Why Gender Equality Is Good for Everyone — Men Included | Michael Kimmel | TED Talks

Why Gender Equality Is Good for Everyone — Men Included | Michael Kimmel | TED Talks


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kgh065 - 21.10.2023 11:42

Good to see all the women are eager to get into the middle eastern construction sites and labour camps

Ayalathe Malayali
Ayalathe Malayali - 19.10.2023 23:22

Equality for men and women is essential

Kaebyn J. Quintero
Kaebyn J. Quintero - 11.10.2023 10:22

The last sentence 💯

𝖀ʐ𝖖𝖖𝖙𝖚𝖒𝖚𝖘 - 09.10.2023 16:18

sup I'm from the future
the year 2023 to be exact
your speech literally fel upon deaf ears

yusuke496 - 24.09.2023 21:27

let's introduce the gender equality to the most dangerous jobs like fishing (industry), coal miner, roofer, waste recycler and so on, oops I forget about conscription.

Inglês the Right Way
Inglês the Right Way - 03.09.2023 18:04

somebody please make this gentleman the president of the whole darn thing! I don't think I am even able to love him enough!

Karthus Jack
Karthus Jack - 25.08.2023 07:23

Alzo. The only man who i rezpect that zpeekz like thiz is the man Dusty rhodes 🎉🎉

Karthus Jack
Karthus Jack - 25.08.2023 07:23

Nice speech. 7 years later. Those people that you taught things in school are wrecking this motherfucking place. Thank you❤

chain unleashed
chain unleashed - 31.07.2023 15:35

Gender counts for both men and women.

SAmeir Mohameed
SAmeir Mohameed - 17.07.2023 15:48

This is a mirage that will never exist, because if it exists, then we are not simply human beings... Whoever talks about such a matter often has a disease or wants to get close to women

Jack Taylor
Jack Taylor - 27.06.2023 13:16

This guy always sounded like a weasel. The allegations against him didn't come as a surprise to me at all.

Sapana Bhagat
Sapana Bhagat - 22.06.2023 14:05

Im a misoganist lol

julia zdes
julia zdes - 20.06.2023 14:38

Why is there so much attention to gender equality, especial behind two traditional sexes?!! What about people with malformed eyes, ears, hands and legs?! Mother Nature is very creative!

tobi adekunle
tobi adekunle - 18.06.2023 10:49

We all strive for balance In all ramifications of life so why not Gender?

Wqwqwqwdx you
Wqwqwqwdx you - 14.06.2023 18:37

The unhappinest contry was bombing by USA. Middle happy countries cannot be bombing by USA because of counter-strike. The happinest countries are bombing with USA.

Wqwqwqwdx you
Wqwqwqwdx you - 14.06.2023 18:20

I fucking sicked high tec white specilist . I had poor childhood much poor than average black person. Because of disease I have to study not enjoy playing outdoors with classmates. My parent was divorsed. I can't go to nighclub because I'm very ugly and have no power to active rest. And that is why they should to chouse some woman, nevertheless I'm better specialist. She have good health, she can hiking, she can go nightclub, getting one night stand man is just matter of her will. That is the equality author talks about, but actually it is facism.

Wqwqwqwdx you
Wqwqwqwdx you - 14.06.2023 17:33

Retardic bullshit.

Ronin Kitten
Ronin Kitten - 29.04.2023 02:17

Well said sir! I love the part where you confronted men's entitlement!

N Tan Anh
N Tan Anh - 02.04.2023 15:50

worst essay.

xtina - 01.04.2023 07:35

the audible "oh my god " from the audience when he said "choreplay" LMAO

Dream Dream
Dream Dream - 30.03.2023 16:59

Gender equality not always good some time it’s become not fair

Ayona Ghosh
Ayona Ghosh - 17.03.2023 19:50

I found it interesting that gender equality is beneficial to men as well as women. Kimmel argues that when gender roles are more equal, men can benefit from more flexible work arrangements, such as reducing work hours or taking paternity leave, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and better health outcomes. He also states that when women are empowered, it benefits men too—in terms of greater economic growth, improved health and safety standards, increased educational opportunities, and better democratic governance.

Henk Visser
Henk Visser - 16.03.2023 03:33

when people talk less to men, the men are happier...duh..and also their wives are happier, because the men are healthy. they are less likely to cardiac disease, cancer, lobotomy. His argumets are reversible and very biased to 1 gender. Even though he speaks about no genders.

Henk Visser
Henk Visser - 16.03.2023 03:20

If genders are equal, then why discuss men and woman? To see gender even in statistics, means there is no equality. Yes you want to discuss differences, but by labelling those differences you create the differences.

Berean - 08.03.2023 02:10

You lie and you lie and you lie

O. Owlie
O. Owlie - 07.03.2023 19:05

Pure gold!

Mr. Robert Dobolina Esq.
Mr. Robert Dobolina Esq. - 01.03.2023 12:55

Didn't this guy get me too'd for sexual harassment? Didn't see that coming.

Frank Horigan
Frank Horigan - 28.02.2023 06:17

Gender equality doesn’t exist men and woman are very different emotionally, physically, and mentally men think different from woman men act different then woman do and besides woman have rights already and they have for the last 103 years in the United States of America so I don’t now why they need equality if men and woman already have equal rights.

Clara Meller
Clara Meller - 26.02.2023 11:34

So important: Impressive to hear that privileges are invisible to those who have them.

tatsuyamahoumi - 11.02.2023 16:14


Katia Barros
Katia Barros - 07.02.2023 18:37

It is sad to see that there are only women in the audience.

Backyard Bandit
Backyard Bandit - 07.01.2023 08:22

Food for thought.....is it wrong for a woman teacher in Bangladesh to seek equality (or equal income) in regards to a woman in Australia for doing the same profession?
If it's not wrong for her to seek this equality, how could it be resolved?
Does the Australian woman reduce her income to match the woman in Bangladesh?
Or do we just pick and choose what's equal? Because pure equality would mean that the Bangladesh woman should earn the same yeah?
I'm just thinking of the "end game" of the equality agenda...it may start here regarding the pay differences between men and women in our society.... but where does it end without being racist?

Adam Kawache
Adam Kawache - 20.12.2022 19:10


Evan Mavros
Evan Mavros - 19.12.2022 18:19

Yey a dude who can use sexist jokes to satisfy false victimhood.. I think it's time to wake up start fighting to reach a goal and stop thinking about yourself so much. You are not special but you have certain talents and strengths that you can use to be productive to yourself and others... Or keep using humor to get seal-claps. Women have to fight to get smarter and stronger than yesterday and fight for a spot in society. Guess what, that's exactly what men have to do as well...! Ffs get over yourselves people... That includes you white-middleclass-man as well. Grow bigger than your image and get wiser. Then use that wisdom to inspire younger people to be wise and strong as well.. Victimhood only points one direction unlike that tye. Cheers, have a healthy, and happy life people.

Matthew Manners
Matthew Manners - 10.11.2022 01:06

This is the kind of mixed up thinking that comes out of a professor's mouth. Michael Kimmel, now discredited when he was MeeToo'd in 2018 with multiple accusations of sexual misconduct, here panders to a mostly women audience who understand perfectly his double-speak. Much of what he says is wrong and has since been proven wrong, such as the theory of "Choreplay". That was later debunked and actually represents women holding the power in the relationship dynamic, meaning the man is subservient to the woman. How's that for equality? Kimmel was also interviewed in the film "The Red Pill" where he made equally stupid comments. And this man claims to be an advocate for men and women? Ridiculous. He is a race and gender hustler. Charismatic - yes. Credible - no.

Edward Khil
Edward Khil - 09.11.2022 16:34

This organization is a fraud

Discussionizer - 07.11.2022 13:32

He is a good comedian I give that. :) Interesting to see that the audience is 90% female (resentful off course). He is just shooting from the hip, typical gender study teacher. I invite ladies and everyone to study STEM instead...

A S - 27.10.2022 07:19

We don't need gender equality, we are different, we need complementarity and respect
And yes, we need shared custody in case of divorce

maynard hahn
maynard hahn - 26.10.2022 09:54

He’s kind of right black woman has more privilege then the white woman as in affirmative action easier to get in schools as in colleges and were grants and loans are easier to be obtained easier oh yeah it is definitely a privilege but it’s not for the white people especially a white male I don’t understand how just gay guy can understand it

Dawid Q
Dawid Q - 23.10.2022 00:36

Men, take care of yourself, don't waste your life for a woman, don't be simp

Alex Chereches
Alex Chereches - 18.10.2022 18:57

I'm pharmacist and I can tell you that in this field in Romania I'm discriminated. For more than 10 years I strugle to get employed, even when I had my own bussiness I suffered the same gender discrimination with the supliers.

Kiran - The Tribute Channel
Kiran - The Tribute Channel - 27.09.2022 21:42


Sm - 07.09.2022 20:50

So, lets get done with gynocentric laws.

Shazia Naz
Shazia Naz - 06.09.2022 05:17

He's a fool

Jonathan Tyner
Jonathan Tyner - 01.09.2022 09:33

We Want Gender Equality. ✊

Proton Neutron
Proton Neutron - 25.08.2022 05:32

The two genders have had equal rights in the USA since 1919. What is he going on about?

J Cutler
J Cutler - 01.08.2022 07:14

“Feminism will make it possible, for the first time, for men to be free.” When you lock others out, you also lock yourself in. So what happens when you want to go out? You’ve limited your own freedom. Let others in so you can go as you please.

Dave - 26.07.2022 01:50

Lol wrong lol not a nice world to be white and straight now.

Seb Ozz
Seb Ozz - 20.07.2022 10:18

It depends on the situation for exemple right now gender equality wouldn't be good in Ukraine since women would then also not be allowed to leave the country, that would be sexist against them since impending on a basic human right of security, freedom and dignity.
