Römisch-katholische Kirche in Liechtenstein - Konzert "Voskresenije" Chor

Römisch-katholische Kirche in Liechtenstein - Konzert "Voskresenije" Chor

Resurrection Choir

54 года назад

102 Просмотров

Römisch-katholische Kirche in Liechtenstein - Konzert "Voskresenije" Chor
Katholische Kirche
"Praise the Name of the Lord"- Resurrection Choir of St.Petersburg
Resurrection Choir of St.Petersburg
"Praise the Name of the Lord" L.Andreev
Solo: Ksenya Todorova
Conductor: Jurii Maruk

Choir Voskresenije (Resurrection) - Concert in Liechtenstein

Choir and conductor
The vocal ensemble Resurrection -Voskresenije in Russian - was founded by Jurij Maruk in 1993. It consists of seven to ten professional female and male vocalists. The repertoire of the ensemble includes Russian Sacred Music as well as folk music. Guest performances in Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Austria, the UK, France and Italy have met with great success, and the choir has recorded several CDs of their repertoire, which includes some specially composed arrangements of Burns songs by John McIntosh.
Their conductor, Jurii Maruk, was born in 1961 in Barnaul, West Siberia. In 1976 he began to study music and conducting at the local music facility in Barnaul. After finishing musical school he was admitted to the Novosibirsk State Conservatory (1980-1985) in Professor Boris Pevsner's class. At this time he worked with the Chamber Choir (Novosibirsk) directed by Pervsner, who was working in close cooperation with the Wladimir Minin Choir in Moscow. Between 1987 and 1989, Jurii Maruk worked at the Mariinsky Theatre (opera and ballet) in St Petersburg as a choir singer. Here he had his initial experience as a conductor and artistic leader of the Mariinsky Theatre (sacred music). Between 1990 and 1992, Maruk worked as the choirmaster of the St Petersburg Radio and Television Choir.

This Russian a cappella ensemble of eight singers (2 sopranos, 2 altos, countertenor, tenor, bass and basso profondo) with their conductor, Jurij Maruk, gave us a fabulous concert on Tuesday evening. They came back by popular request as they were outstanding last year, but this year they were even better.

Their programme is extremely well chosen and includes several solos allowing each singer to demonstrate the range of their beautiful voices enhanced by St Peter’s wonderful acoustic. The Concert was much enjoyed by the large audience who gave the ensemble a standing ovation.
Praise for current UK tour performances
These comments were left on Facebook today by satisfied customers!
Going contentedly to bed now after a wonderful concert of Russian sacred music and folk song at a local parish church. If you get a chance to hear the Voskresenije (Resurrection) Choir of St Petersburg on their current UK tour, grab it with both hands. Just eight unaccompanied singers, but the sound they make is glorious.The date of next year's visit is already on the calendar.
Хвалите имя Господне - Л.Андреев
Соло: Ксения Тодорова

Die römisch-katholische Kirche in Liechtenstein gehörte seit frühchristlicher Zeit zum Bistum Chur. Erst am 2. Dezember 1997 wurde für das Gebiet des Fürstentums Liechtenstein ein eigenes Erzbistum Vaduz errichtet und mit Wolfgang Haas der erste Erzbischof eingesetzt. In dieser Gründung ist die Bestrebung der katholischen Kirche erkennbar, kirchliche und politische Grenzen zu vereinheitlichen. Erzbischof Haas betonte zugleich die nötige Unabhängigkeit von Kirche und Staat, was eine für beide Seiten gedeihliche Zusammenarbeit in bestimmten Fragen nicht ausschliesse.

Vom Bistum Chur (Schweiz) abgetrennt, gab es zu Beginn Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Gegnern und Befürwortern des päpstlichen Entscheids, auch das Fürstenhaus fühlte sich übergangen. Nach anfänglichen Verwicklungen, wobei die Person des neuen Erzbischofs mit eine Rolle spielte (Haas war als Bischof von Chur bereits umstritten), konnte sich die Diözese recht bald etablieren. Als Gegenpol entstand der Verein für eine offene Kirche.


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