I Survived 75 Days on Bryan Johnson's $2,000,000 Diet

I Survived 75 Days on Bryan Johnson's $2,000,000 Diet

Project Andrew

10 месяцев назад

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@missknight9 - 19.09.2023 04:15

Well done!! I agree with most of your takes on blueprint. It’s a shame you didn’t get labs done until after the 75 days, but I’m definitely looking forward to seeing future updates. Also I loved the ending outtake 💛

@robinstahlbergs - 08.01.2024 19:20

The green giant was scary. After a week I became sick and puked my guts out. I got iron poisoned. Did some bloodwork and appears I have sufficient iron levels without some of the products.

I don't like to be in a caloric deficient, so I usually add some meat. I'm not a vegan, so I eat the Super Veggie split in two meals + 150g meat to each one.

@sofiaperalta9091 - 08.01.2024 07:01

I'm really interested in Peter Attia and incorporating some of his stuff. I think Bryan has at least garnered a lot of data that is useful. And I too want a lot more protein in my diet.

@sofiaperalta9091 - 08.01.2024 07:00

I agree that I'd prefer to eat slightly more and probably fast randomly than be in a constant state of caloric deficit.

@sofiaperalta9091 - 08.01.2024 06:53

DHEA has some known cancer association.

@envisiotube - 08.01.2024 00:11

I like your approach! The title is a little bit clickbaiting because the diet itself costs around 1.000 USD per month ("full" version) as Johnson stated by himself. The caloric restriction is based on a lot of experiments with animals where it showed to be an easy and secure way to enlargen the life span of the animals. And I can understand why people can get religious about it, simply because you have so many millions people giving advice and producing opions / blabla based on XYZ without beeing able to prove their point. Johnson does it, he did trial and error and is able to proof that this solution works. I think what he did to find the perfect diet is much more close to the truth than anything else. But, of course, it will be heavily modified in the next years / decades, and we will see medicine giving some of the effects you need nutrition for today.

@jmbrands1479 - 07.01.2024 22:09

Hi Andrew, can you tell me whick olive oil was your alternative?

@relativityboy - 04.01.2024 01:31


@expertbridge - 01.01.2024 02:45

mildly surprised no Omega 3 supplementation, which Attia usually cites as #1.

@OriginalGainstas - 28.12.2023 14:56

Tren 😂

@TomRocket-zo3hf - 28.12.2023 12:02

Bryan Johnson is a lunatic. His blueprint experiment is a dangerous failure.

@piemasta93 - 28.12.2023 06:44

You mentioned that you believe that it makes more sense to add more calories instead of introducing testosterone, which I believe makes more sense. My only question is, do you believe that the testosterone production is lacking simply because of a chlor deficit and so it doesn’t matter where the calories are coming from or do you believe that it would make sense to add in animal products like eggs or red meat to increase the testosterone level

@brutewarrior - 27.12.2023 18:36

LOL Tren hard!!!

@LeeEisenstein - 26.12.2023 03:55

Thanks for posting this info. Any thoughts about caffeine? Considering doing this with some daily tea added to it, unless there's good reason to avoid it in context to the Blueprint. Mahalo.

@jungshin87 - 24.12.2023 08:45

im surprised u didnt mention his workout as one of the weakness. so much band and light work training when young people can benefit more from lifting iron imo. but overall 10/10 video

@mlegrand - 23.12.2023 22:30

Excellent video!

@whowhat2224 - 23.12.2023 05:15

23? You look much older lol

@kwilson4125 - 22.12.2023 23:30

I agree with eating extra calories to prevent suppressing hormone production. I think lowering testosterone could be good for other adults with high PSA or other prostate issues or cancers. I think lowering estrogen could be beneficial with fibroids, premenopausal estrogen excess, PCOS or other issues. But only when hormones tests show that lowering certain hormones could be beneficial. I look forward to seeing more about how Blueprint affects the thyroid and adrenals.

@Anthony-ie4nk - 21.12.2023 18:24

Not for me, i enjoy steak n eggs to much

@diwang6761 - 21.12.2023 03:12


@soulworkwithjustine - 18.12.2023 19:56

I agree with the supplements. ALSO - I got a vitamin toxicity from a B-complex. Test, DON'T GUESS is the best advice I can give.

@joeGuizan - 18.12.2023 12:15

😂🎉 One path to restoring vitality and reversing ED...
1. Moderate exercise. Breath through nose, even while sleeping. Sleep well
🎉2. Significantly reduce carb and sugar. Some can go carnivore (if so, take chlorophyll supplement).
🎉3. Nuts and seeds and tea and coffee (2-3 cups/day).
🎉4. Fish oil capsule. Spirulina or moringa capsules. Daily
🎉5. Fast occasionally. Thirsty or not, drink one cup of warm water first thing in the morning.
🎉6. Daily eggs, sea salt (or pink salt), lemon juice. Enjoy bacon breakfast without guilt😅😅😅😅. (You need daily intake of fats to remain satiated and healthy).
🎉7. Try living without metformin and statin: side effects, memory loss, muscle weakening, ED😅.
Find a partner who will give you peace, be very loving and generous, or get a passport (kidding😅).
All the best.
(Personally, I do not take pharma drugs, even antibiotic. If you are eating well and taking good care of body, there is enough soldiers inside to fight all the diseases and cancer that tries to sneak in.)
If you wish to try this simple regiment, give it six months and surprise yourself with goodness.😅😅😅
🎉🎉all the best🎉🎉.

@salimahmed9016 - 18.12.2023 00:24

Well Done! You are an emotionally intelligent person, please preserve it as that is seemingly the best thing about you. Maa Shaa Allah (May God protect it). Best of luck for your physical. financial and emotional goals. --From India.

@abhishekmahanta1112 - 17.12.2023 10:39

Incredible transformation ❤

@vkrgfan - 16.12.2023 14:45

You can achieve the same result by water fasting, you will lose weight, reset your immune system, and increase the splitting of mitochondria which slows down the aging process and in some way provides you with a reversing effect. And you don't need to spend 2 million.
So what is his blueprint, a hundred prescription pills a day?

@JnJShiffler - 15.12.2023 19:55

So creepy AF Bryan reminds me of an old 90s Twilight Zone reboot series where a rich guy meets a woman who claims to be his perfect ideal woman and they must have sex. But the A hole rich guy blows this woman off and isn't nice to her. Here , it turns out the woman IS the rich guy from the future, who paid to transform himself into the perfect woman, since he could never find her, and he traveled back in time to do himself, and create the perfect human, but turned himself down. SPOILER: he's just selling expensive olive oil. ** I'm afraid of death and non-existence as much as anyone, have death panic attacks often, but damn, this rich neurotic guy is nuts. Is he really living life? Doubt it.

@raginald7mars408 - 15.12.2023 10:16

… as a German Biochemist Ph D –
We are eager
to follow any Cult and Ideology
Heroically sacrificing ourselves
As Sheeple
Following Psycho Paths
When we live by NATURAL
Instinct and Intuition
Like any Natural Organisms do
We are on the narrow Path
On the ridge of Life
As a Biologist
I wonder every day-
how Life sustains itself with bare essentials
For Billions of Years
We Self Titancik
In our synthetic Techno Sphere
And addictions to Mind Opiates…
Thus is the End Phase of Any Society

@0ptimal - 14.12.2023 17:35

Thing about bryans diet is hes vegan. He doesnt eat any meat and it shows. And i think he even totally avoids the sun, which is just bizarre to me personally.

@user-tk7zn6pc5x - 14.12.2023 00:31

This guy start looking (face and hair) like Bryan :D

@coasternut3091 - 13.12.2023 22:44

The second hardest part of this diet (1 being price) is being in a house with others who outright refuse to eat healthier

@fanOmry - 13.12.2023 15:12

Don't forget to add fat. For the T.

If you are not Vegan, I'd recoment Whole Eggs.

If you are vegan, I'd add coonut oil.

@Agapanthah - 13.12.2023 07:25

Great job...I subscribed and look forward to your results. :)

@jonathanmelhuish4530 - 13.12.2023 00:21

I totally agree, the point is to be inspired by the data-driven process that Brian is taking, not just eat exactly what the "guru" eats and hope you get the same results. I hope we'll eventually have a way to share data among the whole community so that everyone can learn from all the experiments everyone is running. I think you're right to be skeptical of Brian's experiment with so many variables and a n of 1 (or 3, whatever it is now - still very small).

@topdog5252 - 12.12.2023 22:14

I’m pretty sure Bryan has a caloric deficit because of the big impact that has on longevity. I keep hearing there is some good science behind a caloric deficit helping longevity, which is Bryan’s goal, and he does say he feels hungry all the time. Also Bryan’s English friend he did his big, long, in detail video with, about blueprint, said that people always say you can’t test multiple variables but he says you can. I am agnostic on this as I know nothing about it, so maybe they’re doing things wrong at blueprint, maybe not. It also depends what their exact goal is, as they can measure basically every organ in X number of ways anyway and may not need perfect correlation of variables. Just the other day I rewatched his morning routine video and Bryan said that because of how many variables were changing at the time, they didn’t know precisely what had increased one of his variables on the treadmill (maybe his max cardio output or something - go watch the video) so they are clearly very aware of this problem and whatever they are doing is probably intentional. I guess if you can only test a small number of variables at a time you need to go really slowly and Bryan could be ageing by years before discovering the optimal ways to do something. You can’t adapt and improve as quickly if you can only test a tiny number of variables at a time and the goal is minimising rate of ageing so speed really matters. Who knows, but at gut level, I’d expect Bryan and his team to have thought all about that. There might also be some tricks in the statistics to separate what effects are having what causes? For example I remember hearing that ages ago, that statistician David. R. Cox discovered a way to separate variables (or something like that) in a medical context to see what drugs are really having what effect. Maybe some modern clever math that can do that kind of thing, is being used for Bryan as well? What he and his team with all those resources can accomplish is not what most people can do, yet…

@jamesmccalmont1109 - 12.12.2023 21:49

I was not able to see your triglyceride value. I see your HDL was 49 and I’m curious about your triglycerides.

@normanquednau - 12.12.2023 11:00

Really cool video! Whats interesting: I think I have solved the problem with hormonal disruption and permanent caloric deficit: Two times in a week, I do a "refeed day" with caloric intake at 100%, same macros, but more carbs intake. It works wonders for me.

@binauralbeats- - 11.12.2023 20:53

Dude read Gregor's book "How Not to Age" and stop eating olive oil..that is stupid !!!

@fineartservices01 - 11.12.2023 19:46

as for your background - real things have shadows

@nateinator1 - 10.12.2023 16:48

curious what you noticed about testosterone, and also how much you were working out before you started the blueprint protocol?

@stevejhkhfda - 10.12.2023 03:31

Thanks doe sharing your experience. I think Bryan has increased his calories now also and stopped the TRT? In terms of your testosterone levels - your critique was that it was lower but you didn't test it at the start...how do you know that, and some of the supplements like aswaganda may have made up for the deficit?

@firuzeyibeklerken77 - 10.12.2023 00:26

I like the attitude that u approach something new. U re respectful but skeptical at the same time. It is clearly achievment of being over objective especially when u consider u re just 23. Brilliant mind ..

@levipatrickdiaz - 09.12.2023 07:48

Also, isn't it IMPOSSIBLE to be in a deficit all the time? At least, he couldn't do it as long, especially as slim as he is. I'd assume at a certain point he's dropped enough that he's just at maintenance now.

@BlakeBachertshort - 09.12.2023 00:55

Dropped a sub good stuff man

@BlakeBachertshort - 09.12.2023 00:44

Liked the video because you said "tren" lol

@arthurkos9965 - 05.12.2023 10:08

Such a great video, Andrew!
Thank you for your effort!
For testosterone level I am personally recommend to go semen retention.
Much love!

@Cayoroots - 03.12.2023 21:02

Incredible video but one thing I have to say is that the before and after pics are too different in lighting and posing. (I know it's hard to catch the exact same lighting and all) but just something I have to point out before concluding that there was a massive change.

@GingePoker - 03.12.2023 10:29

Great video - interested to see if you add in red meat what happens
