Startrek 2009 - Kirk beats Spock's Test

Startrek 2009 - Kirk beats Spock's Test

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Paramount Pictures, Spyglass Entertainment, Bad Robot

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@sgtjohnson - 20.01.2024 01:03

I’d imagine the 1st time he tried to rescue them
2nd time he sacrificed the vessel
3rd time he beat the no win scenario

@Neilhammond64 - 19.01.2024 20:38

Missed opportunity to have the original distress call audio from WOK play on the bridge and have Kirk smugly mouth to it.

@freddagg12 - 19.01.2024 08:36

It was at this point I despised this movie and its creator, Jar Jar Abrahams. It’s all too obvious that he cheated, which is absurd.

@MessipawPress - 17.01.2024 11:45

I love how you can hear Kirk chomping on the apple through the speakers when that guy asked Spock how he beat his test 😂

@AWayOfLiving84 - 09.01.2024 05:56


@AWayOfLiving84 - 09.01.2024 05:55


@doct0rnic - 13.12.2023 07:05

My favorite scene

@user-gq1ow9ct6j - 28.11.2023 19:03

The Power of Inspiration

Trademark Patent Pending

@Bread_45 - 23.11.2023 23:02

I never thought I'd say this, but Kirk may munch apples better than Barbossa.

@Amar7605 - 22.11.2023 07:51

I love how flippant Uhura was in the beginning of this scene.

@StormyNatero-yd7sj - 08.11.2023 18:16

To Beyonce ♍..
Shouldn't you be doing yoga kitten.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹.
Noted Mars SPQR ♍.

@chicagogalaxy670 - 06.11.2023 10:07

he's so cocky 🤣

@jasonjewell8490 - 18.10.2023 23:35

Kirk's strategy confused Officer Harry Wu here.

@user-hi8zq1qy1i - 12.10.2023 20:47

The Apple lol

@user-hi8zq1qy1i - 12.10.2023 20:47

Alert medical 😌

@user-hi8zq1qy1i - 12.10.2023 20:47

Maybe not :) 😊

@maconcamp472 - 08.10.2023 01:13

If you feel like you're in retrograde or just stuck and you want to level up physically, mentally, or emotionally; then it's all about keeping it simple. 🥋🌱🐼

Love everything and everyone.🌡💔💓💖💕❤💗💞💝

Intermittent fasting daily as a lifestyle. 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️

Open the mind up to limitless possibilities. A catastrophic catastrophe. Purrthquakes instead of Earthquakes. The universe a dream!!🙀🐾

Flow state!! Stop overthinking.🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

This is how I create alternating current. My neurons going into a frenzy!!🌻🐝

I'm activating planets and stars!!🤩 The information they hold like walking into an abandoned library. I had to walk into an abandoned library, just to realize that. Hilarious!!📚🕯📖

Super cool stuff!!🌜🌞🌛

A lot of this human experience depends, I imagine, on how happy we are currently.🙂🤗😍 What do we want for ourselves and others. 🤔

I want the whole shebang!! For everyone!!🥁❤

I want the outer zone!! OZ!!🦁🐅🐻

I want us to be sky people!!👽🛸

The planet our backyard!!🌞🌚🌍🌬🌈🌊🌺🐜

Let's go!!☄🐏🌄

We have to be close!! We're creating fusion!! Alternating current between each other. 🌞🌞🌞

Quantum entanglement!! One sperm!!!!👻💞👻💞👻💞👻💞👻💞👻💞👻💞👻💞👻💞

I'm now imagining this more for our observable universe. Earth for us here now is a memory we've already awakened. It's habitable and has an atmosphere.🐰🥕

As we tap into those higher dimensions, we're awakening the other star systems and making them too more habitable for us. A system and memory like Andromeda galaxy is activated and it leads to the galaxy collision with our Milky Way.🐮🥛🌌

Deep down when I visualize the universe, I'm simply seeing the planet from the insides. Our super Earth!! Through galaxy collisions, each galaxy will then be representing a memory we need in order to create it. Everything eventually coming together in a crunch. Past, present, and future. 🥚🦕🐾💎

It's like remembering a friends phone number, so you can then reconnect. E.T. phone home. ☎️📟📡

We're all friends!! That's a no brainer for me. We just forgot.🐘🐾🐘🐾🐘🐾🐘🐾🐘🐾

Andromeda galaxy is like a drop of water holding purrecious memory.💧 We're each like a drop of water to each other.🙅‍♂️🙅‍♀️ We all hold different memories which we share with each other and just like Andromeda and the Milky Way, those memories we share transform us.🐛🦋

You all have an idea of what you've done to me.🙃 I'm a representation or reflection of everyone and everything I've experienced.💁‍♂️🍿📺

Oct 5th 8PM🐥🐣🍂🍁
For the 2nd time in a few weeks, I'm seeing glow in the dark birds of somekind.🦇🌟🦇🌟🦇🌟🦇🌟🦇🌟🦇🌟

My dogs and I run back to the house, so we can have others see it too.🐶🐾🐶🐾🐶🐾

I get back outside and they're still there. Flocking together in a straight line. As other members of my household approach the backdoor, they disappeared!!!!😱💜😱💜😱💜😱💜

So frustrating!!!!🙇‍♂️

Another fun way to visualize galaxy collisions. We're stacking plates!! Or pancakes!!!👨‍🍳👩‍🍳🥞

Then like a 3D printer, we're creating a huge wormhole and tunnel that leads us back home.Traveling the universe's nervous system.🍄🐇🌚

We're connecting the dots. Planets and stars! That's wisdom!!🤩

My cosmic perspective.🐶🐾

@Karmai9 - 07.10.2023 14:26

Dude being a real pain in the but

@StormyNatero-yd7sj - 06.10.2023 21:55

To miss Rihanna ......Sh.
Love Mars 644.

@wwld9823 - 04.10.2023 14:04

>simulation glitches and disappears for several seconds
>enemy fleet has shields for no reason when it comes back up
>guy being tested took his sweet time and acted like he knew all that was gonna happen

how come they didn't realize immediately he did it

@AlKhebir11 - 03.10.2023 11:34

Lesson learned here kids. We all cheat sometimes in life, and it's ok. As long as the result is positive 😂

@jamesthomas6476 - 01.10.2023 14:57

It’s Birds of Prey, not Warbirds. Warbirds are Romulan ships which Nero’s ship doesn’t look like at all.

@tjb.7213 - 29.09.2023 07:07

Because he's Captain James Tiberius Kirk. No one in the galaxy can out wit, out fight, out manuvre, out score or out fuck Captain Kirk.

@voidstarq - 18.09.2023 12:30

No, he the F#@$< Does Not! If nothing else was enough to prove that this series of crap movies is simply Not Real Star Trek, this sequence alone should be enough to prove how greivously unqualified was anybody involved in the creation of this abomination.

Could anybody with half a functioning brain cell have watched the relevant scenes of "The Wrath of Khan" (FFS, I'm not even asking you to sit through the whole movie, never mind how much you'd have learned about what makes actually-good movies different from the stupidity of your comic-book-movie crap, JJ!) No, even if all Your Highness could be bothered to do is watch the one scene at the beginning, and the one scene in the middle when they refer back to it, so as to have even the most basic understanding of what you're talking about... No, I guess trying to get through to an idiot who's been out there boasting about how he'd never even watched Star Trek, as if that was somehow some kind of qualification(?) ...

Where was I? Oh yeah: could anybody with half a brain cell have possibly thought that that arrogant, who-gives-a-$#!+, apple-biting idiot was what Kirk a and Bones are referring to when they tell Saavik the story?


I'll spell it our for you, as if to a 6-year-old, because apparently that's what's needed: Kirk was protesting against the fact that the test was rigged to make it impossible for him to win no matter what he did, right?

So, obviously, he'll reverse-rig it to make it impossible for him to lose, right?



Okay, trying again...

So all he needed to do was un-rig it, so that there was exactly one path where, if he played it exactly right, he could, say, disable one of the Klingon ships, plot a course to get out from between the other two, and escape from the Neutral Zone back into Federation space. Right?

Then he would have them load up the sim; play it perfectly by-the-book; follow that Golden Path; escape; have the Proctors looking at each other like, "WTF just happened?"; say, "so... did I pass?"; forcing then to say, "Uh, yeah. Yes, it seems you did..."

My point? If the sacred duty of revitalizing Star Trek had been given to somebody halfway qualified, or even to somebody who, regardless of their qualifications, had even a partial understanding of the weight of the responsibility they were undertaking...

Then maybe the 2009 abomination of a "reboot" could instead have been something halfway worthy.

@oolooo - 18.09.2023 07:43

I mean , Kirk did not cheat , frankly .He took the needed action to complete his mission .And even if he cheated , it would still be a good solve to the problem .Because believing that impossible situations do not truly exist is a possible quality and the whole test is made to artificially remove any possibility of success .To reject the idea of being consigned to failure , especially when it means the deaths of other , is downright admirable .It would be a bit freightening to imagine a commanding officer who simply admitted defeat because he was told that the situation was unwinable .

@elliottberkley - 02.09.2023 09:29

This scene killed. I wasn't ready.

@MegaTech81 - 29.08.2023 23:57

Geez, Kirk, If you were gonna cheat on a test you could have at least been subtle about it.

@freyawildesciencefictionau8156 - 17.08.2023 16:20


@SchmitaEclipses - 14.08.2023 02:49

Best scene ever.

@ryanhopwood1148 - 20.07.2023 23:16

Love how he just eats that apple with cocky confidence and sarcasm.

@THEBIGHAM1000 - 11.07.2023 09:28

My favorite version of this was a convoy simulator we had in the military. Humvee chassis, surrounded by screens and air piston rifles and machine guns. Multiple rooms all linked together for the scenarios. Our platoon did such a good job they let us play the zombie program they wrote up for fun. 4-500 man army with only small arms pops up in a town. No civilians or friendlies, let us go off for a little bit and tear stuff up.

@thedudeman6679 - 11.07.2023 02:04

I love how cocky he is

@jimmy2k4o - 27.06.2023 21:46

With Kirk if your goal is to beat the test and the only way to do so is to cheat then that’s what you should do.

It’s the only possible solution to achieve your goal.

@vypernight - 19.06.2023 13:31

Kirk's strategy was spot on. First, the test is supposed to make officers 'face 'death,' which is difficult considering you're in a simulation that you can retake. Second, they're supposed to face the consequences of their actions; again difficult since they were Ordered to rescue the ship instead of being allowed to make the decision themselves.

So basically, you're taking a test that makes you face death except you don't, you're ordered to perform the action that has no solution to show you the consequences of your 'decisions,' yet Kirk, who freely admits that he bypassed that to make a point, is accused of cheating?

@PassportBrosBusinessClass - 10.06.2023 05:25


@tyro244 - 04.06.2023 09:25

Kirk was eating an apple, or some other crunchy fruit, the day he told his son this story.

@Lord_Luud83 - 02.06.2023 17:18

One photon each should do, lets not waste ammunition, lol😂😂😂

@NinaMoffett-Lake - 27.05.2023 23:32

Captain pick
How in the he’ll that kid beat your test
I don’t know

@johnduckworth3866 - 18.05.2023 05:32

I know it's science fiction and all, but come on spock! Do you really not know? Use the logic!

@whahappend8222 - 15.05.2023 04:37

Some of Chris Pine's cadences during this scene are the closest he came to imitating Shatner in this trilogy.

@wmsyvinski - 23.04.2023 09:20

Kirk firing a "finger gun" at the viewscreen while chewing on a huge mouthful of apple is so over the top I can't stop laughing.

@Sigma0283 - 13.04.2023 00:34

“I got a commendation for original thinking.” - James T. Kirk

@careyconley4690 - 10.04.2023 22:19

Uhura is SOO condescending, and is SO disappointed he didn't lose.

@jsullivan2112 - 03.04.2023 21:34

Shouldn't it be "target acquired and locked"?

@chrisjames6327 - 03.04.2023 10:47

I’m an 88 year old titanic survivor and had a real life kobayashi maru situation. I met a girl on the voyage, who had a young daughter. A romance ensued. When the iceberg hit, and we fought for a place on the life boats, we found that only two seats remained - but there were three of us. It was a genuine no win situation. So, after some thought I decided that the women and child should stay together on the ship, and I gave the spare lifeboat seat to another friend, as repayment for a $72 debt I had accrued. I wrote to the women a few years later but received no response

@Lechuga1815 - 24.03.2023 19:31

I always like this scene because even though the point of the test is deal with the reality of no-win scenarios. Kirk has the disposition of never giving up and finding a way out of every situation and being prepared for every contingency. Some will see it as cheating the test but I see it as facing any conflict with as many advantages that you can muster. He's kinda like the Batman of Starfleet, going above what anyone can ask of him as a captain.

@Beerbottles123 - 19.03.2023 11:50

What Kirk in the original timeline is even more badass. He rigged the test by amping up his reputation, enough to intimidate the Klingons. Kirk even managed to talked them into helping the rescue effort. Basically, the original-Kirk chose diplomacy over violence.

@OptimusNiaa - 19.03.2023 06:50

Missed the point. Bravo JJ.
