2023 Wildlife Camera & Lens Awards - 10 Different Awards, Who Won??

2023 Wildlife Camera & Lens Awards - 10 Different Awards, Who Won??

Duade Paton

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@prokremelskidezolati1426 - 03.01.2024 01:11

Another great and honest video! Happy New year 2024 :)

@tcwhite0528 - 03.01.2024 00:16

Love my Nikkor Z 600mm PF on the Nikon Z9 for wildlife..when needed. Usually it is the 180-400 actually.

@harrisstein6138 - 02.01.2024 23:41

Duade, thanks for including my photo of the green-winged teal in this video! I just got the 200-800 and am having a blast with it. Looking forward to the R5 MK2 in the coming months!

@bigboi36 - 02.01.2024 21:42

As a Nikon user coming from DSLr D3/D700/D300. I gotten over 20 years as an event/concert/social-media photographer. The D3 changed the game for sure and could still hold its own. I’m now starting my gray years 😅 and bought me a z50 as entry into mirrorless. I have enjoyed this camera for casual snaps and the kit lens 50-250mm recently for a little birding (having fun). I even bought a Z24-70|2.8S and did a wedding with it. I’ve been quite impressed with the results…so much so I truly desire a Pro APSC for the 180-600|6.3 I intend to purchase. I love the Z9/Z8 but since I no longer shoot professionally it is not needed for what I currently do. The D500 was an incredible camera released alongside the full frame D5. In the past however, the APSC camera matched full frame in MP. With Fuji releasing a 40mp sensor in an APSC format, it is now possible to match or nearly match the full frame current offerings. I truly desire a pro APSC body that will allow seamless exchange ability like I had with D700/D300. Hopefully Nikon is working on this, hence the slow release. We now have to replace the D500 as a legendary pro like APSC camera with its mirrorless version 🎉. Viva La Nikon!!❤

@Sardonic_Zee - 02.01.2024 20:47

I’m so grateful for these videos. I have one question if anyone can help.. I live in a place that has a lot of overcast white skies. I have an R50 and a 100-400 5.6-8. I have my eye on an R5 and the 100-500 4.5-7.1. Which would be a better investment for low light conditions and less noise? Eventually I’d like both but can only do one right now. Thank you! 🦆

@wildlifesimon - 02.01.2024 19:20

Great video and review of the year. Think I disagree that Nikon are best of the year though. Yes they have released some amazing gear, but only to those who have the money. I used to shoot nikon dslr and sold up in hopes they would bring out a crop mirrorless. After 2 years, give up and moved to canon. I would have stayed with nikon as they have affordable lenses but still no body thats affordable and worthy to pair with. Best option would be z8, but not many people have 4k for a body. Hence why I have now moved to canon.

@lafonevc5663 - 02.01.2024 12:45

Great awards. I shoot Sony but it's great to see all the brands doing well and Nikon making excellent new cameras. It's in all our interests as photographers to have the brands pushing forwards and to like the gear not the name on it.

@duffy2512 - 02.01.2024 11:13

Hello Duade! Nikon did a lot of efforts especially with the built-in teleconverter and for wildlife photos they may be really the best today, but in the beginner and midrange section I don't see Canon as a winning system even if the price tag looks good at the first glance. I have choosen Sony because there are far more options for lenses available and I love the fully articulated lcd screen on my A7R5. Addionally there is not even one APS-C or FF camera on the market that has 61Mpx which gives me a lot room for crops. I was thinking about to by the A1 due to the faster readout, but I prefered the new menue, the screen and the higher resolution that gives me 26Mpx in APS-C mode when I need a 1.5 crop to get more reach. The lower frame rate is due to the fact that the AFsystem is exellent not really a problem a I get almost 100% hitrate . For those how are lazy or not able to trigger the right moment they have a solution with Nikon an Canon with the highest framerates available. Have fun by selecting them after you tranfered the data for the prosprocessing. :)

@twiggyjazz568 - 02.01.2024 10:05

Really enjoyed your summary of what’s on offer … I look forward to every new video you post, it’s lovely to see/hear the best of Australian bird life through your lenses. Through your reviews, and even mindful of the issues you’ve highlighted, I’ve purchased an R7 and am looking forward to spending time with it in the field. Best wishes for 2024, take care.

@docsalrash - 02.01.2024 04:07

Great review. My favorite combo is Z9+180-600 /nikkor. Amazing results after I became comfortable with autofocus

@blutey - 02.01.2024 01:18

I like Nikon's innovative use of built-in Teleconverters. Hopefully other brands will take note.

@TomazNMelo-tf9sc - 02.01.2024 01:04

What an amazing video. I love see the members photos and the gear awards. For 2024, I think I'll keep using my R7 and my two lenses, the Sigma 150-600 and my Canon EF 70-300 L. My choise will be using the money to travel as I'm currently super happy with the photos I'm taking with my gear.
Happy 2024 for you Duade and everyone in this community

@tedk2814 - 01.01.2024 23:30

Thank you Duade for putting together this survey, it must have been time consuming. And, as always, you showed fairness and respect to each manufacturer. I'm primarily a high school sport photographer and I've shot Nikon all my life, Im 73. So I gave myself a gift this year and purchased the Z9 and a bit later the Z400 4.5 lens. The 400. 4.5 is so light and compared to the Nikon 400 2.8, its like lifting a feather. I can hand hold it the entire game. If I had to start over again, I'm not sure which brand I would choose. that would be another great question, what do you presently shoot and if you had to start all over again which brand would you choose? Happy new year to you and your family, I look forward to many more videos, Ted in Sebastian, Fl.

@simonbooker - 01.01.2024 21:26

Hi Duade , can’t disagree with the choices and cheers for tbe shout out 😳😎👍🏻

@steveparent8788 - 01.01.2024 20:55

I agree with all your choices Duade!

@jpdj2715 - 01.01.2024 17:14

Nice overview. Megapixels are a gas that gaslights us into GAS. Note that a sensor does not have pixels (picture elements) and neither does a raw file (the data elements in there are monochrome - mono=single, chrome=colour).
Pixels have RGB and can be in a display. In the case of a digital colour camera in the Bayer paradigm, we have pixels in an SOOC JPEG file.
For measuring sharpness (detail resolution) photography relies on a linear unit like "LinePairs per millimetre" for about a century and note that millimetres are a linear unit while MP are an are unit. To predict human perception of an improvement we can expect from more MP, we need to go back from area to linear. If you want to double, linearly, from a sensor with X*Y=MP resolution then you get 2X*2Y=4MP. So, "ceteris paribus" (science's way of saying in Latin that everything else is the same - everything else in the comparison except the one thing we change) this means that 96MP is twice as good to the human eye as 24MP.

But "ceteris paribus" can be violated, for example when one camera in the comparison has an OLPF and the other has not.
In the case of Nikon, under 30MP (full frame) will have an OLPF, and above may or may not.
Canon usually have an OLPF even at high resolution.
The OLPF was introduced to make raw processing easier (as a raw file has 1 colour per data elements, 2 are missing and raw processing must make guesses what the missing colours may have been). The OLPF makes the guessing easier. When we see noise, we try to call that luminance or colour noise and blame the camera or its sensor. ACTUALLY it's inadequate or failed raw processing in 95% of cases. In averagely lit photographs, the noise in blurry zones, darker zones or low contrast zones, are all failed raw processing.

As birders want the sharpest photos they can get, being aware of this is very important. For a few different reasons.
The OLPF takes a lot of (contour) sharpness away, reduces colour space, reduces low light sensitivity, reduces dynamic range (DR), reduces contrast envelope (DR available in tone shot) and it impacts vignetting. So, removing the OLPF from a camera has a big impact on two things: the removal reduces the negatives mentioned before, but it also requires better raw processing or we end up with too much to our liking Bayer noise.

Can I quantify that? If you use DxOMark for comparisons, then you can deduce my points here too. Nikon Eliminated the OLPF in the D800E version of their D800 with OLPF. Same cameras, D800E without, D800E with OLPF.

If you compare a 24MP full-frame Nikon (always an OLPF) with the 36MP Nikon D800 (with OLPF) using the same lens in both cases, then you see that DxOMark do not report a significant improvement from the 50% more MP - consistent with my claim that 96MP is twice as good as 24MP (as to detail resolution in the human mind).
If you next compare the D800 (with OLPF) to the D800E (without OLPF) again in combination with the same lens, then you see a significant jump in sharpness and overall score.

This explains why a 45MP Nikon (no OLPF) is about twice as good as a 24MP Nikon (with OLPF). Note that a D500 is an APS-C camera (DX in Nikon jargon) and this does not have an OLPF.
In the meantime, Canon religiously hangs on to the OLPF, even at very high resolutions. As the OLPF has to work in tandem with the Bayer filer grid, but requires a distance from the sensor to be able to do the dispersion, this can be approached in straightforward or very sophisticated ways (at a sophisticated cost). The problem with the filter grid and old lens designs is vignetting, and this is why we initially only saw "crop sensors" in the market. Leica may have been the last to go full frame in their M series but developed a very elaborate OLPF/filter grid that varied cell angles from center of sensor towards the corners. If you now the Fresnel lens, imagine the rings are cut up in rods at angles varying per ring.

There's one unknown in the equation, though. And it may violate the ceteris paribus in any comparison. That is the raw processing software we use. As indicated, most noise we see is "Bayer noise" - inadequate colour guessing. Adobe took 11 years, after the D800E, to come up with AI Denoise that will make the Bayer noise melt away. But that does not make "detail loss" or "detail preservation" or "detail retrieval" any better. Topaz (DeNoise AI, Sharpen AI, Gigapixel AI) was years ahead and followed by DxO (DeepPRIME in PhotoLab or in PureRAW).
DxOMark - a separate company from DxO - test "before demosaicking" (before removal of digital artefacts) and after deBayerisation. This means they use a crude form of colour guessing that generates digital artefacts and does not remove these in any way. My assumption here is that they do this the same way between all cameras and while they never "test a sensor" it is safe to assume they do not violate ceteris paribus.

The importance of the software we use in our image processing cannot be over-estimated, though. If you want to see what's in your image, try to upsample it with, e.g., Topaz Gigapixel AI. It may do better in one photographic genre than another, but at 32,000 pixels in the long image side (giving some 680MP) you will be astonished to see what another program leaves out or cannot retrieve, or screws up.

@SeppeCo - 01.01.2024 14:07

I' am a lucky man. Shoot with Nikon Z9 & Z8 and still have the D850. I use a Nikon Z 180-600 mm zoom, Z 100-400 zoom and have a Z 600 mm F6.3 in preorder.

@tonyblake8841 - 01.01.2024 13:48

You are probably aware but Jan has had some pretty rough weather the last few days. I understand around 300mm of rain in 24 hrs adding to already soaking rain with more to come.

@tonyblake8841 - 01.01.2024 13:47

Happy new year Duade. As a recent OM convert I look forward to getting to grips with that system. I’ve only done a couple of thousand shots as it has been either too hot or too wet around Brisbane. But I liken using the OM-1 and 100-400 lens to ten pin bowling. When the ball is a bit heavy you can still get a good score but it is a bit of a struggle. Using the OM system is like getting the ball weight right and scoring strikes more often. Really happy so far but I feel the lens is probably better at f7.1 instead of wide open at f6.3. Early days. Well done on your video. Not easy do a video like that as there are a lot of pride of purchase brand supporters. 😂

@SohamDas1995 - 01.01.2024 13:08

great video. I want to join as a member of your group

@esphilee - 01.01.2024 12:39

I think difference in performance between Canon, Nikon, Sony is no longer significant to most users. You can’t go wrong with any. If you mess up a shot, you can no longer blame the camera.

@gregwilsonnaturephotography - 01.01.2024 09:51

Hey Duade, great review. I started with a Nikon D70. I still have every camera I bought since and F mount lens as well. Now, use a Z6ll with the 100-400 - 180-600 and 800 mm. I'm hoping for an APC body or Z9. Or better.... lol
Have a great New Year! See you in 2024. Greg

@Democratiser - 01.01.2024 09:23

Congratulations on all your hard work in 2023. It is appreciated. Hope you keep the momentum into 2024!

@AliasJimWirth - 01.01.2024 04:43

Have a Happy New Year, Duade. Good health to you and happy shooting. Looking forward to your 2024 outings and adventures. Cheers!

@bohyahsnacks - 01.01.2024 01:38

Great end of year wrap up. Thank you.

@Smokeyr67 - 01.01.2024 01:06

You missed the "best lens that cost a kidney, retina and testicle" award - my vote would have to go to the Canon RF 600mm f4 :)

@redred623 - 01.01.2024 00:57

I am little disappointed that micro 4/3 cameras were not mentioned in any capacity (other than the om-1 being a flagship camera and the Panasonic 100-400). The system just oozes value. Big sensor equal more better I guess. :/

@philrodger2716 - 31.12.2023 23:17

can you use r6 on the 200-800mm cannon zoom. Im thinking about getting it. but I would like to see a pro use the combo. if you possible would help me and i think a lot more of your members.

@christophelavie - 31.12.2023 22:03

Your audience underrates the Fuji system. I'm not saying Fuji is the best, but Fuji is clearly underrated by your audience.
Canon cameras and lenses are incredible, as are Nikon's, but I think Canon has a greater number of options in the entry-level range, while Nikon excels mainly in the high-end segment.
Therefore, Canon seems to be the best choice for 2023.

@KingLoopie1 - 31.12.2023 20:39

Nikon has made me regret going with Canon this year... (not really regret but dang man(!) what a lineup! 😢)

@user-cl9gr4up8x - 31.12.2023 18:21

Nice to see pics taken by guys from Poland! 🇵🇱 great job, folks!🎉

@rmanuelb - 31.12.2023 15:30

Duade wish you all the best. Have a great 2024!!!
I’ve started a piggy bank for that 200-800mm 😂

@JEmmertz - 31.12.2023 15:21

Thanks, Duade! I think you nailed it here with the conclusions of the current situation of the market. I, much like you, are knee deep in the Canon trench, and, one of many reasons, I chose it was because of what you also mention: ergonomics. To be able to catch birds or brief appearances of wildlife, it is crucial that you can have all important buttons/features etc near your fingers and that it all makes sense.
Nikon is really catching up again and showing that they are serious. The Z9 (and Z8) shouldn't be ignored in any way. They are awesome bodies!
To all that shared images included in this video: Immense thanks for sharing loads of mind-blowing and stunning photos! May your new year come with plenty of good light and rock steady shutter fingers!

@johannmorrison1952 - 31.12.2023 15:12

Excellent video Duade, so lucky to have been able to use all that incredible kit. I'd love to see you test out the Nikkor 400mm f4.5 in 2024.

@juliettemansour - 31.12.2023 15:04

Duade, you're killing it this year with reviews! This is so appreciated. I still haven't upgraded. I bought into the Fuji system and deep into it so it's painful. I just picked up the Tamron 150-500mm for Fujifilm and paired it with my X-H2S and it's been offering me some really good shots. When the Nikon Zf came out, I thought this would satisfy both my street and bird photography needs. Alas, Nikon hasn't provided exactly what I'm looking for yet. I am hoping the next body they release will be that 33 megapixel baby Z8 and then I'm good to switch. Cheers! Happy new year!

@r2hildur - 31.12.2023 13:41

Thank you for a great year of videos Duade. My favorite gear is what I'm using right now and that's the Canon R5 with a 500F4 II, but I'm a Canon person and I'm biased 😊. I've been hoping to see an RF version of the 500F4 but it seems like Canon might release a RF 200-500F4 next year so I look forward to see if that rumour is true. I won't trade the prime for a potentioal zoom, because the price will be horrendous, but at the same time I'm curious to see what the weight will be and if they can keep the image quality on par with the older prime 500 F4II. Doubt it. I'm also looking forward to the R5 mark II and if it will get a stacked sensor. Happy New Year Duade!

@Gaztography - 31.12.2023 12:46

Brilliant video Duade, and the awards were a fair reflection I think. I’m a Canon shooter but credit to Nikon for what they have done this year. Completely missed the vote and sending images as spent most of Xmas with some bug.
A huge congrats to those member images sent in, wow! Looking forward to what 2024 brings and also to your channel. Happy New year all. Gary

@seizm5587 - 31.12.2023 12:29

Hi Duade thanks for your video once again ! I personally am a beginner and I confirm that the R7 + RF 100-400 is a wonderful combo because of its versatility and its price. Absolutely love it even if, of course, the main default is that you often struggle in low light conditions like in rainforests for example.

@davidipema7898 - 31.12.2023 12:28

happy new year

@Steffano2002 - 31.12.2023 12:12

Excellent video (I discovered this channel today). As a Nikon shooter, I am 100% biased. But last few years have been tough for Nikon fans... But finally, Nikon is back and you and your viewers did not fail to notice this. This year I bought the Z8 but I am still shooting with the Nikkor F 500mm f/5.6 PF as I cannot yet justify buying my dream lense, the Nikkor Z 400mm f/2.8.
But after watching this video, I may reconsider the Nikkor Z 600mm f/6.3... I was disappointed it was not a f/5.6 to be honest.

@teddyabraham3289 - 31.12.2023 11:58

No Fuji film X-H2S?

@tonyb736 - 31.12.2023 11:20

Hi Duane,

Thanks for creating and sharing another brilliant video ‘2023 wildlife and camera lens award’

Just sold my A9 and 200-600 as it had become difficult for me to hand hold for more than a few seconds. (I don’t like using tripods, more stuff to carry)

I agree with all the section winners, the truth is unfortunately as much as some of us would love to own these combinations we may have restrictions either budgetary and/or the hand holding due to weight of camera lens combinations.

I’m in the process of buying new kit that has to be easily hand holdable.

I have a budget of around 4000 €

Of the “lighter” camera and lens combinations you have tested for birds/wildlife/BIF - which did you find as the best overall performing combination Fuji/Olympus/Lumix?

Thanks, A Happy New Year to you and all your subscribers.

@uaebifvideo5472 - 31.12.2023 11:14

Sony might lead in PlayStation..PERIOD !!.

@uaebifvideo5472 - 31.12.2023 11:13

Ok ,Sony fan boys , ..You know who the BOSS is !!.

@davidligon6088 - 31.12.2023 10:49

Great video and discussion launch. I suspect you will have some rather opinionated responses. Canon does make some very goo lenses, but it does seem a bit biased towards that brand. You’re missing the Sony 100-400 GM f4.5-5.6 in your <$3000 list, for instance. It is an extremely sharp lens with extremely fast focus and works well with the 1.4 TC to get to 560mm at f8, or on an a6700 to get to 600mm. I would also argue the Sony 300mm f2.8 is a sharp as any of the Canon lenses, even with a 2X teleconverter and will give you 300mm f2.8, 400mm f4 with a 1.4x TC, or 600mm f5.6 with a 2x TC. I took my old A1 with the old 200-600 lens out today in poor light and rain and just could not miss a shot if I tried. The one thing that strikes me about this is that this year, there are so many excellent options. I can see why it would be hard to choose.

@mikebrownhill4662 - 31.12.2023 09:16

I can't fault any of your conclusions - thanks for a very enjoyable video. I think Canon needs 2024 to be its year because Nikon in particular has been the runaway success in 2023. I've used Canon for more than 20 years and I'm watching this closely. I'm confident that Canon will catch up with their new bodies - they have to have stacked sensors. I'm really not sure what they're thinking with their lenses though, and this is the area where I'm being sorely tempted to move across to Nikon. I live in the UK and for long periods of the year, I need faster glass than f7.1, f9 or even f11 - which is all Canon seems to offer in its longer zooms and cheaper primes. I have a 600mm f4L prime, but I don't always want to carry that around. With Nikon I could have a 600mm walk around at f6.3 with their PF or a zoom 180-600mm at f6.3 on the long end. Both are a bit faster and 100mm longer than Canon's closest offering. I think if I do jump over to Nikon, it'll be for the lenses because I expect Canon and Nikon to be neck and neck with their bodies by the end of 2024.

@garyannett7978 - 31.12.2023 08:27

Thanks Duade. Great roundup! Might need to swap my Sigma 150-600 for a Canon 200-800 in 2024. Best wishes for the new year!

@davidprutton6740 - 31.12.2023 07:25

thanks for another fantastic video, learnt so much from you this year and super excited about using the new R7 and RF 100-500 I have just been able to purchase. Will be using all your tips and tricks to help make me a better photographer, thanks again and wish you a very successful 2024

@mikedavis1110 - 31.12.2023 07:20

Great review on the different gear options and Nikon did hit out of the park with selections mentioned. I bought the 180-600 to along with my Z9 and very happy with the affordable option for Wildlife that gives center image quality of higher priced lens! Nikon has really moved up the list options for photographers even getting into mirrorless late.
