When Tucker Carlson Changed His Mind on Aliens

When Tucker Carlson Changed His Mind on Aliens

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@Boru-f4q - 08.02.2025 06:02

I think he was raped by ghosts in his log cabin too.

@mpetersen9825 - 08.02.2025 12:43

Tucker ask God the Almighty to guide, protect and enlighten you from the evils of the world. God bless.

@LoudermilkJosh - 08.02.2025 14:30

Yep, the Bible’s been very clear on what these are and it’s good that people are coming to the realization the truth of the message. Time to turn to Jesus, my friends time to have life and have it abundant and free.

@8474Starscream - 08.02.2025 15:20

The spiritual world knows the secrets of the universe, which includes Tech. Science & Spirituality is one of the same

@jason_m_schmidt622 - 09.02.2025 07:23

Shills both of them

@daryrodriguez5662 - 09.02.2025 09:01

What if the aliens are the Antichrist & the tribulations is on the verge of happening, hence why we are seeing more & more physical evidence of these supernatural phenomena 🤔

@Neosin1 - 09.02.2025 10:52

This is bullshit!
Anything going that fast underwater would create massive waves, pretty much like splitting the ocean in half!
Where are the videos of that??? 😂

@michaelgiangiulio7090 - 09.02.2025 22:16

Let’s get Theo , Alex , Tucker and Joey on the podcast with plenty of blunts and a couple bottles of excellent whiskey 😂

@briannolan7818 - 10.02.2025 00:10

That was a silly conversation. Where's the receipts?

@Loricahill91 - 11.02.2025 00:51

Here's another food for thought I've been doing more research 400 cases of abductions where the people have stated or have screamed out Jesus Christ you know because it gets scared and these aliens they look frightened the moment that Jesus Christ's name is brought up please explain that to me if they're not demons and even in the Bible it states that demons are afraid of Jesus again I'm not pushing my biblical beliefs on anybody I have my faith and I respect that people don't believe or they do believe but just give it Food For Thought here there's a there's a big there's a big connection there and I'm starting to see it as I get older

@bdovidas8515 - 11.02.2025 04:19

Aliens= fallen angels / demons

@djpoye3614 - 11.02.2025 06:24

Damn Joe I’ve been watching you for a minute now love your show, but I will say you’re a bit naïve when it come to the ET topic. I guess I have to wonder why you don’t know more. Maybe you’re not interested in it.

@markyMark777 - 11.02.2025 15:57

This is what happens when you and the host do mushrooms before the show starts

@TobyTyler6007 - 11.02.2025 20:26

Churches don't want the truth it questions the truth about GOD

@Jobt-r5q - 12.02.2025 16:05

How can it get better than joe Rogan and Tucker CarlsonJ ? Only in America baby

@chadmulders3567 - 12.02.2025 21:28

Great gig big fella...
So..I think it goes like ...bible says there are no other forms life besides Jehovah himself (god),his angels, Including satan and his demon's "the fallen angels" and woman n man "humans".if you believe in aliens (little green men kind),.your going against what God has said, inturn makes U a nonbeliever..Satan wins..and that's his whole game,he has limited time left to turn as many people as he can into a nonbeliever ...so yea demon's are behind all these supernatural/alian UFO/skinwalkers ect..it's all in the scriptures

@thebugacademy - 13.02.2025 00:26

i think tucker is making it all up, because he knows their is no one who cares to challenge him, and no one has seen any of what he has said to challenge him, do you really think any of what he has said would not be made very public, in order to prove these things are true, he said people have died, who where when and how, lets have some proof, or just shut up and crawl back under your rock, your deluded mate,

@Wombat-y7t - 13.02.2025 05:56

No no no Tucker….
Humans have already discovered that there is no gravity or inertia inside an EM field. Therefore, they do not feel gravity.

@Kulstrs - 13.02.2025 17:22

Yes they are evil spirits

@TomBarrera-s9l - 13.02.2025 18:52

STPs 5th dimensional
Spiritual travel phenomena
How Angels and Demons Travel

Interstellar travel by aliens is extremely unlikely.  God did design life throughout the universe, but his laws of physics do not allow visitation one to another. That is why Uap's are not interstellar traveling beings. The evidence clearly points to STPs, spiritual travel phenomena. This phenomenon explains what Ufos and uaps really are,  good and bad spiritual beings that have supernatural abilities.

@brendawarren4113 - 14.02.2025 04:46

See Marc Davenport's book titled Visitors From Time. It offers a credible hypothesis of what the UFOs are.

@Saywhat459 - 14.02.2025 05:29

1000 years from now, do you think any of this is gonna matter?

@adriandinu3605 - 14.02.2025 17:11

Carlson is so dumb!!!!!!!!!!😂

@randalllambert - 15.02.2025 13:08

I WANTA KNOW THE TRUTH. WE SHOULD KNOW!!!Not for them to say what we can handle. It takes power away from the Men that want the power. Stupid God is in charge of everything. I trust in his word not mans

@beatsmodestoptime3242 - 16.02.2025 12:47

Every species in the universe is a spiritual being, its species travelling in and out of multidimensional dimensions.

@jordanst.drexel7343 - 19.02.2025 01:34

It's pretty disappointing that my man Tucker here would say that et's are dangerous to go ahead and push that false narrative. It makes me wonder if disclosure was just because they couldn't deny it and they're going to exploit this opportunity for money to go into some benign space defense when the truth of the matter is regardless of how bad we treat these peaceful otherworldly beings. Common Sense would tell you that if they wanted to attack us it would be as easy as turning a light switch on and off and we would be done because their technology is millions of years ahead of us.

@stephenlupoli - 19.02.2025 17:41

I’ll use a Joe Rogan expression: “it’s only one of two things“. Number one Tucker Carlson is an asshole number two Tucker Carlson is an asshole. Those are the two things. What a dip shit

@xJ38x - 21.02.2025 08:44

This is wild

@Stephenholmgren2023 - 22.02.2025 15:11

This JRE was the last time I listened to Tucker. When he denied evolution because of his religious BS, I unsubscribbed to all his stuff. 👋

@mathewsawyer4811 - 23.02.2025 05:49

Who constitutes the evil actions on earth? Who ultimately creates war, profits off suffering, and perpetuates illness for profit? Human beings.

So how can we say it’s an existential crisis and not an internal one? Why must we say that evil forces are what perpetuates this when human beings are making the decisions? If we all acted better, maybe all of this would go away.

Personally, I think we all need to take personal responsibility for what’s going on. We need to put our personal wants aside and realize that the people leading us have not been all that good, and we need to start electing people that have our best interest in mind. The last 3 presidents have not had that inclination.

@I-WISH-YOU-ALL-GOOD - 24.02.2025 00:43

I love you 🌹🙏❤

@robe8591 - 24.02.2025 01:05

I imagine a thousand years from now the technological advance will be far superior to now. What’s to say that twenty thousand years ago an evolution of mankind over a few thousand years far exceeded what we know today. That civilization being destroyed by a catastrophic natural event? That would explain how pyramids came about and other man made sites around the world that seem engineering impossibility by today’s standards.

@WillTaylor-g4j - 24.02.2025 18:29

Just better understanding of technology they wouldn't think in the same terms as us

@WillTaylor-g4j - 24.02.2025 18:31

Ofc it's a spiritual battle

@truth1aaaaa1243 - 24.02.2025 22:07

Americans belive everything 😂😂

@Uozrongwidu - 26.02.2025 05:32

Having patents doesn’t mean being legit on everything….like having a Nobel Prize doesn’t mean you are always right

@Adamdoeslife - 26.02.2025 12:03

If they're bad we'd be dead!

@mspacely6521 - 26.02.2025 13:24

Nothing like claiming there is proof that these thijgs have killed ppl n then saying "i dont know" when asked a follow up

@AM-wz8qr - 26.02.2025 16:42

Shadow governments traded citizens' well-being for technology that they kept from the public for decades. There are many other types of beings who care more about humanity and the earth, but the farce and deception needs to fall first before all can be known.

@ldwankenobi5618 - 27.02.2025 08:47

its not scary enough to stop paying bills.

@marcosnogueira8484 - 01.03.2025 03:57

CARLSON parabéns pelo esclarecimento não são ETs são seres celestiais .

@marcosnogueira8484 - 01.03.2025 03:58

O mundo 🌎 tem que saber.

@christophercastley2146 - 01.03.2025 15:00

Looks to me Trump is compromise in some way. Maybe Putin has something over Trump that forces Trump to side with Putin. Could be something in the passed that Trump needs to remain a secret.

@rosebue3868 - 01.03.2025 22:19

Aliens are demons!!!

@3gsummit - 02.03.2025 07:21

In which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.

Ephesians 2:2

@Crazy808s - 03.03.2025 06:35

The exchange of technology for human abduction

@reconn3cted276 - 05.03.2025 04:56

Joe looks very unhealthy in this video

@mortgagefinancing5558 - 05.03.2025 05:14

Two nut jobs lol delusional
