Crafting Is (Kinda) Pointless

Crafting Is (Kinda) Pointless


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@razbuten - 21.11.2020 03:36

It is me, Razbuten, back at it with another "This Thing About Video Games Bothers Me" video. I hope you're all doing well, and let me know what you think about crafting. How would you like to see it used in games? Would you even like to see it used in games? Also, how is your day?

@mahinfayaz - 13.12.2023 13:03

"couldn't be bothered" pretty much sums it up

@timothywatkins4989 - 12.12.2023 19:59

I think one thing that would really help is if items had harsher requirements with greater returns. With this the animations are less frustrating, because you don’t watch them 100,000 times.

@pbjent - 08.12.2023 11:01

I hear crafting system and I lean toward nope out.

@Ecrios - 08.12.2023 04:12

I have actually been searching for videos about why inventories are so unrealistic in games (especially RPG) and found this😅 So I think that would be a curious idea for you to consider as for one of your next videos, what you say?

@connormatthews522 - 02.12.2023 17:04

Wild how different our fallout 4 experiences were, what you disliked is what i liked, and i seemed to be encumbered all the time haha

@badgergaming5620 - 30.11.2023 20:39

I'm surprised he didn't mention how crafting and specifically material searching could be integrated better he briefly brings it up with subnatica and how you'll most likely be going out to look for something specific and only certain areas will have that material but that's it I mainly bring this up because of one of my personal top games horizon: zero dawn even though it has crafting the material searching is terribly done where you either need stuff that's takes to much effort to get like animal skins and bones or something that's to easy to get but you need to much of like wood or metal shards I found that by the time i have my first or second shadow weapon I normally just buy the material i need there's not much I can think for fixing these issues besides swapping the shop items like wood and other stuff for animal parts as well as making certain plants only grow in certain areas as there is already some of that but it could be better if it was more restricted and the gatherer skill better or even adding a second level to it like the scavenger skill i haven't play forbidden west yet and I've been avoiding spoilers like the plague so i don't know if some of these issues are solved in it or not but i hope they at least somewhat are

@nucance102 - 25.11.2023 22:00

Crafting has been a big thing in games since long before minecraft, rpgs in general popularized it but id say mmos and arpgs are the reason they are in so many games not minecraft

@Nexus-11 - 10.11.2023 06:01

This is a very thoughtful video! Thank you!

@Fast_and_Ferbious - 07.11.2023 00:23

I’m surprised you didn’t mention The Forest or Resident Evil 0-4. I feel like those have some of the best crafting systems ever

@agitatedtofu2511 - 02.11.2023 05:34

Vintage story, like minecraft, is very crafting focused, but the crafting is very indepth, you have to knapp flint and sgones for your first tools, and eventually actually forge and use a smithy to create your tools, armor, and some other stuff as well

@CDsNutsBud - 09.10.2023 04:30

Bro made a whole video about crafting and never mentioned the Atelier Series? The one Jrpg series where crafting is the most important part of the game????

@aftabsk - 05.10.2023 13:43

And then.....tears of the kingdom came out and change d EVERYTHINGGG !!!!

@cheydinal5401 - 27.09.2023 11:33

I mean, one way to make crafting complex is to have complex production chains, like in Astroneer or Raft

@cherubin7th - 24.09.2023 00:55

IMO it is just way too much overused. I like it, but not in every game.

@lonesurvivor8828 - 31.08.2023 04:18

The best use of crafting is to make a choice. Limit the supplies so the player must choose what to craft.

@nyperold7530 - 19.08.2023 04:38

Honestly, while I like ACNH, the crafting is a little odd sometimes. No matter what the item is, the character animation is always the same. Even if it's stacked documents, a pile of zen cushions, or medicine.

@Genda1ph - 10.08.2023 20:56

Go play Vintage Story, or some hardcore Minecraft mod.
Crafting is kind of pointless, because games never really balance for it properly.

@sebm.5930 - 09.08.2023 23:25

I actively acoid games with crafting in them if its the main progression system.

@goodtimesgivecancer1 - 08.08.2023 06:41

Never really crafted in any of the AAA "rpgs". Seems useless and tedious.

@MarkedThing - 07.08.2023 11:11

I have never played God of War (and probably never will) but I always thought that you obtain new weapons in the game by progressing with the story or something

@danpaz9485 - 05.08.2023 16:28

At least in Fallout New Vegas, crafting is completely optional, that the game doesn't force you to use it to progress a quest, but, it can be quite a powerful tool for making your builds stronger or for the early game if you need stuff as an added option that isn't mandatory.

@brickwallace99 - 30.07.2023 17:28

When I realized that battle items could knock enemies over in persona 5 the crafting activity became much more valuable, especially because you have limited opportunities to buy them

@Khroniclas - 29.07.2023 14:40

I hate how they ruined Farcry 6 with crafting mechanics that nobody wanted.

@segevstormlord3713 - 28.07.2023 01:56

The minigame that best works for crafting, in my opinion, is (unsurprisingly) Minecraft's. Arrange the materials in a pattern where the pattern AND materials are important to making a Thing.

I also think this could be used for more than JUST crafting. Imagine a superhero game where procedurally-generated missions are "investigations" that the players are doing. You get yourself a cork board with red string that you can upgrade with more space, or to a crime computer, or something else, and you collect "clue" items as one of the things on other missions or when out beating up random thugs as grinding activity. Then, you put the clues together to generate some of the seeds or bounds for the randomizer that puts together your procedurally-generated mission/quest/whatever! Instead of reading the newspaper or talking to a random guy in a bar or on a street corner, the narrative is that your PC has "discovered" a plot by piecing together his clues, and now has to go thwart it!

@EconaelGaming - 20.07.2023 13:43

Even Factorio's "crafting" is a recipe based combination of stuff.
The only "real crafting" I found in Factorio was the Space mod which had me tinkering around with logic gates to store energy in steam tanks to fuel the protective dome against the solar eruptions.
Factorio's main gameplay isn't about crafting, it's about optimization.

@EconaelGaming - 20.07.2023 13:31

If you had cold called me and asked me whether Fallout 4 had crafting, I wouldn't have had a sure answer.

@porterwake3898 - 19.07.2023 22:17

It is getting out of control now. I'm so sick of "crafting" games. Oh, you mean we can't make a good game so instead we will just make it take longer to get the things you need!

@AdamGaffney96 - 19.07.2023 17:13

I think there's a few different ways you can make crafting work. The thing that made Minecraft so rewarding in the early days was when you were able to memorise all the different crafting recipes, you felt like you were developing, learning and surviving. The fact that you didn't just need the items, but needed to put the items in the right configuration made it feel like a really engaging part of the game. Modern Minecraft doesn't have this anymore, but there are now so many items that I can also understand why the recipe book exists.

Another game I genuinely think did crafting well but for a different reason was Subnautica. Every craft had a purpose, almost every item in the game has genuine serious value. Not only that, but many of the items available for crafting are locked behind scavenging for fragments so that your system can actually figure out what is needed to create the item or vehicle or tool. More advanced tools and vehicles require fragments that are in more dangerous areas, therefore when you finally get the recipe and are able to craft the thing you wanted, it in itself feels like a serious achievement. That's something you don't get with a lot of crafting games, for most games the success feeling comes from when you use the item, whereas in Subnautica you already feel the success just from managing to craft the thing.

EDIT: I should've finished the video before commenting, but glad to see you also think Subnautica is a glowing example!

@arnavrajadhyax2580 - 19.07.2023 10:11

I love how he uses music from Rdr2 in his videos

@justme1195 - 30.06.2023 11:26

Hasn't warcraft worn this game mechanic of crafting into the ground?

@edomarugaming7169 - 22.06.2023 07:56

Now waiting for your review on totk. Your vid on botw hits the nails so looking forward to your totk one.

@Agigaherger - 15.06.2023 08:15

Good god this guy only plays the most popular slop

@justme1195 - 13.06.2023 19:13

My eyes glaze over when I discover the game has crafting.... such a waste of time, unless it's a survival type of game--when it actually makes sense

@binipped - 12.06.2023 19:55

These vids are ok, but I think they usually can always be summed up with the same thing you say yourself in them: "in my experience"

Idk how many times I've thought the same way as you in some of these games and then turned around and watched my family or friends play and see that they do craft or use items I would never bother with, often times with awesome results.

These work really good for looking at how YOU tend to enjoy games and the lens you use while playing them. But unfortunately it often feels like you're presenting some sort of evidence or fact, when in reality it's just your opinions and anecdotes.

I like them though, thanks for putting the time into making them.

@mineman633 - 07.06.2023 16:06

Not sure if he brings it up but who else crafts consumables, never uses them cause there is always a “better moment and I don’t want to waste them” and never use them

@pixelsbykris5494 - 06.06.2023 00:15

Watching this video reminded me of why I love the crafting in Fantasy Life for the 3ds so much. Granted, I think the game overall is phenomenal, but loving something hasn't stopped me from criticizing it, too (looking at YOU One Piece), and I gotta say. I genuinely love the crafting system/minigame in Fantasy Life. ❤️

@JVLawnDarts - 05.06.2023 19:05

Watching this after totk 2 years later is crazy

@Pompomatic - 01.06.2023 11:13

Dark Messiah had some really satisfactory smithing

@ZeMalta - 27.05.2023 00:07

A game that I like the way it does it, is Dragon Quest Builders.
For while there is some craftings that are simply en-masse, there are also some that are important and engaged, with the story, current mission and etc. We go out of the base getting ready and specifically towards a quest or for gathering specific materials.

@zhulikkulik - 11.05.2023 22:21

Crafting is dumb. In general. It's very hard to justify its presence in the game. Too little of it and it's pointless. Too much and it becomes a pain in the ass. As you said - in a lot of games it can easily be replaced by money and nothing will change.

Games where it makes sense are built around it. Like survival games or some RPGs.
In cyberpunk it's completely useless imho. You craft a weapon or armor and 10 minutes later you get a better one from the dead enemy or out of the container.
It's a bit more complicated when it comes to ammo because honestly - I like being able to choose which ammo to craft when I need it. But at the same time - it might as well just drop from enemies and be scattered around the world or I could just fast travel to a shop to buy it.
Also there's an immersive part. I really doubt you can make a pistol bullet outside of workshop with just two units of powder or something like that. But I could imagine crafting a shittier version of shotgun ammo with toolkit, empty shells, powder, old book/torn shirt and ball bearings.
But making believable crafting system is very hard. It's very tedious in real life and doesn't fit into a game. Also there's a problem of tools and resources. It's dumb to have one-use pliers and using two cans of powder to craft just 5 bullets and its even more dumb to have 9999 pickable tools scattered around the world when the player only needs one if you don't have any trading system.

@tylerward4386 - 11.05.2023 21:25

I normally conserve everythin my first playthrough since I only use them for real difficulty walls and would never want to go without if I actually needed it. Then by my second playthrough I've been forced to get so good that I never need them unless somehow it makes things noticably quicker. I only start crafting at the endgame normally if I even remember to.

@Aondeug - 06.05.2023 06:13

I think the Atelier games have my favorite crafting systems. Sophie 1's in particular I've liked out of the two I've tried I really love because of the little puzzle game you play with the ingredients. Which makes the kinds of ingredients you pick to use not just a matter of grade qualities and what the items do, but also one of "Can I even fit this shit in the grid?"

But like I think the main thing I like so much about the Atelier games beyond just being games based around crafting that have actually interesting crafting is that you aren't a big fancy adventuring hero or something. You're an alchemist and you're doing alchemist things. While there is combat systems in the games and while Ayesha does have more plot stakes than several of the other games you are still just an alchemist. And that, I think, matters more to me than the fun exploration progression loop of Subnautica, as much as I love it. Because I like being able to play as an alchemist. And that I think is what I ultimately want most out of crafting systems. I want to roleplay as someone who can do a skill.

@soerenbo - 02.05.2023 11:47

I've literally played 2 long playtroughs of Cyberpunks story + sidemissions without using the crafting system even once. A lot of these massive open world games have crafting and material systems that feel just plain useless or unnecessary, or even worse, like a chore. Often they are only relevant if you want to play a specific playstyle or if you really want to min/max certain character abilities, which are both not my type of playing a game. I'm more a "play what comes natural to me" type of guy, so if crafting doesn't feel like a core mechanic that i need or want I don't really use it.

Don't get me wrong, i'm definetly not generally against crafting, i love Games where it's well done or the core gameplay loop like the almighty Minecraft or Games like Valheim and I personally loved the basebuilding in Fallout 4 because it had so much potential to create something unique, where you almost feel like roleplaying even if I'm not really a roleplayer in games. I just don't like that it's just normal to have a crafting system nowadays in games, even if it doesn't contribute anything to the main gameplay loop or experience of the game/world.

@jahsuaroos5277 - 01.05.2023 18:04

Kingdom come deliverance has some of the best crafting in a game I’ve played. Can’t recommend that game enough.

@valence7 - 26.04.2023 00:44

Crafting was the thing that really made me hate Horizon Zero Dawn.

@ponderingForever - 20.04.2023 11:02

XIVs is pretty relaxing as you sit among adventurers going on their way or hunting out bosses for the next batch if its something rarer.

@MIAsuxdonkey - 18.04.2023 23:23

Ff14 best crafting in any game ANY GAME

I’m still trying to craft a lvl 50 high quality piece of fukn lumber….
