Should Christians use the New Living Translation?

Should Christians use the New Living Translation?

Gospel Partners Media / Wretched

4 года назад

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@richardhowell9535 - 28.01.2024 03:26

LOL. Loved the ending! I don't have a NLT, but I do read the CSB (*GASP*) and study from the NASB95. =)

@McSLaughterxxx - 27.01.2024 16:12

I like the NLT but I think the CSB is the best.

@lelandglenn1788 - 23.01.2024 05:41

NLT helps with understanding Leviticus.

@user-ly6pl3bk7j - 12.01.2024 05:27

Any translation that is deliberately altered to deny the divinity of Jesus Christ is wholly corrupted.
It is like pouring arsenic into a glass of pure water and saying it is safe to drink.

@Carelmartyn - 02.01.2024 06:01

That's nice! I bought this translation today since it's the only translation available that has chronological order that I've found. It's a backup, I'm also rereading the NKJV daily bible by Dr. MacArthur. 🙏🙏🙏 Blessed happy new year everyone! Christ is King!

@SaneNoMore - 20.12.2023 08:22

As a secondary or devotional text I find the NLT to be unique enough from my more literal translations that it helps my mind see Bible passages in a way ever so slightly different or even more clearly in some cases. It has caused me more than once to better understand Scripture. I also find it to be an excellent translation to pair with the Life Application Study Bible. While it will never be my primary text for study it’s a great comparison translation. Also the NLT Study Bible is pretty good.

@REVNUMANEWBERN - 13.12.2023 21:34

THE bible is a Spiritual book that can ONLY be UNDERSTOOD by the Spirit, being raised in a Southern Baptist Church since 1955 and then in a Fundamental Independent Baptist church, I NEVER understood or desired to read "the bible", after I was "led to Jesus" by a X Church Of Christ Charismatic I IMMEDIATELY WANTED to read the scriptures due to the massive instantaneous INTERNAL change, after my Born Again EXPERIENCE I picked up that Old Schofield KJV reference bible and started at the N.T. and DEVOURED it & NEVER had ANY problems understanding it & it's concepts, yea, there were a few words I had to look up but 99.9 % of what I read I had NO issues with understanding the concepts revealed. IF a person CANNOT understand or DOESN'T desire to read AFTER their so called "salvation" "conversion" then you very well may of just joined a "Christian" group instead of Joining Christ which happens ONLY when He enters YOU aka as New Birth aka Born Again

@danielprimrose7509 - 12.12.2023 02:39

NLT saved my life, I almost died when I was a teenager, I couldn’t understand or connect with the KJV but the NLT spoke clearly to my soul - now I’m still following Christ and understanding all Bibles!!!
