Skyrim - 5 Tiny Details You STILL HAVE Missed (Skyrim Anniversary Edition)

Skyrim - 5 Tiny Details You STILL HAVE Missed (Skyrim Anniversary Edition)


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Nikkiakhandrial - 15.10.2023 03:03

Also, I think the Final Battle refers to the Daedra and Aedra fighting each other. Kinda like an ethereal celestial battle between forces/gods.
Like Heaven versus Hell or in Okami, the Demons versus the Celestials/winged people.

Evidence of conflicts between the Aedra and Daedra (Hints of The Final Battle) that I've come across:

The Dwemer shunned our gods and preferred their own gods of Logic and Reason.

After Kodlak is cured of his werewolfism he says he and the others of Sovrengard will wage a mighty battle against Hircine and his realm to free the other Harbingers.

I forget who but someone also says something like "Do you worship the Nine?" If you say no, they reply something like, "Good. Damn those heathen gods."
And Froki who gives you the quest for Kyne's Trials also says something similar as well as reiterating the fact that people call the goddess Kynareth instead of her original name, Kyne.

I've also had moments where I'm involved with the Daedra and those who worship the Aedra comment on it with disdain.

Thus, I've learned the Daedra are the old gods, beastly, savage and feral with more bloodlust and animalistic ways.
And the Aedra are the new gods, more peaceful and balancing and fair, in a sense, humane.

Nikkiakhandrial - 15.10.2023 02:48

Flying horses and giants sending you to space is a bug?
I thought it was part of the game.
Makes it more fantasy and fun.
: )

Shaun Kennedy
Shaun Kennedy - 13.10.2023 17:29

It's basically Valhalla and Ragnarok lol so the final battle is Skyrim version of Ragnarok

Solomon - 09.10.2023 08:38

The intro 😂

Welej - 06.10.2023 03:34

Morrowind was released in 2002, not 1998.

MandaPanda !
MandaPanda ! - 22.09.2023 10:16

Just wanna say I enjoy your Skyrim videos. Thank you for taking the time to make all of the videos you have. Great work.

ScirishMelody - 20.09.2023 14:16

Party Snax!!!!!!!!!!!

saladbalas - 14.09.2023 22:30

I just started playing for the first time ever 1 month ago and when i dont want to take fall damag i just use the ethereal shout. those other ways sound sway harder lol.....

10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast
10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast - 12.09.2023 05:32

You were four years off with the release of Morrowind. You said it shipped in 1998 - it was 2002.

AngusTheBeef - 11.09.2023 10:57

Ah yes the never ending question in Skyrim: should I kill or spare party snax

Mysterious Pirate
Mysterious Pirate - 01.09.2023 15:27

Thank the gods for epicnate videos love you ❤💖🎉🎉🎉🎉😁

Cap’n Kraken
Cap’n Kraken - 30.08.2023 03:29

I don’t know if I’ve ever heard you cover this tiny detail, but if you go to Meridia’s temple BEFORE you find the beacon (a rare occurrence I know) she’ll give you a unique dialogue guiding you to a random dungeon to get the beacon when you approach her statue.

Friend Shaped
Friend Shaped - 25.08.2023 05:20

A tiny detail I just found today! There is a hidden cave behind the Headwaters of Harstrad in Solstheim

Matthew Scott
Matthew Scott - 02.08.2023 05:40

Nate…. It’s been a year plus man…

Wyatt Quillen
Wyatt Quillen - 22.07.2023 21:50

Did you say Morrowind was released in 98?? That is definitely not right 😂😂😶😶

linkblade0 - 20.07.2023 22:33

As most people know. Skyrim takes heavy inspiration from Viking mythology. Sovengarde is basically a mirror of Valhalla. Alduin is likely the equivalent to Fenrir, who is said will devour the sun and will kill Odin, only to be slain by one of Odin's sons in turn during Ragnarok. Interestingly, the Norse had a belief that Ragnarok wasnt just the 'end of all things' it was all the beginning. Much like the Kalpa of the Elder Scrolls.

The final battle, is likely a great war where all mortals, aedra and daedra all do battle across all plains of existence. Culminating in the destruction of time, causing it to reset. I personally theorize thay the current Kalpa is broken because Alduin refused to play his role. Causing the Kalpa to be extended. Though the Elder Scroll prophesying the legend of the Dragonborn implies that this Kalpa is perhaps on track? Or do they always update automatically when a shift occurs?

Perhaps the Dwemer will reappear at the end of the Kalpa to fight at Shor's behest. As an exchange for a realm their own until that time comes.

Perhaps the necromancers who created the Soul Cairn did so as a way to try to hide from the Kalpa cycle?..

LooserDruid - 17.07.2023 20:11

Rip mitten squad

Kirstyhasamagicunicorn - 16.07.2023 21:52

When will I get the giant chicken bug 🥺

Devin Boysen
Devin Boysen - 05.07.2023 12:25

Got a whole army of producers

Devin Boysen
Devin Boysen - 05.07.2023 12:07

Why did you leave us for so long😢😢

Sweet Carotid
Sweet Carotid - 04.07.2023 16:22

Great video Nate! However Morrowind was released in 2002 not 1998. I'm pretty sure that's the relesase date of Daggerfall.

Hans PS Hansen
Hans PS Hansen - 02.07.2023 19:21

have some details if you want more,1. in the towers of Bloodskal barrows you can find a scrawled note with a referance to monty pyton, you can vsearch for "Castle of Aughhhh - Holy Grail" to get it. 2. after finnishing the temple of Mirrac, and getting out, Frea will point to the wind stone and ask if you seethe green light, even if you have cleansed the winds tone 3. sometimes the blacksmith will holdhis broom while doing blacksmithing

TAFKA Day - 02.07.2023 08:13

I for one really appreciated the WarGames reference, "The only winning move seems to be to not play".

Stiffy_master - 29.06.2023 12:34

I wanna be able to go back to soverngaurd

Kade Thibodeau
Kade Thibodeau - 28.06.2023 19:01

Lmao party snacks

Samantha - 26.06.2023 22:09

The honorable mention… Sovengarde is supposed to be Valhalla, the ancient Norse version of heaven. The reason it’s only for people who die honorably in battle is Valhalla is a place for Odin to collect warriors for Ragnarok. Ragnarok is the ancient Norse “end of the world” or apocalypse. During Ragnarok, Odin takes all the collected warriors of Valhalla and battles… something… unfortunately that’s where my knowledge stops. I’m not sure who or what they’re meant to actually fight, but the entire point of Valhalla is to collect worthy warrior souls for the battle. I think that was one of the purposes of Valkyries.

Ian Romig
Ian Romig - 26.06.2023 02:35

I hear that quote before

Lesley J Hodgdon
Lesley J Hodgdon - 25.06.2023 19:30

if Akatosh is ''Father Of All Dragons'' I thought Alduin Was his own thing

nick skubinna
nick skubinna - 25.06.2023 03:48

The tie-in for the sovingarde and this final fact, sounds much like ragnarok

Qwozocube - 24.06.2023 20:33

Hey Nate, here's three tiny details I learned very recently.

First off, if you progress far enough through the civil war questline on the Imperial side, if you heal Ulfric when you're supposed to kill him, he'll die anyway. This could be a bug, or just a failsafe, either way it's pretty funny to watch happen.

Second up, also to do with healing, when you first enter Jorrvaskr, you'll always see the fight between Nada and Athir. Well if you heal on of them during the fight, they'll turn hostile, but none of the other companions do either. And, you don't get a bounty for it either.

Finally, if you're unlucky when Vilkas tests you when you join the Companions and Farkas is there, the moment Vilkas turns hostile, Farkas will too. When this happened, I had Teldryn Sero with me, who repeatedly attacked Vilkas by Dragonsreach while I was talking to Armen about his sword.

That's all I've got. If you ever decide to do another 10 tiny details for Skyrim, I hope you use these.

Izzie Nyx
Izzie Nyx - 12.06.2023 07:48

We need more Skyrim videos from you, you my favorite so I just keep rewatching everything lol You could talk about any Skyrim thing & I’d be happy lol

James - 11.06.2023 03:56

I like the way epic nate explains the lore of these great games its. Good too get a better understanding on skyrim and fallout4 lore

The Lion's Den
The Lion's Den - 08.06.2023 01:26

Hay Nate I bring this up because I've never heard to mention it but you you can destroy the dark brotherhood, when Astrid kidnaps you she's not flagged as essential, so you could kill her if you do you get to go talk to maro, then move on to kill the rest of the of the brotherhood

Brooklyn Farnsley
Brooklyn Farnsley - 07.06.2023 15:38

After completing the quest "old friends" given by Neloth on solstheim, he'll make you an honorary member of the Telvanni family giving you the title of nobility in morrowind. Brand-shei in Riften is found to be a member of the Telvanni house in the quest "distant memories". Thus effectively making Brand-Shei your brother. Which means if you complete "A chance Arrangement", you frame your brother and send him to jail haha

Tono Baker
Tono Baker - 04.06.2023 23:57

You could make video series about the books in Skyrim which ones stick out to you, and the ones you think are worth collecting, etc. we’re here to hear you speak you are the champion here, bard

Fully NGaged
Fully NGaged - 03.06.2023 11:53

Morrowind was released 3/1/2001, bro. We all know TES games take years to come out, and there's no way it could've come out only 2 yrs after Daggerfell

nathan pholi
nathan pholi - 26.05.2023 07:04

What happened to mittensquad

Chimney - 24.05.2023 16:23

Thanks Nate, these videos get me through the work day!

Wolfe Garnsey
Wolfe Garnsey - 24.05.2023 00:54

So he overthrew the king by the way of the voice. As it's said in the beginning of the game. So that means he can shout like the dragonborn. And yet. He isn't the dragonborn? How was he able to use dragon speak?

Pugwash - 21.05.2023 09:15

So Akatosh's first name is Larry?

Lt Mad
Lt Mad - 16.05.2023 12:14

If it's based on Hindu stuff then it's worthless bull crap

Freak Tactical
Freak Tactical - 10.05.2023 15:49

i love you epicnate ❤

tOiLeT - 05.05.2023 22:43

In Volkihar keep the barrels of blood drip blood and there’s a pile where the blood lands

Raphaël Blier
Raphaël Blier - 02.05.2023 04:55

A detail you never talked about is how Hermaeus Mora is sometime spying on you near whiterun

Joey B
Joey B - 26.04.2023 17:33

Not sure if you've touched on this before. On Skyrim PS3, when you kill a dragon, their ragdoll corpse loses a tooon of it's weight. Crouching next to a skeletal dragon corpse and aiming upward, I was able to firebolt the corpse into oblivion. I'm not sure if it was a bug, but sometimes the dragons wouldn't turn into skeletons and I could still blast them into oblivion.

Dematerialized Tower
Dematerialized Tower - 10.04.2023 03:39

Hey Nate I just found a really easy to missed detail you probably didn’t talk about! In Embershard mine near Whiterun, a bandit has quite a lot of unique dialogues (monologues actually?) and sings a really interesting song: “once was a women, as fair as an evenin’, of springtime in old Syria M’kai…told him to just hand over the gold, but did he listen? Oh no…they always have to fight back…”. Not sure if you talked about it because I didn’t watch all videos of yours, I will be glad if this helps with your next video😂😂

Анастасия Шерстнева
Анастасия Шерстнева - 06.04.2023 14:42

It's sad that you did not looked up how to spell Szydlowski. It's not so hard(
