Everyone Uses Chrome. But Why?

Everyone Uses Chrome. But Why?


3 года назад

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DarisYT - 22.08.2023 22:22

Chrome is so basic and boring, i use firefox

Anthony Steele
Anthony Steele - 17.08.2023 15:57

it would be nice if the browser bar put things in alphabetical order

OBC Vanzy | NORSK Gaming
OBC Vanzy | NORSK Gaming - 17.08.2023 13:29

X browser

casperblackcat1975 - 06.08.2023 07:43

I use chrome as It has more customisation In terms of extensions which Firefox had at one stage but no more, Chrome syncs everything nicely between my PC & mobile phone & It performs better than Firefox.

Logan Kaval
Logan Kaval - 04.08.2023 04:06

I use Brave. Yes I know it is based off of Chromium. But is still good.

con creeper
con creeper - 19.07.2023 06:04

i use vivaldi

MangoDev - 17.07.2023 22:04

I'll tell you a story. One time i was coding a chrome extension, as you do... and i started hating chromium REALLY badly because they're docs are terrible! (Also hm if chromium changed up their api docs and now its fine then sorry, but chromium deserved this). For some time, i even switched to firefox! Also i'm a mac user ye... pretty old mac tho lmao.

Patoren 3gou
Patoren 3gou - 14.07.2023 05:14

I use chrome cause I heard for a long time it was good and I've had no problems he-haw

(Also most of my stuff is in Google accounts but that was after I became an Android user)

The Beige Sheep
The Beige Sheep - 08.07.2023 07:40

I used to use chrome but whenever i scanned my pc i got hit with so many tracking cookies that i changed to Firefox. Much more private.

Gabriel Davidson
Gabriel Davidson - 01.07.2023 07:51

on my main pc i have to use firefox cause chrome got a virus. on dumb pcs i download pale moon.

jimv1983 - 29.06.2023 09:26

I use Chrome because it's well integrated with Google services.

PRATEEK DEY - 21.06.2023 15:18

i use brave 😄

Rob Atkins
Rob Atkins - 16.06.2023 06:40

I just figured that people use Google Chrome because they enjoy multiple zero day exploits, and privacy invasion.

CaptainDanger13 - 12.06.2023 09:34

nah i use brave browser

Shawn - 31.05.2023 11:13

This is from the future and we all advanced users are switching to Firefox again like the good old days.

mxlouka Playz
mxlouka Playz - 25.05.2023 06:23

i use opera gx not cuz im a gamer, just because of the good optimization features. cuz my pc sucks now. back then it could handle google chrome just fine for some reason.

John Tram
John Tram - 20.05.2023 00:31

Google and apple are just forcing you to buy their products

Iarna - 15.05.2023 09:32

This history is a bit confused. Firefox was the from-the-ground rewrite for a more dynamic web. Chrome was a fork of Safari (which in turn was a fork of kHTML).

unkown 34X
unkown 34X - 12.05.2023 22:37

well I get the point. but... let me tell ya. when I found GX opera... it's like I found myself! I always hated chrome... yes I know Chromium is everywhere, but the browser itself... specially for laptop users... sucks all my power. so yeah I know chrome is very popular, but doesn't mean is the best for sure. Safari well.. is still good enough for emergencies

Shahriyar Tk
Shahriyar Tk - 07.05.2023 22:55

I never use chrome just firefox

x - 07.05.2023 22:00

Not me i use opera gx

l3v1ckUK - 04.05.2023 12:56

Firefox user here.
Before that existed, Mozilla, Netscape 6 and Netscape 4.

AcridDragoon - 25.04.2023 13:41

nuh uh i use vivaldi (it is chromium so yeah i use chrome :\)

Stencil - 25.04.2023 00:10

that musk comment aged like milk. dude's loony.

NOOBOARD - 22.04.2023 14:48

I was using Firefox for many years. But then the dev dools went bad and I instantly switched and the tools felt much better. Chrome and it's engine are well made. Firefox is not bad but why use it instead during development if I can do my work better and quicker with Chrom (or Chromium)?

Btw I never used Internet Explorer. On PC my first browser I rly remember was Netscape. From Netscape I went over to Mozilla (Firefox). From there to Chrome. If someone would release a better Browser I would switch again.

Silent Tech Films
Silent Tech Films - 15.04.2023 02:18

You forgot to mention Firefox.

Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyandz - 14.04.2023 16:27


Hector Vido
Hector Vido - 14.04.2023 01:40

Firefox user since Opera left presto.

TZ Gaming
TZ Gaming - 13.04.2023 14:41

Chrome: When you're deliberately trying to give all your data to Google

Noneofyour Business
Noneofyour Business - 09.04.2023 12:29

reality is most people want less hassle and use things that can make life easier for them and not get aggravated just trying to browse a webpage. chrome provides all of that.

Mark Wilson
Mark Wilson - 08.04.2023 16:45

Firefox FTW

BlackandWhite2 - 08.04.2023 10:42


George - 06.04.2023 11:26

Hackers reportedly breached Chrome. Please do a video on which browser we should use now.

Fari Bahi
Fari Bahi - 06.04.2023 08:33

It was not developed from ground up as you said, but it used Apple’s « WebKit » until 2017 and components from Firefox !

Horo Joga
Horo Joga - 04.04.2023 22:06

If Elon Musk made a browser I'd migrate at day one.

Nicholas Nasti
Nicholas Nasti - 04.04.2023 10:46

really? Im still using Firefox from back in the day. I tried chrome, but meh... i dont see it as any better and... its google.

Le Dauphin de Bourbon
Le Dauphin de Bourbon - 02.04.2023 13:32

The Google Chrome switch on in the background with .... 45% RAM usage .... ergo- is the top filetheft software in the world.

Jim Hopper
Jim Hopper - 31.03.2023 21:50

We need to use alternatives just to prevent this monopoly. It may be the best browser for you but consider using different ones. Just because of this, I use Firefox.

Alexander White
Alexander White - 31.03.2023 00:51

Thumbs down for false and mixed up facts. Chrome got popular because it was bundled to popular installers like Skype and Winamp and dumb users just did not uncheck preselected drive-by install of Chrome. Firefox was stable as continent at that time, google maps ran just as well on firefox, dropbox did not exist or was obscure at that time. All why Chrome got popular is bundled installs, stincking Chrome installs to users like Microsoft is peddling the Edge to everyone and then it just got momentum as a proof to theory that majority of people are dumb.

I personally never found any feature of Chrome that is better than other browsers have it. Tried to use Chrome and Chromium as my second browsers. They just are not worth it. Even Opera feels bad since it switched from Presto to Chromium engine. Firefox also adopted the dumbed down default interface of Chromium and started to participate in version numbers race. The browser ecosystem now looks really bad like when it was dominated by IE and Mozilla browsers were still in development.

KilljoySR - 30.03.2023 22:58

I remember long time ago....I tried Chrome.....and imported all bookmarks and passwords from my Firefox profile....Chrome CRASHED.
I've tried it few times....but....Chrome was "too weak" I guess.
Still is.

Long live Firefox!

DANser - 28.03.2023 23:24


jublywubly - 28.03.2023 17:02

When Google Chrome browser first came out, two independent computer magazines warned against using it, because it's allegedly a form of tracking software that can be used to spy on people. With all the problems of Google Analytics being integrated into many websites, I don't know why anyone would voluntarily use a browser that directly collects that information.

Goth Pop TV
Goth Pop TV - 26.03.2023 14:40

Everyone Asks Click-bait Questions. But Why?

First of all, your question is invalid. How can "Everyone" use Chrome when everyone isn't even online? Yeah, yeah, I get what you're saying: the majority of internet surfers. DUH. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. It must've been a real slow day if you're answering OBVIOUS QUESTIONS. It's a little insulting.

"Why does everyone use plastic grocery bags?" Hmmm, that's a hard one, can I think about that for a second? Oh, it's because THAT'S WHAT THEY GAVE US

I can do this all day long.

"Why does everyone wear blue jeans" Gee, I really don't know? Can I use a life-line? BRB... Okay my mom says: BECAUSE MOST JEANS ARE BLUE!
"Everyone Drives Automatic Cars. But Why?" Again, another brain-twister. I think I'm stumped.
"Everyone Uses Showers? But Why?"
"Everyone Hangs Their Clothes In A Closet. But Why?"
WHY WHY WHY WHY do people use the things they are provided with?

charlie p
charlie p - 26.03.2023 03:32

I'm using Brave, but just like Edge, is Chrome-based. It even reports to the web as Chrome.

Richard Alfaro
Richard Alfaro - 26.03.2023 01:23

I use Brave, but i do use EDGE to pay certain bills because Brave is too "private" for local state government sites like if i try to pay a ticket it wont accept my blocking my location

Frank D
Frank D - 25.03.2023 17:23

because no one trusts microsoft
same goes for windows / edge
path of lest hassle for people to get access to net
if both make wrong steps there is no one else
until anone else can challenge they essentialy have a monopoly
but we do not necessarily trust any of these big tech info companies
they have all shown how dishonest and manipulative they are

Tomas Canchola
Tomas Canchola - 25.03.2023 08:54

I love how the Musk genius trope has aged terribly

Mikey C
Mikey C - 23.03.2023 14:32

Why? Because google uses underhanded tactics to get it onto your computer and make sure it stays there by paying dishonest app creators to sneak install it. Chrome is a cancer on the internet, an adware, spyware riddles trojan horse produced by the world's largest advertising agency, thats ALL google is.

MattRBX - 23.03.2023 10:24

I’ve stoppes using Chrome as my PC has some weird issues with it? I use Firefox now and actually IMO it’s better.

mHelroy - 22.03.2023 17:45

i use chrome at home and edge at work, both are good for me i have 16gbs of ram and never had any issues
