Meet the Infamous Debt Collectors of Indonesia

Meet the Infamous Debt Collectors of Indonesia


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@matiasbihahi5540 - 30.11.2023 05:26

Salam dari saudara timor leste 🇹🇱🤜🏻🤛🏻

@tbnprathades1631 - 18.11.2023 09:07

If you know how banks work. You need to pay your debt and what this debt collector does is to make sure that the bank got their money. if a scenario of a bank not getting their money. The bank could collapse since the money that they use to loan isn't actually owned by the bank but rather consumer that uses the bank. If the bank can't pay or withdraw money that they use to loan. Mass panic and mass withdrawal will happen because no body will trust a bank that can't hold their money just like what happened to ftx crypto. This will cause a banking collapse and in turn will have a domino effect toward your economy. As such usually government will help bail the bank but in turn another problem like inflation or increase in national debt will happen. Which is why the debt collector called them perpetrators and thieves.

@TheLab710 - 19.10.2023 02:38

Debt collection is one of the most immoral forms of work one can do. Bothering others for a paycheck. Might as well be a bum on the side of the road asking for money. They do the same thing!

@psychic00 - 28.09.2023 03:47

Ini org jahil ,tdk punya bdoh dan lemah,gagal aja yg ketangkap polisi,org2 maluku mna berani di ring,faktaa..bangsa maluku tdk berani di ring...smpah,rmai2 ajaa,

@nicholasrv8834 - 01.09.2023 09:04

so if they are not allowed to intimidate or get violent (as they do in the UK and USA), what is the incentive for the debtor to pay.
When one owes money and daon't / can't pay, having people come over for a nice, albeit intense chat with no solution reached seems like a waste of time

I wish the interviewer had followed up on the story of the woman who owed 3.5 Billion and had excuse anfter excsue, until the son came in and told her they should go to the bank and talk. Was this ever resolved?

I am asking because I and a handful of other friends got into a 2.5 billion loan to someone who claims to not have the money, we hired debt collectors and all they did was try to milk us for more money.

so what is the solution when someone refuses or can't pay?

@mhp0810 - 07.08.2023 10:22

What a bullshit video. No wonder VICE went under with this kind of shoddy journalism. RIP

@RaggaBaby - 05.08.2023 22:16

"Molukkers" are well known as a people in the Netherlands

@manawabeek6582 - 28.06.2023 18:42

Seng samua e.
kaka2 Om2 dong beta.salut..

@javiermarquez2640 - 20.06.2023 23:11

This is exactly what banks and governments want everywhere in the world, to turn the people against each other and blame each other, instead of the banks and the government (who are supossed to work for the people) to find solutions and give everyone basic huma living conditions, like food, shelter and health which we should take for granted as humans.

@venatorclass9334 - 13.06.2023 05:17

Loan sharks

@rayhold2130 - 07.06.2023 11:51

jago cara ngomongnya😂😂😂😂 preman Ambon.

@newawareness9731 - 23.05.2023 04:20

Bankrupt media

@user-jz5lb4or5s - 08.05.2023 06:15

Markas penagih hutang di purwakarta berkumpul, berkelompok berkerumun, tepat nya dekat rumah sakit Rama hadi pas jembatan, ataw dekat pom bensin cimaung, ada juga di halte cipaisan di dalam warung

@arissubianto-qr6ed - 28.04.2023 10:31


@orophile1842 - 28.04.2023 10:10

Miss ma’am looks scared the whole video, i feel bad but she did a good job!

@arissubianto-ym3wo - 27.04.2023 12:41

Apa itu debt colector?
cuma sampah bau busuk yg menyengat hidung banyak orang.
saya pengen sekali kali hajar sampe rompal giginya yg namanya debt colector, sini kalo ada debt colector yg katanya sangar beringas tak tunggu di belakang kios terminal tidar magelang, lebih kuat siapa, ayo jangan pengecut, jangan jadi bencong

@gpl992 - 16.04.2023 09:26

Free South Maluku

@seiku8697 - 18.02.2023 10:44

begitu bebasnya bisnis premanisme dinegeri ini, negara tak bisa berbuat apa apa.

@seiku8697 - 18.02.2023 10:40

negara tak berdaya dalam pemberantasan deptcolector di negeri ini.

@Kiurinu - 13.02.2023 08:41

@ElPalo. - 13.02.2023 04:59

Not trying to be fucked but does anyone see the mustache

@andiartha3813 - 02.02.2023 08:16

Cerdas bapakx semangat pak 👍👍👍

@greggarcia6294 - 25.01.2023 09:04

This is kind of similar to how bail bondsmen in the U.S. trap people into signing predatory contracts all because a judge violated the 8A by setting excessive bail and the person has to deal with harassment from the bail bondsman or his agents until the charges are dropped.

@zeropointcrypto - 07.01.2023 16:05

Vice are a bunch of scumbags. They prevent comments on the recent documentary about the Tate brothers. An obvious attempt to prevent backlash. Fake stories with actresses crying crocodile tears. Absolute lies.

@megan.morales - 03.01.2023 01:51

Sounds just like Filipino language

@gjkagussopian7099 - 31.12.2022 00:08


@narfle - 18.12.2022 02:11

This interviewer is horrible. Extremely gullible and just takes things at face value. Zero critical thinking and zero pushing back. Essentially just a tourist and not a even a bright one.

@pietersiahaija4698 - 16.12.2022 10:30

" ... "

@davidk7441 - 19.11.2022 15:48

The guy broke metal with his hand

@nicholaslandolina - 15.11.2022 08:45

What is ambonese

@nicholaslandolina - 15.11.2022 08:43

The debt collectors tried hard to explain to the woman

@christianrionaldo7319 - 13.11.2022 13:05

Siapa ya nama hostnya😅

@cubbid - 04.11.2022 16:18

Debt Collector = Criminal.. Mata Elang, you can find me at Benhil, I want to Test you all..

@Bedroom_Musician - 29.10.2022 19:04

I hate this kind of people especially debt collector

@gojin666 - 25.10.2022 08:38

Saya juga ngalami gitu yg di tagih LBH galak.....pdhl saya hanya ngelakuin kewajiban saya..nagih orang" yg telah memakai duit..

@anonymous2858 - 24.10.2022 16:13

I can relate to these guys, never lend money to poor people, they always say they dont have anything to pay you but its bs they will never pay you unless it comes to the point where you have to threaten them

@nurdinali1632 - 04.10.2022 01:12

How did those two guys spot the journalists on the roof.

@adamweishaupt3409 - 02.10.2022 19:23

Vice news at it again. Hard hitting hide and go seek. Donkey news.

@bellcitgg932 - 06.09.2022 01:09

jangan ngutang yaa ges yaaaa

@mikee6571 - 02.09.2022 18:09

You don't pay. You don't stay. If you can't pay, don't ask for a loan. Simple, don't make life harder for yourself. Save the drama .

@keselekbakiak - 22.08.2022 10:01

As i hate this debt collector, i hate these peoppe who jumped into debt, run away and left their family to deal with the debt

@sps6 - 10.08.2022 11:05

laku sama....after that no words

@ranjanbiswas3233 - 08.08.2022 15:31

Being discriminated against because they look scary........ uhm WTF? Being looked scary is the most badass thing.

@hak2350 - 08.08.2022 08:43

Wow! Is this journalism? You try to legitimise the actions of mafia. These tugs try to sell themselves as patriots doing good for the country and the economy. Mafia is only about money and power. They themselves admit that they are not family, and only care about their own personak gains.

@angelangelov7869 - 03.08.2022 23:51

Съберете най умните хора и направете анализ на името Исус Христос бога на светлината и слънцето на руски език показва според самоводския майстор на шах през 2400г, години слънцето се обръща към опашката или солнце умер и идва ледена епоха дата на ада е 2312, на 22, 12 година и продължава 300, години вземете мерки успех на всички хора коментара е на български език и всичко се повтаря научно доказано ако искате да узнаете истината обади се

@Baqsam99 - 03.08.2022 16:48

Orang Orang

@chorho262 - 23.07.2022 09:45

Beginilah orang2 pendidikan rendah. Cuma andalin muka seram. Tapi sdm szma otak kosong.
