Borderlands 3 | Top 10 BEST & WORST Things This Game Gave Us

Borderlands 3 | Top 10 BEST & WORST Things This Game Gave Us

Ki11er Six

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Ki11er Six
Ki11er Six - 11.11.2021 03:45

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Daddy Warbucks
Daddy Warbucks - 12.09.2023 06:19

Top 10 worst? 1-10 are Ava.

DEJAVOODOO 1685 - 05.09.2023 12:18

I've played the game through so many times but the more I play it the more I think Lorelei is the worst thing in BL3, possibly in Borderlands in general. The voice acting for her is just poor to say the least and her accent really grates on me.

TheWolfBrigade - 02.09.2023 11:16

Build diversity always seems to be ever players first question so many times I’ve tried to play with someone and they instantly want to know my main vault hunter and the build and I get hated on so much for using Atlas they immediately start telling me to “swap my weapons to this and that and use this shield with this grenade” at that I point I leave the game and party how is a game about build diversity and most the time I got players trying to swap my build and play style to fit their play style?!

The Kon
The Kon - 25.08.2023 16:25

Ava goes to show that doesn't matter how interesting your backstory is, how understandable it is why she acts the way she does; if you end up killing one of the franchise's most beloved characters in such a stupid way, nobody will care. And I am very much one of those people, Ava needs to get eaten by a skag :3

TheLucky Clain
TheLucky Clain - 18.08.2023 21:19

Troy felt like a better villain, and i wish he would have been the final boss

TheLucky Clain
TheLucky Clain - 18.08.2023 21:02

I wish we would get some dlc characters to play as

ItsNotSunny - 18.08.2023 19:42

Ava doesn't feel like Luke. She feels like Rey.

Samantha Martin
Samantha Martin - 16.08.2023 14:10

My audio has been cutting out for a few seconds every few minutes since the beginning lol

Aquarion - 09.08.2023 08:00

WORST Thing : Aya

Justin - 06.08.2023 08:43

i will say without getting the crit at mayham level 10 i would have had to farm alot more to be able to play at that level, I really love that bl3 has alot more builds that are good at end game but i wish more guns were actually good at max level

clueless - 05.08.2023 05:34

im so glad you mentioned wainright and gaige! i loved everything you said about them. The bounty of blood dlc carried on the awesome accents and was probably one of my favorite parts of the game!

Purple 30 🧍
Purple 30 🧍 - 25.07.2023 12:25

No joke the handsome jack fight when you fight handsome jack was harder then the twins

Travis Walls
Travis Walls - 23.07.2023 18:44

I am not calling flak a they. It's too stupid for words. He has the physique of a man as the voice of a man. Robot or not. There are only two characters I could ever really call a day, and that's Ermac from Mortal Kombat and Legion from Mass Effect. Those are the only two characters that it makes sense for. The rest is just sjw nonsense I'm not going to abide nor beneath those crazies.

Michael Cheatham
Michael Cheatham - 19.07.2023 13:41

It’s crazy that Jack was such a good character that we would rather have him again than a mediocre character

Disestablishme - 19.07.2023 00:50

I checked out of the franchise during the great nerfing after launch. I know BL is BL but when the whole campaign is nostalgia bait and the dialogue/characters sound and act like the were written by a 12yro who just discovered virtue signaling - wait was this game written by Ava?!?🤔🤔🤔

Shining Darkness
Shining Darkness - 18.07.2023 06:24

Look, it isn't the small level cap increases it is that they made them unclean numbers. Level caps should always be done to the order of multiples of 5. Nobody likes looking at a wonky number next to their name and I to this day refuse to play it because the damn cap is 72. That is just whack. Why? Why not stop at 70? Why not a few more and stop at 75? There is no answer, someone at gearbox and/or 2k hates me and people who think like me, yes, I am taking it personal.

Vincent Pennington
Vincent Pennington - 17.07.2023 09:41

The truants were probably my favorite part of playing through the story every time I did it, like they remind me of the loveable asshole of Jack from bl2

Actual Amateur
Actual Amateur - 14.07.2023 02:19

Killing off Maya was the worst thing they done for me.

Joe jojo
Joe jojo - 13.07.2023 06:27

was the samurai cowboy dlc included with the season pass?

Tiago Rodrigues
Tiago Rodrigues - 13.07.2023 03:24

Jack is for borderlands what Dio is for jojo, you can make another good villain just pay respect to all the other character.

Cryowolf90 - 10.07.2023 13:21

personally, i think it's completely unfair to compare any BL villain after Jack to be a bit unfair. They knocked it out of the park with Jack, but lighting isn't going to strike twice. it's sad they did Jack so well, because now every villain after is going to be compared to him.

Ryan S
Ryan S - 06.07.2023 07:31

The gameplay is amazing, the story could use work, though I enjoyed some planets stories. Loot was way to common in this game, almost to the point where you had certain orange weapons you always used. It's not horrible, but when purples feel more unique than the legendries, it looses the reason to farm. The maliwan takedown, we had the floor littered with legendries at times.

I actually like the really long story of borderlands 2 with 3 playthroughs. I don't get the raids as scaling is typically horribly, I sank many hours in borderlands 2 is trying new characters and trying to level them up to the max level. Borderlands has always sucked with end game content, even though they are getting better, moving to the next difficulty level starting with your gear and talents was always a lot of fun. It wouldn't work in 3 as the story is that bad at times, loved Promethea and eden-6 and have no problem replaying them, pandora and the last nekretafeau, I don't particularly care to replay.

samuils - 28.06.2023 04:22

SOOOOOOOOOOOO much free stuff, without a discount the full game costs over $200, are you out of your mind? Out of 21 DLC's literally ZERO are for free. As far as added levels are for free, WTF? I am not saying that they should not charge, I am saying is that you are full of it.

daesz - 26.06.2023 13:12

borderlands series could greatly benefit from f2p seasons and new mechanics added, similar to other looter games (diablo/poe/division/etc), could also add p2p new classes once per couple of seasons
edt. i think gearbox should stop making some items as quest exclusives, it makes em impossible to farm (normal way) which kinda sk

W - 21.06.2023 20:26

Handsome Jack was a fucking terrible villain ...

Alexander Ramsay
Alexander Ramsay - 20.06.2023 16:47

Started playing borderlands 3 again a couple of days ago. Last time I played it was 2021 and boi has it been a breathe of fresh air. I play with my cousin, who introduced me to borderlands 2 back in 2012, and we enjoyed borderlands 3 more than ever. We rebooted with new characters and man, the game was so much smoother and less buggy making gameplay feel exponentially better.

Null Void
Null Void - 09.06.2023 06:03

Captain/General Traunt are the beat.

Breach - 06.06.2023 19:49

They killed Maya 😢

Robert Schoelerman
Robert Schoelerman - 03.06.2023 20:35

Kinda got that handsome jack vib from katagawa jr

Brandon - 30.05.2023 18:09

Worst thing? Ava

Krex - 07.05.2023 14:13

I hated Tyrene and Troy so much I turned my sounds off everytime they talked. Guess they are good villains

Namerif - 24.04.2023 02:12

I wonder whose worse Ava or the girl from Forspoken

ZEROphycho80 - 23.04.2023 04:27

I hope they add third person mode

maybe ehh
maybe ehh - 21.04.2023 20:29

I've recently been playing cyberpunk 3077 and it has a button where you can just skip dialogue, and there's a borderlands 2 mod where you can skip dialogue, I want that mid for bl3 and that in base game for future borderlands games

SirCommissar - 20.04.2023 01:00

the epic exclusivity didnt bother me at first, but the issue came when i bought the season pass 2, didnt recieve the content, and when i contacted the support (with my order number and everything) they told me "you dont understand what you bought and if you need further help contact the publisher for help"

after that i just refunded the purchase and went to steam because fuck epic.

Flanking Foxtrot
Flanking Foxtrot - 18.04.2023 14:06

Why do the enemies on this game seem so easy to kill

Henry Hill
Henry Hill - 12.04.2023 16:10

Sad it’s not coming out on switch

Ryan Rodgers
Ryan Rodgers - 02.04.2023 06:13

All they have to do is listen to the fans, like they did with a lot of QOL features for bl3, but in bl4. If they listen to our criticisms and fix everything done wrong with bl3, we will have the best game in the series by far.

Arcade - 01.04.2023 23:55

Katagawa would've been great as a main villain.

Introducing our new vault hunters as just "hired guns" to investigate, no need for something world-ending scale and focus on the characters more.
Then to make the scale growing bigger into our characters finally becoming Vault Hunters, making that almost a "prestige" of a role/title, rather than something kids or weak characters (Tales of the Borderlands) to have.

Charcarocles 2708
Charcarocles 2708 - 30.03.2023 17:08

what gun do you use? the pistol one with insane fire rate?

HardcoreNacho - 29.03.2023 22:56

Another dishonorable mention, they fucked up Tiny Tina. The best comedic character in BL2 and they barely use her in BL3

Claiminghawk - 29.03.2023 20:22

Ava becoming the siren of the vault hunters in BL4 would be interesting(I'd prefer her to be an extra character but if she's part of the main crew I don't mind) see her as a young adult would be interesting similar to what they did with gaige and tina(still crazy As hell)

Claiminghawk - 29.03.2023 20:09

Bought it on steam, originally bought the deluxe edition for Xbox but sadly I know that my PC won't be able to run it.

kotzer71 - 29.03.2023 08:21

ava and the story being bad is a understatement it was probably the worst story ive seen in a game period and ava poisoned the well so bad most of my friends who were borderlands fans are no longer borderlands fans and honestly unless they pull a dmc5 and act like 3 never existed i don't think i would even want a bl4 at this point

Steve Vogel
Steve Vogel - 28.03.2023 14:57

yoo ma men did spit tripple time favourite weapons ^^

ccolorado - 27.03.2023 02:57

A spoiler warning would have been nice

hunter - 26.03.2023 07:08

What even happened to kreig ? Is he dead
