The Science of Teaching, Effective Education, and Great Schools

The Science of Teaching, Effective Education, and Great Schools


6 лет назад

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Lee Li
Lee Li - 01.10.2023 06:49

Love 😍 Science

Cikala Papoy
Cikala Papoy - 30.09.2023 16:58

Pernah sekali saya bertemu guru yang sangat baik. Ketika beliau memasuki kelas, beliau selalu tersenyum hangat. Beliau gak pernah marah dan kalau kami ada berbuat salah beliau pasti akan menasihati kami dengan tegas. Jujur, alasan saya menyukai beliau itu karna kepribadiannya, karna menurut saya seorang guru itu jika ingin mengajarkan sesuatu hendaklah mereka paham dan mangambil hikmah dari pelajaran tersebut, itu juga yang berpengaruh pada sifat/akhlak mereka.
Jadi, ketika saya ingin mendapat ilmu dari suatu guru, saya akan melihat dahulu guru tersebut sudah mengimplementasikan ilmunya dgn benar atau belum, jika sudah maka saya akan benar2 mencontoh dan belajar dari beliau

preeti bala trivedi
preeti bala trivedi - 28.09.2023 14:25

Good afternoon

preeti bala trivedi
preeti bala trivedi - 26.09.2023 13:44

Good afternoon

Ko zo
Ko zo - 22.09.2023 08:35

I wish we study because we love learning instead of study for getting/picking a job. Sounds miserable.

Francis Cavanaugh
Francis Cavanaugh - 19.09.2023 12:56

Nice, Very nice.

Aspirin_Tofu - 10.09.2023 15:32

An important thing for a teacher I believe is to complement a student's honest efforts.

It's a simple psychology. There are students who never get enough credit for than what they originally deserve so simply complementing their little achievements at a young age boosts their motivation dramatically and also helps them grow with a positive vibe.

Nuurto abdi Salaad
Nuurto abdi Salaad - 04.09.2023 18:05

Iam experianced teacher but when i try to teach my beloved student i was arested the head master of school by paying money

Pussy Devourer
Pussy Devourer - 29.08.2023 14:17

Instead of building and empower their students, most teachers shatter their students self esteem.

Tim Johnson
Tim Johnson - 30.07.2023 17:24

John 3:16

quaz imodo
quaz imodo - 26.07.2023 17:52

Actual teaching isn't about knowledge. Acquiring knowledge is purely coincidental. It's really about administering power and supporting the status quo. This is accomplished in the lower grades by babysitting pupils and feeding them sugar on a silver platter. Once that pattern is established in the majority . . . they are hooked for life on the illusion that knowledge confers any particular advantage. It does not.

M Rose
M Rose - 15.07.2023 05:19

Isn’t Walter Mischel the marshmallow test guy, and Walter Lewin is the MIT physics dude instead?

Marcos Affonso
Marcos Affonso - 14.07.2023 20:27

Renato Affonso, professor de História, em Salvador.

Marcos Affonso
Marcos Affonso - 12.07.2023 22:44

Excelente vídeo!!

Brenda Morales
Brenda Morales - 11.07.2023 20:22

I remember my teacher Ramiro de León. He teached me language in high school. I am now a language teacher because of him. He was so fascinating, empathetic, smart, with deep knowledge of themes, motivating and so on...

Ntadom Samuel
Ntadom Samuel - 07.07.2023 20:28

This can’t be truer. If you are Nigerian here, do everything you can to ensure your children attend good schools. Scrap that “suffering is part of training” mentality. In “suffering” schools, your children are learning the bare minimum. And in the long run, you and them will suffer for it.

Crystal Davis
Crystal Davis - 28.06.2023 19:54

Roshonda Moss!!!!

Varflock - 27.06.2023 00:01

From my experience the teachers I liked the most weren't necessarily the ones best at teaching (they weren't bad at it either), but all teachers I disliked the most were absolutely terrible at sharing their knowledge.

My homeroom teacher (she taught biology) in a few years of elementary school was great, but not because of her ways of making us understand things. Her most important skill was... caring. We knew she was seriously worried about us when we were misbehaving or studying poorly so we had to try harder because it'd feel bad to let her down. If she was to try punishing or yelling at us, we wouldn't care that much.

The worst teacher I've ever unfortunately knew was my math teacher in university. I believe she was good at mathematics herself, but didn't know how to make us understand anything and was simply mean. She refused to start and end our classes a few minutes later and was angry at us every single time we got there late (it was impossible for the students without their own cars to get there in time because the previous class was taking place in a different building quite far away) so everyone was in a bad mood during classes at first and later we just learned to ignore her nagging. Studying during her classes meant rewriting what she wrote on the blackboard into our notepads often without understanding. At first we tried asking her questions when we didn't understand something, but she'd rarely answer and instead we'd only hear how displeased she is with our knowledge level so we stopped asking. In the end she was fired and replaced with other teachers. It turned out the students here were actually not bad at math at all and simply needed someone to explain things to them and answer questions without making them feel dumb.

Bernd Colve
Bernd Colve - 25.06.2023 22:56

As a Dad you like to show or explain things, but my kids mostly like to listen when I read their book or tell a free mind story, when my oldest daughter joined elementary school we changed the role: she read me from her book, a great idea. My children didn't want help for homework when I offered it. The son discovered how to program Lego Mindstorms Robot completely on his via our notebook PC and later took it to his elementary school class for teaching his friends. My 3 children visited Montessori Kinderhaus (Kindergarten), M. Elementary School, 2 girls also M. Gesamtschule (Abitur ~ High school?). I visited 1970-1980 a regularly school with typical frontal instruction teaching style.

BigRed RacingDog
BigRed RacingDog - 24.06.2023 23:05

Teaching is an art, not a science. When academia gets involved with "science" they promote nonsense like "learning styles" and "whole language."

Marnie Kilbourne
Marnie Kilbourne - 24.06.2023 08:29

Perhaps given how important teaching is our society should value that more and pay them decent money! They spent the same amount of time, effort and money to get their Bachelor's Degree but they make far less money than other careers also requiring a Bachelor's Degree! I have a B.A. in Elementary Education and I work in a corporate job because I can make a decent living doing that and I can afford to live at least comfortably unlike on a teacher's salary and working a second job for extra money.

Sophie Leung
Sophie Leung - 24.06.2023 00:29

My English teacher really improved my essays, especially literature analysis and is kind, empathetic and supportive. The best thing is that she never picks favourites
Mrs G, yr 8

Alhamdulillah - 22.06.2023 07:56

Dadaxon Amrulloyev is one of the most best teachers ❤

KingTigerThomas318 - 20.06.2023 09:48

Grouping by Ability: Hmmm... Not sure if I could relate
Giving Unearned Praise: Well [Redacted]. this happens SO MUCH at school, that those [Redacted]-ers could mess around all day long...
Idea of Students Discovering Complex Concepts Alone: Well that's called "Depth Study" in Australia, basically telling all of us to [Redacted] off and figure it out ourselves (Currenting trying to comprehend Module 7 for Physics, aka Nature of Light, specifically Young's Double Slit Experiment)

Chaotic Phoenix
Chaotic Phoenix - 17.06.2023 18:15

Tge gifted and talented program wasn't for the students, it was for tge teachers to try to encourage them to be better

Bill Dude
Bill Dude - 25.05.2023 04:17

Only clicked on this because I thought the guy in the thumbnail was smoking a j

soha chaudhry
soha chaudhry - 30.04.2023 16:04

where did you get doodles??

MiamayaJones - 20.04.2023 20:39

Ms.Randall from 8th grade science, one of the only teachers who told me I wasn't stupid. Don't know why she did that, but she made me believe in myself because of it

Stoney McMechan
Stoney McMechan - 12.04.2023 12:48

The viewer of this video follows (consciously or not) the lines that form a drawing. Then the spots that colorize the drawing. And thus is distracted from what's being said. An effective video indeed.

rhuttrho88 - 06.04.2023 00:32

The science of teaching is to have a paddle on your desk for the rabble rousers! Spank azz as needed! They'll learn! There I just taught you how to teach!😁😃🫨🫡

Billy Shears
Billy Shears - 27.03.2023 03:10

I’m struggling to be a teacher, I teach in a trade school, hydraulics…and while I know it from a practical standpoint, teaching the curriculum is harder than I expected. The school gives me the book and says…teach this…very frustrating. I do however love the teaching part and I’m sure I’ll improve thanks to watching and learning from videos like this…so appreciate them.

Monster - 16.03.2023 14:55

This video just discouraged me from teaching.

Show Cat
Show Cat - 11.03.2023 04:32

One way to be a great teacher is to NOT have annoying whistling going on during a "teaching" video!

Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson - 03.03.2023 00:57

I've worked as a teacher for five years. It's hard to be 100% every day. I teach from 8-3 with a 50-minute break each day, and I'm burnt out by the time my afternoon classes roll around. The best thing I've learned is to not teach all the time. Teach mini-lessons for 5-10 mins, have the students work together for a little bit, then shift to independent assignments. The bulk of the work is independent, so I try to make that as engaging and hands-on as possible so kids don't become disruptive over boring assignments.

ilda karwayu
ilda karwayu - 02.03.2023 08:03

thanks for reminding me that being a teacher is blessedly awesome

The Watchful Hunter
The Watchful Hunter - 27.02.2023 19:06

I think we need to address real intitutional barriers to learning inside a box of 30 kids. Class size does matter. Your Ivy League studies don't impress my kids. Being stuck inside a box all day greatly stifles our natural desire to roam, discover and learn on our own as kids. Kids learn best when they get to ask the questions. Forcing kids to learn pointless information they do not want to know while being held captive is wrong.
Think outside the classroom box. How to escape the education matrix.

Christopher Finney
Christopher Finney - 27.02.2023 13:12

No joke had a great history teacher in middle school that would let us do home work during our reassess and has the class determine which punishment or reward and put on a chance wheel. If you did extra you get to spin the good chance wheel. If you was rotten you spine the bad one and we had a projector to show the whole class. It was fun and got us going not only to do well but see what the bad kids will get.

Mitali Raj
Mitali Raj - 05.02.2023 11:49

My favorite teacher is Sachin Jhakhar sir who is the best teacher of mathematics I have ever seen ...and Rajvant singh sir for physics.....🖤

The neon Fox
The neon Fox - 14.01.2023 12:23

My teacher said I would amount to nothing.

I pointed out the hilarity of her statement
(Saying to a kid he will amount to nothing is
a kin to the teacher saying I am terrible at my job)

She left me alone in a right huff.

सुविचार संग्रह
सुविचार संग्रह - 12.01.2023 07:13

Sir your all videos are awesome but may you provide videos with English subtitles it's easy for understanding your videos

S. Shadrick
S. Shadrick - 16.12.2022 17:15

It’s a scary time to be a teacher. Anyone who is currently a teacher knows why.

RONIJA - 26.11.2022 19:52

Favourite teachers: Vani Ma'am, Varanda ma'am and Naveen Sir

Marsha Anthony
Marsha Anthony - 21.11.2022 03:01

What! "Stupid c*nt" doesn't work?

iTeachTEFL - 15.11.2022 09:51

To my surprise, I have already taught and applied these methods and techniques during my classes. I want to become an independent researcher in high efficient teaching methods area

Dr Dex
Dr Dex - 04.10.2022 01:10

Mrs Hagan kindergarten west hartford ct!! She cared about all her students! I saw her 25yr later and she remembered me!
