Why I'm Selling My Fractal FM9

Why I'm Selling My Fractal FM9

Jordan Steele

1 год назад

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This Guy
This Guy - 10.10.2023 18:09

I’m perplexed on why a bedroom guitarist like myself would even need anything more than the FM3. I’ve never owned any fractal units, or any modeler, so what are your thoughts? Is there something better?

Limi Sashimi
Limi Sashimi - 06.10.2023 00:27

Captor X 🤘🤘👍👍👍A must!! What would you get FM3 or Quad Cortex? Please help!!!

Brenno Lima
Brenno Lima - 02.10.2023 12:34

As far as I know, there's a gap on changing the presets in FM3, that's why I'm looking for an FM9. Is it a problem still? Or, is there something I can do to not have this little mute between a preset and another with FM3?

Lava1 Rain
Lava1 Rain - 01.10.2023 00:22

Torpedo two Notes has awesome Cabs in it. Everyone in it was better than the Line 6 Helix. I also conpared them to Guitar Rig and a few other software solutions for computer and it beat those too. Neural DSP has some plugins that are great and the cabs are good, But I still felt the Two Notes was better. I also have a H&K Grandmeister Deluxe 40 and the built in cab (Red Box) is great too, But overall Torpedo still wins.

Doug Bryan
Doug Bryan - 25.09.2023 22:58

Two Notes Captor X is the way

Decadent Devil
Decadent Devil - 20.09.2023 19:51

So if you get one of these you no longer play through an amp you just go through the loudspeaker system ?????

Surfrby - 19.09.2023 00:34

Good video , The Fractal FM 9 has been in my mind , but in reality I'm more of a minimalist , I don't need all of the bells and whistles , and I'm too ADD 😬But maybe a used FM 3 would be a good idea , anyway what is wrapped around your Les Paul headstocks on the wall ?

Gamutech - 18.09.2023 15:23

I have gone to Victory v4 amp pedals, now, my fractal and kemper are gone

Steve O
Steve O - 16.09.2023 23:06

Perfectly reasonable reason to sell. But, and chances are its already gone...I would not have sold it. I tried to get a fm3 when they were new. I waited on a list for near a year, gave up and got an axe3 with fc12 on a black friday deal. I knew what I was getting was serious overkill for my needs, but that extra headroom, cpu etc "should" buy me extra time and updates for a while longer. If I were to get something now, knowing what I actually use...I would get the 9, not the fm3. On a side note, I still wish they called them FN3 and FN9. Just say it out loud and you'll know why lol

Heu T
Heu T - 16.09.2023 09:27

Ok, oh right then. You just got a brand new Corvette with 750hp and you only want the Honda Civic with 125hp. Gotcha. 😅

Hans Hol
Hans Hol - 02.09.2023 13:50

all taste

Taylor - 30.08.2023 11:44

I think the FM9 is a bit big so I'd have the FM3 however, the FM3 does let you do dual amps.

Kevin Mitchell
Kevin Mitchell - 25.08.2023 19:08

Tone King Iron Man gives you a line out which you can process any way you like. Insert into your FM3 if you like.

Timur Iskhodzhanov
Timur Iskhodzhanov - 25.08.2023 07:45

Useful video, but should have been at most 3 minutes 🙂

Shahar Bar
Shahar Bar - 15.08.2023 06:16

I have the older Captor (not X), and it’s great for what it is, I use it as an attenuator and as line in into my DAW (Logic Pro X) and apply IR’s using IR plugin.

Jack american dreamer
Jack american dreamer - 14.08.2023 15:13

I love fractal Unit its my dream one day ive got one ⭐⭐⭐🎸🎸🎸🎸🌞🌞🌟🌟🌟🌟 I hope one day my dreams it comes true

Pitt Brat
Pitt Brat - 13.08.2023 11:40

Put some extra RAM, a nice keyboard and ... some new screen. Throw it on the second hand PC market then. Go on!

D G - 09.08.2023 07:05

Should sell the FM3 and keep the more capable FM9. As you grow musically, you can tap into more creativity.

Jonas Sabatini
Jonas Sabatini - 07.08.2023 04:15

Hey @Jordan, I did a similar thing I had the FM3 and the FM9. I sold the FM3, and I picked up a captor X and I can pair that with my victory, carol ann, or my Diezel. I like the flexibility of the virtual cabs and the IR's. The dual tracker is kinda gimmicky, but it's good as a speaker sim or an attenuator

Steve K
Steve K - 05.08.2023 21:57

So you use 9 buttons on the three button FM3 but you only use 5 buttons on the nine button on the FM9? WHat the hell dude?

Nateheadinup - 29.07.2023 01:58

If you like playing real cabs like i do using the fm3 , i found the KSR PA50 sounds absolutely awesome, Seymour PS 200 was second, Orange pedal baby on 3rd, owned all three and compared them back to back

Adhasky M.A
Adhasky M.A - 22.07.2023 12:05

I am still with my SD-1 & ODR-1 & a Marshall with 2x12 cab.

Stevie Knighten
Stevie Knighten - 14.07.2023 17:40

I have both the Quad Cortex and the FM9. The workflow on the QC just works better for me. There’s more effects and options on the FM9 but I don’t need that much.

Scott Peters
Scott Peters - 02.07.2023 09:44

I don’t know if you have considered this,but I use a load box with my amp,(Fryette PS2 or Fractal X-Load)and insert my amp into the AxeFXIII…this way,you are using the Fractal for IR’s,FX,Routing,etc,which sounds much better than the Captor X or OX,and is way more flexible…..I own,and have owned the TAE,OX,Captor X,Suhr Reactive Load IR……running my real amp into the Fractal is the best sounding solution I have found….

Chris Fegan
Chris Fegan - 02.07.2023 03:13

Good to hear, im in the same boat. On a waiting list but thinking of not bothering with a FM9. I have a FM3 with FC 6 joined and a Axe fX 3 in studio.. so not really getting anything more but spending a load of cash. I do hit the FM3 CPU DSP overload or close to it.. Just have to be a bit more precise with presets. The load box im using is the Fractal X Load , pretty good for what it does. Not much of a attenuator though but using it by going out of fractal with drive pedal into JCM 800 input (no effects return) then back into LOAD box then Axe FX 3 with speaker cab and FX gets some good results .. cheers

J Hamilton
J Hamilton - 28.06.2023 06:09

Please do a vid on your fm3 layouts / switches.

D G - 27.06.2023 20:12

I agree with Jordan. I sold my FM9 Turbo too. It was too big and heavy and like him, I only used a few of those switches. It sounded GREAT- amps and effects, etc., but I also really did not like the on unit UI. For $1800 including shipping, I wanted more. I did not lose a dime. I am now patiently waiting until they update the UI and hopefully release a FM6 so again, like he said, get a nicer smaller form factor, ideally more DSP power and 6 switches. I would even pay $1,999 for it. The online editor is fine but the current UI feels like 1980's tech. I could not live with that.

FYI, The FM3 is very inferior to the FM9- it is not the same. There is a list online where you can compare side by side. It' not just the extra 6 switches and DSP. Even the editor is better on the FM9- it share more of the AxeFXIII DNA.

Dragonsquare - 23.06.2023 11:55

Bang for buck Captor X is the one to get hands down. Ox sounds great, but its bigger has the weird PS and the only way to control it is a dodgy wifi connection.
I changed my ox for a captor x because the wifi annoyed me so much 😂

Obscure Guitar By Skip Neumann
Obscure Guitar By Skip Neumann - 22.06.2023 10:21

I would not sell it! You can have so much fun creating sounds and Cliff will never stop evolving the unit.

Paul Killion
Paul Killion - 22.06.2023 02:23

Thanks for the information.

OPRY MUSIC Store - 21.06.2023 23:15

I try to avoid anything with these crazy adapters. What a pain if you sell amps. They do this to save pennies rather than installing this stuff inside the amp chassis and it's so inconvenient to us all. Terrible especially on expensive products. If they do it right, we can rob a computer monitor cord for our amp in a pinch. It's really quite telling about a company's line of thinking imo.

Chris Wood
Chris Wood - 21.06.2023 21:30

I have a Torpedo Reload, Ox and Power Station. The PS is the best if you are going to use a cabinet. The Ox sounds killer if you use the built in cabs etc. As an attenuator into a cab it's not so great. If I was going to play out without a cab I would rack the Ox, I think it's better than IRs...just IME.

Doug Thompson
Doug Thompson - 21.06.2023 18:48

I have a Boss TAE and it is awesome. I would recommend it over the OX if you want to play live. It is not really an attenuator. It takes the signal from the amp and runs it through a solid state power amp (the Fryette Power Station does the same thing, but with a tube power amp). You can adjust the reactive load to fit the amp you’re using, so it doesn’t sound or feel digital at all. It has built in Compression, Delay, Reverb, EQ. It also uses a standard power cable.

Kalajarvi - 21.06.2023 18:34

I am speechless watching your Mafia style leather sofas. Where did you get those? What was the price? Name and model? Thank you.

PS. I love the color on the walls. The glass door etc. Very nice room.

William Baumgartner
William Baumgartner - 21.06.2023 18:31

I've heard good things about the Fryette Power Station. It might be something to put on your list of things to consider.

Cherry Sunburst
Cherry Sunburst - 21.06.2023 18:15

Many people think the FM3 is good enough, the FM9 is not absolutely necessary!

Shmeddlin Praker
Shmeddlin Praker - 21.06.2023 18:09

Hey man. You're a wonderful player and beautiful soul. Huge fan and hope you're well.
