The COMPLETE Guide to GODS in the Elder Scrolls - Elder Scrolls Lore

The COMPLETE Guide to GODS in the Elder Scrolls - Elder Scrolls Lore


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Aquariantroll - 30.09.2023 01:39

wait so mara gets multiple spouses but that player can't with out mods......typical, oh and i mean this as in if your characters spouse died and you want your character to remarry in skyrim

shadowsofsun sow
shadowsofsun sow - 26.09.2023 11:49

EA religions lore is basically hinduism on steroids

Pendragon44321 - 25.09.2023 03:51

Why do people not put the names on the screens with diagrams??? Its so hard to visualize things!!

Utah710 - 24.09.2023 20:07

Finally, a TES content creator that doesn’t sounds he like sleeps with a cpap in his moms basement with a permanent chastity belt.

The Slayer
The Slayer - 19.09.2023 10:23

Awesome breackdown. Simply awesome.

David Fletcher
David Fletcher - 12.09.2023 17:43

Utopia is the wrong word to use for paradise, Utopia means Nothingness

Potatoes - 11.09.2023 08:33

Too much nerding my brain shut down half way, but then regained consciousness at "perception is reality" and i felt like i understood the whole thing.

0121D0ONE - 10.09.2023 23:09

The logical theory of worship giving power and life to Deities is another argument that backs the Stormcloaks being right in rebelling. Think about it.

Winterspelll Streaming
Winterspelll Streaming - 09.09.2023 18:45

I kind of think about Elder Scrolls and it's god's like something Rick Riordan put in the Cane Chronicles. Multiple things can be true at once

Leia Claassen
Leia Claassen - 08.09.2023 15:19

In the percy Jackson sequels split personality is how they explain the gods roman and Greek counterparts and the difference in their powers and action which I feel like makes alot of sense.

Grant Scott
Grant Scott - 25.08.2023 18:07


ural - 18.08.2023 18:32

I would love a dunmer focused breakdown on the the divines, the daedra, and their ancestors.

Bton1233 - 16.08.2023 22:47

* cough, cough* 9 Devines…

Mariano Maza
Mariano Maza - 16.08.2023 05:00

We all know the only true god of the elder scrolls universe is Tod Howard

Johnny Ravo
Johnny Ravo - 16.08.2023 04:58

I need you brothers to put those two big ol brains together and start crafting some pristine fallout builds again pretty please 🙏❤️

Ω310K39ζ - 13.08.2023 17:39

the elder scrolls schizoverse

TheFalseKingslayer - 10.08.2023 08:27

My favorite thing about elder scrolls lore is that it’s likely that 90% of it just isn’t true/accurate. And that’s so freaking realistic versus having all lore text and bits and pieces just be gospel like in other fictional universes (Star Wars for example)

LoganLS - 02.08.2023 01:04

Talos is worth fighting for.

RumplyScamp - 02.08.2023 00:06

They aren’t what they show you. Remember the gods of Egypt? They wore masks.

Dylan Manack
Dylan Manack - 29.07.2023 20:51

I imagine Sangin from the khajit pantheon would be their interpretation of Boethiah, no? Secret murder and death, she has you sacrifice someone who’s trust you’ve earned, and asks you to stealthily slighter her previous champion?

League of Legends Wild rift : INBuster
League of Legends Wild rift : INBuster - 25.07.2023 18:12

They forgot Jesusithis and allahtosh lel

SirNubblesEsquire - 23.07.2023 11:32

So all the people of nirn are essentially warhammer orks

Robert Davis
Robert Davis - 20.07.2023 12:50

Honestly I'm in total agreement. I just think it's much much more simple. Each God is able to create realms of heaven for each race. If the goal is to get as much worship as possible. So in turn you get more power. You would take on as many roles as you needed. Being able to freely go from one form to the other. I mean they are gods.

bacchusnotneptune - 20.07.2023 11:24

TES theology? I’m so hot and bothered 😅😍🤩

FoxInnaHat - 15.07.2023 13:09

So here is a theory, what if the reason the divines appear as spheroid planets is because they embody so many conflicting and alternate natures that they cannot hold form anymore.

In the dawn era and some of the merithic era, some of the divines actually had an observable, tangeable form. As is Auriel being able to fire a bow. Would be kinda hard for mars to shoot anything...

VoodooThree - 14.07.2023 17:58

Well done to everyone involved! Also the fact that you released what is essentially a full length audio book for free is awesome. Despite the fact that I’ve been listening for around 6 six years (and Bethesda hasn’t released an ES game in 12 years) you still manage to make interesting content that I can’t wait to watch! Keep up the great work gentlemen.

Satherian - 13.07.2023 20:20

Tldr - Aedra are our parents who spent their money on stuff to help you while the Deadra are the aunts/uncles who didn't have kids and can spend their money on cool stuff

Broken Fang
Broken Fang - 08.07.2023 04:31

But how are we able to be blessed by the gods but also have the favor of the daedra?

T S - 03.07.2023 18:17

What song is in the background? I can't find it

Sanguine Crimson
Sanguine Crimson - 02.07.2023 09:59

What if Time wasn't exactly linear in the beginning of our Universe, like what if the Big Bang happened because the Big Bang had happened, or had had to have had happened because it was what caused it, you see, only Time isn't linear at this point, so... Yeah, try explaining this to someone who watches the Kardashians (sp?)

Manny T
Manny T - 01.07.2023 22:47

I ignored my girl for an hour to watch this, worth it

Ayjay - 11.06.2023 09:13

Come on man I got Skyrim as a Christmas gift as a kid and now I’m nearly 30 with an 8 year old son of my own. I been waiting so long me and my boy are going to play TES6 together 😂😂😂

Drill Bitt
Drill Bitt - 08.06.2023 07:51

I just realised just how much prior lore and name information I had to know about this completly fictional game series to understand this video. I have no idea what an alternator does but if you need me to break down a dragon break I have all day.

FlameGuy - 07.06.2023 20:36

This pantheon needs a Kratos.

Wild Hunt
Wild Hunt - 06.06.2023 21:05

Then when did Akatosh create the dragons? They claim to come from akatosh but akatosh seems to be a newer concept.

RegalCartoon 🇺🇦
RegalCartoon 🇺🇦 - 04.06.2023 04:11

And this is exactly why The Elder Scrolls (Skyrim in particular) is my favorite game series of all time. There is so much lore and world building. So many allegiances, religions, and ideals. It’s…it’s amazing. I love it so much that I feel an allegiance and undying loyalty to my favorite of the gods, Sheogorath. My character would die for Sheogorath.

The Radiant Potato
The Radiant Potato - 03.06.2023 07:36

Always love hearing him say we’ll talk about the crazier stuff after talking about planets exerting their influence lol. 😂

B. Dawg
B. Dawg - 26.05.2023 07:51

So you’re saying “nothing is true, everything is permitted”

Manudyne - 06.05.2023 13:55

Real life lore: 🤓
TES Lore: 🗿

Ghost of Gary Gygax
Ghost of Gary Gygax - 05.05.2023 20:57

Discworld has roughly the same belief system, while being a bit more abusive to the fourth wall. One of the things that makes me love both universes.

The_Catman - 05.05.2023 06:38

It's interesting how the Dwemer and Redguard seem to somewhat mirror each other in their differences from other men/mer

Dwemer had already long established themselves in Tamriel by the time any other mer arrived and no one knows when/how they split off from the rest, while Redguard came from a completely different continent than other men with similar mystery as to their origins.

Meanwhile they both have radically different beliefs from their cousins, functionally opposite from what others of their kind believe in terms of lorkhans honesty/trickery, and oddly completely different in the earlier cosmology that other men and mer generally agree on (what things were like before)

You also mentioned the khajit have a story about how they were transformed from elves, and iirc they were also already on Tamriel when the rest of the mer arrived, along with the argonians which none the other mythologies seem to account for, I'm sure they have their own origin story but it's interesting the common story of men and mer doesn't seem to account for the beast races at all, unless they all have their own tales of being transformed in some way?

Jstar338 - 02.05.2023 00:46

It's odd how man, supposedly the lesser race in the eyes of the Divines, are consistently more supported by them than elves. Probably because of all the daedra usage

Deathmageddon - 25.04.2023 06:36

The most surprising bit was the assertion that Muslims worship Jesus 😂 (they don’t)

Grim Vigilante
Grim Vigilante - 24.04.2023 08:24

I appreciate the efforts of explaining all this lore but truly biblically educated Christians don't worship the same god as anybody else we worship the only true God,just nature of everything is the some the best proof

EliteValor1003 - 20.04.2023 18:53

What happened to the Knights Of The Nine after Oblivion? I've always assumed in my head canon that the order was wiped out in the great war in a final stand against the thalmore at their compound taking down a staggering number of their troops before being brutally slaughtered or imprisoned for life.

Dennis Wade
Dennis Wade - 16.04.2023 01:35

It's interesting to observe that when we create a fantasy realm like Nirn we can find enjoyment and even new insights about life by contemplating ideas like the ones you offer in this video.
But when we take the same ideas and insights and apply them to the realm we actually live in, they most likely give rise to fundamental theologies, righteous judgements and holy wars!

With the new understandings of Quantum Physics, the Multiverse, and Consciousness that are coming about, I really do think we will find that not only is reality exactly like what you have portrayed here, but that it can really only be that way if free will, constant change, diversity and growth through experience are true things.
