The Artemis Program: NASA's Mission To Return To The Moon | Zenith | Progress

The Artemis Program: NASA's Mission To Return To The Moon | Zenith | Progress

Progress - Science Documentaries

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@MrCoursair77 - 03.03.2025 05:08

Nobody landed on the moon ……modern Day Tower of Babel!

@MrCoursair77 - 03.03.2025 05:08

Nobody landed on the moon ……modern Day Tower of Babel!

@JojahMensah - 28.02.2025 17:16

Some of this is WILLFUL Misinformation, due to the 'Space Race' tactics and Black Program 'world'. The AS-V alone has 3×versions RLVs, and 1×part[1st stage] reusable. RELIABILITY since STS Shuttle is 'a Sore Point'. So delays or deferring is EXPECTED, for SAFETY Sakes.

@JojahMensah - 28.02.2025 17:01

DON'T Live in a "bury your head in the sand" Age. We've got the BlackStar and SR9, the next step is Deep Space Vehicle, both Cargo and Crew versions. Kell's team has theirs for SDI and DoD missions, even an HCV(Macaiah model) for commercial clientele, some DoD support missions. Then there is also BWB Starliner for tourism, and cargo variant. After these Nasa RLV rocket, plus 'Trekkie' style spaceplanes to service Moon Orbit, Mars landing, and Jupiter's CALLISTO, EUROPA, & TItan of SATURN, poss PLUTO.

@kx4532 - 26.02.2025 03:29

They think we're going back to the moon. All the money is stolen.

@hawkmaster381 - 24.02.2025 23:28

NASA can't even rescue two astronauts that have been stranded in orbit for 8 months and they're talking about the moon? NASA belongs in a museum.

@mukulutudu7056 - 23.02.2025 23:27

To return?🤣😂🤣😂

@davidroberts5602 - 23.02.2025 15:48

Fast forward 2025 we're still waiting to get to the moon 🌙 😅❤yes one day yes looks what happened on the space station yes it stuck on the space station need i go on David ❤❤

@МарияАндреева-к2и - 23.02.2025 02:21

Първо идете един път пък после се върнете

@brigidsingleton1596 - 19.02.2025 07:37

When young Americans cannot recognise their states and cities, or know the difference between continents and countries, or think their country is the only country, or that our planet has multiple moons, or that "any number of previously known general facts and figures" are currently unknown by (some of?) Zthe youth of today...who knows when, if, or how our technologies will bring forth the necessary actions to allow Mankind (etc) to continue our previous forays to the Moon, to Mars, plus to the many and various exo-planets already discovered, but as yet well as to known moons and planets within our solar system, such as Titan, Enceladus, Europa, Io etc.

@thetoolguy7008 - 18.02.2025 10:54

Can't go back to where you've never been. The Moon Landings were hoaxed and they still can't do it.

@stylo707 - 18.02.2025 03:45

You do realise the Russian’s tracked the Apollo mission’s ? ? Don’t you think they would have called BS straight away being they were in a race to be there first ? or do think the Russia’s in on the hoax also ? & other countries like China have taken photos of the Apollo landing site with un-manned probes they’ve sent to the mood. ? Don’t you think China would have call the U.S. out ? or do you think communists China is in on the hoax also ?

@darvinmills4014 - 16.02.2025 07:57

Bull shit

@EuClid-v5e - 12.02.2025 23:28

Euclides. The. Hello. You. 🙂👍👍👍💯🇺🇲🦅

@WeMol - 11.02.2025 00:49

I like to work in iss

@yoskarokuto3553 - 09.02.2025 06:12


@bobstrauss9413 - 09.02.2025 02:50

A snail can get to the moon faster than NASA !

@Jamie0422-kv3bx - 06.02.2025 00:20

U.S need to take its time getting humans to the moon. Don't worry about the competition, worry about yourself getting it right and being great(let that be the stronger motivator)

@thomascopley9591 - 05.02.2025 22:49

NASA needs a steady budget and a leader who cracks the whip.

@glennkrieger - 04.02.2025 00:28

Everything is the documentary is crazily outdated. In 2025 SpaceX, with their Dragon capsule, is currently sending and receiving astronauts from the ISS more than anyone. The Artemis program is so far behind that SpaceX will likely have a colony on the Moon by the time its fully operational. No joke. I'm guessing this is from 2016 or so. Nine years ago.

@MissilemanIII - 02.02.2025 00:42

This is such a waste of our money.

@daryllect6659 - 18.01.2025 01:19

"Return to the moon"? Get serious.
One cannot return to a place where one has never been, and no humans have been on the lunar surface. If you believe they have, NASA sends their love.

@Dave-gy1hx - 12.01.2025 17:36

This crew of Artemis will never see earth again.

@realbillball7546 - 10.01.2025 05:46

NASA is a joke.

@realbillball7546 - 10.01.2025 05:24

NASA proving every day that the moon landings were faked.

@paulos82 - 09.01.2025 12:00

Well it's 2025 😂

@bitemebudha8571 - 07.01.2025 08:42

How can you return to somewhere youve never been 😂

@kenurquhart2061 - 06.01.2025 22:34

If our planet was in good shape I could understand all this madness. However there is such a need of fixing all that we have distroyed. All these ideas are fine but not tactical. Try and get a dentist in space. We have such a beautiful planet with mountains rivers and t

@Beyond_the_Stars68 - 06.01.2025 02:39

NASA's Artemis Program is such an exciting step forward! 🚀 Do you think this mission will finally pave the way for a permanent human presence on the Moon, or will it face the same challenges as Apollo? 🌕🤔

@humanity1581 - 04.01.2025 07:17

Astrounauts might be stranded in the moon ..... like the two astrounauts on the ISS.

@alexschindler6766 - 28.12.2024 18:57

It is so amazing, love these wonderful Space (NASA) videos., thank you all for sharing at NASA. So wonderful, God Bless!

@luse.YouTube - 13.12.2024 02:36


@syu1057 - 10.12.2024 13:56


@saidbelaib5688 - 07.12.2024 10:57

Are you sure you went there?

@danielmartens156 - 25.11.2024 12:19

Another video posted 6 months ago but really years old. And going off topic.

@fransschepens3 - 25.11.2024 06:35

Ha ha 😂

@jorgesolis7891 - 20.11.2024 10:34

When and how...; and most imporyantly, for how much...?

@JonathanMensah-f4h - 18.11.2024 00:11

Not a penny wasted, call Zubz to testify, hush hush, the earth is moving underneath you, Don't you feel It?

@the_new_project - 15.11.2024 11:11

Here we go more propaganda. Good grief I am so sick of it. Got to insert their screwball garbage into everything.

@joeduffy3309 - 14.11.2024 00:44

Why is man finding it so difficult to do something we apparently did almost 60 years ago?

@dallasbeus2117 - 06.11.2024 11:30

How can we return to the moon when we've never been there? 🤐

@user-gn9cg5bw8x - 03.11.2024 07:49

Elon is gonna REALLY go to the moon. NASA will threaten him to NOT EXPOSE their FAKED MOONLANDING.

@plan9films - 30.10.2024 16:16

Never going to the moon - never going to happen - the video said we are going back in 2024 - never going to happen

@beginnereasy - 25.10.2024 20:28

They should have put a mirror on the moon not a flag. Liars.

@jaybrown4246 - 25.10.2024 15:07

Unfortunately, all of the human race can agree, how is it, that the Americans can design, build and go to the moon and back multiple times, from start to finish, in less than a decade ?? With less than 10% of the computing power we have today ?? Done by slide rules and calculations ??

Judging by the time pushed back timelines, we're never going to be able to " go back " 😉 My opinion, we never went...

@TurdFerguson456 - 22.10.2024 06:05

SpaceX is the goat. SpaceX to the rescue. SpaceX is the man. SpaceX!

@yeppyyo3856 - 12.10.2024 00:55

wrong video title

@DavidCook-wi1hu - 05.10.2024 11:57

Plant trees. Logging the rainforest and around the world for toilet paper need trees for oxygen.

@mickalloyd2477 - 19.09.2024 20:54

If SpaceX HLS isnt ready for the 2026 moon landing, the only place we will be landing is back on earth

@MuratGonullu-l3x - 15.09.2024 19:55

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