What I Love about Poland! - Tales of an Expat

What I Love about Poland! - Tales of an Expat

Brit InPoland

7 месяцев назад

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@PotatoCannon-fy2sm - 08.07.2024 20:02

Is the food clean/natural in Poland?

@toms9864 - 12.06.2024 02:49

Thank you for this objective review.

@koczisek - 01.05.2024 10:11

Thanks mate! It was very kind of you. I'm happy you feel good here. Lots of luck!

@MonikaMazgola - 19.04.2024 18:43

Thank you

@user-nm6sp1eg5o - 11.03.2024 16:58

Wtf is expat? You are an immigrant

@HelenA-fd8vl - 03.03.2024 00:56

That was very interesting. I am 72 and my father was Polish and came to the UK after WW2. We used to visit during communist times so my memories of Poland are of 60 years ago. On our first visit in 1960 I noticed that many buildings were pock marked from gun shots. It was a very dour place. But the thing my English mother noticed was that in spite of all they had been through, they did not seem bitter. I am so pleased to see that at last Poland is coming into its own, after all their trials and tribulations. My father did not live to see it, unfortunately. Jeszcze Polska nie zginela.

@jeffreyprice773 - 10.02.2024 17:56

Where do people live, do they live in flats/apartments, do they have housing estates like in England uk. ?

@jeffreyprice773 - 10.02.2024 17:40

Why are Poles leaving/left, Poland.?

@Sombre_gd - 30.01.2024 18:27

Thumbs up for Beksiński!

@programmabilities - 30.01.2024 01:40

I live in Poland. There is 1 reason why i love living in Poland -- it is European. There is 1 reason why i hate living in West Europe -- it is not European.

@gug7187 - 27.01.2024 12:37

If u want to live in Poland and want to be respected and welcomed, u must follow the following simple rules:
1) Respect the Polish history. (Generations of Poles have given their lives for the freedom of Poland)
2) Respect the Polish customs.
3) Respect the Polish tradition. (the Polish tradition is thousand years old)
4) Be loyal to Poland.
5) Take care of the Polish state, because Poland is our common good.
6) Don't kill, don't rape, don't cheat, don't lie, don't steal, don't insult others, don't hurt others
7) Be polite, help people who need your help.
8) Help Polish people to protect their country. Respect Polish soldiers, police and firefighters.
9) Don't take narcotics. Drinking vodka is commonly acceptable in Poland, but if you lose your family, money, job ... because you are an alcoholic, you will be despised.
10) Take care of the environment.(30% territory of Poland is a forest. 80% of forests lakes, rivers etc is owned by the Polish State and is FULLY OPENED FOR ALL POLISH PEOPLE!!! TAKE CARE of this COMMON TREASURE!!!!!!)

If you follow the rules above, you have 100% guarantee, that you will be respected in Poland no matter the colour of you skin, race, religion, gender or nationality. You can be a part of Poland no matter where are you from. This is a part of the Polish tradition. If you are not able to follow the rules above, Poland is not a place for you.

@neil742 - 23.01.2024 15:37

May I ask please what is your job? Do you enjoy work?

@rufsven8312 - 19.01.2024 04:39

I'm very happy that you feel good

@rafalkamiski7373 - 18.01.2024 05:55

After 15y in GB, as a Polish minoryty i can judge too.... England its a shithole, Wales its very nice. Just my opinion.

@4relevants - 15.01.2024 21:22

No, dobrze, ale dlaczego nasz kraj jest taki kwadratowy na mapie?... bez sensu.

@abc-zz5zf - 05.01.2024 12:24

Polacy, jeżeli chodzi o usługi publiczne - urzędy, szpitale, banki, policję itd. nie robią (prawie) nic dobrze - cały system zarządzania usługami publicznymi do zmiany!

@dcikaruga - 28.12.2023 05:54

Summer's are usually mild, it's bloody cold in the winter, I find the food quite plain, but oddly enough, some of the lowest crime rates in Europe, and when you see how most Poles are like, you can understand why - they're usually a nice bunch overall. Not sure about health though, many of them still smoke and can drink quite a lot, but at least they don't tend to get violent when drunk.

@ipodman1910 - 24.12.2023 06:45

One more thing everybody seems to be forgetting - there are No scammers aiming the tourists and foreigners!

@michalwandas3743 - 24.12.2023 03:26

I always say to others that foreigners like yourself are the best ambassadors of Poland although considering the amount of time you have lived here I hope that you no longer feel like a foreigner. Merry Christmas. Thumbs up.👍

@piotrpalka5636 - 23.12.2023 15:20

I recommend visiting small Towns not only Warsaw, Krakow etc.

People are more friendly for guests and you can find very Beautiful places.

I Recommend visiting Zamość and near Zamość you have Roztoczański Park National. There are many Beautiful Villages in the Forrest with clean Air.

But I recommend visiting in the late spring, so the Best End of the May or in June. Nature is amazing and views.

@rafazieba9982 - 22.12.2023 04:49

About the service in restaurants. In Poland it is considered rude to interrupt people while they are eating or discussing something among themselves. If you want some thing just call the waiter. Having said that there are more and more places (about 80% of all places in 2023 in my estimate) that read those comments and ask ones or twice if "everything is ok". I'm ending up talking with my month full "yes, everything is ok" every Sunday dinner with family these days. A side note: while home Sunday dinners are common in Poland restaurant Sunday dinners are not.

@user-vo9cp4nr9b - 21.12.2023 13:52

Tylko nam tu nikogo nie zapraszaj. Wy już zaprosiliście do siebie, Brit.

@juzekmato - 21.12.2023 05:24

Polish in Englang "immigrant". English in Poland " expat".

@Some-random-Scythian - 21.12.2023 02:53

I proudly renounced the Polish culture of my parents for Superior Anglo-Saxon American culture. Also Catholics aren't real Christians, a real Christian doesn't worship Mary and the Pope.

@chubeye1187 - 21.12.2023 02:33

The polish people I talk to who are living in England, question why I went to some places in Poland, a bit dismissive, but at the same time very chuffed that I went. Probably not dissimilar to British people outside London and major cities view

@mitrydatmarek - 20.12.2023 22:56


@karlstanc4444 - 20.12.2023 13:47

Poland has been loved for centuries, by many! Hence so many invasions and occupations of Poland. 😁

@macnawrocki8123 - 20.12.2023 13:24

Can i ask what is yr ethnicity..

@aw7178 - 20.12.2023 07:20

What’s About Bigos NumberOne TraditionalFood In Poland (!)❤️🇵🇱

@miroslawwawrzyniak722 - 19.12.2023 19:35

Merry Christmas :)

@HaydarElmaci - 19.12.2023 11:35

Hi mate
Thanks for your videos ,and it gives me a knowledge about life in the Poland.
I would like to talk to you if you don’t mind please
How can I contact you?

@konradsobacki8314 - 18.12.2023 18:24

Hello:) All of reasons to LOVE my sweet Poland are the same as Yours Dear Mate :))) Have a lot of smiling days here. Let Poland to be Your second Homeland:) Kisses from Szczecin :))

@riddick1716 - 18.12.2023 13:52

Very honest opinion, I love the point of view. Great video.

@EP-cm8ch - 17.12.2023 18:23

Bardzo się cieszę że pokochałeś Polskę ❤ czuj się jak u siebie w domu❤

@maciejkarnowski9556 - 16.12.2023 01:11

Have you been in Polish Lake District?Mazury region with over 2600 lakes.
Check it out, all the best in Polska.

@StanisawSolon - 14.12.2023 15:44

Before going to Sanok, be sure to see if all of the exposition of Beksinski is there. Dad's part of family is from there and, I've been to the museum couple of times - the art does often travel aroun and might not be entirely viewable. Sanok is charming but also due to it's history quite sad since it lost it's significance after WWII

@adriannaszudrzynska9371 - 14.12.2023 13:30

Hello, I'll write again as don't know if you read my comment under the deleted video.
I know how you feel, such things always hurts.
Yesterday, an event about which the whole world is talking took place in the Polish Parliament - one of the Polish MP's Grzegorz Braun from the far-right "Konfederacja" attacked the Hanukkah lights with a fire extinguisher during the celebration.
Such events always strongly influence social mood and may trigger attacks against foreigners.
I think these two may be typical hooligans, but they may also be Konfederacja sympathizers.
Poland is a relatively safe country, but such things happen, the chances that one of your followers will recognize these guys are low, your friend needs to report the incident to the police and they will deal with it.

@user-ur1is9xv7o - 13.12.2023 18:52


@rafanowacki2260 - 13.12.2023 03:19

Jako Polak powiem witam, urodziłem się w 1968 i mój pradziadek walczył w 1905 w wojnie Rosyjsko Japońskiej(Babcia miała rok) Dziadek był na robotach przymusowych w Niemczech i
przez Niemca stracił rękę a po powrocie do Polski żołnierze Rosyjscy go okradli i kazali uciekać i cieszyć się że żyje, ot takich mieliśmy przyjaciół. Niestety Brytyjczycy po tym jak Polacy
bronili ich nieba też nas zdradzili bo ważniejsza była polityka. Mam nadzieję że dzisiaj będziemy się nawzajem bardziej szanować ale do tego jest potrzebna prawda Historyczna.
Mam nadzieję że możemy się dogadać i wzajemnie szanować, jak masz pytania to chętnie odpowiem i wiem że nie mieliśmy wpływu na nasze losy w przeszłości👍👍

@wordup1944 - 13.12.2023 02:11

I’m English , respect to Poland . Poles are great people.

@Bodsky45aol - 13.12.2023 01:36

What a great honest view of a lovely place

@Yhvothlohurintis - 12.12.2023 14:34

Most of the Poles who undersell this country, are the people who have never been anywhere for longer than all-inclusive Egypt or Turkey holiday.

@pawelzawislak1671 - 12.12.2023 11:29

Nice. I enjoyed hearing so much praise about my own country. It kinda made me want to explore it more.

However, there was one part that got me a bit uneasy - the food part. And specifically you saying that you don't understand veganism. I'm not gonna lecture you on veganism (unless you up for it), but from what I've observed, big cities in Poland are very vegan-friendly. Warsaw is amazing in that regard (was ranked no.6 as the most vegan-friendly city in the world before Covid). And I sincerely hope that vegans won't be minority for too long, especially if we care about the future of the planet.

@tomekes6584 - 12.12.2023 11:03

BLIK was developped by a Polish Bank as an original idea. They now export this tech.

@waldred3537 - 12.12.2023 05:38

Safety, smart people, clean everywhere and modern. What keeps me from comming back is knowlage how well educated polish people are and that I am not competition for them.

@ewa366 - 11.12.2023 12:13

W Katowicach stoi jeden z najciekawszych i wg mnie najpiękniejszych cudów architektury minionej socjalistycznej epoki, tak zwany Spodek. Piękny jest też w całości Park Kultury i Wypoczynku, zaraz niedaleko, czyli w Chorzowie, ratowany przez ludzi przed sprzedażą terenów deweloperom, z cudnym odnowionym niedawno Planetarium. Polecam i dziękuję za piękny opis mojego kraju. Zdecydowanie Polacy powinni bardziej docenić Polskę.
