Jordan Peterson's opinion on Antidepressants

Jordan Peterson's opinion on Antidepressants

Bite-sized Philosophy

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Linus Persson's Gaming Channel
Linus Persson's Gaming Channel - 10.10.2023 04:53

Try it, yeah it's not that easy, it's as hard to atop antidepressants as it is a benzodiazepine.

caramanico1 - 09.10.2023 00:46

If ya gotta, ya gotta (from first-hand experience and a few second-hand experiences). They will not solve anything for you, but the right one used properly on a temporary basis will allow you to function so you can solve what you need solve.

Miller chris
Miller chris - 09.10.2023 00:28

Heroin addiction destroyed my life for over 22 years. Also suffered severe depression and mental disorder. It's just amazing how psilocybin mushrooms treatment saved my life honestly. 3 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.

Allen Venegas
Allen Venegas - 08.10.2023 22:38

Everyone's life is not a tragedy. Where he gets that is beyond me.

Rickard Karlsson
Rickard Karlsson - 08.10.2023 22:21

Back when I respected him.

Thady Lang
Thady Lang - 08.10.2023 18:22

I know this video is old, so I understand it doesn't talk about the newer research on anti-depressants and that it has been discovered that they don't work in the way originally thought to, in fact they don't know why they work for some and make things worse for others. It is a gamble and people are right to be hesitant about taking them, they are known to raise the risk of suicide in some people ("we can't help you if you are dead") and for most people they destroy what sex life a person might have had left, which leads to more damaged marriage, less support and more depression.

Nick Coxhill
Nick Coxhill - 08.10.2023 15:29

It's so nice to listen to Dr Peterson when he is talking about psychiatric or psychological care of his patients. Depression is such a difficult illness to work out because, as he said, there are those patients for whom it is a medical condition, and then for others it is behavioural. It must be so hard to know where to start with some people.
I struggled with depression for years, but it was behavioural. I struggled with my work; I knew I could do more but I was stuck in a dead-end job with (it seemed at the time) no way out. With the help of my family I found a goal to aim for and I am feeling better than I have felt for a long time. I still struggle with lack of self esteem and impostor syndrome, but I know now that I need to vet my own brain; it tells me things I don't need to know sometimes.

Elonif - 08.10.2023 14:44

Honestly Peterson is such a fantastic psychologist that it is a shame he has become a political figure.

Peter Vermeer
Peter Vermeer - 08.10.2023 13:27

Who cares about this dumb pseudoscientific crap? The guy hasn't said anything interesting, it's just the same tired platitudes and cliches over and over again.

Philip771 - 08.10.2023 12:36

"leave your pride behind". That's a great bit of wisdom actually and it comes from the Bible. Too many people feel that they have to fix their own problems and are either too afraid or too proud to ask for help.

No Name
No Name - 08.10.2023 05:50

You have to take a look at your life first, too many people are shoved antidepressants in their face who don't need them. Some people have genuine reason to be depressed with their lives. Remember that we are natural beings living in an unnatural world. I was on SSRI's for 10 years. It helped, but I should have cut them off after 1 year. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get off these meds? Be fucking careful. I was on SSRI's for 10 years and you have no idea how grateful I am now to be done with that shit. Good riddance. It fucks with your mind and your body way too much to be taking it long-term, I'm sorry. Thank god I didn't die trying to get off these stupid meds.

Aaron Marshall
Aaron Marshall - 07.10.2023 22:42

When a man cries every 2 minutes and lies about Christ and God's word habitually, you should probably not listen to him.

Adrian L
Adrian L - 07.10.2023 20:09

Not a single mention of diet--a factor that JP now claims is a huge factor in mental health

Niklas Diercks
Niklas Diercks - 07.10.2023 19:41

Anti depressants are not proven to work

JayDawg - 07.10.2023 19:32

At 32 years old I was prescribed Citalopram for mild depression. Turns out I was more than just mildly depressed. After 2 weeks on the drug, I was a changed person. I only wish I had recognized my mental health issues as a teenager.

russ scott
russ scott - 07.10.2023 16:48

From the guy who was addicted to pain killers

Kinnon - 07.10.2023 01:41

Oh look the drug addict is pushing drugs.

greg mcgregor
greg mcgregor - 06.10.2023 20:38

The revolving door syndrome is a thing in psych wards, all thanks to "antidepressants". Ask anyone who works there. People in mental hospitals are put on antipsychotics regardless of diagnosis. Another thing that bothers me: How can you treat depression with a drug that explicitly lists "suicide" as a side effect? Not to mention all the poor souls who get akathisia from SSRIs and kill themselves or others.


Love you ❤️❤️❤️

Isaiah Mumaw
Isaiah Mumaw - 06.10.2023 16:50

Antidepressants messed me up. They’re not worth the risk.

12 Valver
12 Valver - 06.10.2023 02:33

This man is saving an ENTIRE generation! I wish I could say this to him. I hope he knows

Invictus Maneo
Invictus Maneo - 05.10.2023 21:22

To si cpu do análu :D líp to dává...

Zkouším teďka Mulačův model nic moc...

T prášky, co se berou v PragueBoats, jsou lepší... Senior má dobrý ale junior má lepší :D

A všechny prej chtějí otrávit :D

Frying tonight
Frying tonight - 05.10.2023 20:49

Having the wrong people around you who play the martyr for their own fragile egos. Rely on yourself and be your own best friend. Life improves massively from then on.

Pc YouTube snowflake melter
Pc YouTube snowflake melter - 05.10.2023 12:03

I have been depressed over 10 years. Whatever if you love something so much you will not kill yourself.

Ernesto - 05.10.2023 01:21

Depression became a chronic disease afer antidepressants. Before people would be depressed for around a year or so and move on. Drugs make it never actually go away and now you are also addicted to these drugs that are very hard to get rid off especially if you take them for a long time

Mikhaila Peterson
Mikhaila Peterson - 04.10.2023 08:51

This is super outdated

Agustin Cabra
Agustin Cabra - 04.10.2023 08:44

"antidepressants can only help you so much if you have a terrible life"

Cewla - 04.10.2023 03:06

with 1.2 million views, you would think you would acknowledge his removal of the doctor title.

Mortimer Toynbee
Mortimer Toynbee - 04.10.2023 02:37

Same mentality, will take anything to get better. The problem with taking them is that first of all they make you feel WAY worse before they actually do work, half of them don't seem to actually work, switching between them is hell, they can just suddenly stop working one day so you have to have hell for possibly over a year trying different new ones and hope to god one of them actually works, and they also take about 6 months to work, not one.

JayMoo - 04.10.2023 00:29

I suffer from PTSD and anxiety and have had several pretty severe panic attacks ive been hospitalized for. I almost commited suicide when I was 18. Ive been on and off antidepressants now for roughly 10 years, currently taking zoloft. From my experience, talk therapy only helped in the sense of getting whatever off my chest but the damage mentally was already done. I honestly hate taking medication every day and is why ive tried quitting several times. But about every 4 - 6 months after quitting id start to experience horrible anxiety and panic attacks, so id be forced to medicate again. Im 31 and now realize that it just is what it is. I have to keep taking this medication for the rest of my life just to at least live a semi normal life.

Last First
Last First - 03.10.2023 23:45

The body is an adaptive mechanism. If you take serotonin reuptake inhibitors then what will the body do? Quit producing serotonin. That is why if you suddenly quit SSRI's it is why you feel worse than for the reason you took them in the first place. Same with testosterone. If you take the synthetic your body will shut down it's own natural production. Anytime you try to interdict your supposed maladies with man made drugs your body will react accordingly. I am not saying the malady's are not real but there has to better way. Who is to say all the preservatives and hormones in our food supply is not causing all this in the first place?

Carlos Avellaneda
Carlos Avellaneda - 03.10.2023 20:16

What about the prescription pills that worsens depression and causes even more suicidal thoughts and following through with it?

joseph sellers
joseph sellers - 03.10.2023 15:54

The thing is you all are out here playing with people's minds and don't know wtf your doing.... or do you 🤔

Benjamin Case
Benjamin Case - 03.10.2023 14:34

So ya.

smartbart80 - 03.10.2023 14:28

It’s funny how Jordan is so understanding and professional when it comes to antidepressants but fails to see the same about the issue he himself didn’t struggle with lol

Gandalf the Inebriated
Gandalf the Inebriated - 03.10.2023 12:26

People are depressed mostly because they don't realize happiness is a choice. Not as free of a choice as it is to move your limbs, but you can identify things that creates happiness in you, and actively choose to do those things. Depression is almost like an addiction in the sense that it feels "right" to continue to be depressed, thoughts like "I deserve to be unhappy" are more than just typical when you're depressed - they also define your entire set of behaviors, discouraging you from seeking out the things that makes you happy. That's where the choice comes in, which you have to actively make, and manifest your free will to feel the way you want to feel.

Happiness is a choice, not a state of mind. Never forget that.

hedgiegal33 - 03.10.2023 01:31

Medications saved my life, and my quality of life. Thank you for your wise words. Medications do have a part. That and DBT to help with emotional regulation. Couldn't do without either.

Zach Redner
Zach Redner - 02.10.2023 17:52

I'm 68 years old, and my life, like everyone else's life, has had its share of turmoil, stress, drama, loss, and upheaval! And there have been times in my life when I have gotten "depressed." Even to the point of considering suicide as a "permanent solution to a temporary problem."
However, I have NEVER taken any kind of "anti-depressant" DRUGS! I've never felt a "need" to take Drugs for depression! Why? Because I have LEARNED a lot in my 68 years of life on this earth! And I found out many years ago, when I was in my teens, that in MOST cases, "Depression" is nothing more and nothing less than a "State of Mind!"
And as a human being, I know that I am the ONLY person on earth who can "Control" my own "State of Mind!" I've learned that whenever I have gotten "Depressed" all I have to do, to bring myself out of that "Depression" is to "Change MY Attitude!"
Instead of focusing ALL of my attention on the Negative thing or things that are causing me to become "Depressed," I change my thoughts to Positive things, things that do NOT depress me and things that make me Happy! I Focus my attention on Positive and Affirming thoughts!
And without taking ANY Drugs or Stimulants at all, my "Depression" goes away! And it doesn't come back, because I replace those Negative thoughts with Positive and Affirming thoughts! And I stay focused on those Positive & Affirming thoughts!
It's a known Fact, that if you intentionally look for "Negative" in anything or any situation, you absolutely will find the Negative that you're seeking. And it's also a known Fact, that if you intentionally look for "Positive" in anything and in any situation, including Negative situations, you absolutely will find the Positive that you're Seeking! We always will find what we are intentionally "looking for!"
I'm sure there MAY be a FEW people who might actually "NEED DRUGS" to help them deal with their depression. But I'm convinced that MOST people do NOT "need Drugs" to correct the "State of Mind" that people call Depression. What they NEED is a "change of Attitude!" What they NEED is to FOCUS their attention on Positive thoughts and NOT the Negative thoughts that cause them to be depressed and even suicidal or homicidal!
And Yes those psychotropic DRUGS that the "doctors prescribe" and the "pharmaceutical companies sell," are indeed, dangerous and deadly DRUGS! And they are indeed sold by "Legal Drug Pushers!" People who are selling those DRUGS at ridiculously inflated prices to make Massive Profits!
There's ONLY ONE difference between the "Drug Pushers" on the street corners, and the "Drug Pushers" in doctor's offices and pharmacies! They both Sell Dangerous and Deadly DRUGS, they both give ZERO consideration for what those drugs do to the human body they are selling them to, and they both Sell those DRUGS for massive PROFITS!
The ONE & ONLY difference is that the "Drug Pushers" on the street corners do not "Invest" in political campaigns, and therefore, do not have "politicians" in their pocket who will make laws to legalize their enterprise by selling them a "government issued license" to sell their drugs!
And the "Drug Pushers" in doctor's offices and pharmaceutical companies do "Invest" in political campaigns, and when their "politician" gets elected, they make new "laws" that make it "legal" for their "Investors" to Sell Dangerous and Deadly DRUGS for Massive PROFITS by "giving them a License" to PUSH DRUGS!
And it's exactly the same with bankers and lawyers, and many others. ALL of those who "INVEST" in political campaigns always EXPECT to "Receive Dividends" on their INVESTMENT! And those "Dividends" can take many different forms. Anything from free vacations, to extra cash in their pockets, to political favors, to "laws" that enable someone to "Push Drugs" or "Steal from the People" or blatantly "Commit Perjury" and get away with it.
My Dad used to say: "There's NO such thing as an honest politician! And if an honest person gets into politics, they don't stay Honest for long, OR they get blackballed out of politics!" He also used to say: "Bankers have a license to Steal, Lawyers have a license to Lie, and Politicians have a license to do both!"
And quite honestly, those facts also "depress" me. But as I said, I REFUSE to allow my own "State of Mind" to destroy me, my health, and ultimately my life. Yes, I'm well aware of the truth that is depressing, but I focus my attention on all of the Positive things in my life. And I don't need "DRUGS," doctor prescribed or otherwise, to do that!

pwk22 - 02.10.2023 14:56

I wonder how Dr. Peterson would regard this video today.

MofoRyguy - 02.10.2023 14:54

I've noticed anti depressants let the person cope with their shitty life longer and so sometimes it helps them stay in terrible life situations.

George Coleman
George Coleman - 02.10.2023 14:39

I disagree Jordan

Dick Dastardly 55
Dick Dastardly 55 - 02.10.2023 10:03

Its true that anti-depressants as Jordan allured too are not the only option, but as he correctly made his point imo it can come to a point if the individual has not tried them then its worth while trying them. I have seen people in conjunction with talking therapy’s do really well with these additions. I have seen people who refuse medication to continue to experience negative symptoms and it seems at odds when they refuse consider of medicines, which I guess comes to freedom of choice as no one should be coerced into taking them.

K Locke
K Locke - 02.10.2023 09:51

Everyone's life is a tragedy? Projection much?

L_C - 02.10.2023 09:40

Having depression is not caused by the lack of antidepressants.
Jordan is probably not too proud today of pushing these kinds of meds that almost killed him a few years back.

I_Dont_Eat_My_Friends - 02.10.2023 08:36

Ah the good old days when Dr. P only talked about the things he's actually qualified in.

Shane Lawrence
Shane Lawrence - 02.10.2023 07:14

my roomate has depression, he uses it so often I can't help but feel like he is exaggerating? I once made meatball subs, simple enough- they're nice- but the meat balls were too big so it made him depressed :c thats what I mean? If a meatball's size is genuinely too much for you to handle- on medication- How the hell do you help someone like that?

Tjentiji - 02.10.2023 04:31

Just smoke weed bro

Michael McGovern
Michael McGovern - 01.10.2023 23:54

If this blowhard is NOT a physician, he should shut up about practicing medicine in the Behavioral Health area.

Lukas Wilhelm
Lukas Wilhelm - 01.10.2023 22:23

Mr. Jordan Peterson able to speak my mind about depression in just split seconds clearly while i for years unable to make others to understand.
