The Ultimate Study Scheduling Tutorial (the GROW method)

The Ultimate Study Scheduling Tutorial (the GROW method)


1 год назад

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blueicer101 - 07.10.2023 23:54

Honestly, I had to use more than red green and blue to motivate myself to study anything because I found it too slow and I wouldn't make much progress. I used red, amber, yellow, green, blue and purple and wrote a key. red was I couldn't remember anything in this topic(this is great because you're not lingering in red if you simply pay attention to what the topic is about and you don't build anxiety and it makes the starting process easier as you move to amber really easily), amber means you know at least something, yellow means you understand it mostly and green means you understand it fully. Now you might be thinking what are blue and purple for. This is for exam prep: blue means that you are able to recall it accurately and purple just means you can instantly recall and then apply to an example question. Honestly this feels like the best way because you don't have a vague idea of where you are and sometimes subject build on each other so you'd realistically need to at least get the previous topics to at least yellow before moving on because that may just waste your time if you didn't understand the previous topic.

Puja Sarkar
Puja Sarkar - 05.09.2023 17:40

I really liked it. Going to apply it. Thank you!!

Lucinda Rodríguez
Lucinda Rodríguez - 01.09.2023 23:51

where is the notion template?

Electro Vortex
Electro Vortex - 01.09.2023 15:09

Amazing stuff guys!

Kusuriuri San
Kusuriuri San - 16.08.2023 10:36

Just now, I realized that your logo is a cloud, not the butt of an among us character.....

Mariank Gonzalez
Mariank Gonzalez - 08.08.2023 03:39

Can you guys please make this an app? :D

id k
id k - 02.08.2023 12:43

I did this for my finals and did great! Recommended 👍

Jai Valabjee
Jai Valabjee - 24.07.2023 04:30

Genius! Thank you for sharing!

I love him
I love him - 17.07.2023 18:12

These videos will save me throughout 8th and 9th grade!

Tessa Lozowicki
Tessa Lozowicki - 11.07.2023 22:32

I've been binging all your study videos like crazy because no matter how much I try to take notes, I can never retain them. You are so on point with everything and I truly appreciate these! Thank you, please keep making them :)

ma.90 - 04.07.2023 12:32

اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم الشريف

Barend Van Dyk
Barend Van Dyk - 01.07.2023 04:07

"....makes my diarrhea worse.... farming with lv 100 diglet..." 😂

Elise_x - 20.06.2023 19:11

These people saved my grades like

Giovanna O. P.
Giovanna O. P. - 19.06.2023 16:54

amazing tip! thanks for sharing

ADHD Note Taker
ADHD Note Taker - 10.06.2023 05:48

Thank you!

Pseudocrocidolite - 09.06.2023 14:51

Oooh! F i`m now addicted 😂

amazingBestRap - 07.06.2023 07:59

The best Chanel of study Techniques of the history

Blessing Gowda
Blessing Gowda - 02.06.2023 10:12

omfg i love this 😭

Severino Opsar
Severino Opsar - 16.05.2023 13:44

I'm in the last quarter of our school year and i really want to nail everything in my studies especially when it comes to studying.I really love these kinds of videos because as a teenager i am in a phase where i have to learn the basics in studying and this channel is very helpful to me.TNXXXX

B777Lover - 13.05.2023 16:16

What a lifesaving strategy. Even living in Britain with the GCSE system this helps a lot! Thank you so much for helping people may god bless you

Siddhant Gupta
Siddhant Gupta - 15.04.2023 19:58

Its actually so good! started using it

Khai - 14.04.2023 00:58

How do I incorporate the GROW method into flashcards?

quynn smith
quynn smith - 29.03.2023 03:23

How do we revise from mind maps. I understand we can make flash cards for the 3rd layer details, but what about the mind map? Are we expected to just make a great mind map once and assume we’ll remember the relationships we cultivated. Is reading/reviewing the mind map enough?

oguchukwu chuks
oguchukwu chuks - 27.03.2023 19:47

If only I can double like this video

oguchukwu chuks
oguchukwu chuks - 27.03.2023 19:47

WOW. @Cajun Koi Academy, you guys are not just problem solvers but geniuses🙏🏾

Yashavi Upwanshi
Yashavi Upwanshi - 24.03.2023 09:13

I would love if you teach how to use this method with remnote . Because i think with remnote's amazing features we can take this method to another level !ᕦ༼✩ل͜✩༽ᕤ

Ariful Alam
Ariful Alam - 07.03.2023 08:30

Nothing goes according to plan that's what madara said

C O - 05.03.2023 21:11

Do you no longer use remnote?

Diksha Chouhan
Diksha Chouhan - 04.03.2023 07:49

So, today was my last 9th grade exam and WOAH! I wanted something like this for getting a clear idea for starting grade 10. I think this is going to be my most viewed channel for the rest of the year. Really very happy that I found this channel on time!! 🤞🙌

azuremae - 25.02.2023 10:53

this reminds me so much of remnote with it's spaced repetition flashcards. do you think theyre the same?

DogethSamurai - 20.02.2023 14:15

Thank you

The GROW method
Build an Adaptable review schedule

1. Grid
Build a grid schedule and whenever you review then write down the date and so on.

2. Rational
Come up with a color coded system about how confident we feel about that subject

3. Overall outcome
At the day of the exam we would want most of the subject to be green (I feel Confident) and as least red/ yellow as possible.

4. Weakest topic
You should study the weakest topic at the moment you have so that it will turn green as soon as possible.

enonsages - 08.02.2023 21:41

This is so inteligent, thank you !

Tavish Shah
Tavish Shah - 04.02.2023 19:44

Quick summary!

The GROW method is a study system designed to help students save time and keep track of their progress. The term GROW stands for Grid, Rating system, Overall outcome, and Weakest topic. The method involves creating a grid for each exam, listing all the topics in the left column, and rating how confident one feels about each topic by using a color-coded system (e.g., red, yellow, green) each time a topic is reviewed. The goal is to have zero red topics and as many green topics as possible by exam day. This system helps students avoid over-studying topics they find easy and under-studying topics they find challenging by focusing more time on topics they are less confident about.

Ali - 04.02.2023 12:31

Low effort video. Ali Abdaal’s video was much better. You’ve just shoehorned a silly acronym onto it…

Divya Eltz
Divya Eltz - 03.02.2023 18:02

my question is, what if you have 28 topics? 😬

Odd-z-Ball - 03.02.2023 09:23

Insane technique 😍

Uschi - 27.01.2023 03:33

GROW = Grid + Rating system + Overall outcome + Weakest topic

bek - 22.01.2023 05:46

Best spacing intervals over time for each colour

Koushiki Barman
Koushiki Barman - 20.01.2023 20:30

Interesting and explained to the point. 🤩

Lara Michael
Lara Michael - 19.01.2023 21:59

Nicee thnks😎😎😎

AK89 - 17.01.2023 17:47


NAC💜 - 16.01.2023 22:17

Seriously..I think I learnt something today😌✌️

Valdi Stevanus
Valdi Stevanus - 16.01.2023 13:24

I used this subconsciously when planning my study but it's not detailed like this one. Great video

Blank C.
Blank C. - 16.01.2023 02:49

Wow this saved my life thanks. I keep watching study videos and they are great for giving me methods to understand broad concepts, but this is the first one I think will work with math problems. Real life saver.

Anee Gajbhiye
Anee Gajbhiye - 12.01.2023 19:55

You wanna learn how to study?

1. Without even knowing about a topic look at a question and try to answer it. (I call this the free thinking, the real common sense thinking) and most probably you wouldn't be. But if you do, good. Just read the book and look at the other way
2. Now that you have some sense of your mind and how it will feel when you learn something, try reading the book. (Most of the books don't even have much complicated things they just have descriptions.) ( Become aware that words are just words and real phenomenon is just real phenomenon. For example: you can call the earth's gravitation " a fan's motor" the words are just words, the action is just action. Gravitation (action) wouldn't turn into motor (action) just because you name it that.)
3. So.. how do you even know you're learning something? Well in simple terms the feeling you felt at the first point above. You could somewhat see yourself using that process to a similar type of question. It's kinda vague but here's an example: i hate maths. One day after graduating school i just had a thought that " English is kinda slow langauge, i wanna make a new language where i could express my thoughts faster. It was all good until this point, i just thought of 5 letters. But how many words can I even make? I got aware that i must use the concept of permutations and combinations but i realised something. I never really learnt anything. I mean yeah i remember at some point i was able to do that but it was a "black box" concept. I knew the process but never understood it. This time while reading the damn nightmare book, i understood it. It wasn't some gibberish. Well first of all it wasn't even written good in the book so i just searched on the net. But it was like 'okay imagine the slots for the letters, and now if one letter which will be variable(computer concept) goes to first place, next one can't have that same letter so next would be 4 then 3 then 2 then 1. And now you multiply so that you could get the number of possibilities. Well why multiply? And i searched the meaning of multiply. "To obtain from (a number) another which contains the first number a specified number of times." Which is exactly what i wanted. But which contained letters a specified number of times. To count the possibilities of the letter in those slots.'"
4. Just look at the examples and then close everything and go take a rest. Sleep or play i don't care. But the next time you come back you have to make sure you use free thinking rather than study thinking. By study thinking i mean the way you just think a certain way simply because you know that's how you obtain the answer.

I must make this clear to you. While your objective could be to answer the question. Your aim is to learn to use your head. Doing study thinking is unproductive to your aim but could be good if you just don't care about learning and just want to solve the answer just for the sake the school wants you to.

5. You repeat the free thinking process again and again after forgetting them and coming back to the concept again and again by your own free thought. That's how you know you've learnt something. Mix a lot of different types of problems together in your this "revision" session of coming up with a concept to solve that question. It's tough to learn if you don't fully believe in what you're learning and question if it could even be trusted. That's why understand it. So you can trust it because your understand that the process you're using is aligned with what you want to do.

Kenneth Animates
Kenneth Animates - 09.01.2023 19:05

I’m gonna try to apply this to a voluntary subject I’m working on: drawing and animation. I’ve never been good at it and I want to learn to animate but by bit.

K.Pratham X
K.Pratham X - 09.01.2023 16:20

I Needed this,thank you academy

Aaryan Kalra
Aaryan Kalra - 08.01.2023 13:30

You are really amazing and love the way you are explaining but it will be more understandable if you make it available in Hindi language,and I am sure you will get more views bcoz India have lot of this problem 😄
