What Can You Do in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Open-World?

What Can You Do in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Open-World?

Maximilian Dood

9 месяцев назад

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@jesse1086 - 22.11.2023 05:04

I'm a little worried about all the open world stuff. I know it's true to the original...but I honestly don't remember the OG very well but I LOVED Remake. And the reason I loved it was the linear story telling. I'm sure they won't have gotten rid of that aspect. But still. Just a little worried.

@titusgray4598 - 09.11.2023 21:00

Ok so I’m about 99.9% certain that the subtitle for the final game is going to be Reunion, is that pretty much a given?

@onecanadian4946 - 02.11.2023 21:37

Idk why anybody is mad you can’t breed chocobos in rebirth, we weren’t able to do that in the original until after we got the airship and that won’t happen until game 3. Calm down lmao

@rayrattan4070 - 26.10.2023 08:24

Hello everyone. Just want to say something that I have been thinking but not sure if anyone has thought of this yet lol. Remake was like the original expect Sephiroth goes back and starts to change it. We all know this to remake it. Rebirth I was thinking what if a surprise is where Zack and Aerith live and Cloud and Tifa die. There way of surprise to new and old gamers. Overall just waiting for the game and see what actually is going to take place. How will Zack and Cloud interact of they do and two disk will it be like original end disk one and say insert disk two. Can't wait. Thanks for reading as well. Love it all just waiting for it hopefully we get ruby and emerald weapons in this or at least one would be so cool. Well thanks for reading.

@jeremyjohnson7676 - 18.10.2023 11:41

What I've noticed in the Remake Intergrade is that the entire Sky is just a static texture. And in Rebirth, as far as I can tell, the entire sky is also just a static boring texture. This is very disappointing because take a look at the first (!!) Red Dead Redemption and RDR2, you can enjoy a gorgeous sky with stunning moving clouds and they even changing in form and size, color, shape! The world of RDR2 had MORE stunning details than in Final Fantasy! So if you compare Final Fantasy with RDR2 it's a huge disappointment. In 2023 it shouldn't be a problem to implement a beautiful sky into the world and it would give it a even more realistic look and touch. Remember the stunning night sky in RDR2? Where you can see the milky way string and sparkling stars? If the night sky in Final Fantasy is also just a bland static texture I will not buying it. I know it sounds a bit goofy but to be honest, every great open world game had a great animated sky. I really miss the passionate crazy love to details in games back in the day. Everyone who's playing video games since the 80s like me, will understand and agree completely.

@elvinmateo6408 - 12.10.2023 15:29

theyre probably in the later game, but GIMME BOXING GOBLINS >=0

@paulbrown5564 - 12.10.2023 06:14

I am little bit confused and concerned. If cid not going to be in this one correct don't you need the plane from rocket town to get to the temple of the ancients which is the main part of the story 🤔 and even if they change the order that part is still a main factor to go there so they just cut that large part out for 3

@AlternativExXxHonK - 10.10.2023 21:59

The Level of Detail kinda sucks, Grass pop in 1 m before you? 😂

@mastertarpolin - 09.10.2023 05:54

Chicken gear lol!

@Dinosberg - 09.10.2023 05:08

For those complaining about the towers here is an idea ignore them and find shit on your own. People complaining just for the fucking sake of complaining.

@Massacretalitor - 08.10.2023 21:26

I reaaally hope Jenova is the final boss in the trilogy. It'd make perfect sense to finally end it all.

@mattjenn6316 - 07.10.2023 02:27

They did it again

@RedXIII382 - 06.10.2023 21:16

Will platinum no matter what i loved remake.

@Macfierce1 - 06.10.2023 08:26

I've been replaying FF7 remake and my god... I don't want to say i forgot how much i loved the game because it was a genuinely emotional experience playing it the first time around, but my god do i love that game. I can't put it down. I bought integrade, but purposefully held off on playing it because i knew i was going to do another full run once the second game was around the corner. Excitement isn't even the word. I've already pre-ordered it on amazon. February is the worst month of the year when you live in North America. Its cold, you're REALLY sick of winter. It stinks. Rebirth is going to make it a lot better in 2024.

@bamachine - 05.10.2023 22:06

What I want to know, does your currently non-controlled characters use intelligent attacks, like using attacks that build the stagger gauge or do they just move around and attack/spell/heal on occasion like they did in Remake? IOW, in Remake, if you did not quickly switch between and give commands, their ATB was not filling very quickly and they attacked pretty slowly. Lots of things to complain about in Ever Crisis but I do like that in the Auto mode, the two uncontrolled characters are constantly attacking(physical or magic) or healing, not just standing around being semi-passive. They also, for the most part, are making smart decisions, knowing when to pressure, what attacks to use and when to heal.

I say all of this because my reflexes are not what they were when I was a teen(back in the 80's). So I have enough to focus on taking control of one character.

@TakezoTM - 05.10.2023 17:46

Someone found Qactuar in Kalm frame by frame? lol

@user-jw6tc6qk3c - 05.10.2023 11:20

Currently playing ff7 original, when they go off in the highwind with rufus after your first at the northern crater, scarlet mentions there executions are going to be on live television. Explains the beginning of the first trailer I feel

@brodymarkarian8692 - 05.10.2023 00:48

Max these videos are keeping me aliveeee

@theonewhoistornapart2506 - 04.10.2023 16:30

During the TGS gameplay demonstration I'm pretty sure I heard the translator say something about the submarine in this game so we probably won't have to wait for part 3.

@lloyd99984 - 04.10.2023 14:42

Does anyone else hate the way thet FF15 did these 'Hunts'?

Was literally speak to someone. Enemy location appears on map. Go from point A to B. Kill. Return. Rinse and Repeat!

It took ALL the element of surpise and exploration out things. The game holds your hand all the way and makes these eneimes essentially unmissable. I thought it was so lame and ruined exploration they way it was done.

If they go with same system in rebirth (just like 15) its gonna suck!

@charcustom9875 - 04.10.2023 04:21

Anyone got the background music Max or Max's editor used here?

@JKSmith-qs2ii - 04.10.2023 01:39

The water in Kingdom Hearts III looked so amazing. I wish they used that water for Rebirth because the water looks kind of flat.

@EuroBBos - 03.10.2023 23:50

High-wind ???

@kclink1579 - 03.10.2023 22:26

We now have the answer to Cait Sith's name, it's "Kate Sihth" the way it always has been.

@keengkai8175 - 03.10.2023 17:11

@ thumbnail editor: chill with the red circles and arrows in the thumbnail. this channel is above that. that makes 2 recently. its gross.

@Lightningantho62 - 03.10.2023 11:22

Hi Max, when the game'll come, i'll explore all the areas i'll can explore with all the things i'll can do in it 😉

@ravencross7779 - 03.10.2023 02:59

I can't wait to reconnect with my boy Vincent

@closedchill5243 - 03.10.2023 01:29

Part of what made Breath of the Wild such a huge hit was the fact that it took a familiar world- Hyrule, and made it an open world. There were so many references in that game to past Zeldas, especially OoT. Through the entire game it was exciting to see X location in the open world. The lost woods, Hyrule Castle, the Temple of Time, Death Mountain, the various races and so many more little nods. The game just oozed nostalgia and little reminders. FF7 ('97) is a contemporary of OoT ('98). Many didn't even get a Playstation right away so they may have played these 2 games really close together, and they were both genre defining, company defining, platform defining titles. It took 20 years to have a new OoT like moment for Zelda, in BotW. It was a moment that felt like the franchise had just taken a huge step into a new era.

This FF7 Remake trilogy is doing this for Final Fantasy. I know its not the first open world FF, but it's the first to do it right. They loaded the world with content and things to do. They loaded it with FF7 nostalgia as every enemy, location, NPC, get a glow up.

Max says Rebirth is going to be the main game of this trilogy, the game we have been waiting for for 20 years. I agree we have been waiting, but i also think we should not underestimate part 3. People don't know what these modern consoles can really do. We've been stuck in cross gen for too long. Now that we're getting true next gen games, I think they will blow us away. In part 3, I'm expecting full persistent airship flight, similar to the starship experience in Star Citizen. Full underwater submarine gameplay. Insane battles against weapons. And a Wutai continent more fleshed out than any of us imagined, complete with new Shinra war. By all means look forward to Rebirth, but I truly believe the final game will be a grand finale and top Rebirth.

I think this trilogy will define future FF games too, with long formats and multiple full price releases per title. THIS is Final Fantasys BotW moment.

@rosssaiohken8580 - 02.10.2023 23:14

What is in the background of the character menu? It sort of gives me temple of the ancients vibes

@fernandozavaletabustos205 - 02.10.2023 21:30

I love that this game is making the FF 9 "Hot n' Cold" Chocobo minigame but way better than the original!!

@gizzad - 02.10.2023 19:49

If i go out of my way to get a drop and is Wierite of Fangs or something out of FF16 I'll loose it

@ToTemp - 02.10.2023 18:30

They should make a classic BGM mode, like the Resident evil 2 remake.

@bdhuffman42 - 02.10.2023 17:42

I bet Protorelics are pieces of various things from the Ancients!

@WardenOfTerra - 02.10.2023 12:40

Max is milking the shit out of this... lol

@triaskar3708 - 02.10.2023 10:23

i will try to plat this game even if it costs me my sanity....

@James-ry3kz - 02.10.2023 09:28

Reminds me of the first time max was doing his ff7 remake videos! The excitement nostalgia and emotion this game gives me! Is unbelievable

@Gr3gg1ty - 02.10.2023 03:21

Have they said or have you gone over how items from remake are going to work? I do not want to grind all that again

@andrewh4350 - 02.10.2023 00:20

Planning to 100% it on PC, I look at it as: the more to do the better. FF7 was my first beginning of loving RPGs, including JRPGs. I got lost in that world many times and loved it ;)

@ericmcmanus5179 - 01.10.2023 23:54

Ut blew your mind that they added swimming? Damn dude. There is nothing ive seen so far in this game that hasn't already been done a million times over before. Video games have gotten stale. Just copies of copies of copies. I remember when games used to redifine genres. The original ff7 totally revolutionized rpg's. This remake has not done that. While it looks like it will be good (i really hope so considering how bad the first part was), its a bit disappointing that this isn't following in the footsteps of the original.

@TomKloseMusic - 01.10.2023 23:51

Square should seriously consider paying you. There's just no better promo for your game than Max gushing about every little detail. I love it so much. :)

@PajamaBottomsAndToast - 01.10.2023 23:29

They said summons will level up this time around. I'd wager that's what the summon crystals are for

@justinwilkinson2656 - 01.10.2023 23:11

It looks like an absolute blast, and I literally couldn't be more excited, I'm watching every one of your vids on rebirth and holy shit, when we get the sub 😩

@celuiquipeut6527 - 01.10.2023 23:04

FINALLY a new FF that kept to spirit of the old and made it better.
This is the game i had been waiting for.
I will play the SHIT out of this game.

@paschachan4946 - 01.10.2023 22:39

why is RED 13 riding the chicken?
can he just run? ....with you know his 4 LEGS?

@16BitDungeon - 01.10.2023 22:13

I am not at all excited for this game. I played the first, and decided the original is just league's better.

@Do0mtrain - 01.10.2023 21:07

For me the greatest thing so far is the traversion. Jumping from high ground, through things, vaulting through fences. That is HUUUGE and awesome.

@smokage1522 - 01.10.2023 20:53

Dood i will Plat this even if it is 1000+ hours...We are finally here OMG!!

@mmo4754 - 01.10.2023 20:45

Ugh, I feel like I'm going to hate crafting

@Zephyr_22 - 01.10.2023 20:17

As a trophyhunter, max is right. Im kinda scared seeing that big open map, i felt a bit overwhelmed the first time is saw it. And i still do. But im also really excited for the game.

@cloudpt666 - 01.10.2023 20:05

I could watch FF7 videos of Max everyday. Please keep them coming !
