HGH and Insulin! The best protocol for building muscle and burning fat! Feat. Dr. Tony Huge

HGH and Insulin! The best protocol for building muscle and burning fat! Feat. Dr. Tony Huge

Max Madsen

4 года назад

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90RECON94 - 25.09.2023 17:05

The problem is not everyone has the same number of receptors . 🧐

Ross Hitchen
Ross Hitchen - 12.08.2023 11:27

No time to train too busy pinning gear and chasing t girls

Ross Hitchen
Ross Hitchen - 12.08.2023 11:26

Tony gets his protein straight from the tap.

GREG LAWSON - 03.08.2023 22:39

Good content but this audio sucks so bad guys. I’m going to listen again in a quiet room. What is he saying on the one drug. TMP? Or TNT?
And what is it

Matt Matt
Matt Matt - 24.07.2023 08:09

@madmadsen I still don't get it, when asked do you take hgh and insulin at the same time it seemed like you thought in the same day. Maybe that's what he ment when he asked idk... But if your taking fast acting insulin and hgh at the same day and you only take both once, what's the best time? Post workout?

Jaikai - 20.03.2023 20:05

I’m on hgh 4iu first time in my life with anabolics and just bought Nova rapid I need knowledge on this stuff. Thanks tony

Jaikai - 18.03.2023 01:53

I thought hgh that I’m on plus anabolics just made ur body a fat burning machine add insulin ur body will effectively burn more carbs helping ur eat more this grow

Ty Romandia
Ty Romandia - 16.03.2023 09:03

English is good

JoeyZ - 26.02.2023 03:39

So do you take igf with insulin while on hgh or do you cycle the insulin and change it for igf?

Db motorsports
Db motorsports - 14.02.2023 20:30

You guys mention not using insulin daily, but gh has to be used daily ? is it not a good idea to use a long acting insulin daily with your gh ?

Eren Jaeger
Eren Jaeger - 14.02.2023 09:04

The tension around the e2 debate. More polarizing than politics 😂

Eren Jaeger
Eren Jaeger - 14.02.2023 08:49

What would the effect of GLP1 agonists such as semaglutide be when combined with daily GH (4-8iu). The GLP1's stimulate insulin release. Is there potential for insulin resistance with this method?

Mr Mann
Mr Mann - 12.02.2023 23:55

Test 100,000 men that haven't ever used insulin or hgh or any drugs. Bet the results would be radical.

Sam Butler
Sam Butler - 21.12.2022 04:53

I'm 51 and 265 lbs got belly fat, type 2 diabetes, been eating low carb, not using my insulin. How much insulin should I take with my GH? Lantus or Humalog? I have both, 2 unitsGH in AM and 2 before work out? Help please 🙏

Wxpert - 18.09.2022 13:10

"If I double My calorie on insulin and GH I won't get fat." Bull shit.

The Stock Trader
The Stock Trader - 13.09.2022 16:48

Bruh, talking about how long acting insulin means your receptors feel them all the time. Unless you are a type 1, even a type 2 has insulin in his body all the time. A recetor has activity and affinity for an agonist. High activtiy tends to desenitize, high affinity is how strong is "sticks" to the receptor and how hard for it to be replaced. In other words, a high affinity drug cant be displaced by a drug with a lower affinity for the receptor. However, you saying that lantus is going to cause insulin tolerance, is not true. When men develop insulin resistance, its called type 2 diabetes. You dont desensitize to hormones, they either are enough of them or not enough. Take testosterone that yall be swimming in, it doesnt stop working cuz your too exposed for it. Just think about HS, walking through hall, were you like "Damnnnn man I cant even imagine having sex right now, ive built up some a tolerance to testosterone."
Yeah... Also, on the offchane your audience has diabetes, since somewhere if its pharma grade the insulin will connect you to a diabetic unless your buying illicitly from strangers or websites. But yeah, you dont want someone whos type 1 to take metformin thinking its ok cuz you said "before insulin metformin was the standard"

I bet youd feel the way I feel if I made a video telling young bodybuilders in a smart confident tone with a budy and both of us are mad fit and masculine: "One testicle is from your mom and the other is from your dad. One produces testosterone and the other estrogen. Estrogen makes muscle, testosterone makes your penis grow during puberty and then is usless. If you take this type of birth control, get it from your gf or order it online, inject those pills (mix with water and draw through a filter) and inject the birth control into the mom-given testes. That will control the birth of the testosterone. And then your ball will notice its scrotum feeling light, so itll think the levels are off balance and stop producing estrogen. Which finally allows you to increase your ammonia levels by smelling ammonia or pinning it (but make sure its sterile, seriously, this is NO joke) and youll get hard and also have the sought after steriod affects. Dont forget to run this with trenbolone because tren as its called, is a askenazhi-judeo-smell-aroma-hipster a type of fatty acid that when taken with this Performance Enhancing stimulator (as I described above) will stop your thyroid from producing gastric acid, which in turn increases your fluid retention, which gives your muscles tons of liquid for when you flex your drip.

Yeah man, you need a disclaimer saying first of all its educational, second of all that TRT is the only approved steriod use for men, and in videos with diabetes or in videos on anabolics (if your diabetic, dont adjust your insulin or increase it for muscle purposes. and if your a woman 1. haha and 2. dont take this itll make you sweat balls. Literally, youll sweat and grow a pair of balls.

Marcus Cruz
Marcus Cruz - 06.08.2022 05:19

These 2 guys take insulin they are not even that muscular. Not worth the risk unless you will look like Jay Cutler or a Pro Olympia if you don't have the genetics just stick with steroids .

MADWOLF_ - 04.07.2022 17:41

Hey how we can mix hgh,lantus and fast acting insulin (HUMALOG)?

Raul Kivine
Raul Kivine - 27.05.2022 17:46

So is it ok when i start to use hgh 2iu in morning with eaa and egg whites(basically only proteins)and after let’s say 3 hours first meal(rice,chicken,oliv oil…)
I go to the gym about 15-16 afternoon and pwo is lots of carbs and fast insulin 4iu and after workout 2iu hgh and 4iu fast insulin and again carbs…to I take both together after workout or not
I understand how and why hgh and insulin work but what I misunderstand is when to take both of these to get best results

Connor Turier
Connor Turier - 21.04.2022 12:35

Where’s the advanced slin + hgh protocol?

Ben Woodruff
Ben Woodruff - 09.04.2022 03:29

I hope ur getting iron and shit if ur donating that often

Kiefer Dove
Kiefer Dove - 03.03.2022 20:09

Can we skip the HGH and go right to igf1 with some LF3 ?

Kattery - 08.01.2022 15:37

Great way to end up in a coma.

Dragan Vukotic
Dragan Vukotic - 26.12.2021 14:07

Can someone please help me with what type of carbs to use with long acting insulin I'm from Australia... Where can I find a carb plan template to tell me when and what type of carbs to ingest during the day.... I'll be staring at 10iu 3 times a week then bump to 30ui 3 Times a week. Any help would be great fellas. Cheers

Joshua Lynch
Joshua Lynch - 20.12.2021 19:35

Audio sucks

David Wodzynski
David Wodzynski - 23.10.2021 18:34

Mk 677 and HGH (+ insulin) interest me a lot. What experiences do you've had guy's!!!!

alice thecamel
alice thecamel - 21.10.2021 15:23

good video its just so quiet that i keep getting distracted...

Matthew Creel
Matthew Creel - 13.10.2021 00:01

Hi, I’m Tony. I called myself huge and too big for classic physique when people and classic physique are bigger than me. I hardly take any steroids and everything I take a sarms, I hardly ever work out, my diet is shit and I’m pretty big. Bro get the fuck over yourself. You’re not fooling anybody LOL

meta Baron
meta Baron - 02.10.2021 04:02

Bro the audio is terrible PLEASE RE-UPLOAD IT GOOD quality!!

jack Chi
jack Chi - 12.04.2021 04:23

Hi Max, do u do online coaching? Very interested thank u

Tyron Van der Merwe
Tyron Van der Merwe - 18.02.2021 05:43

How do you interview someone that looks like that?

Dan - 28.01.2021 12:59

This could be in a different language and it would sound the same to me

Chris Nunez
Chris Nunez - 10.01.2021 17:35

what a great viddeo, thanks!

Basic Dose.
Basic Dose. - 20.12.2020 21:39

Love insulin.

Jannes Schüller
Jannes Schüller - 20.12.2020 15:15

Hab dich in dem Video garnicht erkannt , sieht viel besser aus

Thegeorges123 - 11.12.2020 22:16

Hey Max, taking metformin while using slin to keep insulin sensitivity is good idea, but doesnt metformin lowers igf1 levels so you dont get the benefits of increased igf1 caused by insulin ?

rino rossignoli
rino rossignoli - 08.11.2020 11:20

hello brother I use the Sarcev protocol (fast pre-and post-workout insulin) how can I add hgh with this type of protocol? thanks

David Velasquez
David Velasquez - 16.10.2020 20:25

So take GH while you’re on insulin? I always heard that insulin killed GH?

Balcan Bogdan
Balcan Bogdan - 10.09.2020 08:12

He looks like Tyson Furry! It head looks also like agromegaly!

Manuel Rendón
Manuel Rendón - 24.06.2020 07:17

Real smart guy, well most germans are!

Mike Bradshaw
Mike Bradshaw - 06.06.2020 10:16

There isnt any difference between generic or quote unquote phrama grade growth hormone. Ive preached this for years ive tested the products ive said many times on jumbo palumbos clips that there isnt any difference. Of course the issue is the quality control you have to find a legit source that sells legit generic growth. So of course thats an issue if you just use your brain. There isnt some secret code or magic that one company doesnt know vs another somewhere else. Test is test growth hormone is growth hormone. The companies around the world know how to produce it. Its just finding a legit buyer of hood quality. Now i hope to god this is the last time i say this!

hillbilly ingenuity
hillbilly ingenuity - 06.06.2020 02:26

I think I could stacks for beginner would be arachidonic acid, ostarine, Blue Ox, sling. tell me if I'm wrong Tony!

Daily Updates
Daily Updates - 24.04.2020 21:39

Sir i want help from you
I'm getting hgh but there are many companies
Which company should I take?
Can I get your WhatsApp number.?

Unheimlich Oder?
Unheimlich Oder? - 17.03.2020 21:50

Kranker Kanal aber real

D - 15.03.2020 11:30

15 mins into this vid.. Pure GOLD!

Deniz WORLDOFBB - 14.03.2020 23:59

Max ist der beste Beweis, dass Stoff einen nicht zum IFBB Pro macht

Luckesch de Boer
Luckesch de Boer - 14.03.2020 00:02

Sehr interessantes Gespräch!
