League MMR System EXPOSED - LP Gains/Losses in S13

League MMR System EXPOSED - LP Gains/Losses in S13


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glenn - 26.10.2023 21:07

So if I go 100-50 in aram, I'm gonna be placed in plat just by playing 1 game, that makes no sense

MisterIceCream - 25.10.2023 00:32

Mate im bronze 1 winning 15lp losing 29

Mitke 420
Mitke 420 - 24.10.2023 11:22

this deffinetly has to go, they took elo system and overcoplicated it. only serves to promote buying freshs and not even play on your own main that you been playing for 11 years, they act like everyone has time to equalise their mmr with 2k games

VolumeExtra - 24.10.2023 04:45

but it really doesn’t make sense i played 20 games last week and i won 16 out of 20 with 140 games and 58%wr yet i lose 28 and gain 22

Kyle - 23.10.2023 01:53

Definitely interesting listening to all of this, I play ranked casually and don't have the time to grind it out these days, but I'm Emerald 4 right now and my games are with D1 and Master players which I'm fine with, each win I gain on average 41 LP, I'm wondering is it this high that they want me to push to Masters or something else?

Zack Kumar
Zack Kumar - 22.10.2023 21:01

i CBF with ranked.
Wim 15, Lose 29-31, like wtf?

Shayle Larue
Shayle Larue - 22.10.2023 07:34

So can’t play normals ? I get too nervous to play ranked so then I “warm” up playing normals

Maykol Campos
Maykol Campos - 22.10.2023 02:05

This is not new, I remember back in season 4 I was stuck in silver one gaining 5 lp and losing 20 to 25.

T - 18.10.2023 17:09

Please never say "expecially" ever again.

Kaelan Hignell
Kaelan Hignell - 17.10.2023 07:12

i got an aram only acocunt.. played 1 normals game in plat elo, played 1 ranked game and got gold 2 immediately after 1 promo game

Matej Tankovcin
Matej Tankovcin - 14.10.2023 03:21

I'm getting +16 and -31 at 127 games with 60%WR. How is this possible? I have to win 2 games for every lost one to get 1 ("ONE") LP.

Mirko - 12.10.2023 12:36

I get 17-19LP and lose ~28LP with a 57% WR. I don't get this system..

Josh Does
Josh Does - 12.10.2023 00:05

losing 24 and gaining 22 in bronze 2 rn was nearly silver.

Josh Does
Josh Does - 11.10.2023 23:10

was almost silver then i lost a few and im losing more lp than i gain now and on a mass loss streak. 10 out of last like 13 or 14.. i even hard carried some with one being 26/5 on khazix and losing.

Marko Paunovic
Marko Paunovic - 11.10.2023 21:22

"RIOT owes you LP" that's all cute in theory, but when you are emerald 1 90lp and 1 win away from diamond and then get 17 defeats in a row, I don't feel like I was repaid what I was owed xD

ricardo ricardo
ricardo ricardo - 11.10.2023 11:39

many people dont know the real secret of mmr in lol they only see how many games you win and kda and every few wins streak you have they put you in the worst team posible in a streak of worst team posible normally 3 games in a row if you win that they repeat again the formula so basically some games you gonna win no matter what but others you gonna be very lucky to win

jdogsful - 11.10.2023 01:36

so the ranking system is rigged. great.

Vhvjdow0ajsbc dhcuei3o22
Vhvjdow0ajsbc dhcuei3o22 - 10.10.2023 10:51

I get blue side one out of like 6 games, not even kidding.

Nup3r - 09.10.2023 23:26

So i starten otp Vayne im very Good in my Rank With her 43 Games 72% winrate but More Wins i get less Lp i get i get +14-17 lp and -30-34 lp so i was close to Silber won 9 Games in a row was 1 win Away from Promos so i Lost 3 Games now im on 1 lp That cant be real how should i Rank up there are always feeders or afks or Troll i Quit This Game Know for a few days Know Cuz im kinda depress

Jun0 - 07.10.2023 19:29

So i started improving finally and jumped up to emerald rank. I was getting +27 +28 in platinum 1. I started getting +18 +17. Got demoted from very troll games with tilted players that wanted to quit/afk. Now im getting the same lp gains in plat 1.. how is this fair? I have to play solid every single game and hope one of my team mates doesnt shit the bed entirely and give up- the only solution is win more games, but in games i play well which is most i have to just pray someone doesnt int? jg / top going 0/7 in 10 mins should not be a thing in that elo.
