The REAL Reason Putin is Invading Ukraine

The REAL Reason Putin is Invading Ukraine

Johnny Harris

2 года назад

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Pranshu Mishra
Pranshu Mishra - 24.11.2023 22:18

Johnny I think this video of yours is so biased that it is serving US interest only not all the sources are authenticated. I hope you won’t consider me as a socialist😅

F Israeli orcs
F Israeli orcs - 24.11.2023 19:03

Childish video

Maria Badillo
Maria Badillo - 24.11.2023 11:34

The “music” is annoying.

Julius Cesar
Julius Cesar - 24.11.2023 02:55

Russia won... or at least accomplished their main goals.

Zapatero ☭
Zapatero ☭ - 23.11.2023 21:45

because they dont want Nato to get in the kitchen

Kameron Meyer
Kameron Meyer - 22.11.2023 17:25

the Soviet Union DISSOLVED under the terms of “no new members to NATO”

Natali Natt
Natali Natt - 22.11.2023 15:27

какая пропагандистская х..ня. требования к нато можно прочитать в интернете то что он рассказывает полная фигня. честно говоря ничего другого от пропагандистов не стоит ожидать.

Arthur Abraмян
Arthur Abraмян - 20.11.2023 18:37

bro. thats a bullshit about ex-girlfriend i think that the main reason why it is because geopolitical reasons. u know about volgograd corridor? search in wiki.good luck)

James Vandyke
James Vandyke - 20.11.2023 18:03

Will love to watch this video ten years from now and the real reason is revealed and you realized you were a puppet of the media

Tomas Vaitiekūnas
Tomas Vaitiekūnas - 19.11.2023 10:46

Just slight correction, NATO has not invited Eastern europe countries to join, the Eastern Europe countries wanted to join and did all necessary actions to match requirements because they wanted to have safe guarantees having Russia by the boarder. Small think but important to understand the situation. The countries have never been Russia and have not been in Marriage as you have noticed. They were occupied and kept in union by force.

Gavin Belson
Gavin Belson - 19.11.2023 05:36

Your girlfriend, boyfriend analogy is wrong,. This guy sees Ukraine more like a lost brother.

TKD187 - 18.11.2023 23:22

Are Ukraine did was rip off America it was a big scam. Ukraine turned around and is buying oil from Russia, and when the CIA did a little deeper they found out they were buying luxury items for themselves like new cars and jewelry all zalinsky did was fire 10 of his people and they were all boasting when they were leaving about their new cars and how they ripped off America . But there's hardly any news reporting on this but you can look it up on Google and find the story but for some reason nobody on the left and nobody on the right is talking about it is very strange. All the media that I have found on this topic was foreign media. To me it seems like that should be a headline story

milan nikolic
milan nikolic - 18.11.2023 21:23

What you stated has nothing to do with reality,and here is why,is Cuba an independent country?Why did the Cuban crisis break out from October 16-29 1962 was it because of the USA's concern for its own security if it is allowed to them why can't Russia do it too?Why are American missile systems installed in Poland and Romania?Why does the West support neo-nazism in Europe?What is the neo-nazi military formation called AZOV which brought Zelensky to power through a coup and violence, to you?What are American secret laboratories doing in Ukraine? Why is the whole west silent about the trafficking of human beings and human organs that end up in Western Europe?Trafficking of children who are sent to Austria, Poland and Germany where all traces of them are lost? Why is the Ukrainian people a clay pigeon in their hands NATO pact when the entire alliance is at war with Russia?How is the NATO pact allowed to bomb and occupy other countries with fabricated lies with impunity? How is it that Biden's son is not behind bars, he is proven to have committed a major crime in the laptop affair? Why Russians are the villains in every American movie shows that Americans are burdened by Russians and not the other way around?When you expand the scope of real events and analyze things more deeply then present your theories!!!

Jean-Christ Djelhi Yahot
Jean-Christ Djelhi Yahot - 16.11.2023 19:51

Although I don’t agree the with violence to subdue others and I agree with you what Russia is doing is unjustified, it does make sense why Russia wants Ukraine. With the fall of the Soviet Union and the extension of NATO into former States within the Soviet Union if Russia does nothing eventually NATO will spread further into est sent Europe and most likely even divide Russia. inevitably they will lose Influence and power on a global scale and the west will gain control and be most influential. If it were the other way around Let’s say Russia gained all their old land back and some NATO countries slowly integrated into the Soviet Union the West would not like that at all and probably end up doing the same as Russia is now because it feels as if the walls are closing in on them. The West and Russia are honestly at odds and always wanted to have an advantage over the other to become to become the most powerful in the world. It was inevitable for a war to take place and it will probably lead to more wars in the coming future. This is exactly what the Cold War has been leading up to.

Nedoosh Awad
Nedoosh Awad - 16.11.2023 18:27

What he’s trying to say, is having too much power can be too dangerous and we have seen what too much power can look like

Tawhid Bhuiyan fahad
Tawhid Bhuiyan fahad - 16.11.2023 07:43

bullshit. nato is at the border of russia..any country won,t allow that..will usa allow russian trops near their is just provoking russia

Tim Davidson
Tim Davidson - 16.11.2023 04:34

I think the brotherhood thing is BS - whether he really strongly believes it or not, what is stopping Ukraine from joining the EU/NATO & still having brotherhood with Russia? It is only Putin.

This is about power, control & a good old-fashioned land grab, just the same as what Israel are doing to the Palestinians. The rest is propaganda & subterfuge.

Hung Dinh Phuc
Hung Dinh Phuc - 16.11.2023 01:43

nah, recall the Euromaidan

Solomon Cazarola
Solomon Cazarola - 16.11.2023 01:02

first of all why is NATO still a thing? b/c as far as i know the cold war is ended long time ago. and why is us covering 80%'s of NATO beget ? is b/c NATO means us. us is the first country to blame for this war. pls dot be one sided.

silvio kaponja
silvio kaponja - 15.11.2023 14:42

How right-
especially now in reverse 👍🏾

blacksheep - 15.11.2023 08:15

The first mistake you made was saying russia is too big

Kay P
Kay P - 14.11.2023 22:05

If you want to get an answer on your question, then check for example:
what's happen in Odessa in 2 may 2014.

Alex - 13.11.2023 11:16

The boyfriend and girlfriend analogy is extremely dumb. Especially after showing that Russia was started on Ukranian territory. Brotherhood will be somewhat closer. But to really understand the problem just imagine Texas will deside to become independent and will request weapons supplies from Russia or China.

Shadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior - 12.11.2023 06:36

You have been wrong after all and I hope you admit that

J. D.
J. D. - 11.11.2023 15:59

And let's not forget Putin's wet dreams on taking down democracies around the world.
Not sure, I agree with you on Putin not informing Russians about his plans. His State controlled network was all over his "special operation saving Ukrainians from nazis" narrative.
I just love the fact that Finland and Sweden are joining NATO.
Putin and his oligarchs have a special place in Hell.

Yurii Havrylenko
Yurii Havrylenko - 11.11.2023 14:24

With all due respect, Johnny, "the boyfriend" analogy is not a true illustration of the objective reality, but rather a subjective, poetic point of view, created by the aggressor for you to believe in. Analyzing the history of Ukraine and more so the ACTIONS of Moscovia, Soviets, and the Russian Federation, you could easily see a forced, tiranous relationship, designed to erase the idea of existence of such a sovereign state as Kievan Rus' or Ukraine or at the very least steal all its legacy and historic roots and leave the place in ruins (more like mongols did back in the XIII century). Thank you for your work, though. As a Ukrainian, I do apreciate it. Hopefully, you could do a better research next time.

issac garcia
issac garcia - 11.11.2023 06:32

I heard Ukraine has the most minerals to make nukes

Snake - 09.11.2023 23:45

This is pure propaganda.

Snake - 09.11.2023 23:39


james mackay
james mackay - 09.11.2023 22:10

Never heard of any of this stuff, all I heard about all the stuff America has done there since 2014 and before. I look at what we've done the last 25 years of non-stop wars. Out there a little?

I В - 09.11.2023 15:12

Давайте Россия разместит свои базы на Континенте Америка, в Мексике например, и что США типа это проигнорирует 🤷🏻‍♀️!? Нет ведь ☝️

Ryan Rohauer
Ryan Rohauer - 09.11.2023 07:01

not to mention when putin took power in the 90s he asked bill clintion how he would feel if russia joined nato. he was met with a resounding no. so that tell putin right there this isent a peace organization this is an anti russian organization. fair enough. nato had 3 jobs when it was concieved "keep america in, the russians out, and germany down" nato hasent been required since the fall of the USSR. You think if south america was slowly joining the warsaw pact and stationing thousands of trooops there, america would stand for it? absoluty not. im not defending putin and this war but its not as black and white, cut and dry. after the invasion of crimea the obama administration ordered the cia to over throw the russian installed goverment in favor for a western friendly one. which is what we have today. The west has just as much blood on their hands as far as im concerned and the mistakes go back 25 years

David Nek
David Nek - 08.11.2023 21:01

The REAL reason is to prevent the West under the U.S. leadership to open shop at Russia's doorsteps.

Cool to Rap
Cool to Rap - 07.11.2023 23:19

The main problem is that US mainstream media, movies, books, series etc. adoctrinated their citizens to believe Russians are stupid and they believe their own lies, weren't Russian drones made from old washing machines ships? If they are, Russians are coming from out of earth because those drones are working perfectly 😅

Michel Schröder
Michel Schröder - 07.11.2023 23:05

boy are you wrong here. It is about Border security, like when its was the other way around in Cuba remember 1963,...!! NATO has expanded to the east wich was a not done according to agreemants everybody signed early 90's. When Ukrain and Russia were about to sign a treaty Joker Johnson sweeps in and probebly treathens Zelenski into war with a promiss NATO will protect Ukrain. Than Ukrain had systematicly tryed to kill russian etnics in the eastern ukrain, Russia swept in to protect these etnic russians, who later voted to be a part of russia, well johnson killed the treaty while russian had started to retreat not taking Kiev. well rest is history

You made such good video on US expansion stealing of islands oil regime change you were not so emotional with the US as you are with Russia The USA did a lot more Bad stuff in the world

PowerOf One
PowerOf One - 06.11.2023 12:29

You really glossed over this with your rose coloured glasses on that were made by the west. Why didn't you mention Azov? And how they slaughtered 14,000 Dunbas civillians over the last 10 years. USA and NATO fuelled the conflict by trying to take over all of Ukraine and have NATO on Putins front door step.

Paulina Hernandez
Paulina Hernandez - 06.11.2023 10:33

Vladimir Putin is so delusional 😂

66julboy - 05.11.2023 20:35

this is fucked ... the historical context provided is completely biased

HydroCarbon S
HydroCarbon S - 05.11.2023 03:10

You missed the part where russia banned the Ukrainian language, starved out millions committing genocide, and allied with the Nazis. Also the moscovites stealing Rus- from Kyiv and turning into russian empire, to later fall. Also talking about how much better pure-russians are from everyone else etc, starting to get a little hitler-nazi vibe, but i guess the video starts to get pretty long when you start showing the brutality and how shitty russians have been over the years.

kevinmsft - 04.11.2023 22:28

Putin of course has a point: Ukraine and Russia have always been one.

It's a different situation with other East European and Central Asian states.

Mental - 02.11.2023 10:24

Geopolitical not just catastrophe 😁😁

M W - 01.11.2023 07:44

I just spent my 22 minutes for nothing.

Anulik Anulik
Anulik Anulik - 01.11.2023 07:10

I was hoping you will be more reasonable in this video, meaning not be influenced only from the American media news. Listen I an for Putin or Russia, but honestly how hypocritical is the American media is, it’s shocking. First of all, you’ll started hearing about this issue 2 years ago when the war started, but this issue between 2 countries already 10 years and it’s not like Ukraine is so innocent…., there are serious Fascist organizations that killing Russians for years most brutal ways. Secondly, if you remember history America was about to start war invading Cuba, because of the same reason, protecting its borders Putin demanded from nato to not come close to the borders, that there was an agreement about that, but Nato using Ukraine to do that anyway.
Again, I’m not for Russia or justifying the war, but I’m from that region and know a lot more than American media is portraying different way. By the way, how Ukraine spent all the aid, military and financial, it’s being questioned already…. Hopefully that all that military aid will not end up in the hands of terrorists against America( like with Afganistan) because there is some serious corruption in Ukraine….

कौटिल्य - 01.11.2023 03:04

Nato vs russia is seems like a royal rumble match !

Лиса Мелисса
Лиса Мелисса - 31.10.2023 16:31

If NATO was created in opposition to the USSR, and the USSR has not existed for 30 years, then against whom is NATO expanding?

Goodmentalityy - 31.10.2023 13:46

NATO exists only because of Russia

Luis González
Luis González - 31.10.2023 06:52

You are a very intelligent person and able to think about things distinctly, as can be seen from all your videos.
I don't know if this video is sponsored or if history is not your best ability, but this video misses several crucial points and has a partial vision of the conflict.
