Why you should wait for marriage

Why you should wait for marriage

Taylor Alesia

1 месяц назад

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@thebiblechick - 16.06.2024 02:52

Praying you gained a new perspective and it encouraged you to want to walk into purity! 🙏✝️ see you for the next one! :)

@seandarby3770 - 08.07.2024 08:52

Sex On Man's Terms: using another and objectifying them, empty sex, strong potential for regret and even shame, risk of disease, risk of abortion, feeding your selfishness, self satisfaction could flow over into adultery, and (admit it or not) you have become a slave to the act and all its troubles when done on only your terms.
Sex On God's Terms: becomes an act of love (giving of oneself) in the commitment marriage, for any pregnancy there is a framework which can support (for the long haul), knowing and trusting your spouse minimizes if not eliminates the risk of disease, children can grow up knowing there is stability and security making them feel safe and wanted, there is a father and a mother who model the unique gifts of each sex - and children in these structures tend to fare better than those missing this, your higher intellect and will govern and guide your life (and the ego of the body does not upend a better life) ->Freedom.

@TJBocaDelJaguar - 08.07.2024 07:58

Thank you Taylor for sharing your relationship with God💝

@ricksergent7454 - 07.07.2024 19:28

Taylor, this is my first comment, but the Lord has shown this scripture to not have sex before marriage. There is a special blessing, I believe if you and your fiance or girlfriend retrain from sex. I believe if obedience is adhered to, their sex life will be blessed and enjoyable in their marriage bed. Proverbs 5:15-18-"15 Drink water from your own cistern, And running water from your own well. 16 Should your fountains be dispersed abroad, Streams of water in the streets? 17 Let them be only your own, And not for strangers with you. 18 Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice with the wife of your youth." So to sum this up Taylor, there is great motivation not to have sex, even though you know you will marry him or her, is to have a blessed and enjoyable sex life with your spouse. The devil will lie to a couple and say, what makes the difference? You are going to get married anyway! He is a liar and the father of it. Sure there are other reasons why a couple should save each other for marriage, but in my opinion, this reason can be lasting in the future marriage bed. God bless you, Taylor...

@jackw2362 - 05.07.2024 05:07

RIGHT! Obedience is strength and power. Jesus said "if you love me , you would obey me."

@LarryHollman - 03.07.2024 01:10

Not a good idea in general -many a Christian man who marries a Christian woman who ends up hating sex and the husband is stuck. The what??? Should the husband get the short end of the stick. Nothing worse than a husband who marries and his wife hates sex. We waited but I wouldn't advise it...

@joeywest554 - 02.07.2024 07:51


@SuperSirianRigel - 01.07.2024 07:01

I'm re-waiting for marriage as well. Ever since 2012. Pray for me. God has shown me I will be married. But He never told me when and waiting too finally have that blessing has been super hard.

@swipefn1931 - 01.07.2024 06:54

Very very courageous for you to say that you weren't able to wait for marriage and have to "rewait". I'm actually in the exact same situation. I want to be better and preserve myself for only one woman. My wife. Unfortunately I don't know who that wife is yet, but I know it'll be the one for me only.

@realalexmackenzie - 30.06.2024 23:34

I can attest to the wisdom of waiting, though with the perspective of experience. I'm a little past the age of 30... and 40... so I've had some years on the planet. I did not wait for marriage. I felt, at the time, that I was lucky to have many offers from the opposite sex. Even without the firm religious conviction at the time, I was still choosy about who I shared that with. However, even with a level of selectivity, I'm a fairly long way past virtuous.

Looking back, many of the problems I have had in life would have been almost completely avoided had I practiced intimacy only within the bounds of marriage. Important to understand, I'm not speaking of the commonly thought-of hazards of a more promiscuous life. I've never fathered a child. I've never contracted any unwelcome health effects. I've never been married, so I'm not speaking of extra-marital affairs. Those are all valid dangers, but even in spite of missing all of those, I can still list many unwelcome effects. And lest one think this is the result of poor partner selection... I mentioned being high enough on the desirability scale that I was able to be quite selective. Most of my partners were relatively high quality women (judgment aside about their choices around extra-marital relations), so I cannot even point to that as the reason for the regrets.

All that to say, even missing out on the commonly understood consequences, I can still say that I would have been further ahead in life, in all areas, to have gotten married, stayed married, and had intimate relations only in the context of that marriage. So for all of you waiting, stay strong!

@fxorigins6624 - 30.06.2024 15:24

Embrace Islam sister. The religion of Jesus and the prophets.

@jaybower577 - 30.06.2024 06:13

As a 53-year-old man who has been single and alone most of his life, I pray for all you young Christian singles. I allowed marriage itself to become an idol in my life and waited decades for a woman who never showed up. The truth is, God may not have a spouse for you. That idolatry led me into pornography and masturbation during those decades of loneliness. Cling to God and Jesus Christ and FLEE from sexual immorality of all kinds.

@TheJereld - 29.06.2024 19:59

This was perfect.

@phillipnoone8044 - 29.06.2024 17:01

LOVE this video ---- thank you! I have been waiting joyfully for over 5 years, I ENJOY it.
I highly recommend reading Song if Songs in The Passion Translation, it's all about JESUS & YOU.
Bye brothers & sisters ENJOY Jesus, he's the greatest blessing ✝️❤

@misaghkhosravi4541 - 29.06.2024 15:26


@AtiShard16 - 29.06.2024 04:42

I don't see the point in even discussing this when most men can't even get a first date.

@jpg6113 - 28.06.2024 19:16

Sex blinds our judgment, so many divorces and couples that have so much incompatibilities have began because of the rush blinding of judgment that sex causes

@m_jay5 - 28.06.2024 10:37

Waiting for marriage = no sexual baggage

@Polyester_Avalanche - 28.06.2024 08:21

"But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so DESTROYS himself." --Proverbs 6:32... When we casualize sex with partner after partner, we desensitize ourselves to its power, and we DESTROY our abilities to spiritually bond in the "one flesh" sense as God intended.

@cheret6879 - 27.06.2024 12:06

Marriage is a curse for men.

@OGtruthserum - 27.06.2024 11:11

The only American girls that wait for marriage now are Amish. Come to think of it, the fact that this isn't normal is really wrong. Like why isn't virginity sacred anymore?

@DBENTLEY369ig - 26.06.2024 23:25

To know love what attachment is have a life 😂

@Petteriks - 26.06.2024 15:59

I'm 44 and still waiting

Edit: How do you think you'd feel and what do you think you'd think if you'd be still waiting at my age?

I'm a man if it makes any difference.. I think it kind of makes for example I could still have kids.

@BoyettePainting - 26.06.2024 07:30

So encouraged by this, thank you! I’m 41, I lost my wife to cancer over 4 years ago and I’m rewaiting. Totally worth it! Living in His Will, longing for His coming. Keep it up, Don’t stop @thebiblechick

@krisp.vision - 25.06.2024 23:18

I don’t even believe in God but something tells me this is right. No matter any opportunities that come up I think being a virgin is just morally correct even though I have a hard time believing in Jesus because of the scientific evidence that goes against it. But in either case, religious or not, this is the right path.

@Hristiyan1991 - 25.06.2024 17:34

I know the feeling. 33 years old .Virgin. Never had a girlfriend. Maybe the main problem it is that I am introverted and from so much work I didn't put much effort to change my private life. But seems that have a good side. During the years I had a lot of opportunities but I was too shy or not really interested for a relationship at the moment. Here I am. Thinking about it and hopefully to change that in the close future. Thanks for the video, really putted some fresh positive side about the situation.

@pedrofilipedasilvafontes2779 - 25.06.2024 11:40

I have a really good book to recommend: Theology of the Body. It is great and complements greatly what you are saying. God bless!

@ChristianGuy7000 - 25.06.2024 02:44

Many Christian are liars anyway. Many teach wait for marriage, but they did it themselves. Many are liars, lol.

@alexa.ndrthegreat - 24.06.2024 23:02

I'm so glad you are open with all of these topics and are a good example of a christian woman. We need more women like you. God bless you.

@pedroderei - 24.06.2024 20:55

The pole of the world has changed significantly. Nowadays, people want to build easy relationships that are created at the level of the body or at the very least at the level of the soul.

The most lasting and most difficult relationships (God's marriages) are Spirit-Spirit relationships. This is the most difficult type of relationship and at the same time the most durable type of relationship 🙂

Nice content Taylor, greetings to you 🥰
May God bless You in Jesus' name

@unblindingfaith - 24.06.2024 19:12

Don't forget the part about you should remain a virgin while staying in your father's house until you are ready to marry. Deuteronomy 22:13-30 This CLEARLY states that if you happen to meet a man and have sex while you have this kind of status, you then are to marry. There's no condemnation that requires a blood guilt sacrifice in this case, so it's not a sin. RIP term "premaritial sex". Everything beyond this context can be considered "leaven of the Pharisees".

@iancarisi8342 - 24.06.2024 12:57

Lord forgive me, a sinner

@mediocreman2 - 24.06.2024 01:05

So you weren't willing to wait for the first many guys that you let inside you, and on camera nonetheless, but you're going to make the guy that you want to marry wait?? You're making your future husband pay for your past, but you didn't make any of those guys wait. If he has been virtuous, shouldn't he be rewarded with a virtuous woman and not someone who has been around the block?

@aaronmosa8015 - 23.06.2024 16:08

Jesus said ( I can do nothing on my own. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one/God/ who sent me, not my own will.). It is by the power and will of God not Jesus.

@Bayside_Metalcraft_Ltd_NZ - 23.06.2024 14:46

What is re-waiting? If you’ve already done the deed, the damage is done.

@michaelparylak5649 - 23.06.2024 13:43

I agree as long as that marriage does not include government contracts. If a contract between you and God isn't enough and perhaps your faith isn't strong enough 😉 a marriage contract means nothing to the almighty and a marriage contracts means nothing to a real man 🙂

@keitherickson8404 - 23.06.2024 11:32

if you are "re-waiting" does that make you a born again virgin? because at first I thought you were referring to simply waiting a long time to marry when the Bible teaches us to marry the love of our youth. also great reasons for that. in my day, girls might not be virgins but NOBODY ever boasted of 3 digit body counts. so gross. so de-valued. at many Universities there are girls who exceed that in 2 semesters. how did we get here? answer: FEMINISM. in fact that might be the root of most evil with money a length back in this degenerate society.

@jordanpama7202 - 23.06.2024 07:14

Be my wife

@jordanpama7202 - 23.06.2024 07:13

You and I

@jordanpama7202 - 23.06.2024 07:11

I am Filipino in the Philippines i need wife for God's Glory

@jordanpama7202 - 23.06.2024 01:35


@monger1558 - 22.06.2024 18:46

Devil to Eve: "Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden"
"You will not certainly die"

Today: "But did God really say you must wait till marriage"

@XXprimetimeKobeXX - 22.06.2024 15:52

Most of the bros rather settle now then be alone but I’m 100% on board with waiting until you find the right 1

@jimdigriz3436 - 22.06.2024 03:50

Waiting, and marrying for life is the way it’s been for millennia. FOR LIFE. Remember that.

@ScottRachelson777 - 22.06.2024 03:36

I think people aren't waiting for marriage because they don't think they will ever get married, especially in today's society. They also think sex is a cruel desire God gave his creation but prevented them from fulfilling it without suffering (except under very contingently difficult circumstances) the eternal condemnation of hell fire.

@Nykkynn - 21.06.2024 18:46

If God wants me married, I will be. I’ve stopped to realize the mess of a reality I’m in and that the only power to define a life with purpose is God, and therefore, people can hope but… God giveth, God taketh away.

@camerongeathers3830 - 21.06.2024 17:30


@laurabennet7693 - 21.06.2024 17:00

You know your Bible and God's heart! Nice job. Wish I had understood all this back when I was young. After 2 marriage messed, I waited and met my true husband at age 47. So worth the wait. Just celebrated 15 years. 🙌🥰

@tensorfeld295 - 21.06.2024 13:49

I like the book 'Good news about Sex and Marriage' by Christopher West
Do you know it?
