Tens of Thousands Flee This City, Countless Car Owners Too Scared to Drive, Facing Fines if They Do

Tens of Thousands Flee This City, Countless Car Owners Too Scared to Drive, Facing Fines if They Do

China Observer

10 месяцев назад

1,182,697 Просмотров

Recently, the term "Changchun Fines" has repeatedly trended on China's search engines, as local residents of Changchun share photos of the traffic tickets they've received.
Receiving a traffic ticket is typically a routine matter. When a vehicle breaks traffic rules on the road, it is liable for the penalties associated with those infractions. So, why are the residents of Changchun particularly upset about the recent fines?
The situation dates back to after the National Day holiday. Following the holiday, Changchun initiated a new round of traffic management, with official videos being released covering these efforts.
#changchun #chinaobserver
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