When Russian Incompetence Almost Started A Nuclear War

When Russian Incompetence Almost Started A Nuclear War

Paper Skies

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@dieAnthropologischeKonstante - 01.12.2023 23:41

Thanks god - he was drunk

@stepanbazrov6330 - 01.12.2023 13:31

Эх, сегодня я не узнал...(

@jeffreyskoritowski4114 - 30.11.2023 21:09

Germany, the only country where David Hasselhoff could be a pop star 😂😂😂

@jeffreyskoritowski4114 - 30.11.2023 19:55

Shaman: I am Russian
Me: If you want to talk about your problems go see a Psychiatrist. Asshole.

@Livewyr7 - 30.11.2023 19:20

VERY smooth transition into sponsor.

Well played

@SerbanOprescu - 30.11.2023 18:10

I appreciate you, Paper Skies and I think you are to the largest extent objective, neutral and generally marked by decency and common sense. I do believe, though, that reality is much more complex and (in my opinion) you are becoming progressively affected by the hardships your country goes through.

@alanrosete3855 - 30.11.2023 14:25

Who would've say that Boris incompetence on decision making was what saved the world

@linas2536 - 29.11.2023 15:19

your video way too long...

@sjoormen1 - 29.11.2023 13:47

in the west nobody cares about russians threats.

@chunks6856 - 29.11.2023 08:04

Is it just me or did he misinterpret the news title? The news article he mentioned was quoting what someone from Russia said and did not mention that it was true… most likely explaining how Russia was aggravating the conflict

@CrackaPackify - 29.11.2023 05:23

Stewart Cheiffet ha ha ja

@entropyachieved750 - 29.11.2023 01:40

Such a great channel. The stories are excellent

@napoleonibonaparte7198 - 28.11.2023 23:16

Thankfully, we have text messaging.

@andrewgrandfield7214 - 28.11.2023 22:35

"A whole nation wickedly urging nuclear war." What??? That's absurd.

@dritzzdarkwood4727 - 28.11.2023 21:30

During the Cuba Crisis, the US performed an essentially non-legal blockade. In that blockade a US destroyer was hunting one of 3 Soviet subs. They were armed with nuclear torpedoes and the captains of the subs had made a pact. If one fired, they all fired.
Fortunately, the Soviet submarine captain exercised restraint although it was being hunted vigorously by a....buckaroo.

@beringstraitrailway - 28.11.2023 20:30

Salma Hayek! 😍

@rayceeya8659 - 28.11.2023 10:04

It should be noted that most research rockets launch east to west so Norway launched directly over Russian airspace. But you launch west to east because that's the most efficient way to launch. It's just physics.

@mandelorean6243 - 28.11.2023 07:59

During Cuba crisis.. 2 of 3 on the sub chose to launch nukes... only 1 guy held them off for a moment

@harlequintheserpent7016 - 28.11.2023 06:08

Those "sick ecstasy" claims are actually quite hilarious to hear - but intimidating as well.
Intimidating because it means that the russian international propaganda circus, unfortunately, works, and it's mob is circulating amongst the foureign public... making them fall under the influence more and more.

In reality Russia is closer and closer to the 1917 state with even the initial war supporters getting sick of it due to having no benefits and facing the plummeting life quality.
Those "patriotic" concerts are all but filled up with donated audience because nobody is interested in this bs anymore - especially when it monotonously leaks out of every state media. So it is purely a vanity fair tom foolery for the outside obserevers - those, who aren't even paying their efforts to think twice and judge things critically. And this is the obvious reason for the nuclear sabre rattlments to be in the limelight. What could bother those foreign folks more?

And the most fed up with this war are actually it's poor idiots - volunteer soldiers... i'm sorry, (un)paid military contractors. And those guys who didn't manage to dodge the mobilisation as well.
Because they're screwed up by their state in every way - supplies at the frontline, frontline exposure times, payouts, medical care, etc. It's just an endless bloodbath for them without a way out - safe and sound, at least.

So this is the actual look from inside the "consolidated russian socium dying from patriotic fever".

Hope this clarifies a thing or two for those few who read this.

And with all the respect - may I gently ask the author not to play in unison with the russian propaganda.

@brucewilson4200 - 27.11.2023 22:21

Honestly Grachev having a Big Button ready to go scares me just as bad as Yeltsin having one.

@BobjrsGaming - 27.11.2023 20:34

Great video as always. Hope you are staying safe!

@nimbusshadow-wings - 27.11.2023 17:56

At this point we dont even know if Russia's nukes still work, or the rockets that carry them.

@Icspiders247 - 27.11.2023 17:06

Interesting the Russians would think the west would just launch one missile in order to take them out.

@ryelor123 - 27.11.2023 14:04

Just think how confused Bill Clinton and the Pentagon would've been if Russia fired their missiles.

@JAlucard77 - 27.11.2023 12:26


@Free-Bodge79 - 27.11.2023 08:35

2 mins from hell ! 😥

@indoorin - 27.11.2023 05:26

I was wearing earbuds and when the alarm went off I thought my buildings fire alarm was going off

@georgewilson7432 - 26.11.2023 08:08

Ah, russia, barbaric, imbecellic, primitive and callous russia.

@SynapseDriven - 26.11.2023 02:52

I take Yeltsin drunk over any of those clowns in congress any day

@hgfkowgxnfkpeosuvjgosa4431 - 26.11.2023 02:12

Pretty surprising he didn't rush into decisions, it is called RUSHia after all

ba dum tsss

@stephenwest6738 - 26.11.2023 01:37

Russia having thousands of nukes is by far and away the most irresponsible thing humanity has done or allowed. A meteor may hit the Earth, a pandemic might wipe out humanity, and the Yellowstone supercaldera might send the planet into a decades long winter...but it is 100% certain that Russia will find a way to screw the pooch. They are the perfect example of "malicious incompetence". It will be hilarious to the world until suddenly its not.

@TheAllMightyGodofCod - 25.11.2023 21:55

That right and left bias feally depends on where you are. In my country it is the left that says that and supoorts russia.... Not the right wing.
In other places, the extreme right defends russia but the centre right doesn't.

@alancranford3398 - 25.11.2023 20:36

In 1939 it was all Finland's fault for failing to give Stalin sufficient assurances that Finland would not unleash its massive armies and conquer Leningrad! That's why the great Soviet Union had to fight Finland.

@kerednilon4276 - 25.11.2023 14:15

At least it wasnt Putin. He would have done something crazy. Like invading Ukraine.

@paulohagan3309 - 25.11.2023 02:44

'...without reaching a critical point ...'

Not true. There were at least three points during the Cuban Crisis when the world could have gone up in smoke.

@robbierobinson8819 - 24.11.2023 22:29

This added another dimension to the Yeltsin era in Russia. I particularly appreciate the way you ended the episode.

@FreedomIsNotFree2023 - 24.11.2023 20:50

Слава Україні brother! 💙💛
I have voted Republican my entire adult life, honestly I can't figure out what in the world happened to the Republican party as of late. Republican party used to have a big set of 🏀🏀, now they are happy to give up Ukraine to Putin.
Now we're stuck between Biden's disastrous internal policies, and Trump's insane agenda on foreign policy.
I can't bring myself to vote Republican right now, it'd be the same as voting for Putin.

@DOSsector - 24.11.2023 20:36

Ти зараз вестернам виклав більше історії про кінець Холодної Війни ніж вони могли дізнатися за все своє життя. Good job!

@nematolvajkergetok5104 - 24.11.2023 18:44

It's chilling to know there were at least 8-10 times when we were minutes from nuclear war. The Cuban Missile Crisis produced at least five such events. In one, a curious bear shook the fence of a US airbase in the middle of the night, triggering an alert. The alert system was connected to other bases, and the sirens went off in the entire state. At one base, the wiring was incorrectly connected. The warning light was supposed to indicate an intruder alert, but a different lamp lit up, indicating a nuclear attack. The base immediately scrambled nuclear-armed jets to attack Cuba. Only one officer didn't lose his nerve, and called the other bases to ask if they also received a nuclear attack alert. When he learned that they didn't, he rushed to the parking lot, jumped into his Corvette, and drove down the runway, blocking the takeoff route. This was the only way to stop the planes, as they turned off their radios to operate in complete secrecy. Now imagine if this guy parked the car in the far end of the lot, or his wife dropped him off on that day, or... yeah, scary.

Brezhnev also saved us from a war once, however not in such a tight situation. When the Conrad spy ring, a group of US Army turncoats supplied the Soviets with the exact locations of the nuclear mine shafts on the inter-German border, they provided the Warsaw Pact with an enormous advantage in case they launched an attack on NATO. The mine shafts were secret locations where nuclear charges would've been placed in case of war, and detonated when Soviet troops crossed the border, creating a death zone by covering a wide area with radioactive dust. As the Soviets now knew where these were, they could've landed Spetznaz units to prevent their use, and thus open a passage for their tank armies. Brezhnev looked at it, and simply said: "nyet". It's just not worth.

@raman03 - 24.11.2023 18:26

my man puts so much time and effort into making these epic videos and still didn't put the ad in the start or the middle bro do you hate money or they didn't care wherever you put it

@KronoGarrett - 24.11.2023 16:54

Wasn't there another incident caused by Russian copper thieves digging into signal cables in the 1990s or early 2000s?

As we see in the more recent stuff, Putin is basically pulling from the old madman theory playbook. Unfortunately a lot of people here have fallen for it, which really stymies efforts to provide aid...

@jwenting - 24.11.2023 16:39

There is nothing surprising in the Soviet propaganda (and yes, Russia IS the Soviet Union in all but name) blaming everyone but themselves for their aggression. It's a constant theme with authoritarian regimes to blame their victims.
The current junta in the USA does the same, so does the current government in Venezuela, so does North Korea, so does communist China, Zimbadwe, hamas, etc. etc., the list goes on and on.

@CharlieTheNerd91 - 24.11.2023 16:08

All out nuclear war would not likely kill everyone or destroy the entire planet, as most warheads willikely be concentrated in the USA and Russia, Africa would likely be smostly fine as would maybe be small parts of europe. (Heavily polited, but still existing)
