Every App Tiago Forte Uses

Every App Tiago Forte Uses

Tool Finder

2 года назад

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@moreproductive - 09.12.2022 15:52

Oh hey! 👋🏼

@fpl8681 - 15.03.2023 18:05

elon musk is looking a bit different here

@VladyslavKL - 18.09.2022 07:10


@BizTechSherpa - 23.08.2022 03:50

Honestly, while I get that execution is more important than the apps, I am underwhelmed with the list, other than maybe Notion (which I do not use); the list seems likes 2018. Wow, I wrote this abut did not click "Comment" to post, and they referenced 2012 - probably more accurate. And to be fair, people who use paper can be more productive ad reliable than the latest and greatest.

@lucasmaia_5 - 11.08.2022 18:19

Tiago Forte which app is used to SpaceX management?

@MayFuji - 08.08.2022 03:05

"It's a 2010 stack" I felt that in my core. It just works and it's reliable. I really tried using Notion and more then one time and it didn't work. I go for simplicity.

@BartekDziedzictv - 29.07.2022 12:18

Instapaper is like your private newspaper ehich your read when you have free time, where you are your own newspaper editor.

@randomthings8057 - 24.07.2022 17:04

I want to know what that article is that inspired them people to create superhuman

@triyasmith4519 - 17.07.2022 05:25

This is great! I was wondering about Tiago using both Instapaper to catch all the read/audio stuff but also Evernote? I thought Evernote was the catch all?

@hiddenlivespodcast - 15.07.2022 22:11

I used Evernote for 12 years. I had to leave about a year ago when the app was no longer native and it became this laggy, buggy machine. The friction of loading Evernote for even 5 seconds was too much to make it worth it.

@ProductivePM - 15.07.2022 13:43

Tiago is my indirect mentor for information management. Just a great guy . . .

@itseduardoorozco - 14.07.2022 23:25

Why does the video look so yellow

@Hi-HK - 04.07.2022 15:32

WOW! he collaborated with Elon Musk

@Greatscott24 - 01.07.2022 22:05

That moment when you just finish making Obsidian your second brain and learn that Tiago uses Notion.

@yousuckmorethanido - 26.06.2022 15:29

dislike because of obsidian logo

@imad1996 - 25.06.2022 11:01

A second brain 🧠. One, two or event hundred brains, this not the point. The point is how efficient and effective that would. Knowlege management has always been a good topic that helps individuals and organizations. A second brain is catchy title but it is all about how you store and manager knowledge. Then your single brain does the analysis.

@StrategyInformer-sjgold - 24.06.2022 05:58

So Merlin Mann the "creator" of inbox Zero has basicly turned away from it and said its not the best system at all and should not be used. What do you guys think about that? How do you counter his points.

@shawnsmith7009 - 23.06.2022 14:54

That colour-grading isn’t ideal.

@DanielTimoteo - 23.06.2022 10:37

Great interview! A little suggestion,next time use a less sepia LUT it is a bit washed out but it's visible your constant evolution in production.congrats

@John7No - 20.06.2022 08:32

although the video it self is pretty ok, I had to downvoted because of thumbnail clickbait.

@ThaidUp - 20.06.2022 05:25

The Tone of the video matches the selection of apps. I am a fan of Tiago’s work and already bought the audio book buy have a whole set of modern set of apps that I implement Tiago’s processes

@hansimeier6587 - 18.06.2022 21:14

I have been on Evernote for more than 10 years. - So how detoxication is going?

@raphaelstanzani - 18.06.2022 01:22

Excellent chat Francesco!! great job!

@sabriilies7424 - 17.06.2022 18:25

I see that all of you abondonned Dynalist app 🥲

@justinmeader - 17.06.2022 17:48

I love Tiago, but he's using what I call "The Boomer Stack" here 😂

@DebraBeeVideos - 17.06.2022 11:20

Great video, but I found the vintage tone super hard to watch - I felt like I was watching something slightly out of focus.

@thekreport3270 - 17.06.2022 03:11

The only problem with Things 3 is it is not on windows yet

@BrixsDNAfortnite - 17.06.2022 02:14

- OMG!! I Really don't like the sepia tone of the vid 🤯 (still watching the rest, but had to let it go in the comments).
- Oh yeah! Things, Tiago. You mention speed and is the first time I hear someone bringing it on as a TOP feature (besides me), and that's its huge strength, IMO.
- The NO hammer: that should become a book's name.

Great interview, Francesco!

@PedroGameiro - 16.06.2022 19:47

i'm a bit confused, so Tiago uses Evernote so... what are the advantages to use other software to capture articles as Instapaper over the evernote webclip? Thanks

@wab6556 - 16.06.2022 18:52

Can we receive time stamps for this video?

@darwincruz20 - 16.06.2022 18:49

Great to see Tiago in this channel again

@glensavory11 - 16.06.2022 18:44

I’ve purchased the Audible version of Tiago’s book. Looking forward to listening to it.

@CCV334 - 16.06.2022 18:02

Not gonna lie the thumbnail of Obsidian being crossing out triggered me to click the vid.

@akhildraksharapu - 16.06.2022 17:58

Why the warm & vintage colour grading tho?

@andricheli - 16.06.2022 17:56

I agree with Tiago, it's often not the tools but YOU (the person) as the cause for something not working. I use Apple Reminders right now and it's productive for me because I have built a process around using a task management app. I could replace it with any app and I would probably be the same. The productivity is in my process, not the app.

@keepproductive - 15.06.2022 16:04

Such an honour to be chatting in-person with Tiago
Really hope every enjoys this as much as I enjoyed chatting and bantering! :)

Francesco ✨
