Mixing Inclusions Into Sourdough Without Breaking the Gluten | Proof Bread

Mixing Inclusions Into Sourdough Without Breaking the Gluten | Proof Bread

Proof Bread

3 года назад

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Deborah Lee
Deborah Lee - 14.08.2023 00:48

Fabulous lesson! Thank you.

jean sayers
jean sayers - 12.08.2023 18:40

Wow! It is so good to hear how you follow up on any problems from your customers. I’ve baked for farmers market for many years and so few of the new vendors do this 😢 Kudos 🎉 I appreciate the way you teach… I’ve baked sourdough successfully for years, yet have picked up so much great info and techniques from you! Thank you for sharing! I’m definitely uping my game now!

KIKSTA - 12.07.2023 04:29

Do you add them after the autolise is over and the salt added and dough mixed? Then add inclusions

Carol Capper
Carol Capper - 02.07.2023 23:57

What's the hydration on this dough?

Marie Deiter
Marie Deiter - 30.06.2023 06:44

@proof can you recommend a bread knife? I would really appreciate it.

james burke
james burke - 11.06.2023 00:35

You are a very talented guy. Your you tube presence is excellent. I am particularly amazed at how competent a baker you have evolved with no😅prior experience. You are a true American hero on the scale of Sam Walton or Johnny morris.. thank you fir your superior content. How you find the time to do all you do is miraculous.

Allison Forsyth
Allison Forsyth - 27.04.2023 20:54

Thank you so much! Are you adding the inclusions during the final stretch and fold?

David Hill
David Hill - 22.04.2023 17:35

Thanks for this tutorial!

Wayne Muehlenbein
Wayne Muehlenbein - 22.04.2023 16:03

I’ve begun doing this with my 100% whole wheat bread. Not much of a change of flavor yet but two major observations. 1) The dough puffs up faster and much bigger! That makes sense I guess. But the dough seems much wetter than usual? I cranked back from sixty-eight to sixty-six. Next time I’m gonna try sixty-five.

Kaitlin Ann Porter
Kaitlin Ann Porter - 18.03.2023 07:37

Great video, so informative. What's the hydration on this dough?

Jennifer Burch Madden
Jennifer Burch Madden - 15.03.2023 17:30

Hoping for a bit of advice. Where would you suggest buying good dough proofing bins? Do you suggest using bpa free?

Wine Woman
Wine Woman - 20.02.2023 19:36

I’ve been in the restaurant industry for the past 38 years as a chef. I can tell you that organic growth is the only safe way to build a business that is safe financially and product wise. Every business I do is by an organic method. I still mix all my breads by hand, cut my products with a sharp knife, I like to feel my food.

Wine Woman
Wine Woman - 19.02.2023 20:53

This is the most amazing bread !!!

coppergalaustin - 11.02.2023 05:14

This is my favorite way of adding inclusions. Thank you for teaching this. It works so well with tart cherry walnut. Really enjoy it plain as a dessert.

Kim Young
Kim Young - 03.02.2023 21:23

If you have ever used cloth diapers on your child, you would call it a diaper shape.

Kim Young
Kim Young - 03.02.2023 21:15

You are a rare gem of a business person. As a baker and an economist. If you can keep the capitalists out, your doing a service to mankind. I would love to try your bread.

Bub - 24.01.2023 22:20

Just love to see and listen to you. Im an old chef with lots of baking skills, and this year i will work at a small bakery, so fun.

Rodney Ferris
Rodney Ferris - 17.01.2023 22:33

A hexagon!

Est0nian - 11.01.2023 16:01

hi, amazing stuff, really enjoy and learn, quick question, does he/you do everything from natural yeast (sourdough starter type of thing) like no to commercial yeast?

victoryak86 - 24.12.2022 17:38

This guy is very Zen. I find myself just watching and listening and it helps me slowdown a bit. Bread is life.

murielle Lepage
murielle Lepage - 24.12.2022 03:24

Way too long

Karin W
Karin W - 20.12.2022 11:41

Thank you from Rotterdam (Netherlands )

slack .ea
slack .ea - 16.12.2022 15:19


michelle belle
michelle belle - 14.12.2022 07:54

Thank you for this great video. Just am doing my first sour dough with inclusions today.

michelle belle
michelle belle - 14.12.2022 07:41

I think your thoughts on how to grow a business is great. I worked for a very successful boss. He sold the business and the new owner started buying really expensive equipment and supplies. No budget at all. No doing the math to see if these things would cost more than was charged. I tried to talk to him several times. He would have me buy a bunch of one item and a few months later he would change to a different brand or just a different item for the same job. Meanwhile I have 2000 dollars in supplies that will just sit and be unused. He did that with so many items. He was running the business into the ground. Said things like the previous owner oversold the business. Was so stressful to see so much waste.

Paulette Meyers
Paulette Meyers - 02.12.2022 21:19

I am always inspired and encouraged by your example and your willingness to spread that spirit of hard work, ethics and community. I am sure God blesses your efforts exponentially as you pursue your dream. Thank you!
How can I find your base recipe you mentioned for sourdough?

Loula Gregg
Loula Gregg - 01.12.2022 10:32

The cranberry and walnut dough looks tasty and pretty, too.

Loula Gregg
Loula Gregg - 01.12.2022 10:29

I LOVE olives and wish the local bakers in and near Seattle would have as many olives in their loaves, as well as the rye, as yours do!

davidhunternyc - 11.11.2022 09:58

Wow, that was brilliant and educational, as always. Thank you.

Carol Schedler
Carol Schedler - 04.11.2022 16:40

Thank you! I’m a home baker with a ild faithful stand mixer I have used for over 50 years! At some point hand mixing became my preference and my pleasure. The mixer is now an old friend sitting there visiting with me while I hand mix and knead. She’s still a beauty for whipping things that like to be whipped! Thanks for giving the science behind folding in the inclusions!!! And how to best accomplish without ripping the dough!! Thank you!

Todd's Tropicals
Todd's Tropicals - 17.10.2022 14:17

I just bake at home and don't have a machine or mixer and I actually like mixing by hand and kneading. To me it's like a form of meditation, I really enjoy it and of course the outcome as well.

Rosaria CarloStella
Rosaria CarloStella - 06.10.2022 07:45

Oh!!! Delight results 🎉

Rosaria CarloStella
Rosaria CarloStella - 04.10.2022 16:15

On the topic of hand mixing….
I’m not a professional baker but I’m definitely a passionate homebaker. I don’t have the aid of a mixer where I’m living now, and I bake every day.
I’ve learnt so much more about the nuances and responses of the dough using different flours, different hydrations, different yeast sources and different temperatures simply by mixing by hand and feeling the difference of each product. It’s interesting that tho I used to use a mixer, and have many years experience, I am only now starting to appreciate the value and lessons of mixing by hand,

Rosaria CarloStella
Rosaria CarloStella - 04.10.2022 16:05

The dumpling is a fantastic technique, makes so much sense. I will be using it in my home baking with inclusions. In addition it seems so therapeutic at the same time 🎉

mae - 02.10.2022 01:46

Love your video. Cranberry sourdough is my favorite and you can also use this for French toast by the way. At the bakery, we used to mix the cranberries in the mixer - I like your style better. Thank you for your very informative, relaxing video.

Mary Ann DiTullio
Mary Ann DiTullio - 09.09.2022 09:39

This was very interesting! 💕

Jayson Scaccia
Jayson Scaccia - 07.09.2022 15:26

Proofosopher ❤️

Bill McCaffrey
Bill McCaffrey - 30.08.2022 18:19

A suggestion on fruit. I found a yellow raisin out of Africa sold under Spice World label that works well with cranberries walnuts or pecans. This is a sharp tasting raisin and greatly enhances the taste of the cranberry. I stone grind most of my own flour from a variety of grains and have been experimenting with extraction levels. I would love to get your thoughts on whole milled flour and extraction levels to get the most nutritious flour that is still strong enough to produce a great product. A video on this would be fantastic.

Aileen - 13.07.2022 06:51

I recently found your channel because I wanted to learn more about baking bread. You are a great teacher and speak with so much passion. I am stoked to watch every video.

Linda Wilson
Linda Wilson - 29.06.2022 17:37

I’m gearing up for a one time farmers market and freezing the bread, how well do inclusions freeze. Example olives, cheddar jalapeño or dried fruits and nuts etc. I’m a home baker I bake maybe 16 loafs a week.

steven wang
steven wang - 27.06.2022 23:33

why dont your dough stick to the sides and bottom of your container or your hands?

eugenia coelho
eugenia coelho - 25.06.2022 04:07

That's a great video. Thank you❤️❤️

evren bingol
evren bingol - 22.06.2022 00:19

I think only down size of folding inclusions is you do kot always distirbute the inclusions evenly and thats what might have happened to that one customer.

tlemnartist - 21.06.2022 07:13

At what stage is your dough when you add insertions? First stretch and fold out last one before last proofing shaped dough?

Kay Ann Cee
Kay Ann Cee - 20.04.2022 18:26

What a great guy! So helpful! Thank you!

Poonam Verma
Poonam Verma - 19.04.2022 13:11

Namaste from India live ur 1st time watching your vedio

Poonam Verma
Poonam Verma - 19.04.2022 13:08

Were can I buy these olives from

Aall Pprr
Aall Pprr - 28.03.2022 19:47

at what point in the making do you add inclusions? before the bulk fermentation?
