Overfed and Undernourished - Examining Obesity and Modern Lifestyles - Health & Wellness

Overfed and Undernourished - Examining Obesity and Modern Lifestyles - Health & Wellness

Gravitas Documentaries

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@H-jb4tf - 01.02.2024 16:44

This generation of so called parents are up in arms to protect their children from all sorts of things, yet fail miserably when it comes to nutrition. Too often i witness the crap many buy for them to eat. They include sweets, highly processed junk food, fast foods, meats, dairy, cheese. All that is going to trash their childs health eventually in later life.
Whole food plant base diet is all one would need to live well and live a healthy life on. So, it is rather hyppocritical that many still think it is ok on feeding their kids crap and wonder why they get things such as adhd and out of shape... literally. I call it child abuse.

@roscmon - 28.01.2024 04:12

I feel like they were missing something by doing this as a sort of boot camp.

Yes, a soft boot camp, but a boot camp nonetheless.

They wanted to start him on a path so he would sustain the healthy habits, but I wonder if their techniques will work. I know it definitely wouldn't work for me but I can't put my finger on why.

@churabhok2869 - 23.01.2024 09:32

Oh come on ....jus enjoy the food and have a good time 👍🏻😎😂

@Siegbert85 - 12.01.2024 13:31

Bananas are actually also manufactured 😄 at least heavily modified

@Siegbert85 - 12.01.2024 13:27

Jesus... That's not how you exercise someone. The kid almost collapsed. You gotta start slowly, build up some endurance

@Siegbert85 - 12.01.2024 13:14

Nux = light? Don't you mean "lux"?

@quasimodem5260 - 01.01.2024 18:49

I think it’s the addictive spikes of sugar and carbs. As wonderful as exercise is, it still comes down to what you eat. Of course it’s easier to snack in front of a television as opposed to riding on a bike or shooting hoops!

@ulynvanzyl8474 - 30.12.2023 19:46

What happened to the guy that said he was gonna do a 60day juice fast?

@peterwilson1038 - 28.12.2023 01:41

Anything is better than what got him there but steak and eggs with resistance training is a superior solution both hormonally and psychologicaly than plant slop and running up mountains. The problem is not just that so many are overweight but they are under muscled.

@jdeutsch337 - 27.12.2023 15:49

I Hate to say this documentary lost all credibility when he said Diet and deity have the same origin. An easy search proves this isn't correct And the person that made this documentary should have edited that out. . Its original meaning was the same as in modern English, “habitually taken food and drink.” But diet was used in another sense too in the Middle and early modern English periods to mean “way of living.” This is, in fact, the original meaning of diet’s Greek ancestor diaita, which is derived from the verb diaitasthan, meaning “to lead one’s life

@OLDCHEMIST1 - 25.12.2023 09:06

Excellent documentary! Although Don Tolman does make a mess of the etymologies of diet and nutrition. Lux is light NOT nux.

@bubble8829 - 20.12.2023 11:54

Liam is very lucky to have an aunt and uncle on call who work in the fields they are in. Liam basically had a full-time personal trainer and a personal nutritionist/dietitian for free. Hardly anyone has such a luxury, and many kids don't even have parents who would watch a documentary like this.

Makes it all seem a bit too "holier than thou".

@bubble8829 - 20.12.2023 10:42

In Australia, Wonderwhite Bread is not "a dollar a loaf". It's currenly $4.40 a loaf at Coles. You can get Coles or Woolworths bakery wholemeal bread for significantly less per loaf – $2.70 at Coles.

@user-hp7kz2vr7w - 20.12.2023 06:41

Everything homemade.

@mariekatherine5238 - 15.12.2023 03:58

The Four Fast Food Groups:— 1. Sugar 2. Fat 3. Salt 4. Caffeine

@mh43 - 04.12.2023 01:21

At 27 min they mention frozen vegetables like they are bad. This might be 25% horseshit

@yorkshiremen1 - 01.12.2023 21:42

Chiropractors are quacks not even recognised in some countries keep drinking the green slime🎉😂

@jameslewis5493 - 27.11.2023 21:20

Awesome family giving some life skills to a really good kid wanting to do good.

@supersonicdiesel4836 - 15.11.2023 17:31

This whole documentary is filled with pseudoscience. Gravitas should be ashamed to put this up

@GrowingThroughItAll - 03.11.2023 22:19

You seriously better know what you’re doing if you put children on a vegan diet. Just eat Whole Foods. Eggs and meat are not poison.

@Bigdaddychristmas - 03.11.2023 15:34

i cannot understand cause of their accents omgs

@jenniferhall3047 - 02.11.2023 18:27

I think this is all great. But, no matter how much this family helps. Nathan will be going home in 3 months to a single dad of three young children. Working full time and overwhelmed. The home that he is in, though loving, is not his reality. A stay at home mom, who spends time cooking wholesome meals, so on the weekend, the family can have amazing outings. That little boy is so lovely. I hope for the best for him.

@samhawkes6597 - 31.10.2023 13:46

this doesnt make any sense to me. I dictate what my children it. they have lots of cereal, bread, chocolate, crips, sweets etc, but I dictate what they eat and moderate moderation. I constantly encourage new foods, veg and fruit etc. my four young girls are all at a heathly normal weight.

Its not hard. If one of my children starts to become overweight then they wont have access to as much of the stuff they like to eat and I will manage there food intake further until they are a healthty weight.

i allow them chocolate and crips, but its moderated around breakfast, lunch and dinner and also around there weight. I dont let them have 10 chocolate bars a day for example.

unless theres a serious medical condition thats responsible for a child put on weight, if youve got overweight or obese kids, its your fault and in my opinion a form of child neglegnce and there for abuse.

its also imprortant that you encourage healthy lifestyle. for example my children go to a boxing club once a week which they absolutley love.

Lastly, kids and like sponges and will develop life long habits at a young age based on what you as the parent does. dont, talk, to your young child about the details of food in a way most adults dont even understand. Do dont speak, it that will set the right habits. for example I work out, diet etc regularly to stay in shape. I dont forcee my children to workout, or a hardcore diet (as they dont need it) but my working out rubs of on them. my 6 year old loves to show me how many pushups she can do bless her. one of my 8 year olds loves to show me how strong they are, my other 8 year old has asked if she could join in on my workout routines withme because she wants to be healthy (which she already is).

Take responsibility and dictate what and how much your children eat and modify when your child becomes obese, and do something positive like working out and/or dieting and take responsibility for your own weight. this rubs off on your young children.

@Entropy825 - 25.10.2023 05:16

The idea that foods that are shaped like a body part are nutritious for that body part is moronic.

@bartpeeters4473 - 24.10.2023 22:15

strange that nobody is talking about eggs, grass fed cow, real butter etc. Only see veggies and fruits...

@tom47opm3 - 24.10.2023 04:56

I’m sticking to the ancestral diet of carnivore. Never been healthier.

@Ashyr508 - 23.10.2023 15:33

I had to pause when he wished his mum happy birthday in heaven. How sweet & so sad I wish him all the best in life x

@zxcvbnmzxcv4244 - 14.10.2023 13:59

You know the saying:
You vote with your money!

@Kloetenhenne - 11.10.2023 17:40

Carrots don't actually improve the eyesight. The same as spinach doesn't make you strong because it doesn't contain as much iron as many people thought for decades.
That guy is full of crap.

@chaosdragun1608 - 06.10.2023 17:36

Agree with a great deal in the video but when i heard juicing that took me back a bit. Juicing was quite popular growing up but weve since learned juicing destroys the fiber which is vital to feeding your gut and specificallyif its fruit just overloads you with sugar without the natural fiber to temper absorbtion. Eating whole foods as whole food will get all the benefits you want based on all the studies ive seen.

@notrandom2 - 04.10.2023 01:00

It's a drug. Period.
Everyone one is addicted to these highly processed carbohydrates

@rafaelbustamante4768 - 03.10.2023 19:48

These people don't know nothing about nutrition, poor fat child they are torturing him...

@rafaelbustamante4768 - 03.10.2023 19:35

Goberment is responsible for toxic food being sale in the markets, they are not doing their job...🤨

@jbidwell605 - 02.10.2023 19:50

Wow, love how aunt Kate sat Liam down on the sofa and guilted him for eating snacks at school. It would be most helpful if the "adults" in the room didn't treat him like a leper or talk about him to each other like he isn't sitting right there in front of them. These adults might say they mean well, but they're total arseholes. Oh, and she's just SO frustrated that he ate chocolate at school and undid all of her "hard work." Then she sits there and guilts him about how much exercise he needs to do to burn it off. Seriously? She just welcomed him into the land of eating disorders. WELL DONE.

@starfish3419 - 01.10.2023 21:58

He's awesome! Well done Liam, this was so inspiring. I want to raise my kids like this :) one of my new favourite documentaries, hands down.

@HannaPramholt - 01.10.2023 20:31

He goes home for a few days and gains 3kgs? Why would his dad not change his ways ? He's overweight too? I mean surely this would inspire him to do better?

@HannaPramholt - 01.10.2023 19:22

I lived in Australia, had a very low budget but still managed to eat clean , its all about where you get your food and learning what to eat instead of the processed stuff. His son wouldn't need 3 packs of noodles if they had ANY nutritional value. Same goes for sandwiches

@keithbentley6081 - 29.09.2023 06:34

All a bit touchy feely and woke. Aussies need to start be Aussies again. Emotional nourishment and being with people we love, seriously?

@ligo1930 - 29.09.2023 04:07

to much non ssense in this video

@rayclam8079 - 29.09.2023 00:09

Eating processed carbs to satiate hunger is like drinking salty water when you're thirsty.

@oldmah6241 - 28.09.2023 00:38

Poor Liam, a little introvert with a single parent. I can’t believe his dad couldn’t have just changed things at home, kept Liam in his school and wisely and silently changed the whole nutrition and health scene for Liam and his siblings 😢

@kathya1956 - 28.09.2023 00:24

He is looking amazing now. So great!!!

@kathya1956 - 28.09.2023 00:14

dad, you failed. Why couldn't you get it done?

@kathya1956 - 27.09.2023 23:22

dad better change his eating habits or else Liam won't succeed

@kathya1956 - 27.09.2023 23:14

is this a pro-vegan documentary? from the land of wonderful sheep?
