What is a Spark Hire interview?

What is a Spark Hire interview?


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@nickf2170 - 29.01.2024 14:12

This is an incredibly dehumanizing approach in dealing with potential employees. It leaves no opportunity for discussion with the hiring team, you are comitted to a taped interview that you can not erase and it will be a permanant record, and you may fumble with the mechanics of the process. It amounts to a dehumanizing sybernetic slave auction. I was asked to do one of these and did not respond...AT ALL.

@chief096 - 21.10.2023 20:36

I have one, I did one similar. I felt overwhelmed as it is timed. 😢 let’s hope this one will be better 😂 didn’t get an answer from my previous one

@iamnamora - 21.09.2023 23:48

I'm researching to help my mom.. I'm getting so much value I'm sure she'll do great if she follows your advise

@mihirraval2076 - 05.08.2023 00:39

much appreciate the guidance that you have provided, super helpful. thank you.

@truthskr7127 - 25.01.2023 22:11

I've recieved invitations for a "one-way video interview." I have never responded. This is a very inadequate way to recruit talent. If a company cannot create time to get to know you in person through a physical interview (no zoom) I would question their other business practices.

@zeenuf00 - 08.12.2022 02:27

Sparkhire sucks. can't get it to access my webcam no matter what I do.

@benoakland8805 - 19.10.2022 04:57

I did so horrible on my spark interview.

I can't sit their and talk to a computer. It's not natural

@lazynow1 - 05.10.2022 10:45

Oh Spark Hire...that thing is such a pile a krap.....only loser Orgs use that thing.....basically orgs that have NO respect for anyone use Spark Hire

@joycepiert3728 - 21.09.2022 17:28

This is a great resource video!!!

@jibinalackal3659 - 17.09.2022 07:09


@trendtrader4010 - 21.06.2022 02:40

