Anthem New 2022 AVM 90 - HDMI 2.1 8K AV Processor

Anthem New 2022 AVM 90 - HDMI 2.1 8K AV Processor

Ripewave Audio

2 года назад

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@masudkabir9214 - 08.11.2023 09:41

Great Information

@romo119 - 14.07.2023 00:48

If I have a minidsp 2x4hd to calibrate 4 subs independently, what does AVM90 give me over the AVM70? The claims of "better circuitry" are incredibly vague.

@briancampbell7712 - 08.02.2023 13:58

What amplifier do you use with your AVM 70? ...I am thinking of the Anthem AVM 70 or MRX 1140 8K 2.1...for now only going to need a 2 channel amplifier...2 Dali Rubicon 2 speakers and Rel T7x maybe I should use 2....please tell me what direction I should go and what model and if it's the AVM 70 what amp for 2 channel...I'll turn off the other channels

@chops360 - 26.12.2022 22:16

DO you KNOw which OEM they use for their HDMIboards?

@ericshutter5305 - 03.12.2022 17:05

DSD is mainstream at pro studios ... you mean Super Audio CDs are going out of favor.

@xeniavader - 18.11.2022 04:25

nice video, presentation was much smoother, VERY informative
Would love to hear how these processors actually sound, I know that is difficult to do but would take things to the next level.

maybe buy some used models and do some AB comparisons.

@MrPreet23 - 09.11.2022 10:16

Do they have centralized, 8 channel or each channel DAC???

@TheVipkekko - 28.10.2022 13:39

Is there a big difference between marantz av 8805A and Anthem avm 90?

@BFArch0n - 27.09.2022 08:06

Why does the reciever cost the same as the processor? Free amplification? No down sides? (Same channel support)

@skartt78 - 24.09.2022 13:42

Excellent overview - love the tables.

@Max-lp6bi - 28.08.2022 07:55

Very good and detailed presentation regarding the Anthem AV Processors and Receivers - FANTASTIC and I love it. Thank you!

@Wozzaatwozza - 15.08.2022 16:47

I want to buy the AMV90 from K&W audio in Calgary, great store. But sadly found out that the AVM90 doesn’t support DSD?

Hey Anthem, add DSD and you have a sale in Calgary from me via K&W Audio.

@TheWrathofnumenor - 01.08.2022 19:08

Anthems website is now advertising the mrx line of receivers and the avm 70 will be available in 8k by the end of August.

@BIGBASSSAMA_4 - 17.07.2022 20:36

My avm 90 keeps dropping audio when gaming on my PC any thoughts on when this can get fixed via firmware update? All of my hardware is less than a year old latest models.

@marlonhouston6685 - 28.06.2022 23:46

I noticed they change the DAC chipset in it. It was the AKM 4499, now its the ESS 9038 Pro.

@we8463 - 24.06.2022 22:07

Auro 3D is ☠️

@nodoubt1616 - 19.06.2022 20:29

Jbl sdp-55 does 4 independent subs also

@NY0424 - 14.05.2022 16:35

any of the MRX or the AVM 70 will have HDMI 2.1?

@sfdave5669 - 03.05.2022 08:07

Your getting a lot better presenting bud, thought i’d let you know, my second video watching on your channel…

@kenshinesca - 23.04.2022 14:22

Really wish Anthems had Auro3d been enjoying that lately on my Denon X4700H. It's a great upmixer adds a lot more sound to the height layer.

@jb.2986 - 21.04.2022 16:01

Anthem makes a nice product Jon. Love the 4 independent subwoofer outputs and the quality workmanship. No Auro3D would keep our family from looking at this product since we enjoy Auromatic upmixing quite a bit with our Mac MX123 as you know. Other than that the AVM90 (your slide needs corrected as it says AMV90) is a heck of a machine and priced well for what you get.

@3095Alex - 19.04.2022 08:41

I thought in the beginning they gonna use AKM 4499EQ Dac, since AKM Dac warehouse burn down now they gonna use ESS ES9038PRO Dac for AVM90.

@antoineb7165 - 19.04.2022 06:12

Hello Ricky, Anthem do mention on their website: The critical conversion from digital to analog utilizes the highest performance ESS Sabre DACs for all 19 channels of processing.

@RickyG512 - 19.04.2022 00:58

I thought the AVM 90 started to source their DAC chip from a different manufacturer, like ESS Sabre or something?

@stephenmanley4097 - 18.04.2022 21:06

Are the balanced outputs, true balanced. I don't think they are on the Marantz AV8805A.

@jimhamlin6551 - 18.04.2022 19:45

For that kind of money I hope you get a A/M F/M tuner and a phono input with Auro 3D...

@lbudt29 - 18.04.2022 19:43

How many volt rated for the pre outputs. 1 volt or 4 volts, which is better for clipping rangeheadroom ?

@danieldelgado8153 - 18.04.2022 17:36

Thank you my friend. I’m happy with my AVM 70. No regrets. Great sound and saved a lot of money not waiting for the 90. Not sure my old ears would hear a difference. My best Dan

@pgreen0001 - 18.04.2022 17:16

Great video and invaluable information. I love this channel. Thanks so much about the dual voltage capabilities. That helps so much. So where I might have considered the AVM 90, Trinnov Attitude 16+4 here I come!

@invisibles362 - 18.04.2022 16:58

Good information...
