Louise Hay - "I Healed Myself Permanently" Guaranteed Results!

Louise Hay - "I Healed Myself Permanently" Guaranteed Results!


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@dianndarling4428 - 19.11.2023 13:27

I have a few health issues,do I concentrate on one only,, or all of them , ie BP, osteoarthritis etc

@shnekman - 03.11.2023 09:13

Advert right in the middle!!!

@chinthalewkebandara2358 - 28.10.2023 19:58

Thank you so much for the vedio

@Manifestandchill - 25.10.2023 06:03

I trust my hip and lower back pain will be gone very soon, forever

@sabrinashea198 - 13.10.2023 23:34

Wow! Amazing message… now how do I get started?

@rishavroy2593 - 12.09.2023 21:25

I know I will grow hairs by the power of good and god and my faith but can you also provide regarding this issue coz I never had any hairfall

@williamcorsini1968 - 02.09.2023 21:50


@Kathy-kr1sv - 31.08.2023 12:52

Every cell in my body is listening
What I feel they feel. This is how they hear 💕💜

@artistikitty - 10.06.2023 00:40

✨Bless you Billy❣️🙏✨
I needed this soooo much. Struggling with frightening “possibilities”. This was just the positive message I needed to hear. I’m off to speak kindly and positively to myself. Aloud. 😉 And others. 💜

@ms.brenda8615 - 06.06.2023 23:45


@rachelcoleman4693 - 05.06.2023 18:25

My cancer scare is for nothing. My throat is healthy and normal, I'm going to be just fine.

@aapopelkonen6683 - 28.03.2023 09:32


@al79nadar58 - 07.02.2023 23:07

This is beautiful and has helped me tremendously last few months. Loving peaceful, serene, positive energy to all. We are The Universe and we rock!❤

@vengadesan8908 - 28.01.2023 10:32

Thank You Louise Hay
Your affirmations indeed so powerful makes me stronger to overcome my dieases and
Even i have cured my blood pressure totally. I am very healthy and energetic now.
Thank you so much

@ashleychen3006 - 02.01.2023 14:04

I’m so grateful for you Ms Hay. I’m healing and flourishing in life .

@DoblyTufnell - 31.12.2022 07:21

Broke my sternum 10 months ago. The other day my physio vigorously massaged between all the ribs on my chest. The pain is 8/10 all day every day.

I don't have anyone to forgive, or resentment.

@soularlight5696 - 23.12.2022 15:12

I am willing to forgive everyone who has harmed me. I am willing to forgive myself. I am willing to let go of all hurt feelings. I am willing to let go of all resentments. I am willing to let God take care of it, to help me release it, and truthfully feel blessings towards everyone, including myself. I am willing to feel good feelings toward everyone. I don't know how to do it. I don't know how to make this happen, but I am willing to let the Divine Intelligence within me make it happen through me. I am surrendering to the process. I want to and I am willing to forgive everyone, meaning let go of all these hard feelings and truthfully feel light about everyone, knowing they are God's Being, my Self, Innocent, Pure and Free. There is more beyond what I see right now. There is greater thoughts to think than those I think. My thoughts are not working for me. Others thoughts are not working for me either. I have to allow the Divine. I am allowing the God Within. Thanks

@candz1111 - 11.12.2022 18:38

Louise Hay is remarkable. What a PHENOMENAL video. Thank you so much for sharing and for the reminder 🙏🙏😃😃😃

@patriciarussell1177 - 30.11.2022 19:37


@maltidevi8450 - 26.11.2022 05:26

Thank you kindly sweet angel. have forgiven everyone who may hurt me. And I have forgiven myself. I peacefully want to detach from everyone without taking anything in return. I ask for my well-being and a job to support myself. May my prayers also come true so that my fear and stress ends soon.

@believe.receive - 17.11.2022 12:11

Oh my God, after watching self-healing videos for the better half of a decade, this is the only one that truly resonated with me because it's such an accurate description of what I'm going through. Long story short, I developed chronic, life-disrupting health problems after living with an undiagnosed parasite infection back in 2016 when I was still a teenager. It's very likely that my symptoms became chronic because I was not diagnosed in time and was not given the proper aftercare or further testing after finally being prescribed the medication.

Six years later, and I've harboured so much resentment for everyone who was somewhat guilty in my years of suffering and current condition. I just realized after watching this video how much hate I have in my heart for all of the doctors who did not take my issue seriously over the years and were incompetent in their profession. Not to mention a certain degree of resentment I still hold for my parents who could have been more supportive back then, even though my mother has already apologized for not taking my health problems more seriously and has promised to help me out as much as possible. There's also other people - ex-boyfriends who have wronged me, ex-friends who have done me dirty, relatives who tried to tell me "it was all in my head".

I'm in a very bad place with my health this year, but there is hope. I have a new doctor who has taken the problem seriously and wants to help me. My parents, although not supportive in the beginning, are very supportive now - to the point where they've taken all the costs of further treatment off me and said they'd cover all of my medical expenses. The people who have wronged me (i.e. ex-boyfriends, ex-friends) are no longer in my life. Yet, after so many years of suffering, I have accumulated all of this hate and resentment. I can't help but wonder how much it's stopping me from getting better, especially after listening to Ms Hay.

This video has been a real eye-opener. From this day forward, I choose to forgive everyone. I forgive the doctors that let me down. I forgive my parents for not being more supportive. I forgive my extended family for not understanding. I forgive previous partners and friends for their wrongdoings. All I need to do now is concentrate on my healing and working with my new doctor. Amen.

@mariameere5807 - 11.11.2022 04:47

Would love to know who the Emmanuel is that this aweamazing woman is referring to!

@lydiarosalieanndamiano7206 - 07.11.2022 06:34

Awesome- thank you !🙏🇺🇸

@stephaniemamatree5973 - 02.11.2022 05:12

I have nerve pain n RA pain in my feet 24/7 😢

@sisimin6383 - 29.10.2022 02:24

Thanks for sharing 🙏

@nombi8129 - 28.10.2022 18:02

I need to learn to listen to my body, thank you for wonderful video

@lawofattractionwisdomjackpot - 27.10.2022 20:37

Amazing video

@sankiegreyling6309 - 25.10.2022 19:59

What a lot of BS

@mymysticalsoulsjourneytaro9930 - 24.10.2022 05:13

I enjoyed this

@bindud3715 - 22.10.2022 18:58


@rajindarsingh1417 - 22.10.2022 16:38

I want my pain/ depression to disappear but I know many have failed to let go.
I have trouble too. I have lost faith in humankind.
Why can’t we just not be in perfect health & happy all the time.
Why must humans suffer especially children, elderly & decent people. I don’t even want bad people to suffer. Just make everyone happy ,if the universe has all the power to do so.
I affirm positive thoughts whilst I’m in despair.. it’s hard & almost impossible.
I used to do it during good times.
Now after a surgery, it started with insomnia, no sleep for 3-4 days. Trying all kinds of sleep meds that never worked. Now homeopathy has helped but I now have depression. It’s horrible. My life was perfect & beautiful. I was always thankful of the universe & god.
But now I’m opposite. No energy & sense of fun . I don’t like this. I’m told to slow down as I’m 50.
My entire physiology has changed. It’s depression & I’m not coping well.
I may have to shoot myself in the head some day.

@nikkipage9132 - 21.10.2022 15:58

But how do you forgive? Just saying it doesn't always resonate with your inner being. The memory is there. Thoughts?

@chieuchieu9997 - 21.10.2022 10:10

She is gift to humanity....I am just out of a surgery...
A 4rth hospitalisation in 4 months....
I am healed and I claim my right to remain in perfect health.....thank you Universe...Thank you God

@TeamCadenceStamper - 20.10.2022 21:42

Only someone who hasn't been sexually abused or in an abusive relationship thinks its easy to just let it go and forgive. I completely disagree! I believe anyone can heal if they honor any and all feelings & say yes that happened - period. I honor how that makes me feel. I am safe now and choose this moment not yesterday or tomorrow. I'm sick of hearing these videos that tell people "get off your pity pot". I've found profound meaning behind today's behaviors & how they became because of my childhood trauma. If I had chose to just get over it & not honor those feelings- I never would have known why I do the things I do & I'm continuing to learn that. By honoring those feelings - I've found profound healing. All this shit that says get over it - ya maybe it works for some, probably alot but those are for people who haven't been through years and years of trauma. You can't make blanket statements that this applies to all, it's irresponsible & dangerous. It's like telling people you don't need meds - I agree BUT ONLY for someone who is strong minded & is healed to a certain extent emotionally & spiritually. Not EVERYONE can benefit with no meds - some need it. People need to stop being sloppy and making videos about their own healing as if that's the blanket way for all - it doesn't work that way. Some people don't know any better and run with the 1st thing they hear cuz they so desperately want to be healed. We need to do better.

@vanessavanaswegen1561 - 19.10.2022 20:52

I am so grateful a friend forward the link to me. I am fighting for my life against stage 4 kidney cancer

@tomthumb3994 - 19.10.2022 06:27

crackpot alert

@TraceTaylor - 18.10.2022 23:35


@sunitagupta3078 - 18.10.2022 07:24

Me toooo

@viswamputhucode94 - 16.10.2022 15:10


@shankardebroy5889 - 16.10.2022 05:03

It is so nice . I ha e heard twice.

@rajeshdinda3493 - 14.10.2022 08:16


@IJvillalba93 - 13.10.2022 22:23

Can eyes be healed? What about allergies

@IJvillalba93 - 13.10.2022 22:19

I learned about angry journaling. Which way is the right way to heal?

@rosepink2773 - 08.10.2022 03:14

I have spasms and pain in rectum and anus nerves when I sit or during bowel movement 😢 , and low back pain and in sacrum too 😢more than 2 years

@DrChanAi - 07.10.2022 14:35

I love ❤️ Louis Hay🙏🙏🙏❤️👧😀Thanks for all the lessons ❤

@wynonajohnson3937 - 05.10.2022 04:13

Very nice 🙂👍👍

@dineshpatel4588 - 04.10.2022 15:49

We hear about Angels , sometimes we look for them for Guidance and Help Physically Mentally and Spiritually. Fortunate are those who are able to connect and heal themselves. Louise was and still is an Angel. Her Angelic voice and Wisdom is being shared and heard by millions. Please share her Wisdom with your family and friends too.

@EvaSLi - 04.10.2022 02:32

This was great until the loud male voice at the end 😂

@sasha88ize - 02.10.2022 06:37

this is demonic. people need to be free of demons, and not visualize themselves amongst the tulip field.

@carmenbalko1372 - 02.10.2022 06:22

