6 Habits That Can Make Someone Like You

6 Habits That Can Make Someone Like You


3 года назад

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Jake Kim
Jake Kim - 25.09.2023 13:25

I'm sorry but, what is you're young that all your classmates are not mature so they just ignore what you are saying and just talks about them? I usually don't do this, but almost all my friends or people does that around me.

Alaa Fola
Alaa Fola - 04.09.2023 02:14

You are the best

Alaa Fola
Alaa Fola - 04.09.2023 02:14

Thank you so much

Cats are lit
Cats are lit - 13.08.2023 04:25

I love how in 1 it’s less people talking to me but more talking about me, negatively.

andrey - 05.07.2023 06:38

I have no friends :(

sihle ngwenya
sihle ngwenya - 17.06.2023 23:21

Thank you for helping me❤

Dipper Pines
Dipper Pines - 10.06.2023 15:36

The turnip people are so cute

Nola - 01.06.2023 06:35

I am who I am you like me or you don' t, I am authentic and I don' t pretend too be
someone or something i' m not. Always, always be yourself 🩷❤️🩷

Dracola Ozzzed
Dracola Ozzzed - 25.05.2023 19:26

For me this channel is a treasure ❤🙏 thanks

El Ophelia
El Ophelia - 17.05.2023 02:01

I think this is a duplicate of another video you uploaded. It sounds and looks very familiar with all of the examples you gave, even how it was worded. Perhaps it just had a different title.

neko - 04.04.2023 06:47

I seem to be my friend groups therapist witch is fine obviously but it's always a lot to take in but I prefer to listen more then I talk however either it being a lot to take in I sometimes feel like I should get a therapist

aaainslee - 03.04.2023 09:21

did no one notice they made the exact same video twice? they posted the other in december 2020

Phoebe:D - 24.03.2023 05:41

My name is in the video and it's spelled correctly!

UncleTea - 22.03.2023 23:27

This lowkey exposed me 💀💀I’ve been doing this whole hot & cold thing with my crush ..& now I don’t even think I’m likable to him 💀💀tuff

Unknown - 21.03.2023 20:59

i.... unconsciously do this.

Elliott Canuel
Elliott Canuel - 05.03.2023 00:00

I'm addicted to this channel.

Pip Pipster
Pip Pipster - 15.02.2023 21:26

Kiss ass and put yourself down 24/7... People will love you.

soup - 10.02.2023 04:56


John Rainsman
John Rainsman - 27.01.2023 21:30

Don't be like me, that's a bonus tip. I have reason to believe that my ASD makes me stand out and makes others perceive me a certain way. Do you know how often I said dumb things, like at work? I stupidly mentioned a man’s right to hit a woman for self-defense, and a new coworker proposed a new topic. And I know she doesn’t like me, because when I was casually chatting with a baker while waiting for the desserts, she entered and said “harassing the baker, John?” I asked why she thought that, and she said “Because you’re John.” Or how about the time I told a coworker (whom I didn’t think would resent this, since he’s clownish, snuck up on a guy, and once made a weight joke to him) “put a sock in your àss. I mean mouth.” Shockingly, he actually did resent that and told me I can’t speak to him that way. I didn’t intend harm; he had interrupted a question of mine to another worker to, if I remember correctly, playfully diss me. I guess I was annoyed with the clownish interruption, but I didn’t mean for it to be obvious. But when it was, I approached him and apologized. But he replied unfairly: “you’re good, man. You just need to learn how to speak to people.” Way to make an apologetic person who already feels bad feel worse, hypocrite A jocular dick giving me the lecture feels worse. In fact, he's actually quite popular and well-liked at work. I've seen him have fun and get along so well with my coworkers, while acting like I don't exist at all. We pass each other in the hall or wherever, and he doesn't speak to me. Of course, I'll admit that I started the silence, since his hypocritical rudeness that one time, but I don't know for sure if he's giving me the silent treatment or anything. Either way, I'd say I'm not on his "good buds to joke with" list. I know he likes my coworkers better than me. Just the concept of being ignored hurts, and it doesn't help when they show admiration for the guy whom I think is obnoxious. And that's not the worst part. I was taken to my boss's office with her and a high-ranking chef. The chef told me that I've been touching my coworkers too much. Not THAT type of touch, of course not! Just casual ones, like on arms or shoulders. I was always very outgoing at work. When I asked her if anyone reported a complaint, she said it didn't matter (so I guess yes). She told me that we need the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment; that I pretty much shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school (we're a university's catering service). That I shouldn't tell my stories because they may be inappropriate to my coworkers. Now yeah, I pretty much don't have a filter, and sometimes I guess I do say "inappropriate" stuff at work, but not horribly nor intentionally. I just like to joke around and have fun with people. I really didn't get specific information from the chef about what and who. She understands/ likes that I'm outgoing, but she made it sound risky and in need of limits, for good behavior and my coworkers' sake. And again, that I shouldn't touch their shoulders or arms without consent. But seriously, I'm not a creep or Joe Biden. I didn't mean to be so "handsy." I'm so embarrassed about the lecture. Have I really gone that far at work? I already hate being on the spectrum, and sometimes I actually hate myself.

victoria_ - 10.01.2023 10:35


Rachel Paul
Rachel Paul - 03.01.2023 15:29

I mean at the end of the day, you can't force people to like you... If they wanted to they would

Like I was so scared about Not making friends in college but within like 2 days I made very good ones because I was just being myself lol

greyyrz - 28.11.2022 08:56

Ive been the quiet kid for so long and ive finally made friends but im still working on being more approachable and a better friend 😭

Jose Dee
Jose Dee - 27.11.2022 23:49

He just used that "spilled coffee" trick on me.. And I feel like he did it on purpose to like him more

Florian Pierre DUMONT
Florian Pierre DUMONT - 14.10.2022 21:20

We did 4 and 6 with one of my oldest girlfriend ( >12 years of friendship ; fun fact : the very first discussion we had, in highschool, was an aguement about "something bad I may have said to her" during class and I felt we would never be friends after that... ^^ ). Last summer, she invited me in her hometown and we spent time together. I had a crush on her, and I think she may have love me a bit too, judging how both of us "turned around" each others for a few days. She finally decided not to go further in the relationship, and stick to good old friendship. At first, I was sad and angry, yet I saluted her courage to told me that truth right in the face, and I saw she was having bad times because of this, so I worked on my feelings alone and put a happy face on, whatever may happen. After a couple of days, I was still wondering about all of that when I saw her crying alone in the kitchen. In an instant, I felt like every bad feeling and remorse I had poured out of me, and I felt another kind of crush, yet this time, it was a crush of empathy and pain for her. We spent two hours to talk about her feelings, and in the end, I knew why she had acted like that towards me, and the kind of path she had to walk through when she was younger, making her the person she is today.

Morality : if they say no, sometimes it"s because they like you, even love you, and they don't want to hurt you. It's better to endure a "little" pain, with a ,no, before anything really begins, than building something together, and ending in a ruin.

NJLee09 - 11.09.2022 14:44

the only problem is that i don't got the balls to do all this

RXCVV - 05.09.2022 19:12

Thank you so much, I really enjoye your vids , you're the best 😊⚘

Maezie Mations
Maezie Mations - 16.08.2022 21:04

"Talk about your blunders. Clumsy people were found more attractive."
Me who gets injured every six seconds: no wonder I have so many friends-

Tryxzy - 02.08.2022 12:51

"Talking about blunders makes you more relatable"

Me: hmmm, where do I start

💗Angie💗 - 24.06.2022 06:01

The last one I have trouble with when it comes to certain people lol it’s not because I’m self absorbed or anything like that I’ve always been used to people in the past talking over me and ignoring me and I’ve always been shy and nervous around people and scared to speak in case people judge me and now I have new friends that are way different. I have one friend that doesn’t talk much and when I ask her things she reply’s with a simple answer and because I have social anxiety I think that she doesn’t like me or she’s gonna think the silence is awkward so I end up talking really fast and blurting out random things and it annoys me so much that I act like that when I’m nervous! T^T I want to get to know her more and become closer friends but my mind goes blank when I’m with her I try to think of anything to ask her! But when I do she gives me a simple answer T~T I keep thinking maybe she doesn’t like me or something but she always says she misses me when I’m away from school I really don’t get it I’m so bad at friendships 🥲 although I’ve had a lot of toxic friends in the past so I kinda gotta learn how to make friends all over again. Anyone got any advice of things I can ask her or how to stop my nerve’s? lol 😂

D4v - 23.06.2022 08:51

Fun Fact: you tried this but you still have no bitches LMAO

CINAMMON PLAYZ - 22.06.2022 11:41

pov ur watching tis in potrait.

Nickolas - 14.06.2022 19:50


Gary Mclaughin
Gary Mclaughin - 31.05.2022 03:32

Yes dont forget the name a few times very primal woke up all cuddled up just eye contact all the while never caught your name her as well. At that point catch there name and dont forget. Sawadee Khap

Tim Johnson
Tim Johnson - 29.05.2022 04:34

I love these

ateii hmar
ateii hmar - 28.05.2022 14:38

I can't stop watching your video bec!! I have a big crush on my friend

Luis solis
Luis solis - 24.05.2022 19:19


Anything Good
Anything Good - 29.04.2022 13:33

Love you all a very good at it again

SilverWinter - 18.04.2022 20:17

"Compliment them"
"Approach them"
"Actively start conversation with them"
"Have a positive attitude"
Well, now I know why I had nearly no friends when I wasn't homeschooled.

And my only friends I ever did have ended up having to leave the school for one reason or another lmao like damn-

vamil kaushal
vamil kaushal - 05.04.2022 07:42

Im the most hated person at school:(:

QueenEspeon96 - 04.03.2022 01:39

"Having a positive attitude"

Me who fears being happy out of misery

C.S.C - 30.01.2022 17:18

Your channel is great 👍

nine lives
nine lives - 13.01.2022 17:45

I will never get tired of the leaves and flowers on top of their heads!! arrgghghhh too adorable

Junkookie-🖤 - 09.11.2021 10:41

Who is scrolling the comments and checking does thus works

Cartiez - 29.10.2021 11:43

Ok I was friends with this dude for 6yrs and I kinda developed feelings for him and it’s 8th grade now and his name is Sean 🥰😌

joseph_nienow - 21.10.2021 17:58

ONLY once you can honestly do unto yourself as you would done unto you by others, can you do unto others as you want done unto you.

you treat yourself the way you treat other people.

Lazy Links
Lazy Links - 10.10.2021 01:46

I just started at my new school, but everyone likes me already.

Thomas Warren
Thomas Warren - 06.10.2021 19:26

lol the music is so quiet in the mix I kept taking my headphones off like "where is that noise coming from?" - "WHAT IS THAT NOISE?!"
I'm silly hahah

emma - 29.09.2021 07:10

i just don’t know why everyone hates me so much. i hate me too.
