The NOVA | Why this should be the FIRST 5* Ship you focus on in Star Trek Fleet Command

The NOVA | Why this should be the FIRST 5* Ship you focus on in Star Trek Fleet Command

Rev Deuce

6 месяцев назад

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@thiryll - 20.12.2023 00:53

What's the total faction credit cost of a Nova? Don't think it was mentioned in the video.

@user-bw8xo5nt9e - 20.01.2024 12:27

Nova related Question.....I received a 5* bps for a Northcut as part of a mission, but being Ops 44 I cannot yet see it on the roster. Is it still there? I ask because if I should start grinding for Nova BPS I will not be able to see how I am doing, I need to know that the grind will not be in vain. Thanks in advance.

@user-cv5tv5ty7n - 10.01.2024 13:44

I’m level 52, with 40mil ship and been grinding for over an hour and am only 25% to the first refine. I’ve given up 😤

@PaulKer87 - 04.01.2024 15:03

Is there a negative to being ops 52 rather than 51? I'm 49 at the moment and ive checked on spocks club to find out that i can get to 52 and build a nova already. Is there a reason why i should stop at 51 until i have the mats to jump to 53?

@jamesthompson6056 - 26.12.2023 21:58

Missing a trick there Rev, maxed g3miners can get to 5* space with superhighway..Dirt cheap and tons of storage space if crewed right 😉

@stefandaum9983 - 24.12.2023 14:33

Thx for this Video!

@TzakSHO - 24.12.2023 01:29

I tell every member of my alliance...Skip the G4 Epics, use those credits for a Nova and G5 Uncommon ship. All 3 of my Novas have been sitting naked tier 3 for over a year and only got replaced as primary moners when I pushed through to the Ops 58 ships a couple months ago. Nova is a fantastic ship

@vassagood - 23.12.2023 05:08

Since I'm not high enough level to see this stuff yet, I really appreciate you preparing us, who are lower level, for what's ahead.

@user-theangryryno - 23.12.2023 04:58

I one hundred and fifty thousand percent disagree with you Rev. The nova is absolute garbage. It's mining speed... garbage. It's protected cargo... garbage. The only good thing about the nova is the warp range, but you really don't need it. Warp range being a safety net, as you put it, really doesn't matter with all those Voyagers out there.

Those of us in the know tell new g4 players to ignore the g4 miners and stick with the g3 miners. Why is that not the same philosophy for new g5 players. You have less use for g4 now so you should be able to spare more g4 materials for g4 miners.

Save your faction credits for recruitment packs to turn into transporter patterns.
Save your g5 materials for research, warships, and buildings.

@yukipuki1754 - 22.12.2023 19:44

I used to think this but a t8 g4 faction miner can reach the g5 token systems with ghrush. Maybe those faction credits are better saved for the warships if those systems are protected.

If you do get a nova then you have three choices for faction ships: Sanctus and vorcha, crozier and Corvus or, quv’sompek and northcutt.

@michaelstivers4168 - 22.12.2023 05:08

I'm skipping the nova. I maxed 1 g4 miner and other 2 are at t9. 4* mats are plentiful at my level and 5* are not. I'll probably getvthe g5 miners when I get to that level.

@donw82 - 21.12.2023 18:12

I wouldn't call T3 cheap persay(all realative honestly). The 5* economy is, different. The common rss is hard to come by at times because it's in heavy demand across everything you're going to be wanting to get when you do get the Nova, but even at T1 no components, the Nova is an awesome miner. It won't have the PC of a T4+ 4* Miner, but the mining rate and cargo capacity is far better than even a T7 G4(largest comparable I have). Investing into the Nova is slow going, as will be your first G5 as you will bottom out on the common RSS you need, and the amounts needed for T1 are easily 15k+/component depending on your efficiency research, which is 100s of thousands of lat per component if buy with lat.

@darronmoss7520 - 21.12.2023 02:37

Oh well.... I might JUST be able to get a Nova...... in about 3 years 😂😂😂😂😂😂

@79Casimir - 21.12.2023 02:15

I'm currently sitting at ops54, I took my Nova to up to tier6 - to unlock the 4th lower decks seat. When you hit a station with station combat crew (Freeman, Lorca, HgWorf) and melt down the unsuspecting target :) rest assured, the "fan post" pm will roll in almost immediately :P

@RodimusPrime - 20.12.2023 22:12

ah im on the right track for once, just started getting BPS for this

@IknowImNotCrazyYoumightbe - 20.12.2023 21:40

maxed or near maxed novas mine isogen way faster than meridens, and offer all the other benefits. Also, near maxed at 170M plus, allows you to mine without worrying about being hit OPC in many cases

@AxelFoley666 - 20.12.2023 20:57

It's a great ship for killing pirates.

@mac4retirement - 20.12.2023 19:02

I’m early into the 50’s, currently at 52 working my way through the drydock and defense platform upgrades in order to get 53. My Nova is at t4, 348 warp range 600k protected cargo. I mine in level 54 nodes all the time without difficulty. I’m stopping here as the Nova’s Crystal requirements are a lower priority to my Drydocks.

@AnOminous1 - 20.12.2023 18:43

For the record, a relatively weak Talios or similar can take out a mining crewed T1 or T2 Nova. Aren't too many that low flying around s53 anymore - that I've seen at least, but at 42 or so, I took out a few.
Rule of thumb is that a PvP crewed warship can take out about 3-4x its own power of a mining crewed miner. A standout like the Stella can punch up 5x+, but it doesn't go that high, so that's somewhat limited.

@matthewhorton2156 - 20.12.2023 18:18

When looking at repair cost of nova even maxed it's not that bad compared to start value, but g5 faction miners may be better

@CaliMayh3m - 20.12.2023 18:12

I have never had nova bps drop from a 53+ freebooter.

@dustinhenry7247 - 20.12.2023 18:12

46 rares might not be able to reach ya but PvP crewed voyagers can

@derpizzadieb - 20.12.2023 17:22

No mention of the repair cost. ~2b Trit on T1 with a relatively small protected cargo.

@mrphoto - 20.12.2023 17:18

Great spreadsheet on ship accessability based on your ops level. I noticed you can take your borg cube to level 2 at ops level 34. How is this possible when the cube appears to be locked to level 36 ops before being able to tier to level 2?

@mattleach8129 - 20.12.2023 17:09

Very much agree that the Nova is awesome- I skipped the G4 miners, and it’s a huge upgrade. I would add- you might not need to upgrade it at all. Our server doesn’t hunt much OPC, and G5 systems aren’t crowded yet. T1, and maybe the warp upgrade, is easily enough for dailies where I am.

@williambuchanan77 - 20.12.2023 12:50

I've learned to max the mining ships I'm going to be using most. When up there you don't need to extend the protected cargo so much, which means a defence crew is more of an option. There are always players who want to attack your mining ships.

@Elinaeri - 20.12.2023 11:23

I am sorry Rev but I am finding calling base requirements of 38k uncommon gas and 67k crystal cheap a bit ridiculous. I am not even talking about the commons with the absurdly stupid Scopely-conversion rate. Players are simply not getting enough materials and ops50+ is practically a gated community wherein you must pay big bucks to survive.

@EnderSword - 20.12.2023 11:08

Reeeeally disagree on this one.
Certainly shouldn't be your first 50+ ship for sure, but honestly I'd advocate for skipping it, or if you do build it, don't Tier it up.
And the OPC is really the main problem, because it's not a faction ship, it doesn't get any of the faction bonuses to Protected Cargo, so the Protected Cargo space is like 25% of a high tier B'Chor
So especially if you're on a server with open OPC hunting, the nova is the last thing you want to be using.
Even further on that point, I've got a Tier 5 Nova and a Tier 12 B'Chor and Vorta Vor... The Nova which mines at the same speed and has less protected cargo Also costs 20x as much to repair. Like 1.6 Billion Trit vs 80 million Trit

I think it maybe used to matter more before Delta Quadrant when people did mine in 5* space like that, but that's not too common now.

I'd for sure wait and just get it for free, definitely don't spend faction credits on it, would be a huge waste and there's just no need for it, you'll get it from Armada chests eventually free, most certainly shouldn't be your first 50+ ship

@eaglesrum2319 - 20.12.2023 10:52

Great vid rev as always, might have to start farming lvl 53 plus freebooters now in prep for when I push up from ops 46 to 49 and then into the 50s maybe middle point of next year.

@Typhin - 20.12.2023 10:15

G5s issues relate to common and rare materials. Unlock Nova, do not tier til after Shipyard 56. I don't see a good reason when you have G5 Bajo luxury space with very little effort. Yes, you need W240 but as i said, unlock nova, don't tier

@YTMaley - 20.12.2023 09:37

You don't need to tier it all. I got one on T1 and one on T2. Ops 54 very light spender. Problem is even the commons are a problem at G5

@MatthewBluefox - 20.12.2023 09:29

So you can split up your faction credits for the Nova BPs and grind fr33b00terz on top of that, that's at least sumfin. :)

@gordonai5803 - 20.12.2023 07:52

When a nova can crack your base, that tells you just how useful they are lol

@OlayzeeOne - 20.12.2023 07:31

No need to get the nova above T1 and Warp Engine MK2 upgrade. the cost to upgrade the nova will eat into your G5 war ships RSS which youll need for the rest of your 50s.

@CCFONESOL - 20.12.2023 06:32

Unfortunately most seem to skip it.
I got two of them. Tier 11 and tier 6. First g5 ship i got. Going to max both.

@Odysseus11821 - 20.12.2023 05:33

Ops 54. Take it to t2 and stop so you can slot forbidden tech. No real gains from going to t3 or higher.

@oldskooldayz7525 - 20.12.2023 04:55

Built mine a few days ago, 30M out the box and can reach systems where there's nearly always free nodes.

@CoreyRaines - 20.12.2023 04:48

Best PVP ship in the game. People don't warp away when they see a miner enter the system. That is starting to change on my server for some reason.. 🤷‍♂ i was lvl 55 before I built it. Farmed all the BPs for free saving my credits for pew pews.

@GrandAdmiralHunter - 20.12.2023 04:37

Ops 54 here and I have two novas, both are T1. So far it has been fine with the warp range and it is meeting my mining needs. Problem is the common materials and I haven’t wanted to spend lat to tier up so just waiting to stock up some. I find I am spending common materials on other things. My big problem with g5 ships is that they take a significant amount of trit. I get 90B daily from the monaveen but it still is not enough. My g5 uncommons are stocking up because I don’t have the trit for a lot of upgrades. Will keep working on monaveen and try to save for next spend event.

@richardwhite1774 - 20.12.2023 04:37

Always great information, you’ve helped with decisions I’ve made as I progress through the 40’s. Thanks for taking the time to get the info as well as fighting for the players. 🙏 they give up the 200 bps for the gilded pickle 😂. Have a great rest of your day.

@fuckoffgoogle8199 - 20.12.2023 04:07

Never camp

@toodlesmcgiggitygoo9253 - 20.12.2023 03:36

Hard Disagree Rev. The Nova is the last ship you should build in the 50s. Ops 62 here btw. At Ops 53 you get access to super highways and you can mine 5* with Horizons.

@zoranmamkovic-zveronja9680 - 20.12.2023 03:31

Is there a Angel in disguise mission video?

@gieric - 20.12.2023 03:25

What is the “Standard Mining Crew?”

@MrCMaccc - 20.12.2023 03:23

Speaking of camping charts on ops, I just looked at the level 25 chart has a video for camping at level 35 linked? Honestly a 'General progression breakdown' video would be really helpful. Big level unlocks like the dvor and vidar, places to camp because of x y and z type of reasons etc. It feels like a lot of content is spread out in various other videos or what seems outdated, being from 2+ years ago. Having a general "stuff to consider as you progress" kind of video would be really helpful personally.

@byronhill7734 - 20.12.2023 03:08

Link for ship ops chart and spreadsheet, please?

@robertlee5456 - 20.12.2023 02:55

Suggestion for aggressive min-max type players: punch up against solo armadas and finish the Bajoran faction at ops 47. After that, the excess Bajoran credit income buys one each of the g5 and g4 lucrative tokens per day. Push ops 50+, get a Nova, and plop it down into a different g5 lucrative system every day. Send your maxed g3 faction miner into a different g4 lucrative system every day. This effectively "solves" the issue of g4/g5 mining and lets you spend your time on other things in this game.

@tonyferreri7401 - 20.12.2023 02:34

I'm one of the long list of L49 players. The pre-requisites to go from L49 to L50 is a long grind which is probably why so many players are stuck there.

I already have over half my Nova and Corvus BPs so should be ready to go by the time I get to those Ops levels. The G4 miners aren't too bad mining G5 but need Grush to boost the warp range to get there.

@Dozer86 - 20.12.2023 02:34

T3 is all you need, you also get bp's through 5* armada chests. Priority after getting a nova is the skins to make them effective on any type of mat with a simple change.

@earthhalienn1799 - 20.12.2023 02:25

grind 53 freebooter all the time ...never seen a nova print drop.
