10 Key Takeaways from the Rebound Live Webcast
Rebound after Leadership Failure
Special guest Rob Campbell
December 6, 2022
1. What regrets do you have? I really don't have any regrets there's certainly some decisions I would've made differently, but every one of them got me to the place I am at today. That’s the lesson. - Rob Campbell
2. You have to challenge and push yourself and thrust yourself into places where you grow. - Rob Campbell
3. Number one thing in Leadership 101 fall semester of Rob Campbell University or Matt Dorty University, Is self-awareness. - Rob Campbell
4. This is where I start coaching with that, that common ground, that foundation of, okay, who is Matt Doherty? Who exactly is he? And, what are his strengths? And how does he leverage them? And how can I help him adapt to the environments that we're in? - Rob Campbell
5. Everybody is beholden to you, subservient to you legally, uh, bound to your orders, unity of command. Well, what we really had in Afghanistan was unity of effort. - Rob Campbell
6. Unity of effort is really, we're all going to the same place. We're unified behind an effort to get to some common end state. - Rob Campbell
7. You have to surround yourself with people who can protect you from yourself. - Rob Campbell
8. It talked about who I was as a person and what I thought my weaknesses were and what, how I wanted to be remembered after I was gone. What I enjoyed doing in high school, what some life crucibles were for me. Those turning points for me that I had to rebound from. I put that in a document about a page and a half, and I sent it to everybody, every 5,000 members of my organization. That was, as you said, humility. That was vulnerability. And people were attracted to that. I wanted them to see me as Rob Campbell.