The Decipherment of Maya Script

The Decipherment of Maya Script

Ancient Americas

4 года назад

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Quick easy guitar lessons
Quick easy guitar lessons - 01.09.2023 07:26

I felt like I’ve rewatched “Arrival”. Mind blowing and fascinating story.
Also Knorozovs shift in approach reminded me of Alan Turings approach to breaking enigma 👌
I just subscribed to your channel. That’s some top notch content right there.

Sasho Minov
Sasho Minov - 31.08.2023 15:30

Dream it.

zimriel - 21.08.2023 05:51

to be fair to the ideogram-only school: there exists one in antiquity. "Susa III". Everybody can read this - here's a picture of a sheep and there's the number "43". Nobody can figure out what language it's in... because it's not a language, it's pictures of sheep and numerals.
Contrast, later Elamite cuneiform, which is Elamite.

Kasim Rovcanin
Kasim Rovcanin - 04.08.2023 15:53

Majans its ekipe dracule of the god Jehova Romanien vampires.
Coming of the Litle lions and Berenika.
Pakal......Zimić born vampires dracules invisible demon god Jehova JHWH and his son vampir Husejin. Blood its his food.

Marco Cataño
Marco Cataño - 03.08.2023 01:03

Mega! This work should adapted and translated to be part of Middle School syllabus in México

Ray Christenson
Ray Christenson - 17.07.2023 04:33

The true meaning of Mayan script and pictograms, Aztec, or Easter Island can deciphered by creating a three dimensional image of each character inside a six side cube and then its mirror image. Then calculate the volume of displaced space the image takes up and the volume of space the image left vacant. take that numerical value back down to binary.

Kurt Bogle
Kurt Bogle - 16.07.2023 22:54


Kurt Bogle
Kurt Bogle - 16.07.2023 22:51

It would be nice to know what the script says as opposed to how to decipher it.

Trenton Ghorley
Trenton Ghorley - 15.07.2023 23:22

Because of 1 mans inability to admit hes wrong an entire language's deciphering was brought to a halt for decades. These "experts" often arent servants of truth at all but rather servants of their own pride and ego.

sifridbassoon - 01.07.2023 08:12

I read Michael Coe's book years ago and it's very good. The only thing I really remember from it is the amazing number of times the pronoun "I" appears 😁😁

Joseph Keenan
Joseph Keenan - 30.06.2023 20:04

The final chapter with having the retreats always sounded to me like they were together smoking some pot and brain storming when they reached an impasse and were banging their heads against the wall.

Now if you believe in conspiracy nuttery it was Knorozov's cat that pointed him on the right path to the Maya language , the problem is the cat spoke Thai and Yuri only spoke Russia so some stuff got mixed up in translation ;)

It wasn't just the last group of people who made the discovery, in science it never is. Going back and seeing a "chain of custody" for the key components needed is a nice way to illustrate the metaphor about standing on the shoulders of giants. Maybe in 25 years there will be scanners/tests that can detect the pigments on the glyphs which will give an even more accurate representation of what was being said. I believe the Maya were like the Aztec in that the colors used in a glyph also imparted some meaning.

Mezoáro - 27.06.2023 22:02

I like how there are less afro-centrists here (although there are still some) because they can't debunk the fact that natives speak the Native languages and not them. Very funny

Big Richard
Big Richard - 26.06.2023 16:53

This video is the epitomy of white supremacy and racism permeating the minds of scholars and students alike. The ironic contradictions. The lack of true research and the blind ignorance of white privilege. First, Africa and the Americas were trading for thousands of years. Cocoa, American tobacco and American Cotton were found in Egyptian tombs. Racist white scholars find it so hard to believe that the world not only existed but actually thrived before their introduction of death, disease and destruction. Think about all of the great civilizations that arose before the first Greek took a breath. There was Egypt, Harrapan,Hindu Kush, Sumeria, Mespotamia, the Olmec in South America, the Shang in China........the world flourished before European Imperialization. Now you sit here in this video looking at these huge heads with black features trying to find a millions reason to explain that they're not African because Africans beating the Europeans to America would be too much. Back to the blatent similarities that are simple coincidence through the lens of racist scholars, who only need coincidence to make major discoveries. One or two of the main heads has dreadlocks or other race of people, naturally wear braids as a hair style. It's an African tradition. The Olmec calendar is the same one found in Africa dating back to 10,000 years. The "Glyphs" are similar to Egyptian glyphs. During this time period (1500BC), glyphs could only be found in Africa. The pyramids at this time in history were only found in one other place on earth.....Africa. The courtyards and temples were set up to the exact measurements of Egyptian buildings. Do your research on the measurements. The winged serpent is Egyptian, your research!!!!Truth is...every race other than the Anglo Saxon was here before Columbus....Asians, Africans....they are the true Native Americans. White people cannot dictate the history of the world. Ivan Van Sertima states that an African influence came to the Americas bringing African culture. Your whiteness made it a hard read. If you don't know, he's the same man who went before Congress and got them to understand that Columbus day is a sham.He is the reason it's no longer federally celebrated. He is a real professor and historian. Do your proper research, it's easier to get to the Americas from the coast of Africa than it is to reach from Europe. Thor Heyerdahl already proved that you can use a simple raft and trade winds and natural currents will take you from Africa to the Americas. You won't even need oars. Do your research and don't be blinded by your whiteness. You have a Bezos Mansa Musa... Black African King who introduced white people to jewels and gold around 1350. And Europeans turned around and started destroying the world because of greed. By 1495, the Europeans created something called the "Doctrine of Discovery" where they used murder and mayhem to steal the land, lives and culture from millions of people around the world. Imperialization and Neo Colonial exploits continues today.

dreehudson - 22.06.2023 15:40

Has AI taken a shot at deciphering?

Jesus Flores
Jesus Flores - 06.06.2023 23:17

What an ass Thompson was.

3FiftyOne - 06.06.2023 11:59

Do you have Facebook ?

Daddyrabbit4u2c - 06.06.2023 02:17

Sounds like Sir J Eric Thompson was an abstract idiograph. I'm fed up with old scientists covering up or dismissing proof that slows the ability of finding the truth.

Lee Ann Ng
Lee Ann Ng - 22.05.2023 23:00

A big thank you for all the effort you put into your videos! I've learned so much from your channel :)

Ryan Costa
Ryan Costa - 21.05.2023 03:44

What sort of paper or parchment did the Maya use?

David Traywick
David Traywick - 05.05.2023 10:55


TheDarkLordoftheInternet - 18.04.2023 23:07

I still remember in 1980s as a boy reading old books saying that the Mayan cities were only ceremonial centers, without permanent residents. Even more amazing, I found an old school book with an article on Martian canals.

Aaron Knight
Aaron Knight - 18.04.2023 03:44


Benny Martinez
Benny Martinez - 07.04.2023 23:43


Way to leave that out of your introduction but sounds like this is some revisionist lesson being passed around. Thanks for messing with Ancient Turtle Island!!!!

Late To The Party Podcast
Late To The Party Podcast - 01.04.2023 10:38

MAYANS draw black people all in the temples and its black people all throughout the AMERICAS, but they came from Africa, right? So, a mixed-race people were indigenous to the equator they got wiped out by the Spanish then they stole a population of what would be later called Africa to repopulate the land with the Europeans to repopulate the America with mixed raced people is that about right? Sound like a lot of work. Logic leads me to believe that they just enslaved the natives and had a lot of sex with them. And before you think I'm crazy, they have charts they drew to illustrate how to whiten up the Americas looks like they succeeded. the US opted for the 1 drop rule. And if you were a dark skinned native, they labeled you a negro.

dario mendoza
dario mendoza - 28.03.2023 16:25

I wonder why there is no reference to the Jewish ancestry of the Meso American natives. It was well documented by the Spanish conquistadors The ten lost tribes of Israel were in the Americas or Ashterath the biblical name of the American Continent….

xxx encryptacion
xxx encryptacion - 28.03.2023 03:01

Yuri !!!

xxx encryptacion
xxx encryptacion - 28.03.2023 03:00

Great archeological summary !

Logan - 27.03.2023 00:09

If Yuri Knorozov would had been able to study the Mayan ruins in person, I’m sure he would had decipher them (no doubt on my mind).
My outmost respect goes to him & the others that followed. 🫡🇷🇺

PS: excellent, excellent video; very well explained 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 my hat goes off to you Sir!

Lawh - 20.03.2023 11:17

I've been thinking lately how perhaps you could, by hearing a language, make an educated guess whether a script would be more logical to write in syllables or an aphabet. Does anyone know if there could be anything to this?

RockSolidKevo - 12.03.2023 10:56

What luck to have someone like Yuri discover those books.

RockSolidKevo - 12.03.2023 10:51

I always wondered as a kid how the hell they wrote with pictographs but then I started to do this. 🍁🔥💨🤡👽

Tito Schmidt
Tito Schmidt - 10.03.2023 03:39

De Landa put zero effort in recording their writing

GQuerelle - 09.03.2023 18:15

spanish colonialism = INFINITE STUPIDITY

Charles Daniels
Charles Daniels - 06.03.2023 19:08

Well I guess they have to change the history books again and again

Charles Daniels
Charles Daniels - 06.03.2023 19:06

Because they were Africa 🌍

Charles Daniels
Charles Daniels - 06.03.2023 19:06

Notice it's in Africa language not Spanish

Charles Daniels
Charles Daniels - 06.03.2023 19:05

Well these black people were HEB from Africa that spoke not Spanish but Hebrew language that's why these statues show how long they been there they left Israel Africa and settled there 1000 years before

Charles Daniels
Charles Daniels - 06.03.2023 19:02

I bet you they can read it it's from West Africa

Charles Daniels
Charles Daniels - 06.03.2023 19:02

Yes the writing are Africa language ask them they understand it

Charles Daniels
Charles Daniels - 06.03.2023 19:01

Why are you shocked The pyramids explains everything

Charles Daniels
Charles Daniels - 06.03.2023 19:00

Yes Africa language

FishFeed - 01.03.2023 19:24

Linguists also recognize Berlin, he of (Kay & Berlin's color studies" fame

Mcgyver - 27.02.2023 08:10

beatiful video bro... thank you for taking the time to make a video of my culture

Ma Wi
Ma Wi - 19.02.2023 03:17

So sad the Catholic church destroyed so much. And now they are still the strongest 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔. When did Christ tell them to deify His mother? They've done much harm. Led many astray.

Dale Lane
Dale Lane - 17.02.2023 13:38

I dont think thats a word

Guillermo Gigante
Guillermo Gigante - 11.02.2023 20:37

Great to have your thorough progression of the deciphering process over the decades and references to other ancient languages. Interesting to see that it took so many non-Mayans to work on the effort and to produce the final success. Thanks for your well-illustrated lecture!

Quantum Comata
Quantum Comata - 11.02.2023 17:55

Composite morphosyllabic logogramatic grams!
