The Art of Photography

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@lostintransitphoto - 24.03.2017 10:11

Here is my question: The movie Funny Face was loosely written about you, with you working on the set. How accurate does it describe the relationship you had with the magazine's publishers? Avedon is known to have made magazines with his eye for art and fashion but how much influence did these publishers have on him?

@MargaretWong - 24.03.2017 14:38

Seeing Avedon's work displayed large in Canberra, in the Australian National Portrait Gallery, was an unforgettable experience! How did he get to choose his subjects?

@silverleafcookies - 24.03.2017 14:43

I am so excited to find your channel, I was led here because of your piece on Richard Avedon. I saw the American West in Boston in 85 I believe. It has been with me artistically ever since. So when I had the opportunity to shoot a portrait in a home which this approach seemed perfect I went for it producing three images for them about three weeks ago. So to see this video. Tada. Thanks so much glad I landed here!!!!looking forward to your continued explorations. I also just did a surrealist piece using red as the sparkle point. That's some weird timing on both

@simonlew6515 - 24.03.2017 15:22

Hey Ted, what about more on the Artists Series...... thanks

@JonathanAcierto - 24.03.2017 15:27

I would ask Avedon these questions:
1) Which artist (photographer or non-photographer) do you consider is your biggest influence?
1) What's your favorite body part to photograph?

@peterb2538 - 24.03.2017 17:47

Once again, an insightful and stimulating video Ted. Thanks for helping me to question my own motivations every time I pick up a camera.
A question for Richard Avedon: when you were shooting your subjects in The American West, did you feel you were one of them, or did you feel like you were observing them from an outsider's perspective and (OK, sorry, a second question...), how did your sense of that relationship impact on how you worked?

@peterbarna6151 - 24.03.2017 21:37

Love the idea of going deeper. My question for R. Avedon about The American West would be: "When taking photographs back then, did you struggle with concerns about suffering a backlash? Like people will perceive these images negatively for some reason? That the whole thing would be somehow misunderstood?"

@DigifilmShooter - 24.03.2017 22:41

Richard Avedon a true artist of photography! I only wish that I could see the exhibition in person, but sadly I live in the UK. Excellent collection of videos exposing people to some of the most creative photographers to have lived. Keep up the good work.

@danielboulton922 - 25.03.2017 02:27


I'm sorry but you say aluminium wrong.

Peace and love

- Dan from Harlow in the UK

@DiviPhotos - 25.03.2017 03:09

great video

@TLPresnell - 25.03.2017 06:01

I would like to know what it was like to go from photographing celebrities to these working class people? Did he prefer one over the other? What were the similarities and differences between working with these two seemingly opposite subjects?

@daboo2 - 25.03.2017 07:03

Oh, man! This will be a great series.

@codycouture1 - 25.03.2017 10:01

Given his relationship with the higher echelons of society, I would ask Richard Avedon what similarities and difference he saw between the people who were wealthy and those who were the subjects of "In the American West" who were clearly less privileged.

@jvrkruger - 25.03.2017 21:49

Mr Avedon, you seem to have mastered the art of posing your subjects and directing them to produce a "decisive moment", revealing a little slice of their souls. How did you manage to do that so consistently? Any tips would be much appreciated. Ps. Do we get free Leica's when we get to heaven? With all my respect and gratitude!

@TheTerminalExpress - 26.03.2017 05:00

Notice the lack of shadows

@josuerodriguez1992 - 26.03.2017 08:11

I would want to know how he was able to get these people to be so open to him. These photographs look like they were taken by someone who had earned an immense trust. How can you do that with your subject, especially when they may be so different from yourself?

@sbai4319 - 26.03.2017 14:48

Dinnertime questions. How do you keep inspired and creative? Could you please invite two other photographers whose work inspires you to join us at dinner?

@amenlu - 26.03.2017 17:13

Ted, would you share which camera you use to make this videos? the quality is absolutely perfection.

@tabihat0294 - 26.03.2017 20:29

Great video. Really enjoying your videos that cover some of the great photographers in the history of photography. Would love hear your thoughts and see a video on Rodney smith if you don't have one that already exist.

@AnthonyMunyi - 26.03.2017 22:47

I absolutely love your plan to dive deep into the works of photographers, Ted! I can't wait to see how it goes!

Dinner with R. Avedon.
Me: How 'close' were you to your subjects in 'American West'? How did your relationship with them affect the portraits which came out of it?

@danbishop3891 - 27.03.2017 18:37

Frame of mind? Connection? Get in the zone? I would like to ask Richard what does he personally do right before he goes out to take the shot. Ted, I've always wondered how and what other photographers do if anything to prepare to go out like an athlete physically stretches before the race. How do photographers get in the zone? I personally do Quick Coherence, a short heart meditation, to get myself centered on the inside.

@AnalogProcess - 28.03.2017 06:19

Interesting that you chose this body of work! It's been heavily criticized during - and after - it's opening reception for it's exploitive nature of the people within the images.

@JohnABurik - 28.03.2017 23:19

Mr. Avedon, as fashion photographerI like the b and w photos. My idea and please comment o n it, A b and w photo of a woman that is stunning. A shoulder shot, head tilted juusst a little bit down.She is wearing an off the should white top. she has no smile. wearing a see through just shaded Black Val/ White back round. Can I have an observation from you?

@cheralynn4417 - 29.03.2017 00:00

How did you get some of these people into your studio in the first place? Surely they would have cleaned up a bit if the shoot was planned, so I assume they weren't exactly scheduled in advance. What did you say to motivate them to drop what they were doing and take the time to be photographed the way they were in the moment?

@stitch_u_ation - 29.03.2017 23:37

Question I would like to pose to Richard Avedon: So much of your photography has such movement in the images, a life jumping off of the page. What was your thought process to make the choices you did with "The American West" with the images so much more fixed and truly juxtaposed to the grandeur of the fashion photography.

@DoleBanana - 30.03.2017 04:48

My question to avadon would be: How do you illicit such emotion and when do you know to click that shutter?

@jeremiahwat1 - 30.03.2017 20:12

If I could ask Avedon a question, it would be "What is your philosophy of photography?"

@3BMEP - 01.04.2017 13:50

Very much appreciate this video, Ted. Thank you. Had occasion to see an Avedon exhibit in Philly not long ago, and remembered why I got into photography in the first place: when done well, it's magical.

@DianeHardingA2Z - 02.04.2017 04:53

To Mr. Avedon:  What prompted you to start  this particular series and how did you know when it was finished?

@jeremybrake6718 - 02.04.2017 23:26

Dear Richard Avedon what was some of the things (photographs, books, life situations) that you would call seriously influential in your life, I already know of the Munkasci photograph and the death of his father being a few, but I would be interested in knowing what other things there were

@CBromfield - 04.04.2017 23:59

Mr. Avedon, Did you ever take a series of photos or photo, hate it, put it to the side, return to it at a later date, and with new eyes/perspective, fall in love with the image you first hated?
What photography equipment (other than the camera) , is your favorite and has aided you in taking photos (in studio or out and about)?

@walnutstreetphotography1145 - 05.04.2017 08:54

Hey Ted! Love your videos please keep making them :) I tried to look for a way to email you but couldn't find it so I'll try to make this a concise comment. I do commercial and consumer photography to pay the bills but I would love to specialize in art photography and I don't know the best way to do this. How does an art photographer make money? Any thoughts? Thanks!! -Noah

@krishnansrinivasan830 - 06.04.2017 09:56

Ask a question to Late Richard Avedon, Well Thanks for The Art Of Photography for having created this opportunity.!
Question to Richard : What do you see deep down in your heart beyond the status of celebrity & Working class people ? What made you to cast them ?

@ErenMortel - 08.08.2017 18:10

now i get why victoria likes his photos...

@adamalexandru9414 - 17.03.2018 02:06

Yes here iee

@aaroncarter8845 - 09.04.2018 08:30

Is that an MS-20 in the BG?

@halval548 - 08.08.2018 22:02

his portraits doubtless are good. nonetheless they do not rank amongst the greatest. a truly great portrait is one you look at every day for years without diminution of pleasure. I have in my possession what I consider the greatest portrait photo ever taken. It only took 30 years to nail it."Catoptric image of the mien of the metaphysician".

@cincinnatijones - 25.09.2018 22:22

Hey Ted where can I find your deep dive into the American West series? Thanks for the great content man!

@andy8165 - 25.11.2018 23:32

WOW!! just came across your Channel and thoroughly enjoy every episode. Thanks so much. 

I particularly love anything related to Avedon. His "In the American West" series inspired me while studying photography at Ryerson University. It has inspired a personal odessy that has spanned more then 20 years and over 10 countries (self funded). I bring my white sheet to parks and plazas and always imagine Avedon meeting the subjects and perhaps feeling the absolute rush and humility that I feel. Its so interesting that people like you and me and many others can love this series SO MUCH, while others are almost...offended?

I would want to ask him why he thinks some people are afraid to look at these portraits? Why is honesty, character and individuality so scary to some people? Is it fear of the unknown?

Perhaps it would be a wonderful short doc, and an ode to Avedon to ask people these questions today, whether they be gallery curators, subjects, relatives etc. Thanks for doing what you do!!

@elireturns516 - 25.10.2020 12:34

Very nice viedeo thank you for the inspiration!

@amv7m - 16.01.2021 06:22

One question I’d ask is, “was there ever a time in your photography career where you doubted your work? A time that you maybe lacked a bit of confidence?

@howardkoor2796 - 12.05.2021 11:58


@danskehans - 08.06.2021 01:18

Having had a lifelong love affair with the West and having tried to interact and photograph random people out there myself, I would ask Mr. Avedon how he established the first contact and how he interacted with them during the session.
PS: I am new to your channel and just want to say that I like your style, intellect - and the lack of hype and dumb background music!

@WilliamPayneNZ - 19.03.2022 06:15

@The Art of Photography Ted this would still be a fantastic video series I’d love a video of you going over the In the American west series even though this video is quite old now.

@kidsfriends8269 - 20.04.2022 15:01

My question would be: How do you decide the crop on your portraits? I just got one of his photo books an find his cropping pretty unconventional. It works but I can’t figure out the pattern behind it if there is one.

@simonshaffer - 27.12.2022 15:24

Great film, I’ve been inspired. Thanks.

@robertbutts8866 - 20.02.2023 13:26

Wow great photographer... I could imagine seeing his work in person.. like Paul Gauguin .. seeing copies but in person was breath taking

@derekblasberg - 15.03.2024 18:47

Great video! I'm a lifelong Avedon fan and I've worked with his family foundation on several exhibitions, and yet I will never stop enjoying hearing how his work, especially the American West, has been an inspiration

@neulaa - 15.03.2025 12:11

What happened to this series?
