Underrated Epic Fantasy | The Forgetting Moon by Brian Lee Durfee

Underrated Epic Fantasy | The Forgetting Moon by Brian Lee Durfee

Petrik Leo

1 год назад

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Martin Hernandez
Martin Hernandez - 13.07.2023 01:57

I bought forgetting moon when it came out, but held off reading it for a long time. Its a big book which makes it intimidating, and at the time there wasn't a lot of reviews to show if it was worth the time. There was also the risk of it not being completed due to it originally being scheduled for 5 books, and cut to 3. Now in 2023 with the series completed I started it, and I am SO glad I waited. With the entire story available I am just DEVOURING the pages as fast possible. SUCH AN UNDERRATED FANTASY SERIES!!!

Linda Fletcher
Linda Fletcher - 15.05.2023 21:54

Half way thru the first book and Im hooked. So far its lived up to the recommendation

Trace Jefferson
Trace Jefferson - 29.03.2023 12:49

Thanks Petrik, I've just bought the first two after this review 😊

Ulf Lilienthal
Ulf Lilienthal - 13.12.2022 20:39

Loved The Forgetting Moon and just started The Blackest Heart. Recently received The Lonesome Crown so plan on reading the entire series back to back. Will probably invest in the Audio Version as well as I love re-reading these big epic series via Audible for a 2nd read. I catch a lot of things I missed on my first read that way.

Matt Amant
Matt Amant - 10.12.2022 19:43

I just started this book 2 days ago and it's hard to put down.

Holly’s Reading Rambles
Holly’s Reading Rambles - 24.11.2022 16:38

I’m really interested in reading this but the size does put me off a little😂. Hopefully when the final book comes out I will read it.
Great video, Petrik🥰

Chris From Hawaii
Chris From Hawaii - 13.11.2022 02:48

Totally agree. This is a great series and a throwback (of a sorts) to epic fantasy of the past.

jadapandy - 30.10.2022 03:37

Solid two books. Looking forward to 3rd one.

Ang S
Ang S - 24.10.2022 03:21

I have had this sitting on my tbr for years and added The Blackest Heart when it came out. I have been trying to finish a couple other series before starting it so I can fully focus on it. I tried the first chapter a while ago and was really drawn in. I am really excited to pick it up now hearing how much you enjoyed it, even on a re-read.

Simon Suarez
Simon Suarez - 24.10.2022 00:41

Hi Petrik,
Will you do a series wrap-up once you have read and finish the series?
I would be interested in hear your thoughts. For instance, if the series sticks the landing and whether or not the conclusion is managed well.
I'm curious about the series. The reviews made by Mike's book reviews and The Fantasy Nuttwork, drawn my attention. Mainly due to the holy books theme.
Thank you Petrik!

Shean Abston
Shean Abston - 23.10.2022 06:39

Just Bought the first two books based on your recommendation Petrik, I am sure I am going to love it you haven’t lead me wrong so far..haha.

Rekindled Reader
Rekindled Reader - 22.10.2022 17:15

Definitely hope to read this next year, Petrik. Nice video :)

Graciano Corona
Graciano Corona - 22.10.2022 06:44

You did such a good job recommending that it is now out of stock everywhere!😅 too bad for us physical readers.

Joylynn06 - 21.10.2022 17:13

I have this on my TBR. My preference is to read long epic fantasies in the winter months. I'm excited to read this. I love a good prophecy in my epic fantasies. It works for me every time!

Justin Hight
Justin Hight - 21.10.2022 11:36

Just finished this a couple months ago. Incredibly underrated! Its shocking that's it's not huge like Michael j Sullivan's books or John Gywenn or something. It's right up there. Anyone watching this video or seeing this comment,just go out and get the books soon as you can. You won't be disappointed

Red Fury Books
Red Fury Books - 21.10.2022 00:32

This has been on the TBR awhile. I really need to get to it soon!

SeamusB90 - 20.10.2022 23:41

I read this and didn't love it but decided to read the sequel some time later on a whim. I was wrong these are great books and the sequel is easily one on the best book I read in the last 5 years

Cm Mosher
Cm Mosher - 20.10.2022 21:21

It's been a fun read so far. I have been reading slowly but it has been worth keeping on.

Madlands Media
Madlands Media - 20.10.2022 21:01

Just bought it on audible. Look forward to reading it at work. House of the Dragon has me in a large scale fantasy epic.

Angela McCollister
Angela McCollister - 20.10.2022 20:04

I prefer to binge series so I am eagerly awaiting my pre-order of The Lonesome Crown.

Kirsten Holmes
Kirsten Holmes - 20.10.2022 18:07

I bought the first two books and have the third ordered. I can’t wait to start reading them! I plan to read them back to back.

Miriam Michalak
Miriam Michalak - 20.10.2022 15:12

Sounds just up my street, thanks Petrik. Mount TBR a little higher today 😍😍

uri gatt
uri gatt - 20.10.2022 14:09

I used the cover of this book for several examples to explain to my artist what I want 😍😍 it's so well executed!!

Esmay Rosalyne
Esmay Rosalyne - 20.10.2022 12:54

I have heard nothing but great things about this series, so I am beyond excited to start it soon! I mean, I should be able to squeeze it in before the end of the year, I suppose. Malice and The Ember Blade were both huge hits for me, so I can't imagine a scenario in which I wouldn't at least enjoy this story. Give me allll the prophecy goodness!!!
Your enthusiasm is super infectious, thanks for sharing this review!! 🥰

Annie Cochrane
Annie Cochrane - 20.10.2022 10:31

Thanks Petrik - just got it out of our local library!!

Dino Collins
Dino Collins - 20.10.2022 09:04

Another fantastic video!!! Thank you Petrik!!! This has been on my TBR for a long time!!! I have to get to it.

Jorge Medina
Jorge Medina - 20.10.2022 07:10

In regards to the question at the end of your video, I plan to read all 3 books. I read a sample from kindle and enjoyed what I read. Thanks for asking.

Sukhvinder Singh
Sukhvinder Singh - 20.10.2022 06:27

Great video. We need more spotlight videos.

Sukhvinder Singh
Sukhvinder Singh - 20.10.2022 06:21

Malice + Ember Blade + A song of ice and fire... Some elements from thses epics.
Definitely I will read this series of Durfee

Johnathan Rhoades
Johnathan Rhoades - 20.10.2022 06:00

I... might read this. I hear it's quite dark and am not sure I want to deal with that. I also hear very mixed things about the prose/dialogue which is something that often really affects my enjoyment of a series. Glad it's getting more exposure!

Daniel G Freeman
Daniel G Freeman - 20.10.2022 04:21

🎉 nice! I just finish The Blackest Heart a few days ago. Fantastic read!

Moonbot 7
Moonbot 7 - 20.10.2022 01:38

The Forgetting Moon was the first fantasy book I had ever read and still is one of my favorite books ever.

Hasan Mir
Hasan Mir - 20.10.2022 01:06

Ok, OK!!! I ordered a copy!

Andrés Salazar
Andrés Salazar - 20.10.2022 00:48

One of the main things that drove me to Petrik's channel is how he talks and brings forth books and series from independent authors or not well known ones. The way he talks about each of them truly gives you a perspective of the worlds and stories you are missing out, not because you're actively avoiding them, but because you didn't know about them, therefore Petrik is there to passionately let you know about the incredible authors out there. Honestly, among all the booktubers I follow, this is my go-to place for new additions to my TBR. Keep up the good work!!!

Roondawg Valhalla
Roondawg Valhalla - 20.10.2022 00:18

I finished The Blackest Heart this month. It is my all time favorite book to date. This series is so good! Thx for putting a spotlight on it!

Rise Buddy
Rise Buddy - 19.10.2022 23:46

I’m just waiting for the last book to be released to start the series, or maybe when it draws near

SamObigbesan - 19.10.2022 23:34

I am really glad that people are finally talking about this criminally underrated trilogy, really looking forward to picking up the third book.

L.L. MacRae
L.L. MacRae - 19.10.2022 23:26

Ooooh, another fabulous video Petrik!! This is going on my list! Always after more epic fantasy 🤩🤩🤩

kari_reads - 19.10.2022 21:54

Yes, I absolutly agree, The Forgetting Moon is amazing! The second book is even better. So happy that you made a review, Petrik, so more people can pick it up. 😊👌

Shelli Ingle
Shelli Ingle - 19.10.2022 21:40

Petrik, I am reading it right now. I am enjoying writing style and the world-building. I love the twists and turns... I heard his books supposed to be a five book series,but his publisher's company changed and his books ended up shorten into a trilogy. That's why the books were so long... I even heard he got refluences with rock music and Terry Brooks' Shavannah series... I has admitted that he can write. He is really good writer, but I really hope he's doing okay. I will pray for him for best. 🙏

Frank Juranich
Frank Juranich - 19.10.2022 21:22

Great review.
picked up this book in original hardcover by accident about 5 years ago, and loved it. The graphic scenes were amazing and made me shiver. The second book I enjoyed even more, have been waiting patiently for The Lonesome Crown. Planning on rereading starting 11/1, and moving right into The Lonesome Crown to finish the month!!

BRIAN LEE DURFEE Reviews - 19.10.2022 21:17


Amanda Wilbur
Amanda Wilbur - 19.10.2022 21:16

This one has already been on my radar (your fault, as always). Just wish I could find a trade paperback size 😢

Mrajtheartist - 19.10.2022 21:00


HistoryMax - 19.10.2022 20:57

Grimdark isn't really my cup of tea, so I won't be reading this series just yet. But speaking of underrated, Shadows of the Apt by Adrian Tchaikovsky is a series I highly recommend to any fantasy fan. I'm currently on book 2, and thus far it's proved a well-written, complex and fascinating series. The characters, world and action in particular are superb. I particularly like Stenwold and Thalric, Thalric being my favorite character thus far. His arc is very compelling.

Hot Takes Discussion
Hot Takes Discussion - 19.10.2022 20:47

I can't wait to dive into this series at some point. I keep hearing so many good things about it

Freddie Washington
Freddie Washington - 19.10.2022 20:23

You've convinced me to read this series for the first time next month when The Lonesome Crown releases. The cover art for these books are also very well done.

Michael L. Morrison
Michael L. Morrison - 19.10.2022 19:53

I enjoyed both The Forgetting Moon and The Blackest Heart, and am looking forward to The Lonesome Crown.

James - 19.10.2022 19:52

Amazing review! I love the majestic artwork here, the mythological grandeur, and the elevated prose style. I’ll have to check it out.
