How diabetes destroys the human body

How diabetes destroys the human body


1 год назад

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@yeahdawg5894 - 31.01.2024 05:49

Just check y’all damn sugars!!! And eat right!!

@faustopacheco120 - 29.01.2024 05:38

how do i know if im allergic to peanuts

@t.n.h.ptheneohumanpatterna8334 - 27.01.2024 07:07

i have type 1 diabete since i was 4 and it is sucks but for the most part its fine as long as i dont over give myself insulin or over eat carbs

@paulbarnett291 - 24.01.2024 10:18

Egyptians had diabetes it's been around a very long time.....well before Candy, cookies and ice cream....etc. partly genetics and consumption....the consequences and conditions are the goal to manage.

@tooreal18 - 10.01.2024 00:20

i feel like im playing N64 STARFOX The Way Im Getting Slapped In The Face By These Super Large BloodCells 😂

@rahulr4667 - 31.12.2023 21:27

Too much technical

@roslyndantinori7313 - 30.12.2023 11:50

Keep in mind that any damage to your body can get treated , and complications comes with years of not treating your diabetes properly over the years . Type two is reversible with healthy diet , exercise, taking your medication, and keeping your blood sugar level. It is not a death sentence!!!!

@ivicamaslaceti5111 - 30.12.2023 00:39

Useless video with wrong interpretation of dyslipidemia. No mention of atherogenic lipoprotein glycation due to hyperglycemia

@adventureswithfrodo2721 - 28.12.2023 09:37

Totally useless video.

@LaksitoSanHiJi8893 - 27.12.2023 14:17

Subscribed! 🙏🏻

@richardwood6017 - 25.12.2023 08:05

I have decided to let my blood sugar go up to 500+ because the insulin caused me to gain 55 pounds in 6 months and eat all the time. Insulin is the worst drug there is. We all die someday. video was informative.

@zmattchiasson - 21.12.2023 05:50

watching this while eating cake

@Quagthistle - 19.12.2023 10:32

TL;DR - Please understand that many people with Type 2 Diabetes have a complex range of other health (or mental health) issues complicating their treatment and, in some case, treatment is simply wildly impractical. It is easy for someone in good health to think all Diabetes Type 2 people can cure themselves with good lifestyle choices, but there are plenty of cases where such lifestyle changes are just not feasible (or possible at all).

Whole Comment:

Before you dole out too much judgement of Type 2 Diabetics, please understand that many of us are facing severe issues, whether physical or psychological, that make it very difficult (if not impossible) to treat the Diabetes. My mother struggled with Type 2 Diabetes for 10 years before she died from Diabetes-related heart problems in her 50s. She tried every fad diet she could find, desperately wanting to lose weight, but she simply couldn't. Some people, like myself, have severe health issues that we've been dealing with from birth and, likely due to those underlying issues, we can't tolerate Diabetes medications (I become so weak I can't get out of bed anymore and my digestive system shuts down), and people like me can't have blood tests or injections or any other metal object going through the skin because it causes massive sites of permanent and irreversible damage that spreads over time and affects muscle control. The damage from my last blood test 11 years ago (when I was on a medication that was supposed to protect me from damage... but this is how we found out that it had stopped working) has now made it impossible to even get an accurate blood pressure reading (the other arm was severely damage by injections in the ER 24 years ago). How are you supposed to care for Diabetes when you have to eat sugar if you want to be out of bed and function (to say nothing of being able to eat or go to the bathroom, neither of which my body will tolerate without sugar intake), when you can't eat the "specialty" diets because eating even a small amount of real meat (or more than a tiny amount of fiber) will leave you writhing and screaming in agony from horridly-painful intestinal spasms for several hours at a time, when exercise is utterly impossible due to one's physical handicaps (to say nothing of the persistent chest pains, worsened by even mild exercise, caused by the injections that destroyed my left arm), and when the local doctors won't even see you because the medical issues you've had from birth are too complex for them to want to deal with? Sure, I could go on a low-carb diet... and spend the rest of my life lying in bed as my body and quality of life deteriorates. (I have only ever managed to lose weight during extended periods of being bedridden because lowering my caloric intake cases a lot of health issues for me.) Or, I can try to juggle multiple health issues on my own (because the doctors abandoned me ages ago after their many failed attempts to help only ever made my health situation worse), but that also means allowing the Diabetes Type 2 to run rampant because the alternatives are far worse. Ultimately, I'd rather die than have more damage like that caused by the last blood test. When it goes off, it renders my right hand functionally useless and feels like someone is driving a burning ice pick through my elbow for 2-3 days (and, if they ran another blood test, there's every possibility that could make this damage permanently worse and/or destroy my ability to use my dominant hand at all). Though other damage I have (like that from the gall bladder surgery 24 years ago) has a greater effect on my daily life (by limiting what clothing I can wear and how close to a counter or sink I can stand), the blood test damage to my right arm is the most painful of all the damage when it goes off... by a LOT. There is simply no safe way to run another blood test, and there's no way to monitor or treat Type 2 Diabetes without blood tests. I am stuck in a catch-22 from which I can see no escape that doesn't lead to death, either a death from the side-effects of Diabetes or a much quicker and far more painful death from the side-effects of trying to treat it.

@algator55 - 16.12.2023 20:40

My crack pipe keeps all these doctors and all this BS away so I'm healthy all the time

@ariesvasquez5099 - 14.12.2023 07:24

hyperglycemia, Hyper means high, glyc means glucose and emia means presence in the blood, High Glucose (Sugar) Presence in the blood.

@herobrinemcpe7202 - 14.12.2023 04:09

Lol weak a$$ i got level 3 diabetes

@jackiehanley6274 - 14.12.2023 01:40

What is the body looking for 😢❤❤❤🙏🎗😷😷😷😷

@connor_flanigan - 12.12.2023 21:06

I think I might be pre, not quite, almost, just about, right before diabetic

- 11.12.2023 19:49

Insulin can never get into the body if it's "sorrounded" by FATS!!! Just as the "cells" of the body, when not nurtured well, can "accummulate" FATS, and will result to "shortage" of sugars and acids, that "fight" against fats, into shortage of INSULIN, taking "diabetes" in form!!! OZEMPIC makes "people" not eat "much", and will result to the healing of "diabetes"!!! Another vital rule in reversing diabetes is to eat RAW FOODS, like RAW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, that will melt the fats in the "body", and heal diabetes, since the insulin can now be available in the bloodstreams, and into the organs!!! If the "organs" are 'healthy', there can never be diabetes!!! Our ECONOMY plays a huge role in the "health" of the people!!! In the modern world, PROCESSED FOOD are being "consumed", therefore OBESITY!!! Obesity is the cause of DIABETES, and the medicines that are being sold in the market does not help people with diabetes!!! In fact, they can make them worse!!! The result is a YOYO EFFECT of medicinal intake and doctors controlling the blood by "needles"!!! It doesn't make sense....why can't diabetes be healed??? It's because medicines have to act as a "sabotage" to health, for the accummulation of wealth for the few!!! Like, I do, go to FULLY RAW KRISTINA and be FULLY RAW!!! Heal from diabetes and cancers!!!

@Padoinky - 11.12.2023 06:37

So can D2 be reversed?

@light1warrior - 11.12.2023 06:32

I am PreDiabetic as well

@ahmedshinwari - 10.12.2023 15:44

Didn't this video miss critical information about Type-1 diabetes, which is caused by an attack of the immune system on pancreas.

@jordanferrazza8700 - 09.12.2023 06:18

Diabetes is technically a series of rare urological disorders, diabetes melitus being one of them

@sundharavijayan7787 - 04.12.2023 19:44

How this video destroy us from watching 😅

@rolexomegaspecialist9411 - 04.12.2023 00:11

Caused by the way your body "mishandles" what you eat. Unadulterated bullshit. EXCESSIVE caloric intake (as in EATING too much food).
"No-Fault" society...brought to you by Beta-Males and the Matriarchy.

@Slick1512 - 29.11.2023 06:36

play the clip...

@robertmann446 - 26.11.2023 00:07

Insulin was made to kill the body by shutting the pancreas down.

@shabbirahammed4596 - 25.11.2023 20:35


@tannboii - 22.11.2023 19:29

yea. i am watchin it while eatin a choclate

@annmacleod1099 - 21.11.2023 16:36

Robotic crap

@SorenC_ - 19.11.2023 07:49

My father was a type 1 diabetic. He had it since he was 16, got it from my grandfather. Since type 1 is usually genetic. I feel so bad for him. The amount of diabetic episodes he had, all the pain he went through, and to have his health crumble so fast the last few years especially. He just passed away this Halloween. First my mother died on Christmas when I was 3 in 2003, and now my father dies on Halloween. At this rate I'll have no Holidays left. I miss him so much man. It kills me every day when I see anything that reminds me of him, including this video and the topic of diabetes. Or when I hear a Don Henley or Led Zeppelin or Billy Joel song, or when I watch any movies from his time. I wish I could have him alive for just one more day, to hug him like he's never been hugged before in his 60 years, and tell him just how much I freaking love him. Man I'm crying typing this, I miss him so freaking much. And I regret so bad how I treated him the last month of his life.

I miss you dad. I'm sorry for all the people that took advantage of you in your life. I'm sorry I didn't show you the love you deserved while you were alive. I'm such a jerk. I'm glad though that you no longer have to deal with this disease, or your gastroparesis, or your eye problems, or all the anxiety and all the abuse and pain you've felt all your life, I'm happy you can rest now father. You earned it man. It's my turn to carry the pain, and I'll do everything I can to show you I love you! Please rest dad, I miss you!

He built me a house in the arms of a tree
He taught me to drive and to fight and to dream
When he looks in my eyes, I hope he can see that
My dad's a hero to me!

The greatest father I could ever ask for
08/02/1963 - 10/31/2023

@basuporibar3753 - 18.11.2023 14:50

Diabetes doesnot does anything if there is a proper diet which includes everything and medicine thing to worry about

@snuggles03 - 17.11.2023 12:44

Those graphs that appeared in the video were very difficult to understand, and there was no context to what they meant

@dctechtt1393 - 17.11.2023 09:07

So iam 21 year old man. I have type 2 diabetic. I eat glycomate 1 gm morning and night. I used it last 5 years. Now i dont use tablet. I controled my food. Means. I try to less the food quantity. Now iam gym.

@icantgetridofthisusernamehelp - 16.11.2023 04:56

PCOS caused my diabetes. Funnily enough, got diagnosed with diabetes (literally out of nowhere) before I got diagnosed with PCOS. Now that I know the cause it's been easier for me to proceed with lifestyle changes. PCOS makes it EXTREMELY hard to lose weight. I've been fighting for my life to keep off the five pounds I've lost so far on Ozempic.

@maximumoverload5134 - 15.11.2023 20:57

How do you reverse type 2 diabetes? I don't believe it's possible.

@chewfuling - 12.11.2023 00:07

so.. as long I eat less sugary food or food that easily transforms into sugar (cake, pancake, bread, pizza, pasta, rice, pudding, noodles, pastry, cookie, crackers, biscuits, french fries, corn, kids cereal etc.) to prevent building up my insulin resistance I'll be fine right

@keeper280 - 10.11.2023 02:23

But what about glucagon, and working on ketones?

@davidmusial1611 - 09.11.2023 21:38

Suppliment with chromium vanadium and trace minerals. This video is lacking in information

@bjolly8924 - 07.11.2023 21:22

Type 2 diabetes is nothing more than people literally eating themselves to death. Change your diet save your life improve your health it's that goddamn simple, it's not hard.

@winning3329 - 05.11.2023 06:28

I've noticed that bad people usually have diabetes.
Maybe its linked to a personality disorder?

@user-sw3xp4cn2j - 04.11.2023 17:03

Creatine helps to fix diabetes

@boimaabigail5646 - 04.11.2023 02:41

My dad passed away in 2021😭😭😭 cause of death: type 2 diabetes 😭

@rosepetals8181 - 03.11.2023 23:24


@rosepetals8181 - 03.11.2023 23:22


@doobu691 - 03.11.2023 15:12


@goforitrazz - 03.11.2023 06:55

Having my left over halloween chocolate,beer drives my blood sugar above normal as in pre diabetic,when I go for blood work I test my self with a home test kit till I pass then go get checked.Don’t drink.

@user-du1mz5zx7s - 03.11.2023 06:19

“Some things never change “instead of just checking people’s weight and blood pressure, when going to doctors visits, they should check for glucose levels in the blood,also ..many folks out there are unaware they have abnormal glucose levels,until they head to the ER for getting sick from it..

@2nostromo - 03.11.2023 02:15

My Nurse put me on Galvus and Metformin and my Cardio Dr put me on more Metformin and Crestor. My CGM shows that I am right in the zone almost all the time. The sugar spikes are gone. my lipids are normal. After years of struggling with this dam crap I'm like overnight cured. or whatever you call it. If you are struggling maybe you need these pills too

Ответить - 31.10.2023 23:10

The liver CAN absorb glucose without insulin using GLUT 1, 2 or 3 as insulin is only needed with GLUT4. You also neglect to mention that insulin is required to uptake certain amino acids, specifically phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan, all prerequisites for catecholamine production. No mention of the different types of diabetes, I, II Insipidus etc. Very poor channel.
