Fox Sailor - A World of Knights and Dragons

Fox Sailor - A World of Knights and Dragons

My Soul Your Beats

3 года назад

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@Master_K14 - 09.12.2021 12:51

Does anyone know where this thumbnail is from?

@user-yt2rw6yp9m - 26.10.2021 06:40


@Chocobooo92 - 12.07.2021 21:41

the best part of it is artwork! I love it!

@cool98able - 14.06.2021 20:19

That cloverfield monster roar though lol , awesome music by the way , uplifting and motivational.

@kiss6917 - 15.04.2021 21:00

AOT vibes

@ithamicc5852 - 09.04.2021 16:32

This is could be very cool if this song in an AMV (anime music video)/animation that with Medieval theme and someone create it by his/her own... Fox Sailor's song is really a Masterpiece

Honestly, i really love his song.. His Song really inspires me to Create more.

@Leviathansgard - 31.03.2021 15:17

What's better than a world of knights and dragons ? Exactly. A world of knights riding dragons.

@LunaCorart - 07.03.2021 02:13

Is that bitch litterally using two ultra greatswords...what kinda disgusting strength build are they running?

@zerotrig8331 - 20.11.2020 10:17

i know ppl like under boobs and stuff.
but everything about that chest plate is wrong, not that i'm complaining,
however u're literally wearing a chest armor that has a hole that basically tells ppl to stab u there. most likely through ur guts and lungs if the sword is wide enough..

@reapordeath - 28.10.2020 05:46

A tale to regale those with souls of adventure.

Belarus was naught but a mortal man. Yet he sought to fell himself a dragon. The king of beasts!

This tale may seem tall, but I witnessed it through to the end!

Belarus was not a strong fighter, he was scrawny and lacking a mentor. Until some kids and a tall and blackened armored knight came wandering into town.

Belarus took to the two kids, twins they were, and played with them. He talked to the knight, and the knight helped him out, gave him a rightly good spanking with a sword!

The boys took a liking to young Belarus himself, and wanted to see him take on the mightiest beast himself, so the old knight took him away into the woods, the boys following eagerly like dogs on a hunt.

Months passed, we took Belarus for dead. The seasons changed from the heat of summer, to the cool of autumn. But when that young man did come back, he had certainly gained strength, scrawney he wasn't any longer! The young Belarus id watched march into the forest had perished, and replaced by this sculpted physique of a God!

Twas sometime later, but the boys and that dark clad knight did come back, though. When they rounded yonder with beaming faces, Belarus lit up like a pyre, he did!

It wasnt long fore the night, and he was gone. "Off to slay a dragon, papa!" He called to me, as he walked down the trail, the boys and that knight following behind.

I knew it was unwise to let me own kin walk away, I did. I chased after to be there for me boy. If he would be eaten by that dragon, I would too! What parent would ever watch their child even do such a thing? A bad one, thats who!

We walked for the few days to the mountainside, mt. Evervill, home of that nasty dragon. Oh it weren't so bad, the dragon ate our livestock, and the occasional villager, but shant be worse than dealing with nasty bandits eh?! Hahahahaha!

Anyway, im getting to that good part, settle down settle down...

So, we get to that cave, where yonder a dragon be, a cave made by scorching heat and claw and tooth, certainly the lair of a dragon is not made naturally. The beast inside that damp and dark cave left a horrendous smell, but burnt stone and even in winters early frosts, the cave entrance was warm and we began to sweat! That poor dark knight must have been miserable, but he made naught sound nor complaint. A real stoic knight he was!

We entered that cave, breathing that horrendous smell. We fought to keep our dinner, and not become dinner ourselves.

My boy stood face to face with that beast, the king of beasts, and he felled it with a single mighty blow!

Ah I'm just kidding! I can tells ya lot about that magnificent fight, but if you wanted that bit of detail, im gonna need some 'incentive...' eh?

A good story always leaves an old man like meself with a parched throat and an empty belly!

...anyway... and so....

@beowulfarsene3687 - 25.10.2020 07:11


@pelandes3549 - 14.10.2020 12:25

I could do with this song playing in the background while Knight Spamming on Age of Empires II.
I might get a playlist going for such occasions.

@pen4997 - 14.10.2020 03:21

In a ship in the air was a crew of misfits, and in front of the ship was two people,

"Looking down from the sky I can see a world..." Says the Captain, "Oh? And what kind of world do you see Captain?" Says the Traveler,

"A World of Knights and Dragons, A World Where Legends are Born" Says the Captain.

"You mean like the one we're about to create?" Says the Traveler with a smirk making the Captain smirk too "You're damn right!".

ROOOOOOOAR The Dragon finally appeared flying towards the ship.

"EVERYONE! PREPARE YOURSELVES CAUSE WE'RE ABOUT TO MAKE A LEGEND!!!" Says the Captain as he draws his sword as he runs back to his post.

"OHHHHHHHH!!!!" Everyone aboard shouted and prepared for battle.

The Traveler Smirks and looks down from the sky.

This was a World of Knights and Dragons, A World Where Legends are Born, A World of Stories, and Fantasy.

"And since we're in this kind of world, CHA-CHING LET'S GET TO MAKING LEGENDS!" The Traveler shouts with a grin and loads their Gun Lance ready for the Confrontation.

In this World of Knights and Dragons, Let a Story of Legend be Born.

@SthefanyMello. - 03.10.2020 03:10

I love it. It is deep and liberating. Thank you,

@animemusicloverxd3917 - 01.10.2020 11:35

This should be in an anime music.

@arturobanuelos9189 - 30.09.2020 18:03

oh my gooodddnesss

@wesleyMAISgames - 30.09.2020 15:57


@agentanonymous7254 - 28.09.2020 21:19

"This world needs a hero." Her voice cut through my thoughts. I scowled.
"I know it does, but I can't do it."
"Yes you can. You've done amazing things."
"No I have not! All of that was luck!"
"Was it now?"
"Yes!" I glared at her and stomped to the other side of the room, wishing she could leave and let me mallow in my selfish thoughts. Didn't I deserve to be selfish, after all I had gone through?
"I'm not asking you to do anything," she whispered. "But I know you can do it, and I know you want to do it."
"You don't know me," I snapped. She gave me a long, penetrating look and left. I sat down heavily on the floor. I stared at my sword, its blade coated in dried blood. I stared at my awards, shining brightly on the wall. I remembered the enthusiasm I had when I first got them, how determined I was that I would make this world a better place. I sighed. She was right. I did want to be a hero. I had always wanted to, right from when I saw my mother die in front of my own eyes. I wanted to make sure nobody else had to suffer like I had. I stood up and grabbed my sword.
"Fine," I grumbled to her as I entered her room. "I'll be the hero this stupid world needs." She smiled.
"I know you will."

@liansea2368 - 28.09.2020 17:23

First time I thought she is black magician girl with legendary dragon

@iamspeedwoof - 27.09.2020 16:50

When you get hit by a horse and instantly isekai'd....

"OH, you're finally awake..."

@zarulazhan1742 - 26.09.2020 15:40

That intro. I am in love

@reubenlyimo - 25.09.2020 18:58

A world of knights and dragons
land of clashing metal and scorching flame

tales of fame and glory
terrors of disaster and death

guardians of legend
monsters of myth
born through eons of warfare

weapons on both sides
grow ever stronger
in scale and in power

armour on both sides
made with material
rarer than the last

a never ending battle
to defend ones homeland
to live more one day
to satisfy ones instinct
to survive one more age

this is the world of knights and dragons

@unknownuser611 - 25.09.2020 15:44

closing eyes while creating ur own imaginary story

@boom-wj1gt - 25.09.2020 03:01

Welp I found something that excided the glorious two steps from hell

@retrolion4983 - 25.09.2020 02:02

this sounds like Okami

@sicklesorcerer1242 - 25.09.2020 01:32

I am curious to know how the hell that helmet is supposed to work, but good music and art all the same!

@PrinceOfTheSkyguard - 25.09.2020 00:27

06.27 , that's the time when magic starts.

@Limeayy - 24.09.2020 20:06

beautiful ost.

@drowsy4312 - 24.09.2020 19:31

The 2 dislikes lmao

@outsiderd - 24.09.2020 18:11

Thank you

@LordWafflePizza - 24.09.2020 17:58

Great job keep up the work

@FreedomAndPeaceOnly - 24.09.2020 16:31

" Kobayashi's Dragon Knight "

@reimoo4444 - 24.09.2020 15:04

Aaahh yees


@initialshy2964 - 24.09.2020 12:01

Indonesian language
Me: ini alat musiknya apa?

This is flute?saksopon or what

@noticemesenpie69 - 24.09.2020 10:08

from who and what mobile game is the thumbnail?

@goldensavior1777 - 24.09.2020 09:51

This is an amazing piece, its very nice to listen too~

@0XGRiMM - 24.09.2020 07:22

This music deserves to be in a trailer or as part of an OST for a game. Truly worth listening for more than once!

@PNut8421 - 24.09.2020 05:33

That dragon roar gave me chills. This is amazing music.

@AstralqueEpoch - 24.09.2020 05:02

Ya'all like medieval because the Bard be jamming hard in the tavern. Raise a glass for the Bard!

@Wings_Of_Nightfall - 24.09.2020 04:11

It ain't easy being a hero, especially in a world where that's basically what you become once you're of age. The order of the Knight doesn't open itself to just any person. You gotta show it why you deserve to be a part of it. Well… dragon slaying is common practice nowadays, but it still ain't easy. Despite the countless revisions to the gameplan, those cunning lizards always are two steps ahead. No magic, no weapon, no strategy… nothing can lead to a guaranteed victory over one of the elder gods. Ah, don't let the apparent impossibility stop ya from trying your luck! Each one of them have their own sets of strengths and flaws. It takes a sharp mind and a keen eye to spot the path to the brute's demise. Now then, with that out of the way, let's head out now! Wouldn't want to get left behind now.

@alexanderriveraguzman2181 - 24.09.2020 03:48

Ufff esto necesita ser usado en un buen videojuego o película si es que aún no lo ha hecho :3

@Redshoess - 24.09.2020 03:17

A world with humans.
A world with knights.
A world with magic.
A world with gods.
A world with evil.
And a world with dragons.
What could possible go wrong?

@potionofminorhealing2683 - 24.09.2020 02:33

Fox Sailor is criminally underrated. Hope his music starts getting more attention.

@ImSoKishi - 24.09.2020 02:13

Welp off to go play ffxiv and skyrim modded to hell.

@ruininomiya2322 - 24.09.2020 02:05

I love her armor and the song fits her so well and to add she looks beautiful i love it

@Ceify - 24.09.2020 01:52

Dual two handed @-@

@firsttiersongs73 - 24.09.2020 01:51

Very good, as always.
