.07.2023 00:15

The American Diet is slowly killing us ALL !!!! WAKE UP

Samantha Frost
Samantha Frost - 15.07.2023 18:45


Sitting on Start
Sitting on Start - 11.07.2023 20:53

Why are they not implicating Covid in this video? Is it not politically correct to do so? Covid has stolen my life 😢

K K - 18.06.2023 20:51

I have had it since I was a young child. We called it sleepy sickness. I am 51 and was diagnosed properly at 42 how ever a dr said I had Fibromyalgia back in the early 90s when that was New thing. Before that It was all in my head, and treated as a mental health person. ect

Milo rubio
Milo rubio - 18.06.2023 01:43

I was diagnosed at 12

Debbie Mortinson
Debbie Mortinson - 16.06.2023 06:04

The Graded Excercise and CBT is really bad advice. It disables people even more. Please do the latest research on GET/CBT and the harm it has done to people.

Neal Doss
Neal Doss - 19.05.2023 17:55

I think I might have this condition been to many doctors noone has found out anything what's the best medication to take for this condition I do also have bad anxiety not on any medication right now just recently started taking fish oil I try to start eating better and stuff but just anyone with this condition tell me the things that helped them medicine, exercise stuff like that thanks

Boy - 15.05.2023 05:55

How many days does doctor recommended to take leave if someone is facing this problem?

JayLS - 14.05.2023 11:28

Just hearing about this, but I've had these symptoms since I was in 3rd or 4th grade. Falling asleep in school, on bus, in car, after school etc. anxiety, awake at night, digestion issues, trouble staying awake driving, weight gain. On and On and On

Merit Atoon
Merit Atoon - 02.05.2023 13:55

It started with me since I was a child not 30's

Gale Greyson
Gale Greyson - 02.05.2023 08:21

Research suggests GET and CBT are not effective treatments and in fact often cause harm to patients with ME/CFS.

Emry Borge
Emry Borge - 09.04.2023 22:53

The third decade of life is twenties not thirties

Eliza Browning
Eliza Browning - 03.04.2023 10:32

What about muscle weakness?

Manie - 01.04.2023 22:55

I just wake up often feeling totally unmotivated to get up because it just doesn't seem like I had enough sleep after sleeping/being in bed for over 9 hours.

F4ZE PACINO - 27.03.2023 05:11

well, it seems like god really hates caucasians 🙄

Stella - 14.03.2023 07:44

I wake up in pain I go to bed in pain.

Variety Videos
Variety Videos - 12.03.2023 00:49

Anybody know of any product I could buy that would help the dizziness go away and the fatigue to a great extent also? Would an herbal mix be good or some kind of multi-vitamin?

Variety Videos
Variety Videos - 12.03.2023 00:42

I've also had to take antibiotics many times for infections.

Variety Videos
Variety Videos - 12.03.2023 00:33

I think I have this and I think I've had it for years. Now my fatigue and dizziness issue has gotten so bad this is the 3rd day I've not gone out to catch the bus as I start to get dizzy before I get to the bus stop. And then when I get to where I'm headed and start walking the dizziness worsens until I feel as though I'm about to pass out. My son and I had to take an Uber back home 4 times recently; I can't afford to keep that up. I fear I'll be a shut-in now.

Henry Slinkman
Henry Slinkman - 03.03.2023 08:33

I don't know how long ago this decision has been made, but Graded Exercise Therapy is starting to be removed from recommended treatment because of the harm it's done to patients.

Noel Gillett
Noel Gillett - 21.02.2023 10:29

The treatments recommended do not work, that is to say trivial and marginal improvements of little or no significance with respect to longterm outcomes. As medical science is in fact a Jesuit institution, it's all about Catholicism which ought to have no place in the clinic, hospital setting or pharamcy. As there are no meaningful and authentic outcomes statistics demonstrating any other than inefficacy and often worsening outcomes, it's all a plate of dung crapped out of the back end of the Vatican. Welcome to Hell.

Shawna Ford
Shawna Ford - 20.02.2023 16:11

Please update the diagnosis and treatment of MECFS.
The worst is the damaging advice of GET and CBT.
CBT might help with management but is not treatment, GET has been disproven and a more customized approach is required, depending on the systems impacted.

Look forward to an updated ending to an otherwise helpful video.

Edimo Elvis
Edimo Elvis - 20.02.2023 08:06

Selenium Toxicity or Poisoning is the root cause of Fibromyalgia and CFS! Artificial selenium sold at pharmacy is one of the most destructive medicine sitting on the shelves be extremely careful and avoid that drug with your life. Get your selenium from natural sources. Do not say you were not told.A word they say is enough for the wise. RUN FROM FAKE SELENIUM! Run people please RUN!

Victoria - 16.02.2023 13:35

I need to finish my book When the Body Says No

Xx EL xX
Xx EL xX - 13.02.2023 01:45

I became ill with m.e at the age of 6 after a bout of the shingles virus, I never recovered, doctors didn’t listen and blamed my symptoms on attention seeking and a mental illness I then got forced to exercise and went through so so much neglect by ‘medical experts’ It made me so ill that I could of died.
I’m now 15 and I’m mostly bedbound, need a wheelchair and need a ng tube.
Myalgic encephalomyelitis is a much better term. CFS doesn’t present the severity of the illness, as it is not just fatigue that is just one symptom of this complex condition the people who first made CFS the official name have said they regret it due to those reasons.
also the associated conditions include a lot much such as, MCAS, POTS, many autoimmune diseases, and much more then I can’t remember off of the tip of my tongue.

the illness being falsely identified as psychogenic has caused decades harm and people continue to strengthen unacceptable stereotypes and misconceptions. It has delayed decades worth of research that could of found something vital.
I’ve lost my life to m.e.

Abdullah Safdar
Abdullah Safdar - 10.02.2023 21:17

What about stimulant medication used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy be used for this too?

dancer49lives - 01.02.2023 04:31

I'm so debilitated by fatigue. I fight depression just from the stress of not understand why I feel like I'm dying just to do VERY simple tasks. I was so hyperactive almost. Everything he said in this video to help, I am doing except possibly the healthy eating bc most times I am too tired to either shop for food and def too tired to prepare it. I'm always worried. I'm in my 50s but I shouldn't be helpless.
